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1、征信机构在贷款追收业务中的作用征信机构在贷款追收业务中的作用 新加坡征信局执行董事 林华亮 William Lim, Executive DirectorCredit Bureau SingaporeThe Relationship between Credit Bureau and Collection Agencies提纲 Objectives 新加坡征信局简介 Short Introduction on CBS 了解今天的演讲主题:贷款追收 Understanding Debt Collection for Todays Topic 在一些国家里征信机构的运作情况 Credit Bure

2、au Operations in Specific Countries 征信机构和贷款追收机构的商业关系 Commercial Relationship between Credit Bureau and Collection Agencies 征信机构与贷款追收机构之间关系的未来发展前景 What is the Future for Credit Bureau and Debt Collection Relationship 新加坡征信局 Credit Bureau Singapore新加坡征信局简介 ABOUT CBSNSPVEAIHPL邓白氏(邓白氏(S)D&B (S)邓白氏(邓

3、白氏(M)D&B (M)新加坡征信局新加坡征信局CBSIOBIDB邓白氏国际邓白氏国际 D&B Int新加坡银行公会新加坡银行公会 ABS简写简写 Key:VEA Veda Advantage公司公司ABS 新加坡银行公会新加坡银行公会 Association of Banks in SporeIHPL Infocredit控股公司控股公司 Infocredit Holdings 新加坡征信局有限公司由新加坡金融管理局在2002年8月公布设立,以运作新加坡银行公会征信局,为金融机构提供服务 Credit Bureau (Singapore) Pte Ltd was gazett

4、ed by MAS in August 2002 to operate the ABS Credit Bureau for the financial institutions. 成员 Members 所有零售银行 All Consumer Banks 金融公司(财务公司) Finance Houses 信用卡发卡机构 Credit Cards Issuers 证券经纪公司(即将) Securities Broking Houses (soon) 放贷人(即将) Money Lenders (soon) 新加坡金融管理局批准的其它机构 Any Approved Bodies by MAS 新加

5、坡征信局简介 About CBS新加坡征信局正式成立公告 Gazetting of the Bureau2002年8月21日21 August 2002Copyright Infocredit收帐特点 Collection - Distinction 第一方通常为拥有原始债务的企业和部分原始债权人。他们一般不受收帐条例的约束。 1st Party Usually company that owns the original debt and part of original creditor. Usually not subject to collection regulations. 第三方

6、不是原始贷款合同的当事方,通常是按风险收益原则运作的收帐机构。它们要遵守收帐条例的规定。 3rd Party Not party to original contract and usually the collection agencies who operate on contingency basis. Attract regulatory guidelines. 收帐 Collection 一个最常用的收帐战术向征信机构报告。通常,贷款人向欠款人发出催款书,并附最后警告信,说明如不付款将向征信机构报告,不良记录将保留在借款人的档案中。 One common tactic to coll

7、ect Debt Notification to Credit Bureaus. Typically, demand letters with final letter warning that name will be reported to the credit bureau and listed on the credit file. 拥有不良付款记录的债务人的负面信息会在征信机构的档案中保留7年。这可能导致他未来的信贷申请被拒绝,或贷款成本增加。 Prompts action because name deliquent a/c stays for up to 7 years. Fut

8、ure credit may be denied or cost more. 这是强有力的被动收帐工具。违约人在贷款申请遭到拒绝后,会找上门来 Powerful passive collection tool. Defaulters call in when credit application denied.与收帐相关的法律:正当收债行为法 Collection Laws Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 该法是为了禁止收债人滥用收债权力。此外,还须遵守其它规范收债行为的联邦法和州法 To prohibit abusive practices by deb

9、t collectors. Other State and Federal laws governing debt collection practices apply. 与第三方进行沟通除了法律规定的个人、律师和个人征信机构外,在没有经过债务人同意的情况下,不得将信息披露给任何第三方 Communication with 3rd P no comms w/o consent on collection of debt to any P other than consumer, attorney, CRA if permitted by law . 拒绝偿还债务的债务人清单只能在符合法律规定情

10、形时报告给个人征信机构,否则视为违反该法 Violation unless the publication of list of consumers who refuse to pay debts is made to a CRA meeting requirements of the Act. 一些亚洲国家征信机构的实际运营环境Reality of Bureau Operations in Some Asian Countries香港(正面信息)香港(正面信息)/个人个人/企业征企业征信局信局 Hong Kong Positive Consumer/Commercial Bureau 泰国(

11、正面信息)个人泰国(正面信息)个人征信局征信局 Thailand Positive Consumer Bureau 印度(正面印度(正面信息)个人信息)个人/企业征信局企业征信局 India Positive Consumer/Com Bureau 中国(正面负中国(正面负面)个人企业面)个人企业 China Credit Reporting Center新加坡(正面新加坡(正面信息)个人征信息)个人征信局信局 Singapore Positive Consumer Bureau 澳大利亚(负面信息)征信局,澳大利亚(负面信息)征信局,个人个人/企业企业 Australia Negative

