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1、公寓、别墅租赁合同Renting Contract for Flat and Villa出租方 Ren tee: (以下简称甲方 hereafter refer to Party A )承租方 Ren ter: (以下简称乙方 hereafter refer to Party B )代理方 Age nt :北京华亮房地产经纪有限公司 Beijing Hualia ng Real Estate Broker Co., Ltd依据中华人民共和国合同法及有关法律、法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,就 甲方将房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租甲方房屋事宜,为明确双方权利与义务关系,经双方友好协商一

2、 致,签订本合同。Accord ing to Con tract Law of People ' Republic of Chi na ” and releva nt laws and regulati ons, and based on equality and free will betwee n Party A and Party B, this con tract is sig ned through frien dly and in tegrated n egotiati on for clarify ing the rights and obligati on relati

3、 ons betwee n Party A and Party B on the matter that Party A provides the house to Party B, and Party B rents the house.一、 房屋基本情况及用途The basic situation and usage of the house1.1甲方同意将位于北京市 之(公寓/ 别墅)在设备良好及可租赁的状态下租给乙方使用;本房屋仅作为 用途。Party A agree to provide the house( flat / villa) (address) under thecon

4、diti ons of well equipped and ren table to Party B for ren ti ng; this house can be used only as.1.2房屋建筑面积约为平方米,室厅卫。2The architecture area of the house is M , the number of rooms, thenumber of hallsand the number of toilets .二、 租赁期限The period of rental2.1租赁期限为年,自年月日起至年月日止。The period of ren tal isyea

5、rs, fromto.2.2租赁期满,甲方有权收回本房屋;如乙方有意续租,应提前 30日向甲方提出书面续租要求,待甲方 同意后,双方重新签订租赁合同。When the rental period is expired, Party A has the right to take the house back, if Party B has the intention to continue therental, he should raise the requirement to Party A for continuing the rental 30 days in advance in w

6、ritten form, when partyA is consent, the both parties should resig n the ren tal con tract.三、 租金及押金Rent and deposit3.1双方谈定,本房屋每月租金为(大写): 元(人民币/ 美元),此价格包括/不包括物业管理费及取暖费。Through both parties' negotiation, the rent of the house is monthly (in Capital Letters):( RMB/ USD), this price include/ exclude

7、 property management fee and warming fee.3.2租金支付方式为押 付,甲方直接收取现金/ 甲方直接收取支票/ 乙方直接汇至甲方指定银行帐户。The paid method of rent is depositpay, Party A gets cash directly/ Party Agets check directly/ Party B remit the fund to the acco unt nu mberappo in ted by Party A .3.3租金每个月支付一次,应于付款月起租日 天前支付下一次租金;在本合同有效期内,租金不予

8、调整。The rent will be paid everymon th, the next rent shall be paiddays upon ren tal date of thepaid mon th, and the rent sta ndard shall not adjust un der the valid period of this con tract.3.4押金相当于个月的租金,即(大写): 元(人民币/ 美元);押金是作为乙方诚信履行本合同各条款之规定,向甲方交付的保证金。The deposit is equal to mon th ren t, i.e. (in C

9、ap ital Letters) ( RMB/ USD);Thedeposit is on stipulati ons of Party B being hon est to fulfill the items of the con tract to pay the security to Party A.3.5如乙方违反本合同的约定,甲方可扣留乙方所交付的全部或部分押金,当押金不足以弥补甲方损失 时,甲方仍有权利向乙方追偿。If Party B breaches the stipulati ons of this con tract and brings loss to Party A, P

10、arty A can provide the evide nce to Party B for caus ing actual loss to Party B, the actual loss amount should be deducted from the deposit, whe n the deposit is not eno ugh to compe nsate the actual loss of Party A, Party A has the right to trace the compe nsati on from Party B.3.6合同签订当日乙方向甲方支付订金(大

11、写):元(人民币/ 美元),乙方在本合同签订之日起日内交齐首次租金和押金;否则,乙方所交订金归甲方所有,甲方有权向乙方继续追偿因房屋空置而给甲方造成的损失。On the date of sig ning the con tract, Party B shall pay earn est to Party A (in Capital Letters): ( RMB/ USD), Party B shall pay all the first rent and deposit ( the paid earnest will be turned into rent automatically) on

