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1、Unit 6 Sunshine for all【课时导航】-、重难点分析。他每天花费两小时为赛跑训练。运动员为了比赛需要多训练。1. train 可作动词,意为“培训,训练” 。名词为 training 。 train 还可作名词,意为“火车”e.g. He spends two hours a day training for the race.The players need more training for the games.2. meaningful 是形容词,意为“有意义的” ,反义词为 meaningless 。e.g. It s the poor students. 帮助贫穷

2、的学生是有意义的。What he said just now . 他刚说的话毫无意义。3. elderly 是形容词,意为“年老的” ,指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,是委婉的表达,相当于 old 。 elder 指年龄稍长者,适用于家庭的兄弟姐妹之间。e.g. This is elderly gentleman .这是一位年长的绅士。Tom is the of the two kids.二、翻译下列短语。1.训练做某事2. 为奥运会做志愿者3. 支持某人 4. 给你 5. 在工作时 6. 需要一些更多的食物吃 7. 无家可归者 8. 有某人自己住的地方9. 给某人写信10. 帮助他们

3、的其它方式三、根据课文内容填空。Hobo is exercising at home. Eddie asks (1)whe is doing. Hobo says that he is(2)tto be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. Eddie thinks it is (3)mtowork for the Olympic Games, and he wants to do something as (4)w. He takes out his(5)wand gives some money to Hobo. (6)H, Hobo says he doe

4、sn t want anymoney. He points to a big bag full of (7)fand asks Eddie to (8)cit forhim so that he can eat more while (9)w. Eddie is strong (10)eto do that,isn t he ?【实战演练】一、用所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. A bperson can t see anything.2. A hperson has nowhere to live.3. He is d . He can t hear anything, but he

5、is still happy everyday.4. Look! Those players are ton the playground.5. We shouldn t laugh at those ( 残疾的 ) people.6. The ( 奥林匹克 ) Games are held every four years.7. When we see an ( 年老的 ) person cross the road, we should help him or her.8. I hope my parents will ( 支持 ) me.9. These ( 志愿者 ) were pro

6、ud to help so many people in need.10. Our hotels can ( 提供 ) special service for deaf people.二、所给词的适当形式填空。1. It s (mean) to do something for our hometown.2. We should let the (able) people get on the bus first.3. Floods in that country made thousands of people (home).4. My father is (elder) now and c

7、an t walk very fast.5. After hard (train) for a long time, he broke the record.三、单项选择。( ) 1. - of volunteers will be needed for the charity show.- Let s go and them.A. Thousands; joinB. Thousand; be a member ofC. Three thousand; take part inD. Thousands; be in( ) 2. - Go and help the and woman cross

8、 the street, will you?- With pleasure.A. elderly; blindB. disabled; the elder C. blind; the deaf D. disabled; an old( ) 3. There are not enough chairs for all the teachers. I think we need .A. other twoB. only twoC. Two more D. two other( )4. - What s the of the sign on the wall?- It “ Be quietA. me

9、ans; meaning B. meaningful; meaning C. meaning; means D. means; mean( ) 5. is really hard them to climb such a high mountain.A. This; toB. It; toC. This; forD. It; for( ) 6. money for a charity very meaningful.A. Raise; isB. Raising; areC. Raising; isD. To raise; are【拓展延伸】句型转换。1. To help blind peopl

10、e cross the road is good. ( 改为同义句 ) good blind people cross the road.2. I need another four students to bring books here. ( 改为同义句 )I need students to bring books here.3. The government can provide special places for homeless people. ( 改为同义句 )The government can provide special places.4. We can write

11、to the local government. ( 对戈U线部分提问 )5. I' m training to be a volunteer these days.(对戈U线部分提问 ) 翻译下列句子。他爷爷的耳朵已经聋了 三年了。His grandfather for three years.对孩子们而言,拥有父母的支持很重要。It ' s very important for children.当一名志愿者是很有意义的,对吗? It ' s a voluntee r,?安想为需要帮助的人做些事情。Ann would like people who need hel

