已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 3 Parents and Children 课后练习答案  Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action2 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Completethe following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.1) There was a(n) awkward moment when she didnt kno

2、w whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.2) She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out she had passed her exam.3) Parents should really take extra care of their babies as many accidents actually occur at home.4) The government has two options; to reduce spending o

3、r to increase tax.5) The following program contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.6) When the doctor told her that it was only a minor case, she released her husbands arm.7) The woman felt panicky and she spoke almost without pausing for breath.8) The po

4、liceman blew his whistle and the protesters scattered in all directions.9) He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.10) Dont wipe your nose on your sleeve, kid thats what your handkerchiefs for!11) I took my son to the zoo as a birthday treat.12) As I&#

5、160;recall, it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.3 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Chan

6、ge the form where necessary.1) In just a few days he became well acquainted with all his new classmates.2) Jane has locked herself up in her room for the whole day. She took us by surprise when she came out with her hair dyed red.3) Lets sit down quietly and gather our thoug

7、hts first before the discussion.4) To my surprise, the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mothers.5) Seeing Jim wearing a funny hat, Maggie tried hard to fight back adesire to laugh.6) Dont hang up on me I need to talk to you.7) After quarrelling with hi

8、s step-father, Colin ran away and hasnt been heard of ever since.8) Theyve hired someone to take care of the children for a week.9) When I asked him how he was doing, he hemmed and hawed before telling me that he had just lost his job.10) Once a very shy boy from a smal

9、l mountainous village, he turned into a competent engineer in a matter of six years.11) The newspaper refused to keep the facts from the public.12) As we sat on the beach soaking up the sunshine, she started to tell me her childhood stories.Increasing Your Wor

10、d Power1 Complete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer.1) All the following verbs can form acceptable collocations with the nounRELATIONSHIP except _.a. make b. create c. acknowledged. deepen e. build2) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with then

11、oun RELATIONSHIP except _.a. close b. mutual c. intimated. potential e. fluent3) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with thenoun PANIC except _.a. blind b. sudden c. sturdyd. growing e. total4) All the following verbs can go with the noun PANIC except _.a. feel b

12、. cause c. created. spread e. throw5) All the following verbs can go with the noun RELIEF except _.a. seek b. create c. experienced. express e. offer6) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with thenoun RELIEF except _.a. deep b. sheer c. temporary d. desp

13、erate e. obvious7) All the following verbs can go with the noun MEMORY except _.a. lose b. arouse c. refresh d. survive e. cherish8) All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with thenoun MEMORY except _.a.       early b. soc

14、iable c. lasting  d. fond e. vivid2 Many words in English can be used both as nouns and as verbs. Complete all the sentences using either the noun form or the verb form of the words given in the box. Change the form where necessary.1) Please focus your minds on the foll

15、owing problem.2) She has constant fears that her husband will abandon(抛弃)her and the kids.3) The focus of recent research has been on environmental issues.4) Her father died of a heart attack when there was no one else at home.5) She fears that the child

16、may have got a blood problem.6) This kind of disease attacks the central nervous system.7) She paid frequent visits to her parents and they were so happy to see her every time she visited them.8) The blind man touched the elephants ear and concluded that the e

17、lephant is in the shape of a huge fan.9) My long chat with my mother over the phone every day has relieved a lot of my stress.10) He has got a strange skin problem. Even a light touch on his face hurts.11) The colour of the curtains and the paint on the wall do not match.12)

18、 My husband often chats with me over dinner so I know very well what is happening at his workplace.13) The young couple are a perfect match.14) Experts fear that the disease will spread far and wide.3 Did you notice the suffixes -y, -able in words such as panicky and portabl

19、e in this unit? The suffix -able can be added to a noun or a verb to form an adjective, and -y can be put after a noun to form an adjective. Now form adjectives by adding -y or -able to the words given in the table and write down the Chinese meaning for each adjective.Nouns/Verbs Suffixes Adjectives

