1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 高三英语第一轮复习第一册课本知识系统复习1-3单元1.How are you getting along? 2.get alongon 3.They are getting alongon well with each other 4.He asked how we were getting alongon with the job 5.不管你信不信,在来到美国的第二天,我就被送到学校去了。 6.不管你信不信。 7.If you dont believe me,you can ask somebody else 8.We believe that
2、 he will try his best to finish the job 10.He believed in Marxism 11.我感到有点害怕。 12.a bit 13.The weather is a bit cold 14.She is feeling a bit tired 15.看到这么多陌生的面孔,我感到很惊奇。 16.be surprised 17.We were surprised to learn that he failed in the exam 18.I was surprised to see him there 19.white and black 20.我
3、真想哭。 21.to feel like something(doing something) 22. He feels like sleeping 23.我现在不想吃苹果。 24.He doesnt feel like(having)a rest 25.Do you feel like(having)a walk with me? 26.It feels like wood 27.我真不知那天我是怎么设法度过的。 28.没人帮忙他可应付不了。 29.这是专为我这样的外国学生开设的课。30.Is there anything special in todays newspaper? 31.Th
4、eyre kind and very careful not to hurt the students 32.He decided not to go home 33.I told him not to open the door 34.在我们学校有一句格言:玩中学。 35.Saying and doing should agree with each other 36. It is a common saying that seeing is believing 37. 我喜欢他们在这所学校的教学方法。 38.I know youve started a new term 39.你一切都好吗
5、? 40.或者它是我们不能控制的东西,如天气? 41.这辆汽车失去了控制。 42.但是时间不止如此,它还是一种有价值的资源。 more than 不止、多于 43.她何止是漂亮。 44.一千多人参加了会议。 45.那就是为什么人们爱说:时间就是金钱。 46.因为人们认为,时间是一种有限的资源, Company Limited 有限责任公司缩47.看来他们都想要充分利用时间。 48.It seems that . 49.经理似乎很生气。 50.to make the best use of 51.Well try to make the best use of the resource 52.你
6、热爱生命吗?如果爱就不要浪费时间,因为生命就是由时间构成的。 53.be made of 54.Cloth is made of cotton 55.由制成/制造(制成品看不出原料)。 56.Paper is made from wood 57.One also has to know what is ahead for the day . 58.之前,提前,事先。 What is ahead for the meeting? 59.But we have to admit that no one can master time 60.Russian is a difficult langua
7、ge to master 61.房屋的主人在哪儿? 62.时间像天气一样难以预报。 be hard to do sth 难于干某事63.English is not very hard to learn 64.今天能完成的事绝不要留到明天去做。 65.朋友在我们的生活中担任重要角色。 66.play a part in 在中起作用play an important part in 在中起重要作用play an active part in 在中起积极作用play a significant part in 在中起重大作用67.Weather plays an important part in
8、 agriculture 68.The old workers are playing an active part in the plant 69.We may get on well with a number of people,but we usually make friends with only a very few of them 70.get on well with sb 71.The twins get along very well with their classmates 72.Im getting on very well with my studies 73.
9、a number of 74.There were a large number of people there 75.A great number of students come to visit the Great Wall every year76. make friends with sb 77. Have you made friends with your new classmates? 78.事实上,人们可能有各种各样的朋友,比如校友, 79.in fact 80.In fact he was the one who broke the glass 81.He doesnt m
10、indIn fact hes pleased 82.such as . 83.We study several subjects,such as Chinese,math,English and physics 84. 一个亲密的朋友是一个能与你分享经验、快乐和痛苦的人。 85.share . with . 86.The boyshared his toy with other children 87.Why dont we share the expenses with them? 88.This is a person you can rely on when you are in nee
11、d 89.to rely on upon 90.Now we rely more and more on computers rely on sb to do sth 表示指望某人做、相信某人会的意思。91.I rely on her to pay back the money 92.A friend in need is a friend indeed 93.这是你愿向他伸出援助之手的人。 be willing to do sth中,表示愿意干某事。 94.Are you willing to accept their invitation? 95.不过,要求朋友为你做一切事,那是太过了 。
12、96.too much 97.You have given me too much 98.Theres too much salt in the soup 99.expect sb to do sth 100.What do you expect me to say? 101.She expected us to wait for her there 102.You cant expect to learn a foreign language in a week 103.Food for Thought 104.Books are our mental food 105.一天他父亲给了他一袋
13、钉子,并告诉他每当他发脾气时就在后面的栅栏上钉颗钉子。 106.every time 107.每次见到他时,他都在读书。 108.Every time I catch a cold,I have a pain in my back 109.lose ones temper 110.keep ones temper 111.Im sorryDont lose your temperI will do my best to do it well next time 112.在接下来的日子里,钉子的数量越来越少了。 113.the number of 114.The number of studen
