



1、Etiquette in Daily Life Iw . How to Sit, Stand, and Walk Gracefullyw The girl who knows how to sit, stand, and walk gracefully possesses a beauty asset of a very desirable kind, while the appearance of the prettiest woman is spoiled by a slouching deportment. A plain girl who holds herself erect, mo

2、ves easily, lightly, and gracefully, has a "presence" of which many of her prettier sisters may be envious.w For health reasons, also, it is exceedingly important that every woman should try to acquire a good carriage and graceful deportment. Although it is true that some women are more bl

3、essed by nature than others in this respect, a good deal can be done by physical culture. Carelessness is the real cause of slipshod walking, slouching attitudes, and round shoulders. w If you hold yourself badly, if you are aware that your carriage lacks the desirable quality of grace, and your fig

4、ure droops in the wrong places, you can alter the fact if you like. w How is it done? In the first place, realise your defects. Look at yourself carefully, critically, and with unbiassed mind in a full-length mirror. Notice if your chin pokes forward, if your shoulders droop, if you stand straight o

5、r tend to rest on one or the other foot, to assume a lop-sided position unconsciously. w Probably you shuffle your feet in walking, or take mincing steps. Perhaps you sit huddled in a chair, and have got into the habit of lying in the wrong attitude whilst asleep. Each one of these defects will have

6、 to be corrected.How:The next thing is to practise how to sit, stand, and walk gracefully. By sitting well back in a chair, with the lower part of the spine supported by its back, and the feet resting upon the floor, comfort and support are both ensured, and the spine is held erect at the same time.

7、w In standing, the main point is to stand erect, with the weight equally distributed on both feet, so that a straight line could be drawn from the forehead to the feet. Too many women stand with the lower part of the body protruding, and imagine that they are standing upright.w trainingw To walk pro

8、perly the head should be held up, the shoulders braced, and the feet lifted, to avoid scraping the soles along the ground.Useful ExercisesThese exercises are very popular in Belgium, and many of the Flemish girls are exceedingly agile, muscular, yet graceful, with wonderful control over their muscle

9、s.w Stand with the right fist in the hollow of the right shoulder and the left arm hanging by the side.w The right arm is thrust forcibly into the air, whilst the left closed fist is placed in the hollow of the left shoulder.w Shoot the left arm into the air and bring the right fist to the right sho

10、ulder.w Let the right arm sink to the side whilst the left hand rests on the left shoulder.w How to acquire a graceful carriage. The basket should have something heavy in the bottom to prevent it from slipping. Address Terms & Introduction. Address Termsw In communications, addressing someone is

11、 a very important social intercourse. Addressing has significant social functions: the recognition of the social identity, the social position, the role of the addressee and of the interrelations between the addresser and the addressee. It can establish, maintain and reinforce all kinds of interpers

12、onal relations. We can use title (T), first name (FN), last name (LN), nickname, combination of these, or nothing to address someone.w In general, address terms fall into four groups: kinship terms, social titles (genetic titles, official titles and occupational titles), names and demonstrative pron

13、ouns.w Social titles refer to address people according to their social positions, such as the occupation, academic rank, and the title of a technical or professional post. Social titles include genetic titles, official titles and occupational titles. Social titles stemmed from social structure and p

14、ersonal relation. Some titles are different in pronunciation, but they are similar in the meaning. They are genetic titles. Genetic titles refer to address people in any social positions regardless of occupation or academic rank. w Sir and Madam is a set of respectful title. In fact, they stemmed fr

15、om two sets of respectful titles used for feudal aristocrats: Sir and Lady; Monsieur and Madame. w Generally speaking, Sir and Madam cannot be used with the surname. Sir is used for the inferior to the superior, the descendant to the ancestor, the soldier to the commander, the student to the teacher

16、, and the shop assistant to the male customer. Madam is the respectful title for women. w In addition, in business letters, people use Sir or Madam to address unfamiliar men or women, such as Dear Sir or Dear Madam. Sir can be combined with the full name or the given name, but not the surname. When

17、Sir is used with the full name or the given name, it loses its original meaning but indicates the rank of nobility, such as, Sir John White or Sir John. Madam is mainly used with the surname or official titles, such as Madam Smith, or Madam Ambassador. w Lady is another address term for women. Befor

18、e a conference, we usually say, “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Lady is usually combined with the ladys surname, say, Lady Smith. It can also be used with official titles, such as Lady President. As a respectful title, the single and plural forms of Lady can be used on its own. w Mr. and Mrs. is another set

19、 of respectful title. Mr. is the abbreviation of Mister, and Mister is changed from Master. Mrs. is the abbreviation of Mistress. Mr. and Mrs. can be used with the surname or the full name, but not the first name, such as Mr. John Smith, Mr. Smith or Mrs. Smith. w Mr. is usually used for people with

20、out official titles. However, sometimes it can also be used with official titles, place names, nation names, sports or occupation, such as Mr. President, Mr. America or Mr. Baseball. Mr. can also be used on its own, written as Mister. For example, “Hey, Mister, you dropped your wallet.” w Mrs. is us

21、ually used for married women. It is used with the husbands surname, such as Mrs. White. Mrs. can be used with place names, nation names, sports or occupation, such as Mrs. America. Mrs. can also be used on its own, written as Missis that is usually used with “the” to indicate housewives. w Miss, use

