已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、二年级上 6 单元 英语 学科单元教学计划第( 6 )单元课时数:8授课时间:12.2212.29单元目标1. 能够在生日、圣诞节和信念这样特殊的日子了用适当的交际用语对他人进行问候,并给出恰当的回应; 能够在恰当的语境中用“How old are you?”询问并回答年龄“Im - years old.”2. 能够听读、会说询问年龄及其回答的交际用语,能够用“Lets-”表达建议,会用感叹句“How -it is!”赞美事物,表达感情。3. 能够认读和运用lovcly,pretty, nice,cute描述本单元所学物品及动物,能够认读和运用make a snowman, make a ca

2、rd, sing and dance, watch the fireworks 短语对想要做的活动进行建议并进行交流。4. 能够借助录音读准字母组合ou,ow在单词中的发音/au/5. 能够模仿录音中的语音、语音、语调朗读、表演韵文。单元重点1:学习询问年龄用语“How old are you?”及答语“Im -years old.”2:学习交际用语和句型“Look at-”“ How -it is!”“Lets-”3:认读并在情境中正确使用单词1-10,lovcly,pretty, nice,cute, happymake a snowman, make a card, sing and d

3、ance, watch the fireworks单元难点1. 交际用语“How are you?”和“How old are you ”的有效区分。2. 数字three和five的正确发音。3. 在情境中灵活运用所学句型。课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人第( 1)课时课型:新授教学内容学习本单元课文及重点句型教学目标1:通过学习课文,学生能够理解课文内容,并能够朗读、表演对话。2:能够听懂、会用“How old are you? 询问并回答年龄“Im - years old.”3.认读并在情境中正确使用单词1-10教学重点1:学习询问年龄用语“How old are y

4、ou?”及答语“Im -years old.”2认读并在情境中正确使用单词1-10教学难点1:交际用语“How are you?”和“How old are you ”的有效区分。2:数字three和five的正确发音。3:在情境中灵活运用所学句型。教学准备教学课件,数字的单词图卡,生日头饰(一)Warm up1:一起来唱歌1. Greeting with the students.2. 教师播放歌曲Happy Birthday to You! T: Today is my birthday. What should you say?S: Happy birthday to you!T: Th

5、ank you very much.3. 教师再次播放歌曲:Happy Birthday to You,学生与教师一起唱歌曲。T: Can you sing this song for me? Lets sing it together!T: Today is also Baobaos birthday. Lets learn Lesson 23.(二)Presentation and practice1: 听一听,答一答1). 教师出示主题图,播放录音,同时指着图中人物,帮助学生听清、理解对话内容。T: Lets listen to the tape and then tell me wha

6、t do you hear.预设一S:Happy birthday to you!T: Yes, very good! Lets learn this new word. Read after me: birthday (学习单词birthday,跟读单词) 预设二S: SevenT: Good! So how old is Baobao?S: Seven (引导学生回答完整句。)T: Yes, he is seven.T: There are many boys and girls here. What are they doing?预设一:S: 给宝宝过生日。T: Yes, they ha

7、ve a birthday party for Baobao. Read after me: party (学习单词party,跟读单词) T: What do they eat? (教师指着图片中的蛋糕)S: Cake.T: Yes, please read after me: cake (学习单词cake,跟读单词)2). 教师再次播放录音,理解对话内容。3). 教师反复播放录音,学生重复对话中人物的语言,并注意模仿语音、语调。4). The students read the text by themselves.5). The students read the text to par

8、tner.6). The teacher chooses the student to read the text in class.2:play a game 找对手-快速抢答教师请一名学生在教室里走动寻找对手(对手可以自己选定),找到后,站在对方的旁边,这时教师问一个问题,这两名同学一起回答,首先准确的回答问题的同学坐下,另一个同学继续在班里寻找对手。T: How to say 生日聚会? S: Birthday party.T: Whats the meaning of cake? S: 蛋糕.T: How old are you? S: Im .3:小火车跑起来 教师将每一组定为一列小

