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8、ou J C, L ee S S. Chem ical ox idation of BTX u sing Fen tons reagen t. H azW aste & H azM ater, 1995, 12 (2 : 185 193 Trea tm en t of Chlorophenol-Con ta in ing W a stewa ter by Ca ta lyzed O x ida tion w ith Hydrogen Perox ide L u J un , L iu Z haojun , T an F ux ian and W ang L i 3 (D ep a rt

9、m en t of E ng ergy R esou rces C hem ica l T echnology ECU S T , S hang ha i 200237 Abstract: In th is p ap er, ch lo rop heno l w a s selected a s m odel com pound sub jected to ox i2 2+ 3+ da t ion u sing hyd rogen p erox ide w ith iron ion (Fe o r Fe a s ca ta ly st. T est resu lt s ind ica t2 e

10、d tha t hyd rogen p erox ide w a s decom po sed in to hyd roxy l rad ica l w ith iron ion s a s ca ta ly st. D isso lved ch lo rop heno l can be effect ively ox id ized and com p letely rem oved from aqueou s so 2 . A n average COD low ering of over 80% w a s ob 2 lu t ion in a p eriod less than ten m inu tes ta ined. T he am oun t s of H 2O 2、 Fe . m ova l of ch lo rop heno l 2+ o r Fe 3


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