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1、06级大专考试英语复习题、单词1、公司 company2 爱好 hobby 3、正式的 formal4、介绍 introduce 5、允诺 promise 6、优点 advantage7、排球 volleyball 8 、吸引 attract 9、舒适的 comfortable10、选择 choose 11、传统的 traditional12、方向 direction13、庆祝 celebrate 14、方便的 convenient15、邻居 neighbor16、 品尝 taste 17、提与 mention 18、拒绝 refuse 19、娱乐 entertainment 20、提高 im

2、prove二、单项选择1、It ' s about ten minutes' walk from my home to my office.2、When Wood was on his way to see David, he got lost3、If you have difficulties, you can always make a phone call.4、A-Would you like to go for a picnic with us?B1' d love to5、Welcome to our school. Let meintroduce you t

3、o each other.6、He went back to make sure that the door was closed.7、She thanked me andacceptedthe girl.8、I received my friend ' s letter last week, but I didn ' t replyimmediately.9、Please don ' t leave withoutturning offthe lights.10、I hope you don ' t mind my telling you all this.1

4、1、 A Your spoken English is quite good.BIt ' s very nice of you to say so.12、The farmer was very poor because he had to raise his six children.13、Your main problemin lear ning En glish is not to pay atte nti on to read ing.14、Mr.Smith often writes articles for newspapers. Hespends a lot of his t

5、imewriting them.15、 We did n' t go to the party on Sun day because we weren' t in vited16、My grandmotherraised chickens and pigs when we were in the coun tryside.17、Plants will diewithout water.18、Here are some birthday cardsfor our teacherswith our best wishes.19、The villagersbrought the so

6、ldiers with water and food.20、Can you tell me thedifferencebetween these two words?21、My father wants meto understandeverything he teaches me.22、She looks pale today. She feelsuncomfortable23、Will you tell me where the nearest post office is ?24、 The socialcustomsin someparts of Africa are quite dif

7、ferentfrom here.25、Let' s enjoy some music, would you min dmy turning on the radio?26、Be careful and look around when youwalk acrossthe street.27、Ask him to call me as soon as hecomes back.28、What you saidsoundsreas on able. But in fact you are wrong.29、Remember to reservea table next time. So w

8、e won ' t have to wait long.30、Don' t make hergo if she doesn' t want to.二、完型When Mrs Gree n came home from work. Mary was doing her homework. It was sixo' clock. She had to prepare dinner. She told Mary to go to Mrs. Brown' s houseand got Tom back, Mary didn ' t know where M

9、rs. Brown lived. Her mother told her the directi on and she left .Mary walked down the First Street , and came to the door. “ Hello, Mary said, answered, “ Mrs.Brown doesn' t live here. first house on the First Street .went to the fourth house. A young woman“Are you Mrs.Brown ?" No, the wom

10、anMary said ,“ Maybe Mom, said theSo she went to all of the houses on the First Street, but nobody knew Mrs.Brown. She looked at her watch, it was seven o' clock. She called her motherhome .She said,"I can' t find Mrs. Brown. She doesn ' t live in the fourthhouseon the First Street.

11、 I asked everybody , but nobody knew her. Mrs. Green wasdisappo in ted to hear that. She said loudly . " I did n ' t say the fourth houseon the First Street. I said the first house on the Fourth Street. You didn' tliste n to me carefully.四阅读Why Do America ns Keep An imals?More than half

12、 the people in the United States keep at least one ani mal in their homes. They spe nd about 10 billi on dollars a year to buy, feed and care for them. Many America ns also ownl arger ani mals such as horses. They spe nd about 13 billio n dollars a year on them. Why? If you ask the ani mal own ers,

13、the an swer probably would be emoti on al.Scientistsare looking for a more scientificanswer. Muchof theresearch is being done at the University of Pennsylvania. Scientists there have watched hun dreds of people play with small ani mals.Some of the people were healthy, some were disabled and some wer

14、e very sick. Perhaps the most important observation was the physical effect the ani mals had on most of the people. The ani mals seemed to calm the people who touched and talked to them. The human s blood pressure actually dropped. In another study researchers followed the progress of a group of hea

15、rt attack victims. Some of the patie nts had animals, somedid not. About 30 percent of those who did not have ani mals died of ano ther heart attack with in one year. 90 perce nt of those who had ani mals did not have a sec ond heart attack.Howcan animals makesuch a differenee? Aron Catche, head of

16、theUn iversity of Penn sylva nia Research Cen ter says scie ntists do not fully un dersta nd the physical in teract ionbetwee n huma nsand ani mals.But he says it is clear that animals feel a basic psychologicalneed,the need to touch. Dr. Catche says humanslike other mammals,develop a sense of secur

17、ity through touchi ng and holdi ng. Those who live alone, however, or who are sick or disabled mayhave trouble getting close to other people. They feel they might be criticized or rejected because of their con diti on. In these cases an ani mal can provide a better sense of security. Ani mals do not