14、ts in our class is fifty(动词用单数形式) 115.less and less: 116.这男孩一点也不发脾气的这一天终于来到了。 117.not.at all 118.He said that he did not have any trouble at all 119.这只箱子太重了,我根本搬不动。 120.这男孩最后能够告诉他父亲所有的钉子都拔完了。 121.All my hope is gone 122.Finally the day came 123.We must settle this problem finally 124.这位父亲拉着儿子的手,把他领到
15、栅栏前。 125.take sb by the hand take sb by the arm take sb in ones arms 怀里抱着 126.The mother took the child by the hand and crossed the street 127.当你生气发火的时候,你所讲的话留下了就像这洞一样的伤痕。 128.in anger 129.He told me the truth angrilyin anger 130.即使你表示抱歉,所受的伤害仍然存在。 131.even ifeven though 132. We like English even if
16、 it is rather difficult for us 133. 你若用言语伤害一个人,造成的伤痕和肉体上的伤痕是一样的。 134. 他们使你微笑并感到幸福。 135.make sb do sth 136.You must make him work better 137. 自从那时这孩子从不跟朋友打架了。 138.fight withagainst 139.He should fight with difficulties 140.Brave it out 141.你同意生活是公平的这一观点吗? 142.agree with sb。 143.agree with sth 144.I d
17、ont agree with you 145. I completely agree with your views on the problem 146.He has agreed to our suggestion about the holiday 147.他的问题提得好。 148.它使我想起我年青时学到的东西。 149.remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事。 150.有时我们为自己感到难过,认为生活就应该是如此。 151.feel sorry for sb 为某人感到难过(不安)。又如:152.生活充满着挑战。 153.be full of 154.The bus is f
18、ull of people 155.我们看来不一样,我们有不同的经历。 look是系动词,意为看起来、显得。156.Your bedroom looks very nice 157.但是他从未放弃实现人生,而继续完成中学学业。 158.give up 159.She has given up the idea 160.go on to do sth(干完某事之后)接着干某事。161.After he finished writing the letter,he went on to read the text 区别于go on doing sth(连续不断地)继续干某事,如:162.He we
19、nt on reading the text for half an hour 163.key to the door 门钥匙164.现在他非常积极从事英语教学和帮助失学孩子。 165.be active in doing sth 166.He is active in helping classmates who have difficulties in their learning 167.be out of 168.The airplane is out of sight now 169.一个人会失败过好多次,但他永远不是一个失败者,除非他开始责怪别人。 170.一天一位著名的演说家给许
20、多人作演讲。 171.a crowd of 172.Youll always see a large crowd of people in the street on Sundays 173.他拿起一张20美元的钞票。 174.hold up 175.The student held up his hand to ask the teacher a question 176.空中仍然举着许多手。 177.go up 178.The temperature is going up 179.于是他把钞票扔在地上,并且开始用脚在上面踩。他又捡起那张钞票。 180.step by step 一步一步地
21、;逐步的 181.We can solve the problem step by step 182.pick up 183.You dropped the book on the floor,now you should pick it up 184.No matter what I did to the money,you still wanted it,because the bill did not lose its value 185.No matter 186.No matter how late he goes to bed,he always gets up early 187
22、.它仍然值20美元! 188.当这类事情发生时,我们感到忧愁,认为我们毫无价值。 189.feel depressed 感到忧伤(情绪低落) depressed adj忧伤的-less是后缀,表示没有,附加在名词后面构成形容词。类似结构还有:home 家 homeless 无家的use 用途 useless 无用的help 帮助 helpless 无助的;无依靠的friend朋友 friendless没有朋友的190.No pain, no gain 4-12单元1.人们把业余爱好看得很重要。 2.He has a lot of (lots of) friends 3.She spends l
23、ots of (a lot of) money on clothes 4.业余爱好被认为不仅仅使人放松,而且也有利于培养个人性格。 5.The teachers think him to be a clever boy 6. He was thought to be an honest man. 7.This song is thought to be the most popular song 8.We must not only finish our task but also do it well 9.Not only you but also my brother reads Engl
24、ish every morning 10.Exercise is good for health 11.阳光对你的花草生长有好处。 12.Is this kind of food good for me? 13.家长和学校都应该鼓励孩子要有业余爱好。 14.Both teachers and students took part in the meeting 15.他们既会唱歌又会跳舞。 16.The teacher encouraged his students to ask questions in class17.她鼓励她妈妈减肥。 18.很多学校为孩子们提供课后俱乐部和各种活动以发展他
25、们的绘画、舞蹈或表演话剧之类的个人爱好。 19.He is providing food and clothes for our family after the flood 20.许多爱好可以独自一人进行,如集邮或收集钱币,陶艺或缝纫。 21.他能自己完成这项任务。 22.对于业余爱好来说,人们往往越来越多地把体育活动选作锻炼和休闲相结合的方式。 23.越来越多的人进入大厅。 24.The population in the city is larger and larger 25They chose Mr Wang as their group leader 26.一些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。 27.许多人认为体育锻炼不但有利于身体,而且有利于心智。 28.他们说锻炼有助于减肥,使人变得更有魅力, 29.这些人认为锻炼会帮助他们避免健康问题。 30.你必须尽量避免发生事故。 31只知工作不知累,把人搞得头昏又疲惫。 32.开发个人爱好是工作之余重要的活动之一。 33.当我们想到钱时,我们通常想到硬币或纸币。 34.她总是先想到别人。 35.每个国家、每个人都用硬币和纸币来购物。 36班里的每一个男孩和女孩
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