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1、第二辑Test 1Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Entertaining clients l Types of activitiesl Cost 【思路点拨】主题要点原因Entertaining clients已给要点Types of activities 活动类型Business objectives 商业目标Cost 花费Clients feelings 客户的感受补充要点Background of clients客户背景Customized activities 为客户制定活动Clients demand 客户需求Personalized servi

2、ces 个性化服务【词汇短语】促销赠品 Complimentary presents 迎宾室Hospitality room招待费 Entertainment allowance 定制Customize针对个人Personalize有目的的Purposeful商业目的 Business objectives客户需求Customer demand包间Compartment舒适的 Cozy【句型点击】l 间歇、停顿How shall I put it? 怎么说呢?Well, what I trying to say is. 我想说的是.Id like to begin byl 个人想法In my

3、opinion, Id say that.The point is that.Well, we should.【参考范例】Entertaining clients is not an easy job and should be handling appropriately and enjoyably. It contains more than just a wonderful meal, a sightseeing tour or a shopping trip. Good hospitality events can impress clients in a unique manner

4、in and outside of the office. When entertaining clients, we should decide the types of activities according to their interest and favorites. Moreover, these activities should help us achieve our business objectives, for example, we can have an intimate discussion about business with our clients duri

5、ng a meal in a cozy compartment where both where both sides tend to be more relaxed. In addition, we have to mix business with pleasure effectively so our clients wont feel that we are too purposeful. Cost is anther important factor when designing activities for clients. Higher expenses dont necessa

6、rily to greater satisfaction, and in some cases, the clients will be overwhelmed with our kindness. Therefore, when entertaining clients, sincerity appears to be more important, upon which a long and a steady business relationship is based. Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Choosing retail premises

7、to rentl Location l Length of contract【思路点拨】主题要点原因Choosing retail premises to rent已给要点Location位置Business boom生意兴旺Length of contract合同年限Sustainable development可持续发展补充要点Rent and means of payment房租和支付方式Profit margin 利润空间Landlords reputation房东的名声Supportive development environment 有利的发展环境【词汇&短语】房东 la

8、ndlord 利润空间 profit margin租户 tenant 房屋结构 building structure 可持续发展 sustainable development 合同到期 exploration of contract繁荣 boom prosperity 续签合同 renew the contract租金 rent 押金 deposit【句型点击】l 观点阐述Well, it seems to me that.Thats true, but on the other hand.l 追加观点Thats just what/all I was thinking.Well, the

9、point Im trying to make it thatAnother thing I want to mention is【参考范例】 When aiming to choose retail premises, you should always put the location on the top of your list. An ideal retail premises should be situated in the downtown district or a big residential area where the sources of the customers

10、 is guaranteed, in China, A lot of businessman believe in Fengshui and they think a good location is vital to the success of business. Besides, the length of contract is also an important factor in choosing retail premises because the retailer need time to develop market and customers. A steady and

11、uninterrupted business environment is most desired, and a long-term contract will ensure the retailers sustainable development. Whats more, rent and means of payment should never be overlooked, retailers in general have a big cash flow, therefore, a reasonable rent and flexible means of payment are

12、good for their capital turnover. A cooperative landlord is preferred and necessary for a win-win situation. Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Deciding on packaging for productsl Image l Production process 【思路点拨】主题要点原因Deciding on packaging for products已给要点Image形象Attraction of products 产品吸引力Production

13、 process 生产过程Quality control 质量控制补充要点Environment 环境Environmental protection环境保护Cost 成本Price control 价格控制【词汇&短语】包装材料wrapper,packaging material 不可再生资源non-renewable resources包装设计package design有利环境的 environmental-friendly顾客的青睐 customer favor 肤浅的,表明的 superficial【句型点击】l 自然过渡How shall I put it? 怎么说呢?Ac

