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1、.2019年秋季课程外研版初二英语八年级上册 Module11 Way of Life一、课程介绍知识点1. 重点词汇用法:accepttasteexperience2. 重点词组用法:cant wait toat the age of look up3. 重点语法:情态动词can, must和need用法教学重点1. 各重点词汇及短语用法2. 情态动词的用法教学难点情态动词用法二、要点回忆.词汇短语1. _ n. 云;云雾2. _ n. 暴风雨3. _ adv. 某人或某事物也不4. _ v. 滑冰5. _ v.但愿;希望6. _ adj.多雪的;下雪的7. _ adj. 多风的;刮大风的8

2、. _ v.说笑话,开玩笑9. _ adj.下雨的,湿的10. quite a lot _ 11. take photos _ 12. compared to _13. make sure _14. come on _15. from time to time _【答案】1. cloud 2. storm 3. neither 4. skate 5. wish 6. snowy 7. windy 8. joke 9. wet 10. 相当多 11. 照相;拍照 12. 与相比较 13. 务必 14. 快点 15. 有时.活用句型: 翻译以下句子1. 天气怎么样?_2. 游览美国的最正确时间是什

3、么时候?_3.九月是去新英格兰游览的最正确时间_【答案】1. Whats the weather like?2. When is the best time to visit the US?3. The best time to visit New England is in September.三、知识精要1. 词汇chessn. 国际象棋chopstick n.筷子giftn. 礼物surprisen. 惊奇;意外之事;v. 使某人吃惊immediatelyadv. 立即;当即difference n. 差异;差异acceptv. 承受traditionn. 传统风俗examplen.例子

4、taste v. 有的味道;n. 味道;滋味experiencen. 经历;经历sandwichn. 三明治;夹心面包片2. 词组a chess set一副国际象棋video game电子游戏do some cleaning清扫卫生bad luck倒霉for example例如for the first time首次;初次shake hands握手have afternoon tea喝下午茶light meal便餐;便饭each other互相look up 查;查找at the age of在岁时clean up 清扫干净wash up洗刷;饭后洗餐具cant wait to 迫不及待mak

5、e mistakes犯错;出错3. 语法【语法点1】情态动词can用法1 表示才能,意为“能,会I can sing this song in English. 我能用英语唱这首歌2 表示答应,意为可以You can use my pen. 你可以用我的笔【语法点2】情态动词need用法1 need 作情态动词,常用于否认句喝疑问句You neednt go there yourself. 你这不必自己亲自去那儿2 need开头的一般疑问句的肯定答复用must,否认答复用needntNeed I do anything for you?需要我为你做些什么吗?Yes, you must./ No

6、, you neednt. 是的,你必须做。不,没有必要【语法点3】情态动词must用法must 表示主观义务,意为“必须,其否认形式mustnt意为不要、不准We must get there before five oclock. 我们必须在五点前赶到那儿四、要点讲练【要点1】had better的用法had betterd better+动词原形意为“最好做某事;其否认形式是在had better 后直接加not,构成had better not do sth. 意为“最好不要做某事【例题】2019湖北咸宁Its rather hot in the room. Youd better _

7、 the windows or the door.A. close B. not to close C. dont close D. not close【辨析】根据or可判断出是否认句,had better not do sth 意为“最好不要做某事答案:D【即学即用】1. It is going to rain. Youd better_ an umbrella.A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken2. You had better _ the car. It doesnt run well.A. use B. not use C. not to use

8、 D. using3. 完成句子:你最好不要这个时间喝咖啡You _ _ _ _ coffee at this time.答案:1. A 2. B 3. had better not drink【要点2】for example的用法for example意为“例如,其后用逗号,用来列举事例Lets play games like this, for example, you can hide your pen somewhere and have your deskmate guess where it is.让我们这样做游戏,例如,你可以把你的钢笔藏在某个地方,然后让你的同桌猜他在哪儿辨析:

9、for example与such asfor example 和such as 都可作“例如讲。1 for example用来举例说明,所举的例子既可以是词组,也可以是句子。有时可作为插入语,不影响句子其他部分的语法体系A lot of people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee. 这儿的许多人,包括约翰,宁愿喝咖啡2 such as 用来列举事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and ri

10、ce. 这个农庄种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子、玉米、棉花和水稻。【例题】Noise,_, is a kind of pollution.A. example B. for example C. such D. such as 【辨析】for example一般只列举同类人或物中的“一个,做插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末;such as 常列举同类人或物中的几个。此题中,空格前后有逗号隔开,应选B【即学即用】完成句子:我们学校有很多校规。例如,制止在图书馆吃东西There are many school rules in our school. _ _, you mustnt eat

