



1、备战中考英语完型填空解题方法完形填空一直是让大家扼腕的题型 ,其实除了需要大量的练习外 ,还需要掌握一些技巧 ,豆姐今天汇总了完形填空的技巧 ,就是想让大家做起这道题来能够更轻松!完形填空的做题误区很多同学说 ,他们做完形填空时 ,往往采用“翻译法和代入法 ,即做题时翻译文章内容 ,感觉哪个适宜选哪个 ,看看划横线处有没有一些固定搭配 ,然后作选择或者填空。其实这样做是很危险的: 在实际考试中 ,翻译很容易受母语影响 ,进行错误选择; 并不是所谓固定搭配一定是正确选项 ,完形填空是考查单词在语境中的运用。如果这个搭配或短语是不符合语篇、段落逻辑的 ,即便是固定说法 ,也是不适宜的 ,在阅卷的时

2、候这样的答案一定是错误的。考查重点及解题思路纵观这几年中考真题、一模、二模试卷 ,以及一些学校的月考、期中、期末试卷发现 ,完形填空重点考查单词 ,短语在句子、段落、篇章中的含义 ,而并非单词本身的“认知含义。这就为什么一些同学其实单词量并不缺乏 ,但完形却得分率不高的原因。完形填空非常强调逻辑对应 ,请大家注意以下几点:1.首句重点读首句很多情况是topic sentence主题句 ,告诉你文章的背景和主旨。首句一般不设空 ,如果首句设空 ,请重点读后面的例子 ,例子里面会提供线索。现在很多考题都是用后面的例子印证首句。【例】These days, it is _ for children

3、as young as Sammy to be so good at computers. Many Children use computers at home or at school and some schools even have their own websites.A. hard B. unusualC. common D. dangerous【解析】如果去分析这四个词用法 ,那就和这道考题背道而驰了 ,首句设空 ,我们重点读后面的那句话“很多孩子在家里 ,学校使用电脑 ,甚至一些学校有他们自己的网站 ,说明对电脑的使用是持肯定意见的 ,选项为正确答案 , A、B 、D 都为否

4、认意见 ,故不选。2.重点关注例子与例子之间的关系几个例子联合起来都是去证明本文中心的 ,但例子与例子有时候会有正反比照或者是平行关系。【例】If the test taker answers _, the next item will be more difficult. If he or she answers incorrectly, the next question will be easier.A. briefly B. smartlyC. correctly D. thoroughly【解析】“ more difficult与后面“easier形成比照 ,“incorrectly

5、 对应的显然是correctly。3.选词请重视“具体表达、“最正确适用原那么我曾经给学生举过这个例子 ,如果这样出题。这位男士很_ , 每次和女生一起出去逛街的时候都会为女生拉开商场大门 ,直到身边所有的女生都通过。假设选项如下:A. good , B. nice , C. gentle , D. handsome你会如何选?很多学生会选good , 觉得good是万能用词 ,什么都可以说好 , 但这里错了 ,完形填空一定要基于语境 ,选择一个最适合 ,最具体 ,不是最宽泛的词语。因而C. gentle很绅士便是最正确答案。4.选词之场景原那么【例】Sammy Liu, a six-year

6、-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently . One day he used the family's_ to stop a robbery.A. radio B. computerC. recorder D. telephone【解析】后文都在说关于电脑使用 ,这里选择A、C、D显然不适宜 ,文章里根本就没有提到收音机 ,录音机和 , 虽然 也能用来报警 ,但是一定要基于原文的场景。5.平行原那么的运用完形填空文章很多时候是围绕一个话题展开 ,每个段落有的时候开展模式都是差不多的 ,前面提到如果首句设空 ,除了关注到后面的例子

7、 ,还不妨可以关注下一段首句或者再下下段首句。类似的如果某段末句设空不妨也可以关注一下下面一段的末句。例如有一篇文章是讨论积极态度给生活、工作、健康带来的好处 ,其中第二段末句这么写:With an active _, you can overcome all the difficulties. 需要我们填空。在第三段末句出现了with an active attitude, you can be healthy. 如果学生在阅读的时候关注到这句 ,使用了“平行原那么 ,自然就能填出attitude 。解题步骤做题前:先花12分钟时间通读全文 ,大致了解文章的体裁记叙文、议论文或其他、主要文章

8、内容、几个段落及每段的首尾句、是否有小标题和工程符号这个往往是该段的主题句。做题时:逐个击破 ,做到通读与猜想并行。对含义明显的词汇 ,固定搭配或习惯用法 ,常用句式等纯知识问题 ,可以边读边随时猜想出答案。针对在通读过程中未能轻易猜想出答案的题目 ,利用上下文中、字里行间的线索猜想出答案。此外 ,首句和小标题要重点读 ,充分体会文章论证结构 ,灵活使用技巧例子与例子的关系 ,例子与中心句的关系、平行关系等等 ,注意逻辑对应 ,指代清晰。特别提醒大家 ,绝对防止见空填空即看到一个空格 ,直接看选项进行选择 ,这样很危险 ,失误率会大大增加。再次强调 ,完形填空强调单词、短语在语境句子层面 ,段