12、 the date of sig ning the con tract; otherwise, the earn est paid by Party B shall be owned by Party A, and Party A has the right to termi nate the con tract and rent the house to others. If after sig ning the con tract, Party A can n ot provide the house Party B at latest on the rental date, then P

13、arty A will return the double times of the earnest, and Party B has the right to termi nate the con tract.四、甲方的权利及义务 The rights and obligations of Party A4.1甲方须按时将整洁的出租房屋及其套内设备设施在良好的状态下交付乙方使用,并及时清理与租赁 房屋设备清单无关的设备。(房屋设备清单附后)Party A should provide a clea n house un der well equipped con diti ons to Pa

14、rty B for ren tal, and remove all the equipme nt which has no relations with the equipment list of the rental house. (The house equipment list is on the following appe ndix)4.2甲方有权监督乙方合法使用本房屋,如因乙方违法行为造成甲方责任或经济损失,由乙方负责承担。Party A has the right to monitoring Party B for legally using the house, if duti

15、es and economic losses was caused to Party A by Party B 'illegal actions, Party B should bear the responsibilities.4.3甲方有权授予代理人行使甲方的权利及义务。在签订本合同时,甲方或代理人应出示该房屋相关的 法律证明及身份证明,并保证其为本房屋的合法拥有人及具有合法地位。Party A has the right to en trust the age nt to exert the rights and obligati ons of Party A. Upon sig

16、 ning the con tract, Party Aor age nt should show the law certificate and Ide ntificati on certificate releva nt to this house to Party B, and guara ntee thathe is the legal owner of this house and has legal positi on.4.4 租赁期内,甲方未经同意不得进入乙方租赁房屋。否则乙方有权采取相关措施保护自身权益。During the rental period, Party A sho

17、uld enter the house only after consent of Party B.4.5 租赁期满后,甲方应与乙方共同清点室内设备设施,如设备设施良好,且乙方已经结清因使用本房 屋所产生的各项费用(如水、电、燃气费,上网、电话费,有线收视费,停车费等)后十日内,甲 方应将全额押金退还给乙方。After rental period, Party A shall count the equipment and facilities inside the room together with Party B, if the equipment and facilities is i

18、n good conditions, and after 10 days that Party B has settled all the expenses for using this house (e.g. water, electricity, gas, network, telephone and wire TV , parking fees etc.), Party A shall return all the earnest to Party B.4.6 租赁期满后,甲方有权收回本房屋,无须另行通知乙方。如乙方逾期不搬,甲方可向当地人民法院 申请强制执行,因此所受经济损失由乙方承担

19、。After the rental period is valid, Party A has the right to take the house back and need not inform Party B. If Party B will not move after the expired date, Party A should apply to the local people 's court for compulsive execution, and economic loss caused due to this shall be borne by Party B

20、.4.7 本合同终止后,乙方应及时将本人物品及时搬出本房屋,逾期五日不搬,视为乙方放弃其所属权, 甲方有权自行处理。After the contract is valid, Party B shall move his personal belongings out of this house, if over 5 days after the validating date, it will regard that Party B will abandon his ownership of those things, and Party A has the right to deal wit

21、h them by himself.五、乙方的权利及义务 The rights and obligations of Party B5.1 乙方按照本合同的约定条款,按时支付押金和租金后有权使用本房屋。Party B has the right to use this house after paying deposit and rent according to the agreed items of this contract.5.2 乙方应按期缴纳因使用本房屋而产生的各项费用(如水、电、燃气费,上网、电话费,有线收视费, 停车费等)。Party B shall pay all the e

22、xpenses arisen by using this house (such as water, electricity, gas, network, telephone and wire TV, parking fees etc.),5.3 乙方应妥善使用本房屋内的各项设备设施,如因乙方原因损坏应照价赔偿。Party B shall properly use the equipment and facilities inside this house, if they are artificially damaged by Party B, Party B shall be respon

23、sible for repairing the restore the original status or compensating economically according to its actual value before it is damaged.5.4 本合同终止后,乙方应及时将本人物品及时搬出本房屋,逾期五日不搬,视为乙方放弃其所属权, 甲方有权自行处理。After the contract is valid, Party B shall move his personal belongings out of this house, if over 5 days after