9、火车,每个学生为一节车厢。第一位学生转身问后面的学生:“How old are you?”后面的学生如实回答年龄,以此类推。最快完成的组为胜,成为跑的最快的小火车。教师给予奖励。(三)Production:1: 创编对话教师出示三个不同年龄的小朋友手捧生日蛋糕的图片,请学生根据蛋糕上蜡烛的数量创编对话。学生以小组形式创编对话,全体学生进行集体评价,评出最佳对话表演的小组。Lets play a new dialogue. Let me make a model for you. And then you will do it with your partner.T: Its my birthd

10、ay today.S: Happy birthday to you! T: Thank you!S: How old are you?T: Im six today.(四)课堂练习一、将单词抄写在正确的图片下面cake birthday party _ _A. Merry Christmas to you , too.B. Thank you.C. The same to you.二、根据情景选择答语1. Happy birthday to you!2. Happy New Year.3. Merry Christmas !(五)Homework1听读课文,能正确流利的朗读课文。2利用所学知识

11、询问同学的年龄板书设计birthday Icake,partyUNIT 6 LESSON 23七、课后反思 How old are you? Im today.课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人: 第( 2)课时课型:新授教学内容1:复习巩固本课所学的课文、重点句型及单词。2:学唱歌谣。教学目标1:能够在情境中用”How old are you? 询问对方的年龄并能用“Imyears old. “应答自己的年龄。2:能够模仿课文内容自编对话。3:能够说唱并表演韵文。教学重点1:通过复习课文内容,引导学生利用所学知识编对话。2:认读下列单词:one, two, three,

12、four, five, six, seven,eight,nine, ten3:学唱韵文。教学难点模仿所学课文自编对话。教学准备教学课件,单词卡,动物图片,动物头饰教学过程(一)Warm up 大家一起来唱歌 1). Greeting with the students. 2). Review the words:birthday, I, cake, party ( 出示单词的图片)3). Check the homework.T: Who can read the text? T: Who can act the text?4). Sing a song: Happy Birthday to

13、 You!T: Do you remember the song “Happy Birthday to You!”? lets sing it together.(二):Presentation and practice1:新词呈现,看一看,说一说 1). 教师出示一张小朋友生日聚会的照片T: Id like to introduce a friend to you. Her name is Helen. Today is her birthday.2). 教师指着图片中的礼物盒、生日蛋糕、贺卡分别向学生介绍新词:a birthday gift, a birthday cake, a birt

14、hday card。T: Look here, boys and girls. Whats these?T: Helens friends send her a birthday gift. (学习新短语,跟读a birthday gift)S: A birthday gift.T: They also give her a birthday card. (学习新短语,跟读a birthday card)S: A birthday card.T: What do they eat?S: A birthday cake. T: Look, many friends come here to ce

15、lebrate Helens birthday. What are they doing?S: A birthday party.T: Yes, they are having a birthday party. (引导学生说出完整句子。)2:猜一猜 1). 教师把本课的单词卡片装入一个大信封内。2). 教师从信封内慢慢地把词卡往外拉,拉出一点儿,只露出图画。T: Whats this?3). 看谁最先猜出单词,教师给予奖励。3:扩展练习 1. 教师询问一名学生的年龄。T: How old are you?S: Im 2. 教师指着该学生,问全班学生:T: How old is he/she?

16、S: He/She is today.3. 开展group work,学生仿照举例介绍自己的同桌或朋友:This is my friend He/She is today.4. 请介绍和被介绍的两名学生站到讲台前,面向全班伸手做出介绍的动作。被介绍的学生要招手向大家问好。4:学习韵文 1). 教师播放播放韵文录音12遍,请学生说说听懂的词语,猜猜小韵文的主要内容。2). 教师讲解韵文中的难点,帮助学生理解韵文大意。T: Plenty means many. Please read after me.S: Plenty.T: Free means dont pay money. Please r

