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1、写 给 六 年 级 的 孩 子亲爱的同学们, 不知不觉我们已共同走过了五年半的美好时光。在小学的最后一个学期里, 我们一定希望自己的身心更阳光, 英语学习取得更大的进步。为了让大家在有限的时间里顺利而快乐地完成小学阶段英语的学习、复习和提升, 我们英语组精心为同学们准备了这组集六年级下册各单元知识要点梳理、补充;各单元精要试卷;期中、期末核心试卷;10套小升初冲刺试卷和相应答案于一体的精美书卷。每部分内容设计紧紧扣住教材的重难点、围绕你们生活实际。在轻松愉悦的言语氛围中吸纳、巩固和拓展英语所学, 让同学们深刻感受到“学以致用”的真正内涵。在自学自测的过程中体味英语学习的现实意义。倘若我们能用心

2、完成本书卷的所有内容, 我们的初中英语学习生活将是十分轻松的。一、提取教材精华本组书卷首要板块就是“教材提要”。它包括逐个单元的词汇、词组、语音、语法、短文欣赏(其中生疏的单词标注出了音标和意思) 和本册词汇及其音标。凡是教材中呈现的重要单词、词组都被一一列举;句型表达经典而广泛;语音呈现系统, 注重拓展;语法展示详尽又有趣。二、凸显重点难点第二大板块是单元试卷、期中试卷和冲刺试卷。1. 每单元跟配一套精要试卷。全面而细致地考察学生学习状况, 同时拓展他们的词汇量和丰富其阅读体验。每套试卷包括两大部分: 听力部分和笔试部分。听力考察词汇、语境句型和小短文。在题型和其内容上较一般听力, 更加循序

3、渐进, 具有一定的新意和难度。笔试全面测试你们所学, 同时在做题的过程中能更加丰富你们的英语知识和学习体验。试卷中涉及的内容涵盖教材和你们现实生活。其中“完形填空”, 紧扣教材, 提供了形象的图片或意思, 便于你们快速作出反应;“根据上下文, 补全对话”, 提供了多组题目共你们自行选做, 根据自己的知识结构和兴趣、爱好, 更符合你们的个性需求;“书面表达”, 涉猎自然、科技、学习、生活等方面, 趣味小故事让你们会爱不释手, 在阅读和做题中, 你们一定会学到真诚、守信、自爱、爱人和爱生活的优秀品质!2. 期中期末试卷。期中和期末试卷, 综合检测你们英语学习的真实状况, 一定精心做哦!三、提供冲刺

4、试卷 我们全力以赴编纂了10套小升初冲刺试卷。它们囊括了整个小学英语之精要。希望你们用心解答, 全力吸收其精华。亲爱的同学们, 你们拥有书卷将受益匪浅。今天的努力, 将赢得明天的精彩!衷心祝愿你们学有所获, 习有所得!本书卷在编写过程中, 我们参考了相关大量资料, 努力汲取其精华, 在此向相关的编者表示衷心的感谢。同时, 我们的编写工作也得到了许多一线优秀英语教师的支持和帮助。在此特向蒋凤仙、周正荣、黄东华、厉啸鸣、胡建林等多位一线老师表示诚挚谢意。由于时间仓促, 部分内容不是很完善, 错误和不足在所难免, 疏漏也可能存在。我们诚心渴望各位老师与读者进行批评和指正, 以便再版时改进。教与学六年

5、级编写组目录第一单元 培优测试卷1第二单元 培优测试卷1第三单元 培优测试卷1第四单元 培优测试卷1六年级下册期中检测试卷1第五单元 培优测试卷1第六单元 培优测试卷1第七单元 培优测试卷1第八单元 培优测试卷1六年级下册期末检测试卷1小 升 初 冲 刺 卷1小升初试卷第一套1小升初试卷第二套1小升初试卷第三套1小升初试卷第四套1小升初试卷第五套1小升初试卷第六套1小升初试卷第七套1小升初试卷第八套1小升初试卷第九套1小升初试卷第十套12017年小升初试题精选12018年小升初试题精选1参考答案12019年小升初试题精选,请于2020年3月份后和卖家索要电子稿。第一单元 培优测试卷听力部分一、

6、听录音, 选出所听到的句子中含有的选项。听两遍。( ) 1. A. strong B. ask C. story( ) 2. A. sharp B. weak C. cheer( ) 3. A. large B. quietly C. happily( ) 4. A. hit B. ground C. bite( ) 5. A. just then B. from then on C. some day( ) 6. A. reach B. read C. run( ) 7. A. ship B. lions C. sharp( ) 8. A. work B. woke C. word( ) 9