20、 Chinese Meaningsfaultfaulty有错误的;有缺点的;不完善的guiltguilty有罪的;有过失的handhandy 手边的;方便的panicpanicky惊恐的;易恐慌的pickpicky吹毛求疵的;爱挑剔的adapt-y/-ableadaptable能适应新环境的;适应性强的imagineimaginable可想象的;想得到的 portportable便于携带的;轻便的predictpredictable可预言的;可预料的relyreliable可靠的;可信赖的Complete each of the following sentences wi

21、th a proper word you have thusformed.1) He pleaded guilty to charges of theft (盗窃) and robbery in court.2) Im sure shell cope with the changes very well; shes very adaptable.3) Keep your pills handy just in case you feel carsick.4) The doctor tried every means 

22、;imaginable to save the patient, but invain.5) Considering the great disparity (悬殊)in strength between the twoteams, the result is predictable .6) Many people feel panicky when speaking before the public.7) If the product you bought turns out to be faulty , yo

23、u may request arepair or a replacement.8) He is such a picky eater that he wont eat anything but fresh vegetable.9) Hes not very reliable . Youd better not count on him to help you out.10) A portable computer is a computer designed to be easily moved fromone location to

24、 another.Grammar in ContextObserve the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to the use of the past perfective aspect of the verb. Then do the following two tasks.Task 1: Combine each pair of sentences into one by making use of the past perfect aspect of the verb.

25、1) a. We rushed to the railway station.b. We found the train left already.We rushed to the railway station, but found the train had left.2) a. I learnt some English at high school in China.b. I became an English Major at an American college after I finished highschool in China.Before I became an Eng

26、lish major at an American college, I had learnt someEnglish at high school in China.3) a. I got to the cinema by bike.b. Kathy got there even earlier and picked up the tickets.Kathy had already picked up the tickets by the time I got to the cinema by bike.4) a. I shut the door.b. Immediately afterwa

27、rds the telephone rang.No sooner had I shut the door than the telephone rang.or: I had no sooner shut the door than the telephone rang.5) a. The teacher explained the theory in detail.b. Then the students understood.The students did not understand until the teacher had explained the theory indetail.

28、Task 2: A theft happened in a company last Saturday. John, the person who was onduty, was telling a friend what had happened. Imagine you are John andyour partner his friend. Tell him what happened using the following clues.You need to add what is missing and make use of the past perfect aspect ofve

29、rbs whenever necessary to indicate the sequence of the events.Before I left the office at 5 oclock, I had locked the office door. When I passed bythe office an hour later, 1) I saw the door open. I felt a bit surprised, so I stoppedand went in to take a look. When I saw the mess in the office,

30、I knew 2) the office had been broken into. I took a quick look around and found that 3) quite a few things had been stolen. I called the police immediately. By the time the police arrived, my boss and my colleagues 4) had already come back to the office. Tom said that 5) the

31、 200 dollars he had locked in his drawer was gone. Dylans camera, which he 6) had just bought, was also gone. My boss suffered the heaviest loss.7) A few computers in the office had been stolen. The police searched the office, butwere unable to find any clues.ClozeComplete the following pa

32、ssage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.My mother and I always enjoyed our chat together under a pine tree in thepark. At our recent (1) meeting, however, her pale face took me by surprise (2).I asked her what was wrong, and her sad / solemn (3) loo

33、k and silence mademe believe that she was keeping (4) something bad from me. Apparently,something serious was disturbing (5) her. At first, she remained silent. Finally,after my persistent inquiries (6), she could not hold it any longer and admitted (7)to me that she had a very s

34、erious heart disease. It suddenly occurred (8) to methat three years ago, she had heart surgery (9) but her condition did not improveafterwards and now there were hardly any options (10) left. I reached over andwrapped my arms tightly (11) around my mother and cried. As we sat th

35、ere thatcool April afternoon soaking (12) up the sun and smelling the fresh scent (13) ofthe grass, I had one wish in my heart that I could have more gatherings (14) withmy mother in the days to come.TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressionsgiven in brackets.1) 我们是好朋友,可他居然将这么大的一件事瞒着我,实在令我吃惊。(keepsth. from, take sb. by surprise)We are good friends; however, he kept such a


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