17、ead after me.S: Free.3). Listen and repeat the sentence.4). 请学生跟着教师边拍手边模仿录音中的语音、语调跟读韵文录音中“Theres plenty of food.” 可重复多练几遍,注意指导学生读准Theres的读音。5). Read the rhyme by yourself 2 times. (认读韵文)6). Read the rhyme with your partner.(三)Production: 创编小韵文Lets make a new rhyme. Let me make a model for you. And t

18、hen you will do it with your partner.Happy birthday to you.You like what you see.Theres plenty of food,And the gifts are free!(四)学习效果评价检测题:1、连线 a birthday party a birthday card a birthday gift a birthday cake2、选择正确选项A. Im seven today.B. He is six today.C. She is five today.1. How old is he? 2. How o

19、ld is she?3. How old are you?(五)Homework 听读韵文3遍板书设计a birthday gifta birthday cakea birthday partya birthday cardUNIT 6 LESSON 21 How old is he/she?He/She is today.课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人: 第( 3)课时课型:新授教学内容学习本课课文,并学习重点句型及单词。教学目标1:通过课文的学习学生能够理解课文内容,能正确流利的独处对话,并与同伴表演。2:能听懂、会说“How pretty is it!”并能够在实

20、际情境中赞美事物、表达情感。3:学习并理解单词lovey,pretty,nice,cute.并能在具体情境中运用。教学重点1:通过课文的学习学生能够理解课文内容,能正确流利的独处对话,并与同伴表演。2:能听懂、会说“How pretty is it!”并能够在实际情境中赞美事物、表达情感。3:学习并理解单词lovey,pretty,nice,cute.并能在具体情境中运用。教学难点在情境中运用所学句型。教学准备教学课件,本课所学身体部位的单词卡片。教学过程(一)Warm up1:一起来唱歌 1) Greeting with the students.2) Lets listen a song

21、“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and then sing the song.3) Show PPT of the calendar and write down the date: 12月25日4)Tell the students “Its Christmas Day.”2:看一看,说一说 1) Lets look at the theme picture. What can you see in the picture?预设:I can see Baobao, Yangyang,house, tree2) There is a Christmas tree

22、 and there are so many things on it. What color are they?(write down Christmas tree on the blackboard and then read it)预设:red, green, yellow(提示学生用完整的语句回答问题。)3) How colorful it is! How beautiful it is! (引导学生理解感叹句的意思。)(二)Presentation and practice1: 听一听T: Boys and girls, now lets listen to the tape 2 t

23、imes, you should answer two questions: 1). What do you listen in the tape?2). Can you guess what they talk about?2:学习课文1) 出示课文的主题图,播放录音,同时指着挂图中的人物,帮助学生听清理解对话内容。Lets listen to the tape again. What does Baobao say? What does Yangyang say?预设:Merry Christmas!2) 反复播放录音,请学生认真聆听并重复录音中人物的对话。学习和理解课文内容的含义。Loo

24、k at this picture. Its Christmas Day. This is a Christmas tree.What does Baobao say? S: Merry Christmas!Point and say: Its Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!What does Yangyang say? S: Merry Christmas to you, too!Point and say: Look at this Christmas tree. How colorful it is!3) 重复课文录音,质疑。听两遍录音,看你还有没有听清的

25、单词。4) Listen and repeat the sentence.5) Read the text by yourself 2 times, any questions do you have? You can ask your new words. (指导学生认读课文中的文字)6) Read the text with your partner.3:play a game“大声点”记忆词汇教师请一名学生到教室前边,背对全班站好,然后教师将单词卡片tree藏到一个学生的课桌里,该学生到行间去找,其他学生通过该学生与所藏单词卡片距离的远近,来决定说该单词的声音大小。若离得近则全班重复该单

26、词的声音就越来越大。反之,离得越远,声音越小,直到该生根据声音的提示找到单词卡片为止。T:Are you ready? Where is ?(三)Production:1: 根据图片说话1) 出示图片一头大象和一只小猴子、一条花裙子、五颜六色的圣诞树,尝试用完整的感叹句式描述图片。T: Whats this? Is this big or small?S: Elephant. Its big. Monkey. Its small.T: Howit is? S: How big it is./ How small it is! How it is!2) 读出已造出的新句子。3) 和同桌一起读出新

