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1、6B教与学试卷小升初精选 初稿根据句意及首字母提示填空。1. A good driver should f_ the traffic rules and shouldnt drive too fast. (南京市江宁区2020)2. Today is Childrens Day. The students are singing and dancing h_ at school. (南京市江宁区2020)3. Yang Ling f_her homework very late last night. She was very tired. (南京市江宁区2020)4. People n_ t

2、o have a few eggs and some milk for their breakfast every day. (南京市江宁区2020)5. My sister is a good student. She n_ goes to school late. (南京市江宁区2020)6. Reading q_ in the library is a good habit. (南京市江宁区2020)7. Our summer holiday always e_ on the 31st of August. (南京市江宁区2020)8. Playing on the road is no

3、t s_. Yes, I agree with you. (南通市通州区2020)9. Mike wants to be a dentist in the f _. He wants to take care of people's t_.(常州市溧阳市 2020)10. Astronauts drive a s_ when they want to go to the moon. (淮安市淮安区2020) 11. My f_ season is spring. I usually have picnics in the park. (淮安市淮安区2020)12. Tina does

4、well at home. She k_ her room clean and t_. She also helps her parents. (常州市溧阳市 2020)13. It's good to w_ the flowers in the morning. (淮安市淮安区2020)14. My brother likes to read English newspapers and m_ in the library.(盐城市射阳县2020) 15. Twenty years ago, Mr Brown u_ the telephone at home and in the o

5、_ to call people. Now he has a mobile phone. (常州市溧阳市 2020) 16. Sport makes us s _ and brave. Please do more sport. (苏州常熟市2020)17. The woman in red is a taxi d _. She drives the car carefully. (苏州常熟市2020)18. China is a great c _ Chinese doctors and nurses are doing a lot for the world now. (苏州常熟市2020

6、)19. C_ D_ is on the first of June.20. We h_ a party last night. The party began at 8 oclock and e_ at 10 oclock.21. There are t_ months in a year. December is the t_.22. China is a beautiful c_. People in China welcome v_ from all over the world.23. 根据上下文及首字母提示, 完成下面的短文。(无锡市江阴市2020)Helen is a h_ gi

7、rl. She has many good h_. She always g_ to bed e_ and d_ much sport every day. She n_ feels sleepy in the morning. She likes d_ water. She c_ about her t_ very much. She d_ eat too much s_ food at a time. We should l_ from es/is; dream; travel around; future; National Day; Great Wall; photos;

8、 out; him; country well24. 根据首字母提示, 完成短文。(泰州市高港区2020)Joe has lots of good h_ He n_ g ets up 1_, so he goes to school early every morning. He r_ _English books at home. And he 1_to his teachers c_ at school. Joe has a h_ diet. Helikes v_ and f_. He only eats a few sweets a week, because sweets are ba

9、d for our t_.1-5 follow, happily, finished, need, never, 6-10 quietly, ends, safe, future, spaceship, 11-15 favourite, keeps, tidy, water, magazines, used, office, 16-18 strong, driver, country, Childrens Day; had, ended;21-22 twelve; twelfth; country; visitors23. healthy; habits; goes; early; does;

10、 never; drinking; cares; teeth, doesnt sweet; learn24. habits, never, late, reads, listens, carefully, healthy, vegetables, fruit, teeth用所给词的适当形式填空。1. It was little Tim's_ (two) birthday yesterday. (镇江市句容市2020)2. The bus_ (drive) are from the US. (镇江市句容市2020)3. Don't talk loudly. My brother_

11、 (sleep). I'm sorry. (镇江市句容市2020)4. _(Eat) too _(many) _ (sweet) _(be) bad for our_ (tooth) .(根据徐州市贾汪区2020小升初改编)5. Look at the red man. We _ (must) _ (cross)the road now. (无锡市江阴市2020)6. It's nine o'clock. They _ (watch)the football game. (无锡市江阴市2020)7. _ (protect)the Earth, we shouldn

12、9;t use too _ (much) plastic bags and bottles. (无锡市江阴市2020)8. _ you _ (go)to the park this weekend? No, I will have a _ (skate) lesson. (无锡市江阴市2020)9. It's not safe _ (skate) on the road. (盐城市射阳县2020)10. The boy looked _ (happy)at his kite in the sky. (盐城市射阳县2020)11. Suddenly, a tiger _ (出现).The

