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1、课题四大疑问句专项讲解和练习授课日期及时段2018年12月30日教学目的掌握四大疑冋句的使用方法重难点掌握四大疑冋句的使用方法教学 内 容?基础知识网络总结 ?般疑问句(一)先将句子分成三类1含有am , is,are的句子的一般疑问句和否定结构:be +主语+其它部分?一般疑问句: 将 am, is, are调到句首,I am 和 we are要变成 are you, some变成 any, my 变成 your, 句末要用问号。否定句只在 be后力卩not,女口 am not,isn ' taren ' t2.含有实义动词的句子(例如 make,look,take,eat等

2、)要分两步看主语。结构:助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?主语是l/we/you/they时,要借助于助动词do的帮助来变成一般疑问句。句型:D0+主语+动词原形+其他?否定只要在动词原形前面加上 do n't主语是he/she/it时,要借助于助动词does的帮助来变成一般疑问句。句型:Does+主语+动词原形+其他?否定句中,只需要在动词前面加上doesn',并且把动词的第三 人称改为动词原形。3含有情态动词的句子(can,may, must等)结构:情态动词+主语+动词原形+其它部分?情态动词不受人称的限制。注意:在一般疑问句中,要表达 一些”时,一般用any,但如果这个问句

3、是用来表达建议、请求、邀请”等交际功能时,应该用soma二.特殊疑问句1、定义:以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what ,who,where, how 等。特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句【特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语】 注:回答特殊疑问句时,不能用 yes / no,即问什么答什么。工一 .31仝辰吕 O -、萨忙丁厂曰丰少未工圧心丨E 4,十J W,彳十么口寸冋知白口寸冋)宀2什邑曰期丨口貝体u則wMcj ifE匚冋人wtl-at plduH企丄f'股体丄也丄止內“口寻严谁白勺H1壬.人、how 怎;么才军可星.j可:Hb

4、点11 jw old 辜六;|可坪右等HJIF i |刃如率1 icjw fiiany 多口1 蚩k 早why为什么冋原囚Kow niLidi 些少 iPM/T饯hew想:立枱可总亦1Pi rm 彳十-么口寸mJ I可日寸汨how Va r 多 Jzt |呈w卜iMt colour十十么颜电可度页"邑how lortg 衣怅 fSI n *J i'h任he*H一忙“片羊帀意*_见1 low 召ccr% 辛书t. 辛可日寸whrtt早朋,厂L币早.明Mow ctTf券夕.冋静i亨三. 选择疑问句(一)定义选择疑问句表示提供两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方在所提供的范围、对象内选择

5、。在所 提供的最后一个备选对象前面用表示选择关系的并列连词or (或者)(二)选择疑问句的结构1、一般疑问句+or+另一个备选对象”。Would you like some tea or coffee?你要茶水还是咖啡?(备选对象为二者)Did you stay at home or at school yesterday?你昨天呆在家还是在学校?(备选对象为二者)2、特殊疑问句+or+另一个备选对象”。Which would you like best, English, Chinese or Math? 你最喜欢哪门学科,英语、语文还是数学?Whe n will you go to Can

6、 ada, Sun day or Mon day? 你何时去加拿大,星期天还是星期一?(三)选择疑问句的回答回答选择疑问句时,一般在所提供的备选对象范围内选择,有时也要视具体情况作灵活处理, 但是不能用Yes / No来回答,一般用一个完整的陈述句或其简略形式。四. 反意疑问句(一)基本用法与结构反意疑问句由 陈述句+疑问句”两部分组成,第一部分提出一种看法,第二部分用来质疑或表 示证实。陈述部分与疑问部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式 彼此相反,即陈述部分为肯定式时,疑问部分用否定式,陈述部分为否定式时,疑问部分用肯定式:He likes English, doesn&#

7、39; t he?He doesn ' t like English, does he?【注意】1. 若陈述部分含有hardly, never, few, nothing , little , nobody, seldom等否定词时,其疑问部分要nzr r 1u*用冃疋式:She said nothing did she?她什么也没说,是不是?2. 若陈述部分含有带否定前缀的词,疑问部分仍用否定式:It is unfair, isn这不公平,不是吗?It is impossible, isn那是不可能的,是吗?3. 当陈述部分为为there be句型时,疑问部分仍用there作 主语”

8、There was nothing i n the room, was there?房间里什么也没有,是吗?4. 当陈述部分的主语是指示代词(this,that ,these,those时,疑问部分用it, they等代词: That is a new car,isn ' t it这是一辆新汽车,是吗?5. 当陈述部分的主语是复合不定代词时,若陈述部分的主语为somebody, someo ne, everyo ne,everybody, no on e, no body等复合不定代词,其反意疑问句的主语在正式文体中用he,在口语或非正式文体中通常用they:Nobody was la

9、te, were they?没有一个人迟到,是吗?6. 当陈述部分的主语是 something, anything, nothing, everything等复合不定代词时,其反意疑问句的 主语要用it:Everythi ng is ready, is n切都准备好了吗?Nothing is important, is it?没有什么重要的,不是吗?(二)含情态动词的反意疑问句1. 基本原则:在通常情况下,当 陈述部分含有情态动词 时,疑问部分会重复前面同样的情态动词:He can speak English,can' he?他会说英语,是吗?We shouldn 'go, s

10、houldwe?我们不应该去,对不对?2. 当陈述部分含有must时,要分两种情况: 若must表示必须”或有必要”疑问部分用 mustn t或 needn :You must leave at onee, mustn' t neednf尔必须/有必要)马上离开,是吗?但是若陈述部分有mustn'表示禁止,疑问部分要must:You mustn ' t laugh, must yoi你不准笑,知道吗? 若must表示推测,疑问部分不能用 must,而应根据must后的动词结构采用相应的动词 形式: He must betired, isn' te?他一定累了,是