12、Bureau Consumer/Commercial 斐济斐济/萨摩亚(负面信息)征信萨摩亚(负面信息)征信局个人局个人/企业企业 Fiji/Samoa Negative Bureau Consumer/Commercial 新西兰(负面信息)征信局,新西兰(负面信息)征信局,个人个人/企业企业 New Zealand Negative Bureau Consumer/Commercial 韩国(正面信息)个人韩国(正面信息)个人征信局征信局Sth Korea Positive Consumer Bureau台湾(正面信息)个人征台湾(正面信息)个人征信局信局 Taiwan Positive

13、Consumer Bureau亚太区征信机构的发展 Regional Credit Bureau Development马来西亚(正马来西亚(正面信息)个人面信息)个人/商业征信局商业征信局 Malaysia Positive Consumer/Commercial Bureau公平信用报告法 Fair Credit Reporting Act 成熟的立法 Mature piece of Legislation 促进信用报告的准确性,保护隐私 Promote Accuracy and protect Privacy 征信机构收集你的信息并将其出售给贷款人、保险机构和企业的公司 Credit R

14、eporting Agencies Companies that gather and sell Information about you to Creditors, Insurers, Businesses 目的信贷交易、招聘、保险发放、儿童赡养义务、筛选承租人等 Purposes Credit Transactions, Employment, Insurance Underwriting, Child Support Obligations, Tenant Screening etc针对征信机构的法规现实考虑 Regulations on Bureau Practical Consid

15、erations 泰国:信用信息经营法 Thailand Credit Information Business Act 新加坡银行法自愿性的行为守则 Singapore Banking Act/Voluntary Code of Conduct 马来西亚BNM马来西亚中央银行法 Malaysia BNM Central Bank of Malaysia Act 香港:隐私法 Hong Kong Privacy Code 台湾:财政当局 Taiwan Min Of Finance 泰国信用信息经营法 Thailand Credit Information Business Act 只有金融机构

16、才能获得信用报告,而收帐机构不是金融机构。该法对金融机构有明确定义 Only FIs can access credit report and debt collection agency is not considered FI. FI is defined in the Act. 只有金融机构会员才能向征信机构提交数据。如果欠付,贷款仍然簿记在金融机构上,则该信息可以提交征信机构 Only members who are FIs can send data to NCB. If loan still booked at FI, the information can be loaded.泰

17、国信用信息经营法 Thailand Credit Information Business Act 严格的立法,征信机构必须获得经营许可证 Strict Legislation and Credit Information Company must be licensed 当出现付款违约时,征信机构会员应向征信局报告违约事件的发生日(s.19) When a default for payment occurs, member shall report the date of commencement of default (s.19) 获得的信息只能用于s. 20中规定的目的,即信贷分析或信

18、用卡发放 Recipient of Info must used only as prescribed under s. 20 ie. analyzing credit or grant of credit card 惩罚民事( s.41 )和刑事责任( s.42 ) Punishment Civil (s.41) and Criminal Liability (s.42) 马来西亚马来西亚中央银行法Malaysia Central Bank of Msia Act遵循银行和金融机构法,以及伊斯兰银行法 Banking and Financial Insts Act and Islamic B

19、anking Act also apply.从所有有经营执照的商业银行、伊斯兰银行、商人银行和财务公司处获得信用信息 Uploads credit information from all licensed commercial, Islamic, merchant banks, Fin Hses etc.通过NRD和SSM来获得个人和企业信息 Individual and Company Information through NRD and SSM数据仅能用于信贷评估。例如,不能将数据用于金融产品的市场营销 Access limited to credit evaluation. For

20、eg not for marketing of fin pdts. 信息被设定为保密信息,因此需要符合银行保密要求和对信息的披露限制 Information classified as secret so banking secrecy applies and disclosure limited. 台湾财团法人金融联合征信中心(JCIC) Taiwan - JCIC 属于台湾财政当局的管辖范畴 Under purview of MOF 收集贷款信息、拖欠信息、退回(空头)支票信息收集的信息很丰富,且仍在不断完善中 Loan information, delinquent status, di

21、shonoured cheques rich data and still evolving 收帐机构无法获得征信中心的信息 Collection companies cannot access bureau 正在研究资产管理公司是否可以成为会员 Evaluating AMCs to be members 香港隐私法Hong Kong Privacy Ordinance规范与个人有关的数据,所有与个人数据有关的数据使用者都须遵守该法 Covers data relating to individual and applies to any data user that deals with p