27、句子。2:圣诞贺卡1). 教师展示几张英文圣诞贺卡,并向学生讲解具体制作步骤。2). 教师播放歌曲:We Wish You A Merry Christmas!3). 请学生在歌声中边唱边制作圣诞贺卡。4). 请学生把做好的贺卡送给小伙伴,并互致问候:“Merry Christmas!”(四)学习效果评价检测题:一、连连看 gift tree二、根据情景选择答语1. 当你的好朋友看见你和你说“Merry Christmas!”,你说:A. Nice to meet you! B. Merry Christmas to you, too!2. 当你看到五颜六色的圣诞树,你会感叹地说:A. How

28、 big it is! B. How colorful it is!(五)Homework1听读课文,能正确流利的朗读课文。2能用重点句型说句子,感叹身边的事物。板书设计UNIT 6 LESSON 22 How it is! 12月25日 colorful Christmas Day big small课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人: 第( 4)课时课型:新授教学内容1:复习本单元课文及重点单词句型。2:学习本课韵文。教学目标1:进一步复习巩固本课单词句型,并能够在情境中运用。2:能够理解韵文内容并跟录音跟唱。教学重点1:进一步复习巩固本课单词句型,并能够在情境中运用。

29、2:能够理解韵文内容并跟录音跟唱。教学难点1:运用“How pretty is it!”并能够在实际情境中赞美事物、表达情感。2:理解韵文内容并跟录音跟唱教学准备教学课件,单词卡片教学过程(一)Lead-in1:看一看,说一说 1). 教师与学生互致问候。T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?S: Im fine, thank you.2). 教师检查学生朗读课文情况。3). 教师展示一张有关圣诞节的图片,问学生: T: What holiday is it? S: Christmas Day. (提示学生用完整句回答。)4). 教师用课件出示

30、一个圣诞老人画面,问学生:T: Do you know who he is? S: 圣诞老人。T: He is Santa Claus. 5). 教师教授单词Santa Claus,并注意纠正Claus的发音。(二)Presentation and practice1. 教师出示圣诞树、铃铛、圣诞贺卡、圣诞礼物的图片,T: Whats this? S: Christmas tree. T: How colorful it is!T: Whats this? S: a bell. (引导学生说出单词并教授其发音)T: What color is it? S: Its yellow. T: Yes

31、, its yellow. Its a yellow bell. S: a bell, a yellow bell.2. 教师用同样的方法呈现a Christmas card、Christmas gifts3:大家一起来造句1). 教师出示本课四幅词汇图片,并播放圣诞音乐。学生伴随音乐传递手中的铃铛,音乐停时,手持铃铛的学生进行造句。T: Its a yellow bell. How beautiful it is! (教师举例造句。)S1: Its a Christmas card. How small it is!S2: Hes Santa Claus. How old he is! (教

32、师引导学生注意人称he的用法。) 4:学习韵文1) 教师戴上圣诞老人的面具,对学生说:T: Its Christmas Day. I wish you well. I wish you all very well. Today well learn a new rhyme “Jingle Bells”.2) Listen 2 times, what do you listen ?3) Listen and repeat the sentence.4) 教师讲解韵文中难理解的词汇。T: wish means hope, well means good.5) Read the rhyme by y

33、ourself 2 times(认读韵文)6) Read the rhyme with your partner.(三)Production:1: 创编小韵文Lets make a new rhymes.Santa Claus, Merry Christmas“Santa Claus, Santa Claus I wish you Merry ChristmasAnd I wish you Merry ChristmasI wish you all Merry Christmas”(四)检测题1、连线1). Santa Claus a bell a Christmas card Christm

34、as gifts2). Its a small balloon. How small it is! Its a yellow bell. How big it is! Its a Christmas tree. How colorful it is!(五)Homework1听读韵文,能正确流利的朗读韵文。2. 抄写单词和句型。板书设计UNIT 6 LESSON 22 How it is! Jingle Bell课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人:白红霞 第(5)课时课型:新授教学内容学习本课课文及单词句型教学目标1:通过学习课文,学生能够初步理解课文内容。2:学习交际用语和