13、 girl saw it and cried loudly. (盐城市射阳县2020)12. I bought some_ (tomato)this afternoon. Ill cook some _(tomato)soup this evening. (徐州市铜山区)13. Look! Su Hai is_(dance). Yes, she wants to be a_ (dance) (徐州市铜山区)14. Follow the rules, and we can cross the road _ (safe). (徐州市铜山区)15. I _ (study)in Australia n

14、ext year. Lucky you! (徐州市铜山区)16. It is important and good for us to brush our_ (牙齿)after meals. (淮安市淮阴区2020)17. People on the farm welcome _ (游客). (淮安市淮阴区2020)18. There _ (be)any meat in the fridge last night. (南通市崇川区2020)19. Nancy does_ (good)at school. She is good at _ (paint) pictures.(扬州市宝应县2020

15、)20. The baby_ (sleep) now. Please speak _ (quiet). (扬州市宝应县2020)21. Id like _ (be)a _ (write) in the future. (扬州市宝应县2020)22. We use_ to make bags and bottles, but too _plastic is bad for the Earth. (南通市通州区2020)23. They're_. They_ some storybooks years ago. (write) (镇江市丹阳市2020)24. Listen! Bobby a

16、nd Tina_ (chat)in the living room. (镇江市丹阳市2020)25. The girls _ (use) the bottles _ (make)a lovely doll tomorrow. (镇江市丹阳市2020)26. We should move these _ (工厂)away from our city. (镇江市丹阳市2020)27. The _ (塑料)bags are bad for the environment. (镇江市丹阳市2020)28. Please wait on the _ (人行道)and look out for cars.

17、 (镇江市丹阳市2020)29. We can't go _ (旅行)this summer holiday. (镇江市丹阳市2020)30. Mike and Bill are good friends, but they're in different _(class). (苏州市昆山市2020)31. The weather is usually_ in spring here. It_ yesterday. (rain)(苏州市昆山市2020)32. Mr Green is our new_. He_ us English next term. (teach) (苏州市

18、昆山市2020)33. Peter is asking a policeman how _ (get)to the bus station. (苏州市昆山市2020) 34. The girl saw a _ and_ (又大又壮)bear. She was afraid. (无锡市惠山区2020)35. Yang Ling usually_ _ _(完成她的家庭作业) before dinner. (无锡市惠山区2020)36. My aunt will_ _ _ (回去)Shanghai tomorrow. (无锡市惠山区2020)37. Mr Green_ _ in the_ (正坐在花

19、园里)and reading an ebook. (无锡市惠山区2020)38. Its cold outside. Please_ _ your_ (穿上你的 夹克衫). (无锡市惠山区2020)39. My brother is ill. I should_ _ _ _ (照顾他). (无锡市惠山区2020)40. Tom是我的笔友。他来自澳大利亚。Tom有个伟大的梦想。他想将 来环游世界。去年国庆节假期, 他参观了长城并拍了许多照片。今年, 他打 算去美国。他将查找一些关于美国的知识。这样可以帮助他很好地了解这 个国家。Tom is my penfriend. He_ from Aust

20、ralia. Tom has a great_. He wants to_ _the world in the _. Last_ _holiday, he visited the_ _and took many_. Hell go to the US this year. Hell find_ about the US on the Internet. It can help _ know the _ _.1-5 second, drivers, is sleeping, Eating, many, sweets, is, teeth, mustnt, cross, 6-10 are watc

21、hing, To protect, many, to skate, happily, 11-15 appeared, tomatoes, tomato, dancing, dancer, safely, will study, 16-20 teeth, visitors, wasnt, well, painting, is sleeping, quietly, 21-25 to be, writer, plastic, much, writers, wrote, are chatting, will use, to make, 26-30factories, plastic, pavement

22、, travelling, classes, 31-35 rainy, rained, teacher, teaches, to get, large, strong, finishes her homework, 36-39go back to; is sitting; garden; put on, jacket ; take care of him; 单项选择( )1. What can you_ on the book? Picture? Where is it? I can't_ it. (镇江市句容市2020) A. look; look for B. see; look

23、for C. see; find( )2. Does Tom learn English _? Yes, he often_ English books after dinner. (淮安市淮安区2020) A. good; reads B. well; reads C. well; looks( )3. Bobby did his homework _, so he went to bed late. (淮安市淮安区2020) A. slowly B. easily C. quickly( )4. Miss Li is_ her students _the Chinese festivals

