



1、一、词义猜测题常用的设问方式有:1. The word “” refers to / probably means / could best be replaced by2. The word “” is most likely to mean.3. What do you thi nk the word / expressi onstands for?4. The un derl ined wordmea ns二、猜测词义的常见方法:1.定义法(1)Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixi ng for

2、eig n food such as caribou, wild boar, and rein deer with surpris ing sauces.A. a place in which you can see many mobile homesB. a mountain where you can get a good view of the valleyC. a tow n which happe ns to be n ear the Banff Nati onal ParkD. a restaura nt where you can ask for some special kin

3、ds of foodQuietly, the gray ing of America has made us a very differe nt societyonein which people have a quite different ideas of what kind of behavior(行为)is suitable at various ages.A. a society B. AmericaC. a placeD. populati on2. 对比法She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrive

4、d in the middle of her first class.A. on timeB. lateC. slowlyD. quicklyA child ' s birthday party doesnave to bet a hassle; it can be a basket of fun.A. a party desig ned by specialistsB. a pla n requiri ng careful thoughtC. a situati on caus ing difficulty or troubleD. a dema nd made by guests3

5、. 因果法But,” began Kim, “feel that since you are my superior(上司),it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do”A. full of respectB. too con fide nt and rudeC. lacki ng in experie neeD. too shy4. 例举法Although the hazards of the trip were manyfor example, the un bearableheat, the lack of water, t

6、he possibility of getting lost, the presenee of wild animals and pois onous sn akeColli ns n evertheless decided that she must go.A. pleasures B. convenien ces C. dan gersD. comforts5. 构词法The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time. It is true that lighthouses wer

7、e built in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day, this very isolation(孤立状态)has a natural beauty that many people will love to experie nee.A. far away B. dan gerousC. ancientD. secret6. 上下文He soun ded quite n ervous and he had bee n talk ing for a minute or so before I un dersta n

8、d any thi ng. Eve n the n all I couldmake out was that some one called Milly had had a very bad accide nt.A. see clearlyB. un dersta ndC. expect D. produceHe is a resolute man. Once he made up his mind to do something, he won t give it up halfway.A. weakB. firmC. kindD. clever练习题:The ruler had bee n

9、 so cruel and dish on est that after the revoluti on she was banished. A few members of the Sen ate opposed(反M) this decisi on, but the majority(大部分人)voted that the ruler should leave the country forever.A. killed by sto ningB. sent awayC. impris onedD. puni shed by whipp ing.The pris oner seemed to

10、 relax but actually he was thinking hard, while his hand moved so slowly that the movement was imperceptible. It was only when the keys accidentally fell from the table that the guard suddenly realized that the prisoner s hand had almost reached them.A. hardly no ticeableB. heavy-ha ndedC. not capab

11、le of fast or immediate actio nD. a matter of habitMrs. Morgan' son was intelligent and charming, but his continual extravagance made her wonder if she could continue to support him. Each month she was going deeper into debt, attempti ng to pay for his expe nsive purchas购买 的东西).A. superior manne

12、rB. wastef uln ess or careless ness in spe nding moneyC. show ing too great concern for curre nt fashi onsD. i nsults to family or close frie ndsAfter a four-year relatio nship with a major fortune 100 compa ny beg inning as a sales trainee and ending as a regi ona地区的)sales man ager, I left the comp

13、a ny at the height of my career. Many people were astounded that I would leave after earning a six-figure in come. And they asked why I would risk everyth ing for a dream.A. very sad B. very sorry C. very pleased D. greatly surprisedMy first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed(犁地) the cane field

14、s. I would walk behind an ox, guiding him with a broomstick. For $1 a day, I worked eight hours straight, with no food breaks. It was very tedious work, but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons. Because the plantation owners were always watchi ng us, I had to be on time every d

15、ay and work as hard as I could.A. i nteresti ngB. tiresome C. relaxi ngD. challe ngingAs the oceans are the source of life on earth, the estuaries河口 ) are our planet'nurseries (温床).An estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocea n. Salt water from the ocea n and fresh water from the

16、 river mix together in an estuary. This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds a zone betwee n the land and the sea. Estuaries are the homes of thousa nds of ani mals and pla nts. Many cities and tow ns are built n ear estuaries, and a lot of fish i

17、s caught in estuaries.A. perfectB. stra nge C. clea nD. specialIf your child is unwilling to discuss something, don ' t insist he tell you whas on his mind. The more you insist, the morelikely that he ll clam up.A. become excitedC. refuse to talkB. show respectD. seek help(8)A bike tour and race

18、 will be held on Aug 26 and 27. At 5:30 am, the riders will leave Tia n'anmen Square and ride the first 35 km as a trai ning leg. The n the n ext 55 Km leg from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competition.A. raceB. practiceC. part of the trai ningD. part of the tour and race(9)Un like vitamin C, leadership skills can't be easily swallowed(吞)dow n. They must be carefully cultivated ”A. en couraged B. compared C. exam inedD. developed(10)Most women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban(城市的)and rural(乡下的),the young and old work to earn an in come in additi on


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