9、落层面 ,篇章层面的应用。请填第一格词 ,务必读到第二格 ,很多时候两格之间出题者往往给了很多暗示和线索 ,依次类推。做题后:请重读全文1-2遍 ,确保单词在该句语法、语义、语境中都适用。如果发现个别填空使文章文理不通或语法结构有问题 ,就说明选答不正确。对这样的填空应该认真推敲 ,进行调整。可以从以下几个方面对所选答案进行核查:(1)所选择的单词或短语是否符合本句内容 ,使上下文连贯和谐 ,与全文意义相协调;(2)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某种固定搭配;(3)所选择的单词或短语是否符合某种句型、时态、语态的特殊要求;(4)所选词本身和附近的词有无特殊要求 ,如有些动词后面只接动名词而不能接不

10、定式。例题讲解:2. Kate and Sandy are American students. They _1_ sisters. They live _2_ now. Kate is _3_ than Sandy. She likes living in town very much. Kate thinks living in town is _4_ than _5_ in the country. There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country. She especially likes the li

11、ghts in town. She thinks the lights _6_ are more beautiful than the stars. She likes to read and reads _7_ than Sandy. Often Kate reads until very late at night. Sandy likes the country _8_. She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewer cars. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy.

12、She often helps her aunt _9_ her work. Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate. In the country Sandy can longer than in town. She also thinks running in the country _10_ the most exciting thing to do.1. A.am B.is C. are D. /2. A. in the town B. in town C. in the country D. in country3. A. old

13、B. older C. more old D. more older4.A. interesting B. more interesting C. beautiful D. more beautiful5. A. live B. living C. to live D. is living6.A. at night B. at the night C. in night D. in the night7.A. quickly B. more quickly C.quicklier D. more quickly.8.A. good B. well C. better D. best .9.A.

14、for B. at C. to D. with10.A.am B.is C. are D. /答案与详解 1.C 短文讲到Kate 与Sandy是姐妹 , 在英语中如果说到“是什么或“怎么样要用到be动词 ,主语是复数they 时态是一般现在时 ,所以应选C。 2.B 表示某人住在某地 ,应用动词live 加介词in 再加地点名词 ,通过后面句子可知“他们住在城镇 应用live in town。 3.B 通过句子分析 ,句中有比拟级的标志词than ,所以此句话应用比拟级 ,

15、根据所提供的答案 ,old 的比拟级形式应是older。所以应选B。 4.B 通过句子分析 ,句中有比拟级的标志词than 所以应用比拟级 ,interesting的比拟级是在其前加more. 所以应选B。 5.B 通过第4题 ,我们知道这句话应用比拟级 ,根据比拟的对象应一致 ,应是living in town 与 living in the country 进行比拟。 所以应选B。 6.A 这道题考的是固定搭配情况 , 表示“在晚上 

16、0;应说at night. 所以答案应选A。 7.B 根据句中的than 这句话也应用比拟级 , 而quickly的比拟级应是在其前加more构成。 所以答案应选B。 8.C 通过通读整段文章 ,文中只提到两个地点 , 一个是in town 另一个是in the country ,两者进行比拟 , 应用比拟级。 所以答案应选C。 9.D 此题考的是固定搭配情况 ,“帮某人某事 应说help sb. with sth. 所以答案应选D。&

17、#160;10.B 做这道题 ,关键在于弄清楚主语是什么 ,是单数还是复数 , 通过句子分析 ,这是一个宾语从句 ,从句的主语为running in the country 是一个单数。 所以选B。课后练习I used to have little passion (激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how 1  it is to have a passion in life.

18、   That day I went home in Moms car. When Mom   2 at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed  3  rags(破旧衣服). He was homeless. That didnt interest me,  4  I had seen many people like him before. Those

19、 people usually looked unhappy and hopeless. But this man was  5  in some way. He was not sitting down with a   6  expression. Instead, he had a   7  in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the mos

20、t precious thing he had. “Mom, why does that man have a radio though hes   8  ? I asked“He   9   it, she replied.“But why doesnt he use the money to buy food or clothes? He   10  something that he didnt need. “Well,

21、 Sarah, sometimes food and clothes arent the most importantThat man must care so  11 about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that 12  is the key to life.Since then, I am always thinking of  13  is truly important in

22、life. A home, a meal, clothes  these things are only  14 of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a   15 day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.(    )1. A. import

23、ant    B. strange   C. dangerous    D. difficult(    )2. A. exercised    B. walked    C. stood         D. stopped(    )3. A. on    

24、0;         B. in            C. at                D. of(    )4. A. but             B.