24、. (淮安市淮安区2020) A. talking to; for B. talk about; for C. talking to; about( )5. _the twins_ in the music room now? (淮安市淮安区2020) A. Is; dancing B. Are; dancing C. Does; dance( )6. When we cross the road, we must_ cars and bikes.(宿迁市泗洪县2020) A. look out of B. look for C. look out for( )7. Mum, this is

25、my study plan for the new term. _ (宿迁市泗洪县2020) A. That's right Sam. B. That's all right C. Well done( )8. Sam was_ because the game was wonderful. (宿迁市泗洪县2020) A. tiredB. angry C. excited( )9. My father_ an email_ his friend last night. (淮安市淮阴区2020) A. wrote; from B. wrote; to C. writes; for

26、( )10. Travelling _people_. (淮安市淮阴区2020) A. makes; happy B. make; happily C. makes; happily( )11. My sister was very_. She played _at the party. (镇江市句容市2020) A. exciting; happy B. excited; happily C. excited; happy( )12. There is_ “u”in _word "use”. (镇江市句容市2020) A. a; the B. an; the C. an; a( )

27、13. It is often_ in Chengdu, so people always_ umbrella. (镇江市句容市2020) A. rainy; carry B. rains; carries C. rainy; carries( )14. 我们在读 “I told him what I did yesterday."这句话时, 要注意_和_.(镇江市句容市2020) A. 连读; 降调 B. 连读; 升调 C. 辅音浊化; 降调( )15. The woman is_. She is crying_.(扬州市邗江区2020) A. happily; happy B.

28、sadly; sad C. sad; sadly( )16. To keep_, people should know something about road_. (镇江市句容市2020) A. safely; safety B. safe; safety C. safe; safely( )17. I like the mouse in this story. He's weak _clever. (苏州市常熟市2020) A. with B. or C. and D. but( )18. When _ the weather become windy? It _windy and

29、 cloudy after lunch. (苏州市常熟市2020) A. did; became B. do; become C. did; become D. does; become( )19. _ stickers do you have? Fifteen. I have_ big ones and ten small ones. (苏州市常熟市2020) A. How much; four B. How many; fifty C. How many; five D. How long; five( )20. We will _ hard to make_ dreams come tr

30、ue. (苏州市常熟市2020) A. works; our B. work; our C. work; we D. work; my( )21. I made a poster for Earth Day, Miss Li. _ (苏州市常熟市2020) A. Not so good. B. You're right. C. Don't worry. D. Well done!( )22. There are some clouds in the sky. It_ soon. (根据盐城市射阳县2020改编) A. will rain B. will be rain C. i

31、s going to rain D. A and C( )23. Its Sunday today. What about_a play? Good idea! (盐城市射阳县2020) A. put on B. to put on C. puting on D. putting on( )24. There_ a football game tomorrow afternoon. (根据盐城市射阳县2020改编) There_ two football games tomorrow afternoon. A. is going to have; is going to be B. will

32、be; are going to beC. is going to have; are going to be D. will have; will have( )25. She_ an egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. (盐城市射阳县2020) A. eats B. drinks C. has D. had( )26. Which sentence is NOT right? (镇江市句容市2020) A. The Grand Canyon is in the US. B. Sydney is a beautiful city in

33、Australia. C. In the UK, people eat cereal and steamed buns for breakfast.( )27. Zhong Nanshan is a doctor from Guangdong. He_ many people's lives(生命). He's eighty-four years old. I think he's a_. (常州市溧阳市 2020) A. saved; hero B. lost fighter C. protected; fireman( )28. _ for the lion! He

34、_ something to eat.(南通市海门区2020) A. Look out; is looking for B. Look after; is looking C. Look out; look at( )29. _is not a good habit. (南通市海门区2020) A. Listening carefully B. Keeping the things messy C. Getting up early( )30. _ exciting the party is! (南通市海门区2020) A. What B. What an C. How( )31. Hello

35、, this is Emma. _. Speaking. What can I do for you? (南通市海门区2020) A. May I speak to Mr White B. Are you Mr White C. Who are you( )32. Are there any black_ in the sky? Yes, it's going to_. (镇江市丹阳市2020) A. clouds; rainy B. cloud; rain C. clouds; rain( )33. _you tired yesterday? No, I_. (镇江市丹阳市2020)

36、 A. Did; didn't B. Were; wasn't C. Were; weren't( )34. Tom, _up the paper quickly. The sign on the wall means “No_” (镇江市丹阳市2020) A. pick; littering B. pick; litter C. picks; littering( )35. Mum_ are you? I_ the dishes in the kitchen now. (镇江市丹阳市2020) A. how; am washing B. where; washing