12、p.我经常在公交车上给年长者让座。I often to on the bus.6. 我们将找一些其他方法来支持残疾人。We will find.三、首字母填空。Liu Wei' s Embrace Fund(刘伟的拥抱基金)Armless pianist Liu Wei is thechampion (冠军)of the first China' s Got Talent (中国达人秀). He has (1)s up his Embrace Fund at Renmin University of China in Beijing. With the (2)s of a co

13、mpany in Shanghai, the fund has (3)c 1 million yuan sofar.Liu Wei will travel to (4)m than 10 cities. He will give speeches there and callfor support to the fund. The fund will help the disabled people and (5)p students.Liu Wei has (6)a visited some children living in the poor (7)a of Guizhou Provin

14、ce.T m (8) l because of people ' s love. I can have today ' s (9)s. Now Iwant to pay back (10) b helping more people in need. " he said.Unit 6 Reading ( I )【课时导航】一、重难点分析。1. expect 作动词,意为“期待,指望;预料" 。expect sth.意为“期盼某事/某物";expect (sb) to do sth 意为“期盼(某人)做某事";expect +that从句意

15、为"期盼”。e.g. I' m expecting . 我在期盼你的帮助。I' m expecting you . 我在期待你来帮我。I, m expecting you that.我在期待你能来帮我。similar作形容词,意为“同样的,类似的“。be similar to 意为“与相类似”。e.g. We have very interests.我们兴趣相仿。Her ideas to mine.她的观点和我的很相似。二、翻译下列短语。1.某人一生中最惊人的经历 2.以志愿者身份工作3.给某人一个做某事的机会 4.有智力缺陷的孩子和大人 5. 放弃他们的空余时间 6

16、. 给某人提供支持 7. 使比赛获得巨大成功 8. 来自华北的一个小伙子9. 参加比赛 10. 获得金牌 / 银牌 【实战演练】一、用所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Mo Yan won the Noble Pin 2012.2. The result is much better than I e.3. It is nfor us to learn Chinese well.4. I have got ready for the test, so I am cat this time.5. Liu Xiang s cis very strict with him.6. Everyon

17、e has a ( 机会 ) to be successful if he tries his best.7. I don t think it is an easy _( 任务 ). We should work hard.8. She comes from a working-class ( 背景 ).9. The customs in Qingdao are ( 相似的 ) to those in Yantai.10. The ( 运动员 ) are training for the coming match.二、所给词的适当形式填空。1. Working as a volunteer

18、was the (amaze) experience of his life.2. How many (coach) are there in your team?3. The event gave me a chance (show) my skills to the world.4. Danny volunteered (do) the work for free. How kind he was!5. I m sure you (have) a great time at tomorrow s party.三、根据句意,用恰当的介词填空。1. Your views on educatio

19、n are similar Mr Wang s.2. The two cars are similar only color.3. He is the football coach the young boys.4. It s great for the scientists _ different background work closely us.四、单项选择。( ) 1. - It s of Yang Xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river.- Yes. He is a great man of our times.A. pa

20、tientB. energeticC. braveD. confident( ) 2. Most of the kids in our school enjoy pop songs, some hit songs on theInternetlike Gangnam Style.A. besidesB. includingC. except D. with()3. the excellent chance, for it ' s necessary for you to train yourself.A. Don' t miss B. CatchC. TakeD. A, B a

21、nd C()4. The 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai.A. hold B. is held C. heldD. were held()5. I think you ' d better give up too much wine. It ' s very dangerous to driveafter that.A. drinking B. to drinkC. drinkD. drank()6. My parents provide me 3000 yuan my study every year.

22、A. with; withB. with; forC. for; withD. with; in【拓展延伸】一、句型转换。1. We wanted to raise money for Project Green Hope. ( 对划线部分提问)2. Athletes and volunteers from different background feel like part of one big family. ( 对 划线部分提问)3. We should help those students with intellectual disabilities. (对划线部分提问)4. Tr

23、ain yourself before the game. That' s necessary. (改 为同 义句)5. It was brave of him to join the competition. (用 so. that. 改写)二、翻译下列句子。1 .他2008年为北京奥运会做过志愿者。He the 2008 Olympic Games.2 .你生活中最令人惊奇的经历是什么?What is in your life?3 . 我的校服和你的类似。My school uniform is.4 .在任何时候我们都不应该放弃梦想。We shouldn' t at any