7、. A. then B. them C. friends( ) 10. A. mouse B. house C. mouth二、听下面对话, 每段对话后面有一个小题, 选出最佳选项。听两遍。( ) 1. A. Yes, I did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he did. ( ) 2. A. To the library. B. To the music room. C. To the computer room. ( ) 3. A. They caught the wolf with a net. B. They caught the tiger with a ne

8、t. C. They caught the wolf with a knife. ( ) 4. A. No, he doesnt. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, we did. ( ) 5. A. They visited the Summer Palace. B. They visited Tiananmen Square. C. They visited the Palace Museum. ( ) 6. A. On Sep. 20th. B. On Sep. 21st, C. On Sep. 12th( ) 7. A. She is going to watch

9、a film with her friends. B. She is going to watch TV with her friends. C. She is going to visit her cousin. ( ) 8. A. It was in the bedroom. B. It was beside the sofa. C. It was behind the sofa. ( ) 9. A. He has a toothache. B. He should go to see a dentist. C. He is in the hospital. ( ) 10. A. Rubb

10、ish. B. Smoke and factories. C. A and B. ( ) 11. A. He caught fish with his father. B. He caught a mouse. C. He saw an animal show. ( ) 12. A. It was sunny. B. It was rainy. C. It was cloudy. ( ) 13. A. Toy Museum B. Car Museum C. Robot Museum( ) 14. A. Near Janes home. B. On a farm. C. In a big vil

11、lage. ( ) 15. A. Because he has got a birthday present from his good friend. B. Because hes going to watch a film with his parents. C. Because he can make a birthday cake for his mother. 三、听录音, 填入所缺单词。听三遍。第一篇There_ a cake on the table. A little mouse_ by. He saw the cake. He was_. So he told his mum

12、_. Then they ate the cake. They laughed_. 第二篇Tony likes travelling very much. He wants to travel around the world. Last week, he went to Beijing with us. We_ there by train. We wanted to_ the Summer Palace, but nobody_ the way. Tony_ a policeman for help. At last, he found the place. He was very_. 第

13、三篇Last_, Anna_ to a shopping centre with her_. They_ a small boy on the floor. He_ sad because he_ find his Mum. They_ the boy to an office in the shopping centre and_ him a sweet. The small boy_ happy. They_ happy too. 笔试部分一、语音题。(一)、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同, 相同的写“S”, 不同的写“D”。1. hit bite ( ) 2. strong lose

14、( ) 3. throw show ( ) 4. then through ( ) 5. pour floor ( ) 6. reach weather ( ) 7. blouse out ( ) 8. young house ( ) 9. finish e-friend ( ) 10. hurt girl ( ) (二)、从每组单词中找出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。( ) 1. A. park B. sharp C. father D. paper( ) 2. A. glass B. ago C. large D. ground( ) 3. A. Christmas B. cheer

15、C. chair D. each( ) 4. A. net B. sentence C. energy D. clever( ) 5. A. wake B. radio C. save D. compass( ) 6. A. high B. slip C. think D. into( ) 7. A. ball B. walk C. talk D. also( ) 8. A. soon B. group C. book D. tooth( ) 9. A. thin B. thirsty C. three D. father( ) 10. A. weak B. great C. eat D. r

16、ead( ) 11. A. afternoon B. book C. food D. room( ) 12. A. cheer B. dear C. bear D. hear( ) 13. A. hit B. big C. bite D. fit( ) 14. A. ground B. out C. group D. shout( ) 15. A. then B. thought C. thank D. thin( ) 16. A. strong B. front C. not D. lot( ) 17. A. short B. doctor C. horse D. for( ) 18. A.

17、 teacher B. peach C. heavy D. Greece( ) 19. A. compass B. so C. photo D. home( ) 20. A. mouth B. about C. mouse D. young二、词组翻译。1. 大声地唱歌 _2. 吵醒我 _3. 小声地提问 _4. 打那只狗 _5. 在地上的裤子 _6. 把牛奶倒进瓶子里 _7. 第二天 _8. 一个软弱的动物 _9. 开心地滑冰 _10. 咬火鸡 _11. 两个很深的洞 _12. 问许多问题 _13. 够着你的海报 _14. 五个强壮的警察 _15. 它们锋利的牙齿 _16. 这些柔软的网 _