11、 in the library.【要点3】taste的用法taste是连系动词,意为“尝起来,其后要用形容词作表语;感官动词:look, sound, taste, smell, fell【例题】The dumplings taste_. Id like to have more.A. well B. nice C. badly D. terribly【辨析】taste用作连系动词,其后要用形容词做表语,排除C、D两项;well做形容词时,意为“身体安康的,不符合题意,应选B 【即学即用】Dinner is ready. Help yourself!Wow! It _ delicious. Y

12、ou are really good at cooking.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. feels答案:C【要点4】do some+动名词的用法do some cleaning 清扫卫生 do some reading 读书 do some writing 写字do some shopping 买东西 do some cooking 做饭 do some washing 洗衣服在否认句中要改为do any +动名词【例题】Your bedroom is very dirty. Youd better do some _.A. reading B. shopp

13、ing C. cleaning D. writing【辨析】此题考察do some cleaning的用法。题干中提到了“你的卧室很脏可知,你最好清扫一下。答案为C【即学即用】完成句子:我妈妈正在家里清扫卫生。My mother is _ _ _ at home.答案:doing some cleaning【要点5】surprising, surprised 与surprise的用法1 surprising 意为令人惊讶的,常用来修饰事或物。如:What a surprising ending!多么令人惊讶的结局啊2 surprised惊奇的;吃惊的,常用来修饰人。如:I am surpris

14、ed to see Jim there. 在那里见到吉姆我很惊讶3 surprise 既可以作动词使惊讶,也可以作名词惊讶如:Your experiencesurprised me. 你的经历很令我惊讶My mother gave me a big surprise. 妈妈给了我一个很大的惊喜【例题】用所给词的适当形式填空My father was _ surprise to know about the survey.【辨析】此题考察surprise的派生词。主语是my father, 故要用surprised【链接中考】1. 2019南京 Do you know Mo Yan?Of cou

15、rse. He won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Literature _ the age of 57.A. in B. at C. on D. to2. 2019河南 Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?Yes, Im afraid we _. Thats the traffic rule.A. can B. may C. have to D. need3. 2019江苏 Can I park my car in front of the building?No, you _.A. wont B. cant

16、C. neednt D. couldnt答案:1. B 2. C 3. B五、双基达标1. 词汇练习承受_ 经历,经历_ 筷子_ 传统风俗_答案:accept experience chopstick tradition2. 翻译句子1 这个小男孩很开心,因为他第一次收到了礼物。The little boy was very happy, because he received a gift _ _ _ _.2当你渐渐理解他之后,你会发现他是优秀的。When you _ _ _ him, you will find he is excellent.3 昨天,爸爸给我买了一副国际象棋。My fa

17、ther bought _ _ _ for me yesterday.4大部分孩子喜欢玩电子游戏。Most children like to play _ _.答案:1. for the first time 2. get to know 3. a chess set 4. video games3. 完形填空Ms. Steen is our English teacher. She is fromEngland. She began to teach1last year. But now she is leaving for her country. We are so2to see her

18、 go because she is a good teacher. Were going to have a3for her. We think it is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.We4to have the party this Saturday. Now, we are preparing for it. Wang Lei and Wei Wei5all the teachers. Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang 6come. Her family is taking a trip toBeij

19、ingthis weekend.7, the other teachers promised that they would come. Li Ye is writing a thank-you note 便条. We want to show8were going to miss Ms. Steen. Li Ye asks Wu Shan to read it to Ms. Steen, because Wu Shan9very good English. Im going to play a piano piece for Ms. Steen at the party. And I als

20、o10a fun game to play at the party.We hope the party will be very great. 1. A. them B. usC. him D. you 2. A. glad B. sad C. relaxed D. excited 3. A. trip B. meal C. prize D. party 4. A. plan B. refuse C. forget D. happen 5. A. caught B. believedC. saw D. invited 6. A. will B. cant C. has to D. doesn

21、t 7. A. Probably B. UsuallyC. Luckily D. Finally 8. A. how B. how many C. how much D. when 9. A. writes B. speaks C. likes D. shares 10. A. hear from B. write downC. set up D. think of答案:1-5 BBDAD 6-10 BCCBD4. 阅读理解It was a dark night, and I was at a bus stop. I was waiting for my friends because we

22、were going to a concert. It wasnt late and I was happy. I thought it was going to be a great night. There was nobody else at the bus stop. Suddenly, I saw an orange light 光 in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane, but it moved so slowly that it was almost impossible. It moved in a strange way:

23、 up and down, up and down. Then I found it was a big UFO!It was black and seemed to be made of some kind of hard plastic 塑料. It had lots of red windows. It was round and sounded like a train! The sound made me laugh. It was funny and I wasnt scared 恐惧的. When it was getting closer, I could see a stra

24、nge“man it looked like a robot. Then I took a picture of it so that my friends would believe me. I couldnt understand why I wasnt scared. It was really a great night.根据材料内容选择最正确答案。 1. The writer and his friends planned to _.A. go swimming B. go shoppingC. go to the movies D. go to a concert 2. What

25、colour was the light in the sky?A. White.B. Black. C. Orange. D. Red. 3. The writer thought it was impossible to be a plane because _.A. it was round B. it was so bigC. it moved so slowly D. it sounded like a train 4. To make his friends believe him, the writer _.A. took a picture of the UFOB. walke

26、d around the UFOC. talked to the UFOD. called his friends 5. Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the passage?A. The UFO had no windows.B. The writer didnt feel scared of the UFO.C. The sound of the UFO made the writer sad.D. The writer and his friends were at the bus stop.答案:1-5 DCCAB 5. 习文练笔假

27、设你叫周敏,去年圣诞节应笔友Diana邀请你去了美国,与她的家人一起度过了一个愉快的圣诞节。今年,你准备邀请她到中国与你一起过春节。请就此内容给她写封邀请信。词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Diana,How are you? Is it cold inAmericanow?参考译文:Dear Diana,How are you? Is it cold inAmericanow?I had a very good time during Christmas inAmericalast year. Thank you again. The Spring Festival

28、 inChinais coming. Would you like to come to my home and celebrate it with us? I know you like Chinese food. During the Spring Festival my mother always cooks us a lot of delicious food. We have a lot of activities. I hope you enjoy them very much.If you come, dont forget to bring warm clothes with

29、you. It is very cold here.Yours,Zhou Min六、单元自测1. 词汇检测chesschopstick giftsurpriseimmediatelydifference accepttraditionexampletaste experiencesandwicha chess setvideo gamedo some cleaningbad luckfor examplefor the first timeshake handshave afternoon tealight mealeach otherlook up at the age ofclean up

30、 wash upcant wait to make mistakes2. 句子翻译1. 当你被邀请喝下午茶时,你将吃便餐。_2. 例如,当你第一次见到某人时你必须说先生或者夫人。_3. 在春节的第一天你不能清扫卫生。_4. 在春节那个月期间你最好不要理发。_答案:1. When you are invited for afternoon tea, you will have a light meal.2. For example, you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.3. You mustnt do a

31、ny cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival.4. Youd better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.3.知识运用1 首字母填空People eat different food in different parts of the world.In some Asian 亚洲的 countries, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, people eat rice every day. Sometime

32、s they eat it two or three t_ 1 a day. They usually eat it w_ 2 meat, fish and vegetables.In Western countries, such as England and America, people seldom 很少 eat rice. But they like bread and potatoes best. They have different w_ 3 to cook potatoes. Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They d_

33、 4 eat meat. They dont like food from animals. They only eat food from p_ 5. They think that food from plants is better for them than meat.答案:1. times 2. with 3. ways 4. dont 5. plants2 阅读理解My holiday with Grandma and Grandpa was great! They moved toArizonawhen I was five. Dad usually visits them, b

34、ut not this summer! Dad sent me to stay with them for two weeks.This was my first time to travel by myself. On the plane, I studied a picture. It was a picture of Walpi, an old Hopi village where Grandma and Grandpa live. The village is on top of a tall hill. I wasnt sure I could climb that high. I

35、also wondered 想知道 if Grandma and Grandpa would act differently in this village than they did in our apartment 公寓 in New York.Grandpa met me at the airport. As we drove away from the city, I enjoyed the beauty of the desert 沙漠. Soon we arrived at Walpi. I looked down and found that we were so high up

36、. I felt like a bird!Grandma was waiting for us. Grandma and Grandpas rooms were cool under the hot sun. Grandma said the building was made of stones 石头 and the stones kept the rooms cool.After eating lunch, we took a walk outside. We visited the “kiva: it is a large room where the Hopi people go fo

37、r special events.I really liked the Hopi people. They were friendly to me. One man helped me make a gift to take home to Mum. The children and I played ball games. It seemed that I was part of the big family in the village. It was hard to leave my grandparents when my two weeks were over. I wish I could live in Walpi for two more weeks!根据材料内容选择最正确答案。 6. This summer, the writer stayed with his grandparents for _.A. a week B. two weeks C. three weeks D. four weeks 7. We can learn from the passage that Walpi is a _.A. picture B. hillC. p


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