11、吗?(三)陈述部分为祈使句的反意疑问句1. 基本原则:若陈述部分为祈使句,疑问部分通常用will you :Please help uswill you?请帮帮我们,好吗?Don' t forget to post the lettew ill you?请别忘了寄信。2. 当祈使句为Let' s时,疑问部分总是用 shall weLet ' s go there togethshall we?我们一起去,好吗?3. 当祈使句为Let us 时,若表示请求,疑问部分用 will youLet us know your address,will you?请把你的地址告诉我们

12、,好吗 ?(四)陈述部分为主从复合句的反意疑问句1.当陈述部分为主从复合句时,疑问部分一般应与主句保持一致:She said that he likes it, did n她说他喜hfe 它,是不是?He kn ows where I live, does n他知道我住什么地方,是不是?2当陈述部分为I think (believe, suppose) that等时,疑问部分通常与从句保持一致(注意否定的转 移):I think that it is too short, isn ' t?it我认为它太短了,对不对(它太短吗)?I don ' t think he will c

13、omwjll he?我认为他不会来,对吗(他会来吗)?【注】 这类用法主要限于主语为第一人称且think、believe、suppose imagine 等动词为一般现在时的情形。?重难点随堂练 ?1、-Is the girl in red your friend ?- . She is learning Chinese nowA. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is C. Yes, she is D. Yes, she does2、- ?-I've just made a model robot for our class projectA. What's yo

14、ur name? B. What are you up to?C. How old are you? D. How can I help you?3、When you get into trouble, will you keep tryinggive up?A. or B. and C . but D . so4、-Bill , does your sister have brown hair or red hai?- .She takes after my motherA . Yes, she does B No, she does n'tC . Brow n hairD . I

15、don't know5、 He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired?A . does he B . isn't he C . can't he D . can he6、 -There is a beautiful park near your schoo, ? -Yes. I often go walking there .A . is there B . isn't there C . are thereD . aren't there7、David never fights with his cl

16、assmate ?A . does he B . does n't he C . isn't he8、- do you go to Mrs Rain bow's colour therapy?-Once every two weeks.A .How often B .Howsoon C . How long D .How far9、is it fromyourhome to school? -It's about10 kilometers.A .How far B .Howlong C . How soon D .How ofte n10、 -do your p

17、arents take exercise William ?-Less tha n three times a weekA . How long B . How much C . How soon D . How ofte n11、-do you play basketball?-Usually twice a week .A . How soon B . How long C . How ofte n12、-is it from Suqian to Jiuzhai valley?-About 1 , 200kilometers away . But rm not sure .A . How

18、often B . How soon C . How long D . How far13、- do you have an English test-Once a mon th.A. How often B. How long C. How soon14、-can you finish your homework?-In about an hour.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far15、 -You play the piano so well. do you take piano lesson?-I go to pia no le

19、ss ons twice a weekA . How longB . How manyC . How ofte nD .Howmuch16、-do you go to the Buddy Club inyourschoo?-Twice a mon th .A . How farB . How longC . How soonD .Howofte n17、-Could you tell meyou will come back?-In ten minu tes .A . how soon B . how ofte n C . how long D . how fast18、- will Mr .

20、 Brown be back?-In an hour .A . How long B . How ofte n C . How soon D . How much19、-will the 6th Chinese Film Festival in France las?-From May 24th to July 19th .A . How ofte n B . How soon C . How long D . How many20、-do you stay up Iat8-Hardly ever .A . How often B . How long C . How far D . How

21、much21、- do you go to see your grandparent? Once or twice a week?-Once a weekA . How soon B . How ofte n C . How long22、-do you have dinner with your family at restaurants-Hardly ever .A . How ofte n B . How long C . How many D . How much23、 -These shoes look cool are they?-They are on sale only 69d

22、ollars .A . How much B . How long C . How many24 . -do you visit your gran dfathe?-Once a weekA . How many B . How soon C . How often25、 -Could you tell meit takes to walk to the Disneylanc? -About 20minu tes.A. how far B. how long C. how often D. how soon26、-is it from your home to school?-it's

23、 about tenminu tes walk.A. How longB. How far C .How manyD.Howmuch27、-can you read inEnglisl?-About 100words a minu te.A. How farB. How muchC. How fastD.Howmany28、 -will you stay in England ?-More tha n a mon th.A. When B . How soo n C . How long29、-will you fly to Beijing ?-In two days.A . How long

24、 B . How ofte n C . How soon30、 -do you volunteer in Old People's Home-Once a week We hope to help the old moreA . How soon B . How many C . How ofte n D . How long31、-I feel upset because I am too heavy- do more exercise to lose some weightA . Why don't B . Why not C . Why not to?课后强化巩固练习 ?

25、1. What would like, milk or coffee? . Just a cup of tea.A.BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. No ne2.Which do you like better, skating or skiing?of them. I like running.A.AllB. BothC. EitherD. Neither3.Do you want tea or coffee?.I really don' t mind.A.BothB. NoneC. EitherD. Neither4.Do you like the pop st

26、ar Zhou Jielun or the move star Liu Dehua?.I am not their fan.A.BothB. EitherC. NeitherD. All5. Which do you prefer, bananas or oran ges? . I enjoy eat ing apples.A. BothB. Either C. Neither D. All6. Which do you like better, hamburgers bread or hot dogs? . I likethem very much.A.All B. EitherC. Neither D. None7. Which do you prefer, a CD player or Walkma n(随身听)? . I prefer the new kind of MP4.A. BothB. None C. NeitherD. Either8. Do you like talk ing with your frie nds on the teleph one or mobile phone? . I enjoy using QQ.A. Neither B. Eit


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