18、17. 为我们欢呼 _18. 路过美术室 _19. 两只聪明的老鼠 _20. 住在地下 _三、单选。( ) 1. _, the Spider-man (蜘蛛侠)saw the Iron Man(钢铁侠). A. From then on B. Just then C. Now( ) 2. _ are you doing there, Mr. Black? A. Where B. What C. Who( ) 3. How_ the cat help the rabbit? A. do B. did C. was( ) 4. The monkey and the horse_. A. becom

19、es a good friend B. is becoming friends C. became good friends( ) 5. This is_ Fables. A. animal B. animals C. China( ) 6. Three girls_ the bird_ a bag. A. caught; to B. catches; in C. caught; with( ) 7. The dog_. A. got out B. get in C. got to( ) 8. The king was_. A. tall and strong B. happily C. qu

20、ietly( ) 9. The tiger_ the cat go. The cat was happy! A. letting B. lets C. let( ) 10. Where are you_? A. went B. go C. going( ) 11. What_ the boy say? A. is B. will C. was( ) 12. You can find_ in the book. A. animal story B. animals stories C. animal stories( ) 13. I can help you_. A. some days B.

21、any days C. some day( ) 14. _ is the coffee_? A. Who; for B. How; of C. Where; off( ) 15. The cook is reading_. A. loud B. sad C. loudly( ) 16. The woman is_. She is crying_. A. happily; happy B. sadly; sad C. sad; sadly( ) 17. The child is walking_. A. happy B. quietly C. excited ( ) 18. The parrot

22、 couldnt get out_ the cage. A. to B. from C. of D. in( ) 19. Nancy is good at_. She is a good_. A. swim; swim B. swimming; swimmer C. swam; swimming D. swam; swam( ) 20. John brought some noodles_. A. quickly B. quick C. deep D. quiet ( ) 21. We can have_ outing in_ autumn. A. a; a B. an; an C. an;

23、/ D. the; the( ) 22. _ there any people here yesterday? No, but there_ some people today. A. Are; are B. Is; is C. Was; is D. Were; are( ) 23. It often_. Its_ now. A. rains; raining B. rains; rains C. rainy; raining D. rainy; rainy( ) 24. In front of the house_ some young trees. A. are B. is C. am D

24、. be( ) 25. The girl doesnt like_ red blouse, She is_ a blue one now. A. put on; wear B. putting on; wearing C. wearing; putting on D. wear; put ( ) 26. Sam had_ idea. Its_ good idea. A. the; the B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a( ) 27. The grandfather was_ to see his grandson playing_. A. happy; happy B.

25、happy; happily C. happily; happily D. happily; happy( ) 28. The ball is_ the hole, so Sam pours some water_ the hole. A. in; in B. into; in C. in; into D. into; into( ) 29. Mickey Mouse(米老鼠) is_ tall, but he can jump very high. A. too B. so C. no D. not( ) 30. You should walk_ in the library. A. qui

26、etly B. quickly C. loudly D. quiet( ) 31. The lion_ the net with his teeth, but that didnt_ A. bite; help B. bit; help C. bit; helped D. bite; helped( ) 32. Sam and Bobby are really good at playing table tennis. Willy_ for_. A. cheer; them B. cheers; them C. cheer; they D. cheers; they( ) 33. The_ b

27、oy is laughing_. A. excitedly; excitedB. excited; excited C. excitedly; excitedlyD. excited; excitedly( ) 34. The little boy_ some pills, but_ didnt help. A. took; that B. take;this C. took; the D. take; it( ) 35. This morning, I walked_ and_ the baby_. A. up; waked; up B. by; woke; by C. by; woke;

28、up D. buy; woke; up ( ) 36. The mouse_ the lion_ out from the net at last. A. help; got B. help; get C. helped; got D. helped; get( ) 37. The_ girl is sitting_. A. quiet; quiet B. quiet; quietly C. quietly; quietly D. quietly; quiet( ) 38. _ Swimming isfun in_ summer. A. a; / B. /; a C. /; the D. /;

29、 / ( ) 39. _ Sunday morning, Peter goes to visit the museum_ a big garden in front of it. A. On; with B. On; has C. In; has D. In; with( ) 40. Why not let_ help you? (单数人称代词的顺序你、他、我)A. my friend and I B. my friend and me C. my friend and I to D. I and my friend( ) 41. Mr. Li works eight hours_ day a

30、nd I want to visit his factory_ day. A. a; a B. one; one C. a; one D. one; a( ) 42. How_ are the cherries and how_ cherries do you have? A. many; many B. much; much C. many; much D. much; many( ) 43. The shop is_ now and it often_ at 8:30 a. m. A. opened; open B. open; opens C. opened; opens D. open

