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1、牛津小学英语5B期中检测试卷班级_ 姓名_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(读一遍)(10分)( ) 1.A.back B. black C. bag D. bad( ) 2.A.walk B. week C. work D. word( ) 3.A.absent B. after C. about D. at( ) 4.A.one B. want C. once D. what( ) 5.A.an earache B. a headache C. a toothache D. a backache( ) 6.A.the same hobby B.

2、the same town C. look the same D. have some hobbies( ) 7.A.dance beautifully B. skate beautifully C. sing beautifully D. ski beautifully( ) 8.A.wash clothes B. water the flowers C. grow flowers D. water trees( ) 9.A.Show us your dress. B. Show your dress to us. C. Show them your dress. D. Show your

3、dress to them?( ) 10.A.Does he play well? B. Does she play well? C. She doesnt play well. D. She plays well.二、听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的图片标上序号。(读两遍)(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。(读两遍)(5分)( )1. A. Im wrong. B. I still feel cold. C. Im cold.( )2. A. I like cooking. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I cant.( )3.

4、A. I like dancing. B. I like running. C. I like English.( )4. A. Im Nancy. B. No, she isnt. C. This is Nancy speaking.( )5. A. Yes, she does. B. He goes fishing. C. He does well.四、听录音,根据录音内容选择正确答案。(读两遍)(5分)( )1. What day is it today?A.Monday B. Saturday. C. Sunday.( )2. Does John go to school today?

5、A.Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, she does.( )3. What does John want to do after breakfast?A.Do his homework. B. Do some housework. C. Watch TV.( )4. Are there any shops near his home?A.Yes, there are. B. No, there arent. C. I dont know.( )5. What time does John get up today?A.At eight. B. A

6、t nine. C. At ten.五、听录音,将短文补充完整。(读两遍)(5分) Amy lives in a big _ in_. She _ goes swimming on Sundays. Amys father is a taxi driver. He likes _ flowers. But her mother doesnt. She _ taking photos. Theyre very happy.笔试部分(70分)一、语音。选出划线部分读音与所给单词的读音相一致的选项。(5分)( )1. some A. love B. home C. nose D. old( )2.

7、still A. like B. with C. high D. exercise( )3. stamp A. make B. play C. table D. animal( )4. jump A. music B. study C. usually D. computer( )5. clock A. mother B. doctor C. computer D. cold二、英汉互译(10分)1. 集邮 6. surf the Internet 2. 星期三上午 7. cook nice food 3. 购物 8. stay in bed 4. 说汉语 9. take some medic

8、ine 5. 重感冒 10. sing loudly 三、单项选择。(15分)( )1. Do you like swimming? A. No , I do . B. Yes , I am. C. Yes , I do . D. No , Im not.( )2. your brother well? Yes. A. Doplay B. Doplays C. Doesplays D. Doesplay( )3. My son often goes to school 7:00 the morning. A. atin B. inat C. onin D. inon( )4. you moth

9、er the flowers now? A. Doeswater B. Iswatering C. Iswater D. Dowaters( )5. He to play football Liu Tao. A. wantsand B. wantto C. wantswith D. wantwith( )6. We have . A. the same hobby B. a same hobbies C. same hobby D. same hobbies( )7. English lessons do you have in a week? A. What B. How many C. W

10、hich D. How much( )8. Nancy has got a cold. Im to hear that. A. bad ; sorry B. bed ; sorry C. bad ; glad D. bed ; glad( ) 9. May I speak to Jane? Yes, _.A. Im Jane B. This is Jane. C. Im Jane speaking D.That is Jane speaking( ) 10. Uncle Wang usually _ to work on foot.A. go B. goes C. is going D. ca

11、n go( ) 11. Are you take _ medicine?A. some B. any C. many D. much( )12.My hobby is _ basketball.A. play B. plays C. playing D. playing the( )13. We have four lessons_ Wednesday afternoon.A. in B. on C. / D. at( )14. Helen can_ .A. dance beautiful B. dances beautifully C. dance beautifully D. dances

12、 beautiful( )15.Whats _ the with you? .A. wrong, I feel a cold. B. matter, Im cold. C. matter, Im a cold. D.四、按要求填空(15分)A: 根据句子意思选用所给单词填空。 (6分)1. Do you live in a small town?-No, I _. (doesnt, dont)2. Show _ his stamps, please. Here you are. (we, us)3. My aunt likes dancing. She dances _. (beautiful