35、句型 “Lets-”能够用“Lets-”表建议。3:能够认读和运用make a snowman, make a card, sing and dance, watch the fireworks 短语对想要做的活动进行建议并进行交流。教学重点1:通过学习课文,学生能够初步理解课文内容。2:学习交际用语和句型 “Lets-”能够用“Lets-”表建议。3:能够认读和运用make a snowman, make a card, sing and dance, watch the fireworks 短语对想要做的活动进行建议并进行交流。教学难点1:短语watch the fireworks的正确理

36、解与运用。2:在语境中恰当地提出自己的建议并应答。教学准备教学课件,单词卡片,头饰教学过程(一)Warm up一起来唱歌1) Greeting with the students.2) 教师出示日历由12月25日翻到1月1日。T: What day is it? S: Its Christmas Day.T: Its January 1st. Its New Year.3) 教师播放歌曲:Happy New Year,学生与教师一起唱歌曲。(二)Presentation and practice1: 看一看,听一听1) 教师出示主题图,播放录音,同时指着图中人物,帮助学生听清、理解对话内容。T

37、: Today is New Years Day. Guoguo and Lingling are greeting to each other. Lets listen to the tape and then tell me what you hear.预设一S:New Years DayT: Yes, very good! Lets learn these two new words. Read after me: new、year(学习单词new、year,跟读单词) 预设二S: happyT: Good! Read after me: happy(学习单词happy,跟读单词)预设三

38、S: redT: Great! Lets look here. What color is it? (学习单词red,跟读单词)S: Its red.2) 教师再次播放录音,理解对话内容。T: Lets sing and dance. Do you know the meaning? (教师做示范动作帮助学生理解其意)3) 教师反复播放录音,学生重复对话中人物的语言,并注意模仿语音、语调。4) The students read the text by themselves.5) The students read the text to partner.6) The teacher choo

39、ses the student to read the text in class.2:play a game 找对手-快速抢答教师请一名学生在教室里走动寻找对手(对手可以自己选定),找到后,站在对方的旁边,这时教师问一个问题,这两名同学一起回答,首先准确的回答问题的同学坐下,另一个同学继续在班里寻找对手。T: Happy New Year! S: The same to you.T: What color is it? S: Its red.T: Lets sing and dance. S: Lets sing and dance.3:演唱歌曲1) 教师播放歌曲,鼓励学生试着说说歌词大意。

40、2) 学生跟唱,直至大多数学生会唱为止。3) 以独唱、小合唱、齐唱比赛等形式演唱Happy New Year。(三)Production:1: 创编对话教师分别给出游泳池、棋盘、故事书、踢足球4组图,请学生创编对话。学生以小组形式创编对话,全体学生进行集体评价,评出最佳对话表演的小组。Lets play a new dialogue. Let me make a model for you. And then you will do it with your partner.T: Its weekends. Happy holiday to you!S: The same to you.T:

41、Lets play chess.(四)学习效果评价检测题:1、将中文与英文连线,并抄写单词。 new year happy red 年 快乐的 红色的 新的_2、连线Happy New Year! 让我们唱歌、跳舞。The same to you. 你也一样。Lets sing and dance. 新年快乐!(五)Homework1听读课文,能正确流利的朗读课文。2能用重点句型说句子,提出自己的建议。板书设计new year happy redUNIT 6 LESSON 22 Happy New Year! The same to you. Lets sing and dance. 课时授课

42、教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人:白红霞 第( 6)课时课型:新授教学内容1:复习本课课文单词及句型。2:学习韵文.教学目标1:进一步复习巩固本单元重点单词句型.2:能够理解韵文内容,能跟录音说唱韵文.教学重点进一步复习巩固本单元重点单词句型.学习并理解韵文内容,跟录音说唱韵文.教学难点1:在情景中灵活运用所学单词句型.2:说唱韵文.教学准备教学课件,单词卡片教学过程(一)Warm up 1:谈话导入1) Greeting with the students. 2) Review the words:new year happy red ( 出示单词的图片)3) Talk wit

