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1、综合辅导:葡萄牙语问候常用语EnglishPortuguesePronunciation/NotesHello 01 aOlah- This is quite an in formal greet ing.How are you? (formal) Como esta? Komu eshta? - You often say things differentlydepending on whether you are speaking formally or informally. Speak formally to people you meet for the firsttime, peo

2、ple older than you, or as a general sign of respect.Howare you? (in formal) Comoest as? Komueshtazh? This is the in formal variati on, which is only used with people you know well, family members, children, or people significantly younger than yourself.I ' m OK, thank you. Estou bem, obrigado/a

3、Eshtoh baymng, Obrigahdu/a lit. “Iam well, thank you. This is perhaps the most commonresponse to the above question.For thank you' , mensay obrigado ' , womensay obrigada ' (regardless of whether the person they are talking to is male or female).*I amfine Estou cptimo/a Eshtoh ohtimu/a n

4、ote that the p' in optimo ' (fine) is virtually silent (the Brazilians spell it without a p' ). Again, whether to use optimo ' or optima ' depends on your own gender.Is everything OK?Tudo bem? Toodu baymng? - lit. “ everything well? Note: This is probably the most commongreeting

5、in Portuguese - it is used much more frequently than 'como esta?'.Yes (everything is ok) Tudo bem Toodu-lit.“everything well. The bendis optional when replying to the above question.Not too bad Mais ou menos Myze oh menush - lit.more or less. Use thisresponseunder the weather-lit. “ pleasure

6、.if you want to indicate that you are a littlePleased to meet you Prazer PrazairVery pleased to meet you Muito prazer MngweengtuPrazair - lit. “ muchpleasure. The word muito ' has a very nasal sound, which kind of breaks the rules of pronunciation! Sometimes it can sound more like moitu ' ,

7、depending on the accent of the speaker.Good Morni ng Bom dia Bomng deeya lit. “ Good day a slightly more formalgreeti ng tha n Ola gen erally used up un til about 1pm.Good Afternoon Boa tarde Boa tarde (after about 1pm)Good Evening Boa noite Boa noite - note that the same word, noite, is used for bo

8、th evening and night. Switch from saying boa tarde ' to boa noite ' around sunset.Good Night Boa noite Boa noiteNote: You can mix Ol awith bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite to make another fairly informal greeting (eg. Ola, bom dia)Goodbye Adeus Adayush - lit.“To God' . Note that you can use

9、 bom dia, boa tarde,and boa noite to say goodbye as well. Seeya' Tchau Chow - this is a Brazilian expression, but is widely used by Portuguese as well.See you later (same day) At elogo Atay logu - lit.“until straight away , whichdoesn' t really make sense, but then neither do a lot of things

10、 in Portuguese!See you later (another day) Ateama nh? Atay ama nn gyahlit.“ until tomorrow-used even if you wont actually see the person for a few days.See you soon (very soon) Atej aAtay zhahlit.untilalready - you get theidea!See you next time Atea pr 次ima Atay a prossimaYes Sim SimngNo N?o Nowng -

11、 can also mean notfaz favor 'Please Se faz favor Se fazh favor ofte n shorte ned toPor favor Por favor - another alternativeThank you Obrigado Obrigahdu only said by malesObrigada Obrigahda only said by femalesThank you very much Muito obrigado/a Mngweengtu Obrigahdu/a*Re: Obrigado/obrigada:In s

12、ome regions, particularly the Algarve, it is commonforboth menand womento use both obrigado and obrigada - switching between them depending on the gender of the person they are talking to. This is technically incorrect because the word 'obrigado' is an adjective which is describing the perso

13、n speaking - it literally means 'obliged'.Many native Portuguese speakers are unaware of this, and they will sometimes insist that the choice of word depends on the person you are speaking to, and that it would be considered rude for a man to say 'obrigado' to a woman. However, I wou

14、ld strongly recommend that you stick to the 'correct' way of speaking - men only say 'obrigado', women only say 'obrigada' - unless you happen to live in a region where the locals will be offended by this!Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要


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