24、 the validating date, it will regard that Party B will abandon his ownership of those things, and Party A has the right to deal with them by himself.5.5 租赁期满后,如乙方在租期内未违反本合同的约定,且在与其他承租人条件同等的前提下,享有优 先承租权。After the rental date expired, if Party B will not breach the stipulations of this contract, and u

25、nder the preconditions that his condition is as same as other renters, he has the preferential right to rent the house.5.6 乙方应注意防水防火,如因乙方原因发生水灾或火灾,乙方应承担相关民事责任、刑事责任及相关 经济赔偿。Party B shall pay attention to waterproof and anti-fire disaster, if the flood or fire disaster arisen due to Party B's reas

26、on,Party B shall bear the relevant civil and criminal duties and the relative economic compensation.六、房屋的使用与修缮 The use and repairing of the house6.1 租赁期内,甲方应保障该房屋的各项设备设施的使用安全。Within the rental period, Party A shall guarantee the safety of the equipment and facilities of this house. 非乙方的责任,发生本房屋的各项设备

27、设施有损坏或故障时,乙方应及时通知甲方修复;甲方应在 接到乙方通知后的十五日内进行维修并承担相应维修费用;超出以上时间未修复的,甲方减免当月 租金作为补偿。If it is not Party B 's duty, the equipment and facilities has damages and malfunctions, Party B shall inform Party A to repair; Party A shall repair it within 15 days after being informed by Party B and bear relevant

28、repairing expenses; if above time is exceeded and no repairing is done, the rental period will be extended for correspondent time, and Party B has no obligation to pay the extended rent for the house;6.1.2 因乙方的责任造成本房屋的各项设备设施有损坏或故障时,乙方应及时修复并承担相应的维修费 用;因此给甲方造成经济损失的,由乙方负责承担。If it is seriously influence

29、 Party B 's use, Party B has the right to terminate the contract. If it is Party B 's duty to cause the equipment and facilities 'damages and malfunctions, Party B shall repair in time and bear the correspondent repairing expenses; and cause economic loss to Party A due to this, Party wi

30、ll bear the compensation.6.2 未经甲方同意,乙方不得擅自变更本房屋内外结构或改变装修及使用性质,如有改动需要负责恢复 原状及承担给甲方造成的经济损失;正常使用造成的磨损除外。If Party A is not agreed, Party B shall not presume to change the structure and decoration or nature of use of the house, if there are some change, he should restore the original condition and compen

31、sate the economic loss caused to Party A; but it is not including the normal wear and tear caused by normal use.6.3 对于乙方的装修、改善和增设的设备设施,甲方不负责修缮。For Party B 's decoration, improving and equipment increasing, Party A shan 'tbe responsible for repairing.七、违约处理 Treatment for breaching the stipula

32、tions7.1 甲方有下列行为之一的,乙方有权解除本合同:If party A has one of the following actions, Party B has the right to terminate the contract;7.1.1 甲方不能提供本房屋的产权证明或所提供的房屋及各项设备设施不符合约定条件,严重影响乙方 使用;Party A can not provide the ownership certificate of the house or the house, equipment and facilities provided do not conform

33、 to the stipulated conditions and seriously influence Party B's use.7.1.2 甲方未尽房屋修缮义务,严重影响乙方使用。Party A does not bear the repairing obligations, and seriously influence Party B 's use.7.1.3 因甲方原因造成本合同的无法继续履行的,在乙方已经结清因使用该房屋所产生的各项费用的前 提下,乙方所交付的租金按日结算,甲方应退还乙方已经支付但没有使用的租金及押金,并赔偿乙 方相当于两个月房租的违约金。Due

34、 to Party A 's reason causing that this contract can not be fulfilled, under the preconditions that all the expenses of this house are paid off, the rent of Party B should be calculated day by day, Party A should return Party B the paid but not used rent and deposit and compensate Party B breach