22、ersonal data.列明了数据保护原则目的、收集方式、使用、期限、准确性、安全性等 List of Data Protection Principles Purpose, manner of collection, use, duration, accuracy, security etc.收帐机构无法获得征信机构数据 Collection agencies cannot access bureau征信局会员须遵守个人信息资料实务守则的规定。只有守则表1中规定的人和机构才能获得信用信息 Bureau membership subject to Code of Practice on Co

23、nsumer Credit Data. Access to credit data limited to Schedule 1 of Code.隐私专员公署权力较大 Strong Office of Privacy Commissioner新加坡银行法 Singapore Banking Act 必须根据银行法 (s.47, 3rd Sch) 进行公告 Gazette under the Banking Act (s.47, 3rd Sch) 授权机构 TrustSg和CaseTrust Accreditations - TrustSg and CaseTrust 数据保护法 Data Pro

24、tection Code 行为守则 Code of Conduct 只进行信用度评估姓名、身份、信贷余度,不包含存款信息等 Only Credit Worthiness Evaluation Name, identity, amount owed, no deposit info etc 目的在于防范收帐或跟踪行动 Designed to prevent Collection or Tracing activities新加坡非银行个人客户和中小企业征信局 Singapore - Non Bank Consumer & SME Bureau 不属于银行法的管辖范畴 Outside amb

25、it of Banking Act 没有规制框架,从别国引入了最佳实践,但没有覆盖全部应该覆盖的对象 Adopt best practices elsewhere without the regulatory framework but lack full coverage 行业中充斥着各自为战的收帐公司,阻碍了行业的发展,监管缺位 Hampered by fragmented collection industry and absence of regulations 通过一个叫DunTrade的倡议来收集商业应收帐款信息 Commercial receivables through a p

26、rogram call DunTrade 以间接强迫的方式促使债务人履行义务 Indirect coercion to discharge debt obligations信函样本 Sample Letter我们虽然已经多次要求,但是贵方至今仍然没有偿还款项. Inspite of repeated requests, you have failed to effect payment.除非我们听到你的答复.我们将把你的帐户违约信息通知征信机构。征信机构是一个跟踪个人信贷历史记录的组织,它会将这些信息提供给其它放贷人。如果你的债务状况信息被其它放贷机构获得,你将无法从他们那里获得信贷便利 Un

27、less we hear from you.turn your account over to the credit bureau. A credit bureau tracks the credit history of consumer debtors in Spore and offers such information to other credit grantors. Your state of indebtedness may deny you other credit facilities if your information is accessed by other bus

28、inesses.我们十分抱歉,但,是你自己使我们已经没有回旋的余地,我们不得不对您采取这种激烈的行为如果你在今天之内付出支票的话,你的原有信用度仍然可以维持不变 We are sorry to take such drastic action but you leave us with no alternativesYou can preserve your credit rating by remitting your cheque today.征信机构与追收机构的商业关系哪些是可能的?Commercial Relationship What is Possible收帐人利用征信机构数据库的

29、目的 Debt Collectors Use of Bureau Database 债务评分 Debt Scoring 数据确认(姓名、地址、出生日期、职业) Validation of Data (Name , Address, DOB, Employment) 施加还款压力 Payment Pressure 被动型回收 Passive Collection 披露违约行为 Default Exposure 地址位置 Address Location可为收帐公司提供的具体服务 Examples of Specific Services for Collection Agencies 上传违约客

30、户信息 Default Consumer Uploads * 关于客户地址变更的电子警示服务 Consumer New Address e-Alert 电子白页核实 Electronic White Pages Verification 电话所在位置 Phone Locator 更新客户违约信息 Consumer Default Updates 删除客户违约信息 Consumer Default Deletion 保理转让 Factoring Assignment * 个人客户违约转托 Delegate Individual Consumer Default *征信机构利用收帐数据 Burea

31、u Use of Collection Data 丰富了“全面档案”信息中的数据 Data assists in “Full File” Information 丰富和增加数据库的价值 Enrich and Increase value of Database 是数据监控的附加要素 Additional Element for Data Monitoring 通过增加监控触发因素来提高利润率 Enhanced Profitabilty through increased monitoring triggers 更多的地址跟踪要素 Additional Address Tracing Eleme

32、nt 可用于建模目的的数据 Data for Modeling Purposes 征信机构开发产品的机会 Bureau Product Opportunity 回收评分 Recovery Score 监控将收帐数据当作一个触发因素 Monitoring Collection Data used as a trigger 地址跟踪利用征信机构数据来进行跟踪的作用很大 Address Tracing High use of bureau data for tracing 新情况报告征信机构能够侦察到已冲销债务的新回收机会 New Circumstances Reporting Bureau can detect increased recovery opportunity for written off debts 收帐公司对征信机构来说,是能付费和有价值的客户 Collection Agencies Paid and valued clients征信机构面临的问题 Bureau Issues 数据完整性错误信息,有争议的信息,过时信息 Data Integrity Erroneous element, disputed, outdated 监控从收帐公司获得数据的质量的成


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