22、d for single women, stemmed from Mistress. Miss is usually used with the surname and the full name, and it can also be used with place names or an activity to mean the woman in one place or an activity, such as Miss America or Miss Industry, 1971. Generally speaking, Miss cannot be combined with the

23、 first name, however, in American South, this usage is acceptable, such as Miss Lillian. This new usage expresses the respect and intimacy to the addressee.w In recent years, females feel that by taking their husbands surname they lose their own identity. Therefore, a new title appeared: Ms. Ms. is

24、used for any woman without the indication of the marital status. w Official Titles w Official titles refer to address people according to their titles of technical or professional post. They are usually used by the inferior to the superior, sometimes by the superior to the inferior. w In English-spe

25、aking countries, people with official titles prefer official titles + LN to Sir + LN, for Sir is used for ordinary people or people without official titles in academic field. Many Chinese use Sir + LN to address Westerners in academic field. It is regarded as disrespect and deliberate degradation of

26、 the addressee. In fact, Sir, equivalent to xinshng in Chinese, is regarded as respectful title by Chinese. w In academic field, Professor and Doctor are two common official titles. Doctor and Professor cannot be used on their own. They must be combined with the last name, such as Professor Davis or

27、 Doctor White. Doctor is not only an official title but also a respectful title. Only those who get the degree of Medical Doctor (MD) can be addressed by Doctor on its own, while those without the degree of MD can only be addressed by Doctor + LN. w Some other official titles are usually used in the

28、 royal family, the government, the military, the religion or the law circle, such as, Queen Elizabeth, Senator Brown, General Patten, Father Bright or Judge Harley. In the above official titles, Father, General, Colonel, etc, can be used on their own. Your Majesty, His Majesty or Her Majesty is used

29、 to address King or Queen; Your Highness is used to address Prince or Princess; Your Honor is used to address judge. w Compared with America, official titles in China are more common. Addressing people by official titles is very popular in China. There are a lot of official titles in China, in the a

30、dministrative department, there is zhxí(chairman), zngl(prime minister), bùzhng(minister), etc. In the military, there is slìng(commander), jnzhng(arm commander), shzhng(division commander), etc. In academic and technical field, there is jiàoshòu(Professor), jingsh(Lecturer)

31、, gngchéngsh(engineer), etc. w These official titles can be used on their own. They can also be used together with the surname or the full name and be placed after it. w  Other Address Terms w Besides the above address terms, there are many other address terms in America and China. w In Am

32、erica, the universal use is to call someone by his or her first name, which is the indication of intimacy and familiarity. In some American universities, teachers can even be called by their names without the feeling of intrusion and impoliteness. This common practice reflects peoples expectation of

33、 close relationship between each other. However, it is not proper to call people by their first names who are with titles or high positions, such as governor or diplomat. It is safer to use the title + LN at first. w In China, there is widespread use of lo (old) and xio (little) in conjunction with

34、last names as polite forms. They are used not only between intimates but also to mark social distinctions between non-intimates. They have the connotation of equality, kind and affection. An inferior may address a superior by lo +LN, such as lo wáng. Another form of address used to elderly offi

35、cials and scholars is LN + lo, such as wáng lo. w  e.g. Sir, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss, Msw  Mr. Chairman; Mr. President; Mr. Americaw Bishop Gray ; Captain Simmondsw Dr. Brown ; Professor Bloomw Father White; General Clarkw Judge Harly; President Rooseveltw Prince Charles; Queen Maryw S

36、enator Smithw How can I address you? How are you related?(kinship terms)w My name is CrawfordJames Crawford. Call me James.w Dont call me Mrs. Pullen, just call me Salley.w  . IntroductionMastering the art of the effortless introduction will set your introductions apart from anyone else's.

37、When you are the bridge between two people who have not yet met, both appreciate your ability to handle a smooth introduction without making either person feel ill at ease.w How to introduce someone else to one other personw The trick to introducing someone else to one other person is to start by ad

38、dressing the person who holds the position of honor. This can be the oldest person, the most senior executive, or the highest ranking person by some other hierarchy.w For the introduction itself, look each person in the eye, clearly announce the other person and include a very brief remark about the

39、 person being introduced so they can place each other in context. These examples illustrate the process:w 1.- Grandma, I'd like you to meet Mark Ross, my roommate from college. Mark, this is my grandmother, Mrs. Lee.w 2. -Judge Perkins, may I introduce my law partner, Mark Ross. Mark, meet Judge

40、 Perkins.w -Mark, this is our summer law clerk, Kim Park. Kim, this is Mark Ross, my partner.w Never fail to introduce two people to one another when you are with one person and the two of you encounter another person who interrupts you. If possible, make the introduction before you respond to the i

41、nterruption. Thus, if your assistant tracks you down at a restaurant while you're having lunch with your grandmother:w 3. - Grandma, this is my assistant, Mary. Actually, Grandma, she's more like my boss. -Mary, this is my grandmother, Mrs. Lee. Now, Mary, what did you need from me?w How to introduce someone else to more than one other personw Group introductions often happen at the workplace or in school. Perhaps you are the one who walks the new employees around the office, o


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