24、 time.5 .因为参加了这次比赛,他比以前感到更加自信了。He feels than before the competition.6 .李华尽力了,他获得第三。Li Hua and三、根据课文内容填空。Liu Ming for the Special Olympics World Games in Shanghai, back inOctober 2007. He thinks it was the most amazing (2)of his life. The SpecialOlympics World Gamesgive (3) and (4) with (5) disabilit

25、ies a chance to show their skills to the world. They include many events (6)to those in the (7), such as basketball, football and (8).(9) 40,000 people(10)up their spare time for the event.It's (11)for volunteers to receive (12)before doingthe tasks. LiuMing was the swimming (13) for a young boy

26、 called Li Hai. To him, the most important thing is not to win a (14) or a silver, but to take part. He feels more (15)because of the Special Olympics World Games.The Special Olympics World Gamesalso make (16) and volunteers from different (17)feel like part of one big family.Unit 6 Reading ( n )【课时

27、导航】一、重难点分析。1. necessary 作形容词,意为“必须的,必要的”。e.g. Sleeping is to our health.睡眠对于我们的健康是必需的。注意:necessary不能修饰或描述人,只能修或描述事物,常用于 It is necessary for sb todo sth 句型中,意为“某人有必要做某事。”e.g.你有必要现在就做这项工作。不可译为:You are necessary to do the work now.应译为: .2. achieve 作动词,意为“实现,达到"。achieve one ' s dream 意为“实现某人的梦想

28、”。e.g. I ' m sure in the end.我相信最终你会实现你的梦想。辨析:achieve/come trueachieve其主语必须是人,后可接宾语。come true其主语是事物,后不接宾语。achiev e one' s dream=one' s dream comes true二、翻译下列短语。1.获得第四名 2.感到更自信3.来自不同背景的志愿者 4.感觉像做某事 5.感觉像大家庭的一份子 6.与某人密切合作7.实现某人的梦想 8.主动提供帮助9.使他们的梦想成真 10. 一定能赢得比赛【实战演练】一、用所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1.

29、The e happened yesterday made more than ten people lose their lives.2. Many people g up their free time help people in need after the earthquake.3. You should get enough t before you take the job.4. If you try your best now, you are sure to a your dreams.5. The price of( 黄金)is lower than before.6. T

30、he tickets for the( 成人)are more expensive.7. I' m looking forward to getting a( 特殊的 )present.8. You should( 支持)your daughter ' s idea.二、所给词的适当形式填空。9. I know some people offer (help) without (get) paid for the event.10. It ' s great for volunteers to work_ (close) with these special athle

31、tes.11. Li Lei was sure(win) the swimming competition.12. Do you know the famous film star(call) Jackie Chen?13. We felt like(fly) in the sky when we were on the roller coaster.14. You should give up(smoke), because it ' s bad for your health.15. We should try our best to help those(able) people

32、.16. I didn ' t ex pect him(come) here.17. Many (volunteer) (volunteer) to help those people in Ya' an Earthquake.18. The boss made his workers(not work) eight hours but 12 hours a day.三、单项选择。()1. Anyone who sings well can the activity in our school.A. take part inB. take partC. joinD. take

33、in()2. Mary ' s hat is similar Jane' s.A. withB. atC. ofD. to()3. - Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match?-Yes, they have better players, so IA. hopeB. expect()4.I'm working on a charity showA. callingB. calls()5. If we Chinese work hard together, ChinaA. come nearB. real

34、ize()6. - Will the winners be given an award? -A. I am afraid soB. I sure【拓展延伸】一、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。Disabled, close, pay, confidence, task1. They do the job without getting.them to win.C. exceptD. preferSunshine for All.C. called D. is called's dream will.C. achieve D. come true, they will.C. Of cou

35、rseD. May be2. You can go out to play games after you finish these3. His prevents him from getting a job.4. Our hearts arelinked.5. Mr King is of success.二、翻译下列句子。1. 我感觉自己是我们这个大家庭中的一员。I of this big family.2. 我们要帮助那些有智力障碍的孩子们。We should help those child.3. John 战胜了 Jim,获得了第名。John and won the first pri