14、tually.Thats just how I see it .l 个人观点Personally, I think.Frankly, I think.【参考范例】 Packing of products concerns the fate of products because it arouses peoples desire for purchase. When deciding on packaging for products, we should take several things into consideration. First of all, the image catch

15、es the eye of potential customers, people are sometimes skin deep when surrounded by a variety of products, their decisions are simply based upon the packaging, therefore a thoughtful design in color, shape and packaging materials is crucial in winning customers favor. On the other hand, the cost of

16、 packaging should be carefully dealt with because it is contained in the prices of the products. Increased price will make the products less competitive in a buyers market. After all, in comparison with packaging, people are more sensitive to price. Last but not least, our resources are limited and

17、some are even non-renewable. Once the products are opened up, the wrapper are useless, so it is expected that designers can develop further uses of packaging materials or at least make them environmental-friendly. 第二辑Test 2Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Selecting staff for promotion l Attitude to

18、 workl Current performance 【思路点拨】主题要点原因Selecting staff for promotion已给要点Attitude to work 工作态度Fundamental factor 基础因素Current performance 目前表现Good reference 有参考性补充要点Career potential 职业潜力Future development 未来发展Adaptability 适应能力New position 新的职位【词汇&短语】空缺职位 vacancy 人事部personnel行政管理部 administration 公关

19、 public relations总部 head office 工资 wages and salaries管理技能 managerial skill 职业前景 career prospect人力资源部 human resources 团队协作 teamwork【句型点击】l 常用开始语Thank you for your questionThe answer isLet me start with.In my viewIt is very likely that.l 表达观点常用句What I am thinking is.Let me make my point very clear.It

20、is crystal clear that.There is no doubt that.I am into the first opinion.【句型点击】When selecting staff for promotion, several factors should be taken into consideration, to begin with, the attitude to the work is one of the most fundamental elements. I believe attitude is everything. It is not uncommon

21、 to find workers who have great talents but are reluctant to make full contribution in their position, the point is, you have to love what you are doing and you have to try your utmost and reserve no effort to do it.Secondly, current performance is also very important, because it is obvious that att

22、itude and effort have to be measured in a certain way so that you can know everyones capability.Thirdly, you cant ignore career potential and adaptability, almost in every company, we can find employees who are excellent individuals but fail to cooperate in a team, these elements are all very essent

23、ial in ones career. Admittedly, it is not very likely to find all of them in one person, and then you have to consider about the specific position and grant priority to one of them.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Considering a career changel Further study or trainingl Opportunities for future prom

24、otion【思路点拨】主题要点原因Considering a career change已给要点Future study training 未来学习和培训Skill enhancement 技术改进Opportunities for future promotion 未来的升迁机会Better living conditions 居住环境改善补充要点Self-fulfillment 自我实现The best development of ones potential 最大程度挖掘个人潜力Personal interest 个人兴趣Find joy in work 在工作中寻找快乐【词汇&

25、;短语】实际工资 real wages 合并 merger最终目标 ultimate goal 个人收入 personal income坏的影响 adverse effect 工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading 无形资产 intangible assets资格 qualification 投资回报return on investment【句型点击】l 更倾向于某一个选项I would take . as my priority 我会把.作为我的首选项。The pros of . Outweigh its cons. .的优点多于它

26、的缺点。It is more essential to .。 更加重要。is a wiser choice. .是更明智的选择。We are strongly tempted to.It is apt to. 我们会倾向于I would choose A over B. 我会选择A,而不是Bl 表示两者缺一不可They are two sides of the same coin.They are interdependent and are equally important. 他们相互依存,同等重要A is the bearing of B. B依赖于AIt is impossible t

27、o talk about A Without mentioning B.【参考范例】Well, career change. That is an interesting topic. As the old saying goes, look before you leap. Youd better be very careful when you make such big decisions. To begin with, further study and training has to be taken into account .the reason is quite obvious