31、; opens( ) 44. Shall we_ the meeting? Sure. Lets_ them. A. join in; join in B. join; join C. join; join in D. join in; join( ) 45. Im_ the blackboard, but I cant_ the words on it. A. looking at; see B. seeing; look at C. looking; seeing D. seeing; seeing四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My aunt is a_ (write). She a

32、lways_ (write) stories at home last year. 2. Joe read a magazine and_ (tell) _ (we) about it. (根据read先判断时态). 3. Her sister_ (shout) loudly now. 4. _ (who) gloves_ (be) _ (this)?5. Wang Bing sat_ (quiet) just now. 6. Mike likes_ (help) people.7. _ (do) you draw a boat last night? 8. Look! Liu Tao_ (c

33、an) play basketball very well. 9. Please turn to page_ (12) and look at the_ (3) picture in this unit.10. They_ (go) to the Summer Palace next National Day holiday.11. The boy is very_ (excite) about the_ (excite) film.Hes dancing_ (excited). 12. Christmas is on the_ (twenty-five) of December. 13. T

34、he lion_ (let) the fox go. The fox is happy. (let是实意动词,有三单式哦)14. _ (Mike) umbrella is behind the door. 15. The mouse made thirteen_ (hole) in the wall with its teeth. 16. The bear is_ (bite) the meat over there. 17. Therere some nice_ (potato) and_ (tomato) in the photos. Please put_ (this) _ (photo

35、) on the wall. 18. The students are talking_ (loudly). 19. Our classroom was on the_ (two) floor last year. 20. Mr. Brown poured the juice into the glass_ (quick). 21. There are some cats_ (run) on the grass. (there be sb doing sth. 有某人在做某事)22. She_ (swim) very fast and shes a good_ (swim). 23. _ He

36、len good at_ (dance)? Yes, she_. 24. Its often_ (sun) in spring here. 25. If you want to buy a football, you can go to the s_ shop. 26. He laughs_ (happy). He is a_ (happy) boy. 27. Nancy is a_ (beautiful) girl. She dances_ (beautiful). 28. Jim_ (study) English and music at school. 29. Jim is a_ (go

37、od) student. He skates very_ (good). 30. _ (do) climb up the tree. OK, Im sorry. 31. Its six oclock. She_ (brush) her teeth. 32. Uncle Sam usually_ (have) lunch at home. Look, he_ (have) a lunch box in his hand. 33. What_ your father often_ (do) after work?五、读一读, 根据提示和首字母完成句子。1. The mouse b_ the net

38、 with his teeth. Then the lion got o_. 2. The ant is very small, but is s_. It can carry l_ things. 3. F_ then on, Lily became a g_ girl. 4. The n_ day, the horse walked to the shop. He b_ some food. 5. David often a_ his teacher some questions. He studies h_. 6. The students are reading q_ in the l

39、ibrary. 7. It is Sunday. Please dont w_ me up early. 8. The match begins. Everyone is very e_. 9. Yesterday was my birthday. My friends and I sang songs h_ together. 10. The lion c_ a rabbit and ate it. 11. If you want to be s_. You s_ do much sports every day. 12. Look, the man is swimming q_ (not

40、slow). 13. This baby is crying s_. 14. People should p_ the E_. We s_ use too m_ water. 15. Shanghai and Wuxi are b_ beautiful c_. 16. The lion is very strong and he has s_ teeth. 17. Jim couldnt find his parents, he c_ loudly. 18. Dad t_ him to the hospital near the shopping c_ just now. 19. B_ som

41、e food and water, many people here need them. 20. “Having a party with animals?” It sounds i_. 21. There was a strong l_ in the forest. One day a mouse w_ b_ and w_ the lion up. The lion w_ to eat that mouse, but he l_ the mouse go at last. The next day, two men c_ the lion w_ a n_. He c_ go out. Th

42、e mouse s_ him and h_ him go out. Then, the lion and the mouse b_ good friends. 22. A dog has a nice piece of meat(一片肉) f_ his lunch. He is going home w_ the meat in his m_. On his way home there is a big river and there is a bridge over it. He walks on the bridge and stops to have a look at the r_.

43、 What does he see in the water? He sees a_ dog looking at him, and he has a piece of meat in his mouth too. “His meat looks nice, ” he thinks, “I must try to get it. ” He o_ his mouth and tries to get the bigger piece of meat. What happens? His own(自己的) piece falls into the w_. 六、句型转换。1. Tom brought some honey happily. 否定句:Tom_ _ _honey happily. 一般疑问句: _ Tom _ _ honey happily? 提问: _ brought some honey happily?2. My cousin


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