36、ze.4. 我相信最终你会实现你的梦想。I' m sure you will in the end.5. 这个活动把我们聚在一起。This activity.5.现在我需要做的不是休息,而是工作。What I need to do now is to rest,to work.三、首字母填空。I had always tried to do something for the children in some poor villages. On a hot Juneday. I (1)j a group of volunteers and came to a small village

37、 in the (2)wof China to build a library at a primary school.After a three-hour ride, we (3)a there at last. The school was poor, andhad to (4)c a small room as the library. Our job was to move the books into theroom, place them on the shelves and set up small tables and (5)c for the children.I soon

38、fo und the work wasn ' t as (6)i as I had expected. We did the sametiring things for the whole morning. But in the (7)a, students began to borrow books from the library and went back to thei. r (8)c to read. One student saidthat he had never seen so many books and (9)t us again and again. How ha

39、ppy Iwas to (10)h that! Then we worked on and in the end a library was built!It only took us one day to build the library, but it will make a difference to the children ' s lives.Unit 6 Grammar【课时导航】一、重难点分析。1 .在It is + adjective + to do句型中的形容词表示不定式所具备的特征或客观情况。如:cheap, convenient, difficult, easy

40、, exciting, important, necessary, useful, wonderful2 .在It is + adjective +for sb + to do句型中,for sb是不定式动作的逻辑主语,意为“某人做某事是怎样的”。3 .句型It ' s + adj. + of sb. to do sth通常表示说话人对客观事件的惊讶、兴奋、懊悔、难过感叹情绪。该句型中用作表语的形容词常见的有如下几类:(1)表示聪明或愚蠢的形容词,有 clever, wise, foolish, stupid, silly, unwise。e.g. It ' s silly o

41、f him to do such a thing.他竟干出这样的事,真是愚蠢!(2)表示正确或错误的形容词,有right, wrong, correct, incorrect等。e.g. It was right of her not to come here.她没有来这儿 , 太对了!(3)表示好坏等品性的形容词,此类词较多,有 good, nice, kind, sweet, friendly, lovely,wonderful, bad, unkind, naughty等。e.g. It ' s friendly of you to c ome and see me. 你能来看我

42、 , 真够朋友!(4)表示褒义或贬义色彩的形容词,有brave, polite, careless, selfish等。e.g. It was brave of you to manage to do it.你居然能做成这件事 ,真勇敢!4 . have trouble (in) doing sth意为“做某事有麻烦";have no trouble in doing sth 意为“做某事没困难”。e.g. Do you have trouble in learning English?你在英语上有困难吗 ?二、翻译下列短语。1.给老人让座 2.帮助盲人过马路3 .捐钱给慈善机构 4

43、.照顾一只丢失的宠物5 .种植更多的树 6.保持干净 7 .没有一的帮助 8.做某事有麻烦 9 .更有耐心 10.让水龙头流水11.到处丢垃圾 12.捐-给- 三、用for或of填空。1. It's hard Eddie to go down from here.2. It's kind you to help elderly people cross the road.3. It's necessary him to remember all these new words.4. It's clever my litter son to work out th

44、is maths problem.5. It's patient Miss Wang to explain things to her students again and again.6. It's important me to learn more about Western culture.【实战演练】一、用所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Simon d his pocket money to the disabled person yesterday.2. We should help those people in n in our daily life.3

45、. It ' s possible for her to work for the_ ( 慈善)on Saturday.4. The local people hope to( 提高)their lives.5. These1. It's careless of him_ (make) so many mistakes.( 组织)need plenty of volunteers.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。2. It3. It(meaning)(organize) a charity event.4. My keys are(lose).I can ' t find

46、them.5. Look! They are donating blood(save) the sick boy.6. It ' s necessary to be(friend) to animals.三、单项选择。)1. It is cleveryou to answer such a question.A. forB. onC. withD. of(possible) for you to do it well without any hard work.)2. Itto)3. It)4.A. dangerous's reallyA. amazed; live toani