35、ing fee which is equal to two months rent.7.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权解除本合同:If Party B has one of the following actions, party A has the right to terminate the contract:7.2.1 乙方未经甲方书面同意,转租、转借本房屋,或者未按期缴纳本合同约定的各项费用,累计金额 超过一个月房租;Without Party A 's written consent, Party B rent and lend this house, or does n

36、ot pay the expenses stipulated in this contract, the accumulated amount is exceeding one month rent;7.2.2 乙方未经甲方书面同意,擅自拆改变动本房屋的内外结构,损坏本房屋的设备设施不及时修复, 或者改变本房屋的使用性质;Party B presumes to change the structure of this house, damage the equipment and facilities of his house without repairing, or change the

37、nature of use of this house.7.2.3 乙方利用该房屋存放危险物品或进行违法活动;Party B utilizes this house to store dangerous articles and doing illegal actions;7.2.4 甲方因以上原因与乙方解除本合同,甲方无须退还乙方所交付的押金;如押金不能赔偿因此给甲 方带来的经济损失,甲方可再向乙方追偿。If Party A terminates the contract according to above reasons, Party A need not to return the d

38、eposit paid by Party B, if the deposit can not compensate the economic loss caused to Party A, Party A can claim Party B for more compensations.725乙方未按本合同约定支付租金,如乙方逾期未付,须按日加付其月租金的5 %o作为滞纳金;逾期七日仍未支付房租视为乙方自动退租,甲方有权要求乙方支付两个月房租作为违约金,并与乙方解 除 本合同,收回出租房屋。If Party B does not pay the rent according to the st

39、ipulations of this contract, and over the stipulated dates, the late fee (5% of one month rent) should be paid according to dates, if over 7 days, the rent is not paid, it will be regarded that Party B will automatically return the rental house, Party A has the right to require Party B to pay two mo

40、nth rent as breaching fee (if getting consent from Party B, the deposit can be regarded as breaching fee), and terminates this contract for Party B to take the rental house back.7.3 本合同自签订之日起,甲、乙双方均不得借故解除合同,任何一方违反本合同约定,应支付未 违约方两个月房租作为违约金。From the date of signing the contract, Party A and Party B sha

41、ll not find excuse to terminate the contract, otherwise, he will be regarded as breaching the contract, and then, he should pay two month rent as breaching fee to the party who is not breaching the contract.八、免责条件 Disclaimer8.1 因不可抗力因素或国家政策需要拆迁或改造,致使本合同不能继续履行或造成损失,甲、乙双方互 不承担责任。Because of force majeu

42、re or house removal and reconstruction according to the State policies to cause that the contract can not continue to be fulfilled or cause loss, both Party A and Party B will not bear the responsibility.8.2 因上述原因而终止本合同的,租金按照实际使用的时间计算,不足整月的按天计算,多退少补。If the con tract is term in ated because of above

43、reas ons, the rent should be calculated accord ing to actual using time, if the period is not whole mon th, the rent should be calculated accord ing to dates, more money should be retur ned, and less money should be compe nsated.8.3不可抗力系指“不可预见,不可避免并不能克服的客观情况”。Force majeure is “ un foreseen on-avoida

44、ble and disc onq uerable impers onal situati ons ”.8.4本合同的租赁期满后,本合同自然终止。After the ren tal period is expired, this con tract is n aturally termi nated.九、争议解决 Solutions of disputes如本合同发生争议,由甲、乙双方协商或申请调解,协商或调解不成的,按下列方式解决(以下两种方式只能选择一种):提请仲裁委员会仲裁依法向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。If disputes arise n for this con tract, n

45、egotiati ons should be made betwee n Party A and Party B or in termediati on should be applied, if n egotiati on and in termediati on can not be successful, the follow ing methods for soluti on should be chose n (only one of the two method should be chosen) submission to arbitration/ initiate a publ

46、ic prosecution to jurisdiction people 'court accord ing to law十、其它 Others10.1本合同未尽事宜,经甲、乙双方协商一致,可订立补充条款;补充条款及附件均为本合同组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。Parties hereto may con clude suppleme nt items through n egotiati on matters not men ti oned here in; The suppleme nt items and appe ndixes are all comp onents of this con tract, which has the same law force with this con tract.10.2本合同一式叁份,由甲、乙双方各执一份,代理方执一份为向甲方收


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