25、and         C. so               D. because(    )5. A. common     B. polite      C. different       D. rude(

26、60;   )6. A. nervous     B. sad         C. mad             D. happy(    )7. A. hat            B. phone    

27、;  C. radio           D. scarf(    )8. A. hopeless    B. homeless   C. careless      D. useless(    )9. A. bought      B. made 

28、60;      C. fixed            D. borrowed(    )10. A. asked for B. waited for C. paid for       D. looked for(    )11. A. little    

29、;    B. much         C. many           D. few(    )12. A. happiness B. health      C. knowledge   D. friendship( &#

30、160;  )13. A. what        B. who          C. where         D. when(    )14. A. power     B. purpose     C

31、. key            D. part(    )15.A. warm        B. hot          C. dark            D. relaxing参考答案:1A 2A 3B 4B

32、 5C 6C 7B 8C 9C 10B 11A 12B 13A 14D 15AEvery Friday I went to a senior nursing home. It seemed as if it needed   1   , but little did I know it would help me too.  During my first visit I helped to polish (擦光) some ladies nails . One woman asked me many questi

33、ons. After she was satisfied with my   2   , she started to share some of her hidden   3   . By listening to her, I realized I had helped her a lot: she looked    4    from some of her past pains.When she was finish

34、ed, she told me something that   5   me to visit the nursing home every week. She said, “Youre the only person I was able to tell this to. The other volunteers are too busy to  6  me. Youll come back next week, right? After 7 blowing on her

35、 newly coated nails(指甲), I smiled and  8   , “Yes, Ill see you next Friday.That day, I was gladdened by the  9   that I had helped somebody. I realized an action as   10 as listening became something much more.During every second I spent there,

36、I realized how much of a difference my  11  could have on the lives of others. The hardest part of living there is that it breaks the human  12  between those in todays society and the nursing home.Every moment I spend chatting is a chance to   13

37、60;   that connection again, to share their worries, and to shape someones life. In turn, that   14  also shapes me. I not only learn about life and experiences outside of school, but also receive the   15 of being part of this process this connectio

38、n between humans. (  )1. A. courage     B. money            C. help              D. repair(  )2. A. answers    B. perfor

39、mances  C. appearance   D. behaviors(  )3. A. secrets      B. hurt                C. facts             D. truths(&#

40、160; )4. A. aware       B. sure                C. scared          D. relaxed(  )5. A. forced       B. inv

41、ited            C. allowed         D. encouraged(  )6. A. listen to      B. say to             C. write &

42、#160;         D. connect to(  )7. A. gently        B. hurriedly         C. simply          D. comfortably(  )8. A. admitted &

43、#160; B. promised         C. shouted       D. greeted(  )9. A. belief         B. dream            C. courage   

44、0;    D. fact(  )10. A. certain     B. simple            C. smart            D. modern(  )11. A. methods  B. actions    

45、       C. experiences   D. hopes (  )12. A. memory  B. personality      C. connection    D. custom(  )13. A. tie          B. find 

46、                C. continue        D. break(  )14. A. thought   B. situation          C. activity    

47、;      D. moment(  )15. A. welcome B. message         C. gift                D. invitation参考答案:1C2A3B4D5D6A7A8B9D10B11B12C13A14D15CThe BirthdayAs I was in the c

48、hair by the window and felt the warm June sunshine on my arm, I had to remind myself where I was. If it was not because of the few medical instruments around, it didn't really look like a _1_ room. While looking at the carefully chosen wallpaper, I remembered back to that day, not so long before

49、, when this adventure first began.It was a cold October day. While leaving the school, my mother mentioned that she had gone to the doctor that day. "What for?" I asked, becoming nervous so I _2_ through all the problems in my mind. I wondered what problems my mother could possibly have.&q

50、uot;Well" She stopped and my worry _3_ . "I'm pregnant.""You're what?""I am having a baby."I was speechless. I couldn't believe this happened to my parents when I was already in junior high school. It hit me that I would have to _4_ my mother, the mothe

51、r who had been all my own for 14 years! I'd never wanted my mother to have another child after she had me. This was a selfish feeling, but when it came to my mom, I was unwilling to share even the smallest bit of her.However, when I saw the joy in my parents' eyes, I could not help but feel

52、excited and my joy showed on the outside. On the inside, though, I was trying to deal with my fear and anger.My parents involved me in all the _5_ , form decorating the nursery to picking out names and deciding that I could be present for the babys birth. Though pregnancy brought excitement, it was

53、_6_ to hear people keep talking about the baby. I feared that I would be pushed back when the baby came. Sometimes when I was alone, the _7_ was overcome超越by all the fear and anger for what this child would take from me.Sitting in the delivery room that June 17, knowing the baby would soon be here,

54、I began to feel all my insecurities不平安surface. What was my life going to be like? Would it be one endless baby-sitting job? What would I have to give up? Most importantly, would I lose my mother? The time to think and worry was rapidly melting away消散. The baby was coming.It was the most unbelievable

55、 experience of my life, being in the delivery room that day, for birth is truly a miracle奇迹, full of happiness and expectation. When the doctor said that it was a girl, I cried. I had a baby sister, Emma.All my fears and insecurities have passed now. I cannot explain how especial it is to have a _8_

56、 person who wakes up with me and wave her little hand good-bye to me as I leave for school.Now I realize there is plenty of love in my home for Emma. My fear and anger had been eased with the realization that she took away _9_ . Instead, she brought so much to my life. I never thought I could love a baby this much, and I would not _10_ the joy I get from being her big sister.1. A. museum         B. hotel          C. school    &


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