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1、福师大学英语(2)在线作业二一、单选题(共 50道试题,共100分。)on the way.V1. The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest itn IA. goes wrong由B. should go wrongrC. went wrongn ID. would go wrong满分:2分2. the door than somebody started knocking on it.n IA. I had closed no sooner向B. No sooner had I closedC. I had no soon

2、er closedrD. No sooner I close满分:2分3. Do you are told; otherwise you will be punished.rA. that由B. whatrC. whichcD. whom满分:2分4. With John there's more room in the house.cA. to be awayrB. been awayrC. awayrD. was away满分:2分5. The question finally, we went home.A. to be settledB. settlingC. having s

3、ettled向D. settled满分:2分6. The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he a jobimmediately and out of trouble for six months.rA. found . stayedrB. finds . stayO IC. find . stays命D. find . stay满分:2分7. Young John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.PA. asB. s

4、orC. thoughrD. although满分:2分8. It is vital that enough money to fund the subject.PA. be collectedrB. must be collectedrC. is collectedrD. can be collected满分:2分9. The patient isn't out of danger. He is than how he was yesterday.PA. no betterrB. worstC. not worseD. not more满分:2分10.is a fact that E

5、nglish is accepted as an international language.C IA. WhatB. ThisO IC. That命D. It满分:2分11. 一 What was his performance like? Oh, it couldn't have been.O IA. much wonderfulB. more wonderfulrC. less wonderfulO ID. the most wonderful满分:2分12. The Smith's family, which rather a large one,very fond

6、of theirold house.rA. were . werePB. was . wererC. were . wasrD. was . was满分:2分13. Her children far away from her, the old lady feels lonely sometimes.rA. to livePB. livingrC. livedrD. having lived满分:2分14. This room is much larger than that one.命A. noO IB. not ar八C. no aD. as满分:2分15. The soldiers ju

7、mped into the river past their ears.命A. with bullets whistlingO IB. with bullets whistledO IC. with bullets to whistleD. with bullets being whistling满分:2分16. Mathematics as well as other subjects a science.O IA. wasPB. isC IC. areD. belong to满分:2分17. Is this the place the exhibition was held?命A. whe

8、rerB. thatrC. on whichrD. the one满分:2分18. The machine is such I have never seen before.rA. whatB. asC. whenD. where满分:2分19. Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, it will be completely furnished.rA. by that timerB. by the time件C. by which timen ID. by some time满分:2分20. I'd rather you

9、 make any comment on the issue for the time being.rA. don'trB. wouldn'tC. shouldn'tPD. didn't满分:2分21. Liu Fang studies much better than student in his class.rA. anyPB. any otherrC. the otherrD. other满分:2分22. Can you find out her pen?rA. where Alice had putrB. where had Alice putC. wh

10、ere Alice has putD. where has Alice put满分:2分23. I will give this book towants to have it.A. whomeverB. whoeverC. whateverD. wherever满分:2分24. Large quantities of watercooling purposes.A. are needed forB. is needed toC. are need toD. is need for满分:2分25.for my illness, I would have lent him a helping h

11、and.A. Not beingB. Without beingC. Not having beenD. Had it not been满分:2分26. The higher the standard of living,A. the greater is the amount of paper is usedB. the greater amount of paper is usedC. the amount of paper is used is greaterD. the greater the amount of paper is used满分:2分27. If he had work

12、ed harder, hethe exams.A. must have got throughB. would get throughC. would have got throughD. could get through满分:2分28.,the rivers were open and navigable.A. Being summerB. Been summerC. To be summerD. It was summer满分:2分29. He told me the newsour team had won the game.A. aboutB. ofC. asD. that满分:2分

13、30. This western restaurant is superiorthe one we went to last week.A. thanB. toC. asD. for满分:2分31. If only the committee possible.he regulations and put them into effect as soon asA. approveB. would approveC. can approveD. sill approve满分:2分32. It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think

14、 it's about time?C IA. we are going homer D -B. we go home向C. we went homerD. we can go home满分:2分33. We'll visit Europe next year we have enough money.向A. providedrB. unlessrC. untilO ID. lest满分:2分34. The temperature, the chemical reaction is being speeded up.C IA. raisedB. being risen命C. ri

15、singrD. raising满分:2分35. This is I want to tell you.rA. itrB. thatrC. which命D. what满分:2分36. How beautifully she sings!I have never heardrA. the better voiceO IB. a good voiceC IC. the best voiceD. a better voice满分:2分37. We don't doubt he can make a good job of it.rA. if向B. thatO IC. whatD. why满分:

16、2分38. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios after 11 o'clock atnight.rA. were not playedrB. not to playPC. not be playedrD. did not play满分:2分39. The country is faced with great problems, starvation the top of them.rA. has beenB. isPC. beingrD. is being满分:2分40. right now, s

17、he would get there on Sunday.rA. Would she leaveB. If she leavesC. Were she to leaven ID. If she had left满分:2分41. Is this museum you visited a few days ago?r A A. wheren IB. thatrC. on which向D. the one满分:2分42. The instruments of the older factory.rA. is as good or better than the new onerB. are as g

18、ood or better than the new onen IC. is as good as or better than those of the new onePD. are as good as or better than those of the new one满分:2分43. Either John or his friends to blame for the bad results.后A. arerB. isrC. wascD. has been满分:2分44. he is absent, what shall we do?rA. Now thatrB. Seeing thatC. WhetherD. Supposing that满分:2分45. His father is than his mother.n IA. older four yearsn IB. as four years olderC. four years oldern ID. four years bigger满分:2分46. All examination paper, the teacher let the


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