2012高考英语 Module3《My First Ride on a Train》单元强化训练 外研版必修1_第1页
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1、2012高考英语外研版必修1Module3My First Ride on a Train单元强化训练.单项填空1They have got everything ready to make a _across the Atlantic.Atrip Btravel Cvoyage Djourney【解析】考查近义词辨析。句意为:他们为环绕大西洋旅行做好一切准备。voyage一般用于航海、航空旅行,符合题意。trip指短期短距离的观光旅行;travel指长途旅行,尤指海外旅行;journey多指较长距离的旅行。【答案】C2The hall _ for international conferen

2、ces is of great importance.I see, and we are sure to complete it on time.Abuilt BbuildingChaving been built Dto be built【解析】句意为:这个用来召开国际会议的礼堂非常重要。我明白,并且我们保证按时竣工。此题考查过去分词作定语。根据句意可知礼堂即将被建造,故正确答案为D项。【答案】D3Although the shirt _ me well, but the color doesnt _ me. So I dont want to buy it.Afit;fit for Bfi

3、ts;suitCfits for;suit Dis fit for;fit【解析】fit多指大小、形状“合适”,后面直接跟宾语,故排除C项;A项主谓不一致;suit指衣服的颜色、款式“合身、合适”,故排除D项。【答案】B4_to pleasure,he forgot that everything earned was not easy.AAbandoning BHaving abandonedCBe abandoned DAbandoned【解析】abandon oneself/be abandoned to“沉溺于”;此处为分词短语作状语,需用非谓语动词形式。【答案】D5Has your

4、former classmate come back from America?Yes,he _ there for eight years.Ahas stayed BstaysCstayed Dhad stayed7How long do you think _ the computer company brings out a new product?Ait will be before Bwill it be untilCwill it be when Dit will be that【解析】考查“疑问词do you think陈述句语序”的用法。其中do you think是插入语。故

5、排除B、C两项;分析句子结构可知此句是before引导的时间状语从句,故排除D项。【答案】A8He felt rather_that the driver should drive the car at such a_speed.Afrightening;frighteningBfrightened;frightenedCfrightening;frightenedDfrightened;frightening【解析】frightened“感到害怕的”;frightening“令人害怕的”。句意为:他感到非常害怕,那司机竟然以这样令人害怕的速度开车。【答案】D9Due to cultural

6、differences, most artists find it hard to _ Chinese crosstalks to westerners.Aget across Bget overCcome across Dcome over【解析】考查动词短语。句意为:由于文化差异,大部分艺术家觉得难让外国人理解中国的相声。get across(to sb.)“被传达,被理解,把讲清楚”,符合题意。get over“克服”;come across“遇见”;come over“从某一地来到另一地”。均不符合题意。【答案】A10Farmers kept on hunting animals wi

7、thout mercy._,the number of the _ animals are increasing.AAs a result;endangeredBAs a result;dangerousCHowever;endangeredDAfter all;dangerous【解析】as a result“结果,因此”;endangered“濒临灭绝的”。根据句意,可知前后是因果关系,故排除C项;after all“毕竟,终究”;dangerous“危险的”,不符合题意,故排除B、D项。【答案】A.完成句子1外面这么黑,以至于他们看不见远方任何事物。It was so dark outs

8、ide that they could see nothing in_the_distance.2在报告中提到的教授是布莱克先生。The professor referred_to in this report is Mr Black.3尽管这台电脑现在是最流行的,它可能在不到两年时间就过时了。Although this computer is up_to_date now,it will be out_of_date in less than two years time.4这些书占据了太多的空间,所以我们必须把它们拿走。These books take_up too much room,s

9、o we must try to take_them_away/off.5众所周知,CCTV是中国中央电视台的简称。As we all know,CCTV is_short_for China Central TV station.完形填空Feeling tired and hungry, the two boys walked painfully and hungrily into a big city on October 16, their feet had just carried them 300 kilometers.For nine days they_1_as old fash

10、ioned travellers, finding somewhere new to sleep every night. The two boys slept in tents and_2_a sixyuan daily plan.“I learned more in those nine days than I had in the past nine years,” said 17yearold Li Zhao_3_. Li and 15yearold Li Xuemeng_4_their journey on October 7, with three teachers from an

11、 Educational Motivation Research & Service Center. The_5_of the trip for the two troubled boys was to help them develop a(n)_6_attitude to school and life.With two_7_and some instant noodles(方便面)for the first day, the five_8_mainly along the Highway 107. On the way to the big city,_9_of them visited