28、 with improved and enhanced skills; your job will be safer. Furthermore, opportunities for further promotion also play important roles here. Promotion means more salary and therefore better living conditions. Therefore, we are strongly attempted to choose it, and for some people, this is even the ul

29、timate goal of their job. But it is only half the story. You have to consider about the best development of your potential. In other words, you have to be very clear about your personal interest is and try to enjoy your work and find joy in it, I believe due to different value systems, people may ma

30、ke different choices upon the same thing. As long as I am concerned, I will choose a career that I can fulfill my dream. I mean, if it is not highly paid, I dont care, I will choose a career I like over opportunity of promotion.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN?Planning an advertising campaignl Market

31、 researchl Select appropriate media【思路点拨】主题要点原因Planning an advertising campaign已给要点Marketing research 市场调查The need of the consumers 顾客的需求Selecting appropriate media 选择合适的媒体A good channel 好的媒介补充要点Credibility of the product 产品的信任度Sustainable development 可持续发展Innovation 创意Appealing power 强烈的吸引力【词汇&

32、短语】广告代理商 advertising agency 购物点广告 p. o. p. advertising区域抽样 area sampling 视听广告 audio-visual advertising促销广告 sales promotion advertising 路牌广告 billboard advertising站台广告 platform side advertising 品牌偏好 brand preference受众构成 audience composition 户外广告 outdoor advertising【句型点击】提出自己的看法To achieve this goal, it

33、s better to It is more preferable to .的做法更可取。Better do A rather than do B。 最好A, 不要B。The schedule should be arranged as follows.is the soul of an enterprise.We should put .as the first consideration.More flexible methods should be taken. For instance.We should follow international practices to l 使用表达

34、有层次的连接词First and foremostLast but not the leastFurthermore In other words【参考范例】 Advertising campaign is one of the most essential chains in marketing. Through advertising campaign, the products can be well-known to the audiences. To achieve this goal, it is better to do a market research beforehand.

35、 Only in this way you can know the need of the consumers and meet their acquirements accordingly. Therefore, we should put it as the first consideration. After this step, it is time to select appropriate media. Sometimes it is more preferable to find an advertising agency because they know better wh

36、at the best channel is for your product and service; sales promotion advertising; billboard advertising; outdoor advertising; audio-visual advertising, or whatever it is. You know, you have plenty of choices. On the other hand, they have a professional team to design an innovative advertisement for

37、you. If an advertisement is full of creativity, it will earn brand preference and loyalty of the consumers and maintain a sustainable market. Last but not the least, no matter how flexible your promotion methods are, the credibility of the product is the most important. 第二辑Test 3Topic A: WHAT IS IMP

38、ORTANT WHEN ? Choosing transport for a business tripl Conveniencel Cost-effectiveness【思路点拨】主题要点原因Choosing transport for a business trip已给要点Convenience 便利性To save time 节省时间Cost-effectiveness成本效应To save money 节约成本补充要点The quality of the service 服务质量Comfortable trips 舒适的旅程Package deal 一揽子交易Even hotel ca

39、n be included 旅店可以包括在内的【词汇&短语】一揽子交易 package deal 出发时间 departure time优待票excursion pass 途中转机、转车 stop over宾馆预订 hotel reservation 晚点 delay【句型点击】other things being equal 同等条件下It is not uncommon to . 很常见 to seal the deal with 与.谈妥某事 without any doubt. 【参考范例】When choosing a transport for a business tri

40、p, convenience should come first. I mean, other things being equal, you should choose the one that takes your minimal effort. In business world, time is money. You dont want delayed departure time or unexpected stop-over on the way. At the same time, it is not uncommon to refund a ticket or change a

41、 one-way ticket to a round trip ticket, if the transportation company can deal with these things effectively, undoubtedly we will choose it. Secondly, cost-effectiveness is also important. If a transportation company can offer us excursion pass, why not make it our choice? Thirdly, the quality of th