47、mals isA. Help; helpB. scaryC. relaxingthat a tortoise canB. amazed; live up toD. difficult150 years old.C. amazing; live up D.people. - Exactly.B. To help; helpingC. Helps; helpsamazing; liveD. To help;to listen to light music when you feel tired.helped)5.- I foundinterestingthe animals.-So you sho

48、uld take your son to see the animals when you are free.A. that; to feed B. it to feedC. this; to feedD. it feed)6. - I like my Chinese teacher. He is very kindus.-That is very kindhim.A. of; toB. to; ofC. to; toD. of; of)7. My daughter thinksnecessaryto take so many dancing classes.A. that; for herB

49、. it; of herC. that; of her D. it; for her)8. He never works hard so itfor him to pass the exam.A. hopeless B. uselessC. usefulD. hopeful【拓展延伸】、同义句转换。1. This task is difficult to finish.2. I find it easy to learn English well.3. You will lose your way easily in such a big city.4. He is unable to wor

50、k out such a difficult problem.5. The girl gives her seat to people in need. She is very kind. 二、翻译下列句子。1. 保持公共场所干净是有必要的。It ' s to keep clean.2. 你能做一名志愿者真棒。It,s wonderful to be3 .人们到处乱扔垃圾是错误的。It ' s4 .吃饭前不洗手是不健康的。It ' s 5 .他很善良,帮助盲人过马路。It ' sto drop litter everywhere.to eat meals wit

51、hout to help6 .为何不把你的零花钱捐给需要的人呢?Why not your pocket money people?7 .周末在社区中心当志愿者很有意义。It ' s a volunteer community centre at the weekend.8 .有时我们和智力有障碍的人交谈有困难。Sometimes we to people.Unit 6 Integrated skills & Study skills【课时导航】一、重难点分析。1. project 作名词,意为“项目;工程;课题” 。e.g. He is busy with a research

52、 project.他正忙于一个课题研究。Most of his time is devoted to Project Hope.他的大部分时间都用于希望工程。2. agree作动词,意为“同意;赞同"。agree to do sth 意为“同意做某事”,不可说agree sb to do sth ; agree to sth 意为"同意某事",后接某事或意见看法等;agree with 同意、赞同某人的意见,后接某人或某人所说的话;agree on意为“双方或多方协商后在某方面取得一致意见”,其主语必须是协商双方或多方。e.g. Tom asked me if m

53、y wife spend the holiday in the north. I said that she my idea, so we a date for it, and my wife what we did.汤姆问我我太太是否也同意去北方度假,我说她同意我的想法,因此我们就定了个日子,我太太对我们的做法表示同意。二、翻译下列短语。1.为一个志愿者项目 2.为一个培训计划 3 .在地里干活 4.在电话中交谈 5 .在山区 6.住在遥远的村庄7 .参加 8.青少年的课外活动9 .中国西北部 10.教某人某物 11.用这种方式 12.改善他们的生活 13.在我们的日常生活中 14.节约我们

54、的零花钱 15. 了解不同的文化 16. 帮助我们的大脑放松 17.变得更糟 18. 良好的阅读习惯【实战演练】一、用所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Project Hope is an othat raises money to help poor people.2. The man is kind-hearted. He often donates b.3. We should help those people in need in our dlife.4. The local people hope to ( 提高 ) their lives.5. She is going t

55、o the ( 西北方 ) of China to teach the poor children there.6. My brother is a ( 大学 ) student.7. Peter s cousin Judy is telling him about a volunteer ( 课题 ).8. UNICEF is one of the famous ( 慈善机构 ) around the world.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She teaches (they) Chinese, music and art.2. It s (mean) to learn more ab

56、out Chinese history.3. By _(read) the article, we know more about the poor children s life.4. Lily with her parents (live) in Beijing in the past three years.5. Why not help those (home) people?6. Can you help us (raise) money for them?7. It is good to give our seats on the bus to the (elder).8. The advice is (helpful) for us to learn English.三、单项选择。( ) 1. Many college students work part-time waiters in restaurants in summerholiday.A. atB. onC. asD. for( ) 2. Every year


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