13、, beautifully)4. I_ an e-mail to my English friend, Tom. (am writing, am write)5. What _ Liu Tao usually do on Sundays? (do, does)6. I can get some water _ (for, with) you.B: 用所给单词的适当形式填空(6分)1. Bees likes _ (take) photos.2. The children _ _ (sit) quietly now.3. The boy usually _ (catch) insects in t

14、he park.4. Yang Ling and I _ (be) from China.5. The girl in red dances _ (beautiful).6. Mr. White _ _ _ ( not have ) any hobbies.C: 按要求改写句子(3分)7. subject, study, at, what, does, he, school(连词成句)_?8. David喜欢打篮球。周末他常去打篮球。David likes _ basketball . She usually basketball at weekend.9. Do they water the

15、 trees every day ? ( they 改 he ) ?五、情景匹配(10分)( ) 1. What day is it today? A. She usually makes clothes. ( ) 2. Whats wrong with you? B. No, Im not.( ) 3. What does Helen usually do? C. No, he doesnt.( ) 4. Does Mike run fast? D. Thank you.( ) 5. Is Ben new here? E. Ive got a fever.( ) 6. Are you tak

16、ing any medicine? F. Not yet.( ) 7. How do you feel now? G. No, he isnt.( ) 8. Are you from England? H. I feel thirsty.( ) 9. I can get some fruit for you. I. Yes, I do.( )10. Do you like listening to music? J. Its Friday.六、阅读理解。(15分)A阅读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F) 。(5分) Xiao Fang is a girl. She is ten. She goe

17、s to school from Monday to Friday. On Sundays she usually helps her mother do housework. In the morning , she usually goes to school at seven. She has lunch at school. After lunch she likes staying in the classroom. She likes English very much. She speaks English very well. In the evening , she like

18、s surfing the Internet and goes to bed at nine.( )1、Xiao Fang is twelve.( )2、Xiao Fang likes English very much and she speaks English very well.( )3、Xiao Fang has lunch at home.( )4、After lunch,she likes going to the library.( )5、Xiao Fang doesnt like doing housework.B阅读短文,根据问题选择答案. (5分)Jane is a sc

19、hoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandfather. Her grandfather is seventy years old. He has got a backache. He needs to see a doctor. But Janes parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teacher. So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandfather a

20、fter school. She hopes her grandfather gets better soon.( )1. Whats Janes job? A. A teacher.B. A policewoman.C. A student.( )2. -Whats wrong with her grandfather? -Hes got _. A. a toothacheB. abackacheC. an earache( )3. Who needs to see a doctor? A. Jane.B. Janes parents. C.Janes grandfather.( )4. H

21、ow old is Jane ? A. Seventy. B. Five. C.Fifteen.( )5. Who is/are busy? A. Janes grandfather. B. Jane. C. Janes parents.C. 根据刘涛的课程表,回答问题(要求完整回答)(5分)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayA.M.ChineseMathsEnglishMathsChineseMathsEnglishChineseChineseEnglishEnglishChineseMathsEnglishMathsArtPEComputer Stud

22、iesScienceArtLunchP.MScienceArtSciencePEChineseComputer StudiesSocial ScienceArtSocial SciencePE1、How many subjects does Liu Tao have this term? _2、What lessons does Liu Tao have on Friday morning? _3、Does Liu Tao have a Science lesson on Tuesday? _4、How many English lessons does Liu Tao have a week

23、 ? 5、What subject do you like best ? 听力内容一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(读一遍)(10分)1. A.back 2. B. week 3. A.absent 4. C. once 5. A.an earache 6. C. look the same 7. A.dance beautifully 8. B. water the flowers 9. C. Show them your dress. 10. B. Does she play well?A B A C A C A B C B二、听录音,根据录音内容选出正确的图片标

24、上序号。(读两遍)(5分)1. Whats wrong with you, dear? Ive got a fever.2. How do you feel now, grandma? I feel cold. Ican get a blanket for you. 3. What day is it today? Its Thursday.4. Whats the English teacher doing? She is writing an e-mail to her friend.5. Does Mike often do housework on Sundays? No, he usually reads newspapers.2 1 5 3 4 三、听录


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