18、 care if their owners are old or sick, or misshape n. They ask for little and they retur n kindn ess with loyalty. Dr. Catche says a stro ng relati on ship with an animal can give a person the strength to survive. Hesays animals ' help give us a sense of balanee, a sense of belonging to a world

19、which is greater than human life.()1. More tha n half the America nsA. expe nsive an imalsB. keep only horsesC. Keep only cars and dogsD. are ani mals owners()2. Scien tists observed that the ani mals had physical effectA. only on the sick and the disabled B. On a few peopleC. Only on the healthy pe

20、ople D. On most of the people()3.percent of the group of heart attack victims whohad animalshad a sec ond heart attack.A.only 10 B. About 30 C. Nearly 90 D. About 70()4.According to Dr. Catche, an animal could provide a better senseof security forA. the people who live alone B. The sick or disabled

21、peopleC. Childre n and wome nD. bothA and B()5. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is trueA. Ani mals are loyal to their ownersB. Some animals ask for much and return nothingC. Ani mals dislike the misshape n peopleD. Ani mals like their own old ownersThe value of time“ Time, says the proverb "

22、;is money . This means that every mome nt well-spent may put some money into our pockets. If our time is usefully employed, it will either turn out some useful and importa nt piece of work which will fetch its price in the market, or it will add to our experience and in crease our capacities so as t

23、o enable us to earn money. Let those, who think nothing of wasting time, remember this.Our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide. Weare shocked when we think of death, and we spare no pains, no trouble, and no expe nse to preserve life. But we are too ofte n

24、 in differe nt to the loss of an hour or of a day, forgett ing that our life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live. Our life is a brief span measuring some seventy or eighty years in all. But n early one third of this has to be spe nt in sleep; some years have to spe nt over our meal

25、s; some in traveli ng; Now if all these years were to be deducted from the term over which our life exte nds, we shallfind about twentyor thirty years at our disposal for active work. Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life.All time is precious; but the time of o

26、ur childhood and of our youth is more precious than any other part of our existence. For those are the periods when alone we can acquire kno wledge and develop our capacities. If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall n ever be able to recoup the loss. Just as money laid out at

27、interestdoubles and youth trebles itself in time, so the precioushours of childhood and youth, if properly used, will yield us adva ntages.1. Accord ing to the author, if our time is well-spentA. it will produce some valuable piece of workB. it will in crease our experie nceC. it will enable us to m

28、ake moneyD. all the above2. Which of the followi ng stateme nts isNOTtrue?A. People try their best to exte nd their life-spa nB. Wasti ng time may be regarded as killi ng on eselfC. Those who think nothing of wasting time are not afraid of deathD. If our time is well used, we can become richer3. In

29、our life, the time used for active work isA. about one third of our lifeB. two thirds of our lifeC. more tha n thirty yearsD. not men ti oned4. In the sentence “Whoever remembers this in paragraph 2,“This refersto the fact thatA. time is moneyB. life is shortC. one third of our is spent in sleepD. w

30、e have about 20 or 30 years for active work5. The “ morning hours of life in paragraph 3 refers toA. the years spe nt in merry-mak ingB. childhood and youthC. the periods when we can earn moneyD. the days we can ' t forgetMake friends in the U.S.It is difficult to give advice on how to get along

31、 in the Un ited States, but the following“ does and “ don' t may be helpful.As a rule, it isn ' t easy to find anyone to talk to in a big city. How ever, here are some suggesti ons. First, get or borrow a dog! Walk him several times a day! America ns love dogs and usually stop to talk to any

32、one with a dog. Then, try to rat in a cafeteria. People gen erally share the same tables and will sometimes talk to you if they see that you are a stranger. Next, take your dirty clothes to a laun dry! It takes about an hour to wash and dry, and many people wait there. They often pass the time talki

33、ngto the other customers. Always ask for informationfrom a woma n, if you are a man, and from a man, if you are a woma n! It seems to get better results for a reason I can' t understand. Learn the expressions“ Please ,“ Thank you , and“ You' re welcome before you come and use themall the tim

34、e! They usually work like magic.There are some things you should not do. Don' t tell the truth when peopleask “ How are you? They only expect the answer to be“ Fine . Never ask peopletheir age, especially wome n! Every one wants to be young. Don' t tell heavy people they are fat. Tell them t

35、hey are los ing weight. Every one here wants to be thin.Don' t be late for appo in tme nt!When some one says six o' clock, be sure to be thereby six. America ns respect time and expect every one to be“ on time .1. Which of the followi ng stateme nts isNOTtrue?A Many America ns like to walk d

36、ogs in the street.B You can borrow a dog from others.C It ' s difficult to make friends in the US.D People in big cities don' t like to talk to strangers.2 It ' s usually easy to find some one to talk toA in a big cityB in a cafeteriaC in the streetD while havi ng a meal3 In a laun dry, many people ofte n pass t


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