37、C. where; am washing( )36. 我们在读 “What do you want to be?” 这句话时, 要注意_. (南通市海门区2020) A.连读;降调 B. 连读;升调 C. 辅音浊化;降调( )37. National Day holiday is coming. I_ Suzhou. (根据苏州市太仓市2020改编). A. am going to go B. go C. am going to D. went( )38. Did you _any fruit yesterday? Yes, I_ some apples. (苏州市太仓市2020) A. bu

38、y; boughtB. bought; buy C. buy; buyD. bought; bought( )39. My aunt is a_. She can_ nice food. (苏州市太仓市2020) A. cook; cooksB. cooker; cooks C. cook; cookD. cooker; cook( )40. To cross the road_, we should know something about road_. (苏州市太仓市2020) A. safety; safelyB. safely; safe C. safe; safetyD. safel

39、y; safety( )41. Are you going to play basketball_ football tomorrow? Play football. (苏州市昆山市2020) A. with B. but C. or D. and( )42. 下列标注不正确的一项是_(南通市通州区2020)( )43. David, your English is so good now. How do you make it? Thanks. As the saying goes “_” (南通市通州区2020) A. Each dog has its day. B. Practice m

40、akes perfect. C. Many hands make light work. ( )44. Which of the following is a Chinese idiom story? (南通市通州区2020) A. The golden touch. B. The monkeys and the moon. C. Making a mark on the boat to look for the lost sword( )45. _ is in October and people usually make pumpkin lanterns. (南通市通州区2020) A.

41、Easter B. Halloween C. Thanksgiving( )46. Life is a traffic jam. When we want time to be_, its _(南通市海门区2020) A. fast; fast B. slow; slow C. fast; slow( )47. I can_ when things don't go as planned. (南通市海门区2020) A. ask for help B. adjust C. have a rest ( )48. I watched_ film very much. I like _fil

42、m very much. (南通市崇川区2020) A. an; a B. an; the C. a; the( )49. Let_ show you around_ new school. (南通市崇川区2020) A. us; our B. me; me C. he; his( )50. What's for lunch, Mum? What about_ vegetables and_ rice? OK. (南通市崇川区2020) A. a little; a little B. a few; a little C. a little; a few( )51. 下列哪个句子使用了

43、正确的语调? (南通市崇川区2020) A. I told him what I thought. B. Is the little boy playing with his toy? C. What food will we eat in the city? ( )52. Chinese people often have_ for breakfast. (南通市崇川区2020) A. bread and sausages B. hamburgers and sandwiches C. some porridge and steamed buns( )53. You will find Ye

44、llowstone National Park in_ (南通市崇川区2020) A. the PRC B. the US C. the UK( )54. Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? _(常州市溧阳市 2020) A. Good idea B. I'm going to sing a song C. Let's have some fun first( )55. 标出正确的语调符号:What will he say? ( ) Will he go there?( )(常州市金坛区2020) A. ; B: ;

45、 ; C. ; ( )56. Two_ helped the lion_ out of the net just now. (苏州市昆山市2020) A. mice; get B. mouse; get C. mice; getting D. mouse; getting ( )57. When you walk across the road, you must wait_ pavement and then wait_ the green man. (苏州市昆山市2020) A. for; at B. on; for C. for; of D. for; for ( )58. He was

46、 very_ yesterday, because he watched an _film. Now he is talking about it with his friends_. (苏州市昆山市2020) A. exciting; excited; excitedly B. excited; excitedly; exciting C. excited; exciting; excitedly D. excitedly; excited; exciting( )59. Yu Gong and his family worked very_ tired but _happy.(无锡市惠山区

47、2020) A. hard; are B. hardly; are C. hard; were D. hardly; were( )60. Sam has a good habit. He_ goes to bed early and _ gets sleepy in class. (无锡市惠山区2020) A. always; never B. never; never C. always; often D. never; often( )61. We drive on the_side of the street in the United Kingdom. How about in Wu

48、xi?On the_ side.(无锡市惠山区2020) A. left; right B. right; left. C. left; leftD. right; right( )62. Liu Tao, do you have any plans for the weekend? Yes, I _with my brother, (无锡市惠山区2020) A. am flying a kite B.like flying a kite C. am going to fly a kite D. fly a kite( )63. To keep your teeth healthy, you should not_(无锡市惠山区2020) A. see the dentist regularly(定期地) B. brush your teeth every dayC. eat snacks before bedtime D. brush up and down on every tooth( )64. Mr


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