42、e transportation should also be concerned. A good rest during the trip can make you in a good shape to seal the deal with your business partners. Lastly, if the transporter can offer some package deal such as hotel reservation, it would be a wise choice.Topic B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Aiming for p

43、romotionl Quality of performancel Company loyalty 【思路点拨】主题要点原因Aiming for promotion已给要点Quality of performance 业绩表现Prove ones capability 证明个人能力Company loyalty 公司忠诚度Personality plays the prime role个性扮演重要角色补充要点Intelligence 智慧Potential for development 发展的潜力Communication skill 沟通能力Work as a part of the te

44、am 团队协作【词汇&短语】由负责 be in charge of 热情的 enthusiastic重要的, 关键的 crucial 细小的工作 small errands长期的 long-range 价值 merit管理的 administrative 监督 supervise【句型点击】That is to say.It is very crucial to.is known to all【参考范例】If you are aiming for a promotion, primarily, you should show a satisfactory performance. Th

45、at is to say, if you want to be in charge of something, you start from small errands and show your long-range merits. You have to show people what you are capable of. This is very crucial. Secondly, demonstrate your loyalty to the company, because no manager wants an outstanding but undependable to

46、take an administrative role and supervise a department. Thirdly, show your intelligence in the field you are working, face to the challenge that others fear to take, and then, your professional skills would be known to all. The last point, try to build an easy-going and enthusiastic personality. A b

47、rilliant yet not welcomed employee is definitely not qualified for a promotion.Topic C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Exporting goods or services for the first timel Personal contactsl Professional advice 【思路点拨】主题要点原因Exporting goods or services for the first time已给要点Personal contacts 个人交往The prime factor

48、 关键因素Professional advice 专业建议Experience helps a lot 经验很重要补充要点Good quality 良好品质Long-range cooperation 长期合作Negotiating skills谈判技巧More profits 更多收益【词汇&短语】个人交往 personal contact 质量检查 quality inspection商业信用 commercial integrity 互利 mutual profit商业原则 approach to business 不变的宗旨 permanent principles【句型点击】

49、.conclude business with. .与.做成生意.can do no harm.is the soul of an enterprise .is no exception.【参考范例】If you are in the exporting business for the first time, you have to build some personal contact with foreign importers in order to export goods or services. The two sides should have a rough idea of

50、the approach to business and commercial integrity of each other, and then conclude the exporting business. Besides, some professional advice from experience exporters can do no harm. Personally, I believe quality is the soul of an enterprise. It is no exception with exporting. To maintain a sound re

51、putation, you have to put quality as the first consideration. All products have to go through strict inspection before they are launched into the market. Lastly, negotiating skills can help a lot. Mutual profit is the common desire of both the exporter and the importer, it is therefore preferred if

52、contracts are honored and commercial integrity is maintained. It is a permanent principle.第二辑Test 4Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ? Dealing with complaints from clientsl Offering an apologyl Suggesting a solution to the problem【思路点拨】主题要点原因Dealing with complaints from clients me已给要点Offering an apolo

53、gy 表示歉意Show modesty 表示诚意Suggesting a solution to the problem针对问题建议解决方案Deal with the problem 解决问题补充要点Follow-up to clients feedback跟踪客户反馈Learn more from the customers 善于学习Expressing thanks to clients 向客户致谢Maintain relationship维持关系【词汇&短语】澄清、阐明 clarify 反馈 feedback训练有素的 well-drilled 不便 、困难 inconvenie

54、nce客服代表 customer service representative 名声 reputation 跟踪 follow up 重视 value【句型点击】l 常用小结句From the above information, it can be shown that.Before the close, let me just summarize the main points.Shall I just go over the main points?表达观点常用句In my opinion, we should.Id like to point out.Let me emphasize 【参考范例】 When dealing with complaint from clients, we should always start off with an apology. A customer for us is just a master for his servant. It is unwise to argue with our clients especially when they are angry. An im


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