1、分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题041.Introduction2.General signsP103.Shop signsP14Designed by Xie Yao, Zhang Liqiong&Yi YemiaoObjectives:To make clear what is a sign;2)To find out how to design a sign and encourage you to design one according to our analysis.Study focus and key issuesStudy focus: The featu
2、res of signs.2)Key issue: Identifying a practical and effective way of designing a sign.A sign is a flat object with words or pictures on it, put in a public place to provide information or advertise something.What is sign?The Republican PartyThe Democratic PartyIndicative MarklDO NOT DROPl 切勿乱摔lNO
3、TURNING OVERl 切勿倒置lOPEN HEREl 此处打开lTHIS SIDE UPl 此端向上lKEEP FLATl 必须平放lKEEP DRYl 保持干燥lKEEP IN DARK PLACEl 暗处存放nEXPLOSIVESn 爆炸品nCORROSIVESn 腐蚀剂nPOISONn 有毒品 THIS WAY UP KEEP DRY NO HOOKSWarning Mark分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04What is the major purpose of signs?signs are designed to attract peoples attentio
4、n to understand its information in a short time. lAttractivelShortlpleasant to be understoodTo be attractiveno overtaking on bridge NO OVERTAKING ON BRIDGEno smokingNO SMOKINGschool crossingSCHOOLCROSSINGTo be attractiveTo be attractiveTo be attractiveTo be attractiveUse capitalized wordBetter use p
5、ictures To be shortDONT TURN LEFTNO LEFT TURNDONT THROW RUBBISH NO LITTERBE CAREFULCAUTION Use noun or noun-phraseTo be attractiveTo be shortThe belongings that you left in halls, landings or stairway will be removed and disposed by our employees. use simple words and form Leave out articles(冠词)冠词)P
6、leasant to be understoodTAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE RAILS请勿扶栏杆请勿扶栏杆YOUR HAND ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PUT ON THE RAILS Use imperative sentence(祈使句)祈使句)Pleasant to be understoodMisunderstanding and even angerShow respect本公园静止遛狗、喝酒、踢球本公园静止遛狗、喝酒、踢球THE WALKING OF DOGS, THE CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND T
7、HE PLAYING OF BALL GAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THIS PARK.Sometimes signs are written in formal style regardless of the former rulesu Use capitalized wordu Better use picturesu Use noun or noun-phraseu Use simple wordsu Leave out articlesu Use imperative sentenceu Show respectu Sometimes in formal style
8、分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04 A shop sign is used for implying the goods sold in the shop.What is the function of a shop sign?分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04Shop sign with Identical nameShop sign with Specific wordsShop sign with symbolic meaning分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04GlobalChain HotelsAssociated company and c
9、hain store use the same shop sign for their branches all over the world.分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04Global Chain Stores分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04 Some shops pick the signs that illustrate the goods or service immediately when being seen.分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04分类标题01分类标题02分类标题03分类标题04Some clothes shops choose the persons name or other symboli
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