43、h studentsT: What holiday is it? (出示一张有关新年的图片)S: New Years Day.T: What should we say on New Years Day? S: Happy New Year!(二)Presentation and practice1:新词呈现,学习短语 1) 出示短语卡片:New Years Day、Happy New Year!。T: Please read after me “New Years Day” “Happy New Year!”T: Good, lets learn new phrase.2) 学习新短语T:

44、Whats this? S: Its a lantern.T: What color is it?S: Its red.T: Yes, its red. Its a red lantern. (学习新短语,跟读a red lantern)S: a lantern, a red lantern.教师拿出一个黄色的气球T: Look, whats this?S: Its a balloon. (引导学生说出完整句子。)T: What color is it?S: Its yellow.T: Yes, its a yellow balloon. (学习新短语,跟读a yellow balloon)S

45、: a balloon, a yellow balloon.教师用同样的方法呈现绿、粉、紫等颜色的气球,最后把这些气球系在一起。T: Look, many colorful balloons. (学习新短语,跟读colorful balloons)S: colorful balloons.3) 造句练习T: You can choose a phrase and make a sentence. Lets do pair work. For example: I have many colorful balloons.4) 汇报表演,选择2-3组。 2:游戏:大拜年1) 教师准备一个红灯笼、彩

46、色气球的实物教具。2). 教师分别将一个红灯笼、彩色气球交给左、右两边组的第一个学生,请学生以S形向后传,传时要说:“ Its New Years Day. Happy New Year! A red lantern for you/ colorful balloons for you! ” 第二个学生说:“Thank you!”后,继续往后传,直到最后一个学生。3:角色扮演 1). 教师请几名学生朗读课文,检查家庭作业情况。2). 开展group work,学生分角色表演课文,教师巡视及时给予帮助和指导。3). 请准备好的23组学生在全班表演。4:学习韵文 1). 教师播放Happy New

47、 Year的歌曲,对学生说:T: Today well learn a new rhyme about New Years Day.2). Listen 2 times, what do you listen ?3). Listen and repeat the sentence.4). 请学生跟着教师边拍手边模仿录音中的语音、语调跟读韵文录音中“ For this happy day” 可重复多练几遍,注意指导学生读准this中th的读音。5). Read the rhyme by yourself 2 times(认读韵文)6). Read the rhyme with your part

48、ner.(三)Production:1: 创编小韵文Lets make a new rhyme. Let me make a model for you. And then you will do it with your partner.Good evening!Good evening! For this happy night, I say, “Good evening!”(四)学习效果评价1、连线 colorful balloons Happy New Year! a red lantern New Years Day 2. Happy New Year! Merry Christma

49、s! How colorful it is! Lets sing and dance.(五)Homework 听读韵文,能正确流利的朗读韵文。板书设计New Years Daya red lanternHappy New Year!colorful balloonsUNIT 6 LESSON 22 Lets 课时授课教案学科:英语 第(3)册 (6)单元 主备人:白红霞 第( 7)课时课型:新授教学内容1) 复习巩固本单元重点单词句型.2)完成58页59页练习.3) 学习元音字母ou.ow在单词中的发音。教学目标1. 复习本单元所学的交际用语和句型,能听懂,会说,会表演,能应用。 2. 复习本

50、单元所学单词,要求能听懂,会说,能拼读,能正确书写单词的首字母。教学重点1. 复习本单元所学的交际用语和句型,能听懂,会说,会表演,能应用。 2. 复习本单元所学单词,要求能听懂,会说,能拼读,能正确书写单词的首字母。教学难点在情境中能够灵活运用所所学单词句型。教学准备本课课件,单词卡片(一)Warm up1:听歌曲导入1) Greeting with the students.2) Lets listen and sing a song “Row, row, row a boat”Listen 2 times- read song words- lets sing it.(二)Presentation and practice1: 听一听,读一读1)教师在黑板上画一个房子,问学生:T: Whats this? S: Its a house. 教师


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