12、 schools and interviewed_10_people from different walks of life. Both were set essays to write about what they_11_during the trip.“The two boys need to know about_12_life and learn to overcome the difficulties, so we_13_this plan,” explained Du Junpeng, a counselor(顾问)at the center._14_they had tent

13、s, they couldnt sleep anywhere at night.“We had to_15_peoples kindness for shelter,”said Li Zhao, who used to be selfcentered and at first was_16_against the idea of the trip.But the_17_of getting rid of the difficulties on the journey changed him. The Senior 3 boy worked hard to_18_more than 10 sch

14、ool headmasters to allow him to talk with their students during the journey.“Im more_19_than before. And now I also believe failure is the mother of_20_,” he said.1A.lived Bworked Cserved Dacted【解析】由“finding somewhere new to sleep”这一状语推断,他们像旧式旅行者一样生活了9天。【答案】A2A.lived on Bworked onCcarried on Dwent o

15、n【解析】每天靠计划的6元钱生活。6A.passive BpopularCdifferent Dactive【解析】旅行的目的是引导两个男孩向积极的方向发展。其他选项不符合题意。【答案】D7A.tents Blights Cfoods Dtools【解析】由第二段的第二句中的“slept in tents”可知他们随身带了“帐篷”。【答案】A8A.ran Bstarted Cwalked Dmarched【解析】五个人沿着107高速公路步行。run“跑”;start“开始”;march“进军,行军”,均不符合题意。【答案】C9A.both Bnone Ceither Dsome【解析】由“Bo

16、th were set essays to write about.”可知答案选A。【答案】A10A.famous BbraveCdifferent Dstrange【解析】由“.people from different walks of life”可以判断C是正确答案。只有接触“不同阶层的人”才能体验生活。【答案】C11A.covered BlearnedCheard Drecognized【解析】learn“了解到,学到”。规定要写的文章应该是关于他们途中所体验到的,故选B。【答案】B12A.interesting BrealChard Dmeaningful【解析】在外生活9天的目的就

17、是为了体验真实的生活。real life指“真实的生活”。【答案】B13A.carried on Bcared aboutCtook over Dworked out【解析】为了改变这两个男孩而制订的计划。carry on“继续做”;care about“介意”;take over“接管”;work out“制订出”,故选D。【答案】D14A.Although BNow thatCAs though DSince【解析】虽然他们有帐篷,但是在晚上不是随处都可以睡的。now that“既然”;as though“好像”;since“既然”,三者均不合题意。【答案】A15A.answer for

18、Brely onCresult in Dprotect from【解析】answer for“对负责”;result in“导致”; protect from“保护,使免受的侵害”;rely on“依靠,依赖”。句意为:我们得依靠好心人给我们提供住宿。【答案】B16A.hardly BheavilyCstrongly Dsecretly【解析】因为过去常以自我为中心,所以当初强烈反对旅行这一想法。【答案】C17A.chance BideaCchallenge Dstruggle【解析】challenge“挑战”。旅途中克服困难的挑战改变了他。【答案】C18A.notice BwishCguid

19、e Dpersuade【解析】persuade sb. to do sth.“说服某人做某事”。【答案】D19A.sociable BadventurousCcommon Ddangerous【解析】Li Zhao的社交能力提高了。sociable“社交的”。其他选项不合题意。【答案】A20A.success BvictoryChope Daim【解析】名言名句,“失败乃成功之母。”【答案】A厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.阅读理解Long bus rides are like tel

20、evision shows.They have a beginning,a middle and an end with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.”“Drink Good Wet Ro

21、ot Beer.”“Fill up with Pacific Gas.”Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of “You Need It!Buy It Now!”The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if youve travelled that way before.Usually some things have changedne

22、w houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and its fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless (鲁莽的) or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driv

23、er move into the right on the lefthand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But youve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirst

24、y between stops.The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and theres a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now youve sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands o

25、n the armrests,even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at no more ways to sit.1According to the passage,what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?ABuses on the road.BFilms on television.CAdvertisements on the billboards.DGas stations.【解析】文章的第一段中,作者叙

26、述了乘客坐长途车时所见到的广告牌。【答案】C2What is the purpose of this passage?ATo give the writers opinion about long bus trips.BTo persuade you to take a long bus trip.CTo explain how bus trips and television shows differ.DTo describe the billboards along the road.【解析】全文都是作者表述对乘车长途旅行的意见和看法。【答案】A3The writer of this passage would probably favor _.Abus drivers who arent recklessBdriving aloneCa television set on the busDno billboards along the road【解析】由第二段第一句和第三段第二句可知答案为A。【答案】A厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同


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