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1、必修三Modules 13综合技能测试本卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are they talking about?ANewspapers.BMoscow.CA forest fire.2How much money did the man

2、 spend in Hong Kong?A3, 000 yuan. B4, 000 yuan. C6, 000 yuan.3What kind of room does the woman accept?AA room with two double beds.BA room with one double bed.CTwo rooms with two double beds.4What color does the man prefer? AWhite. BBlack. CBlue.5Where will the woman stop on her way? AAt a roadside

3、stand.BAt old granny's home.CAt a cigarette shop.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后都有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68小题。6Where does this conversation take place? AIn the garden.BIn the Woman's home.CAt

4、an insurance company.7Why does the man talk to the woman? ATo make a damage report.BTo help her rebuild her house.CTo show honesty in his business.8How many articles were destroyed by the storm? AThree. BFour. CFive.听第7段材料,回答第911小题。9What did the woman do last weekend?AShe went for a hike.BShe went c

5、amping.CShe went to see a film.10How does the woman like their activity?ASo­so. BTerrible. CGood.11What was the weather like last weekend?ASunny. BRainy. CStormy.听第8段材料,回答第1214小题。12Where does the man want to go? AThe Hong Kong Park.BThe Chinese mainland.CThe travel agency.13Why do people go to

6、the Visa Office rather than the travel agency for a visa?AIt's easier. BIt's cheaper. CIt's near.14How will the man get his visa? AWith the woman's help.BThrough a travel agency.CFrom the Chinese Visa Office.听第9段材料,回答第1517小题。15What is Smith's address?A18th floor, Flat B, Everbrig

7、ht Road.B18th floor, Flat C, Everbright Street.C10th floor, Flat A, Everbright Road.16What was missing? AA computer and a pen.BA computer and two pens.CA typewriter and two pens.17When did Mr Smith find the theft? AAt 7 o'clock this morning.BAt 7:30 this morning.CYesterday evening.听第10段材料,回答第182

8、0小题。18What did the man's wife give his mother when she gave away money? AA handful of pocket money.BA big­value note.CA little money.19Why did the man's wife give their daughter a big­value note? ABecause their daughter could afford everything she wanted.BBecause their daughter wou

9、ld be hesitant to turn it into change and run out of it right away.CBecause their daughter accepted only big­value notes.20What do you think of the man's wife? AShe is mean over money matters.BShe loves their daughter but hates the man's mother.CShe's wise.答案:1.C2.C3.A4.A5.A6.B7.A8.

10、C9.B10C11.C12.B13.B14.C15.A16.B17.B18.A19.B20.C听力材料Text 1M:Have you read the story in today's newspaper?W:No. What's it about?M:A big forest fire broke out in Russia. The whole Moscow is full of smog and some flights change or are cancelled.W:How come!Text 2W:How much did you spend last time

11、 you went to Hong Kong?M:Not too much. Three thousand yuan for a mobile phone and an MP4. One thousand yuan for each of the three necklaces.Text 3M:Good evening. May I help you?W:Yes. What kind of room do you have?M:Let me see. We have a room with two double beds. How many nights?W:Just one. We'

12、re only staying overnight.Text 4M:Between the white and black shirt I decide on the white one.W:Sorry? Which one?M:The white one. Text 5M:Please buy a pack of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.W:I am not going to any store. I'm going to see old granny, but I will get them for you at a

13、 roadside stand.Text 6M:Hello, Mrs Lee, I'm from Pacific Insurance. I'm visiting quite a few homes in this area actually. The storm did a lot of damage.W:Well, you've been quick. I only phoned two days ago.M:I know. Well, let's start here at the front, shall we? Uh, you've got a

14、lot of coverings missing off the roof.W:Yes. The chimney was damaged as well.M:Oh, yes. Some of the bricks have been blown off. Anything else?W:Um, you can see the bedroom window on the left was destroyed. I've just put some board over it.M:OK. Let's walk round to the back.W:Here we are.M:Go

15、odness, that tree's fallen down right onto the fence!W:Yes. It's really a pity. That was a lovely tree. The shed roof was damaged too, I'm afraid.M:I see. I've got all that. I'll write up my report and we'll let you have a check as soon as possible.Text 7W:Good morning, Henry

16、! A lovely day, isn't it?M:Yes, it is.W:Now it is the best season for a picnic.M:Did you go out for a picnic last weekend?W:We went to the seaside. It's really an ideal place for camping. We enjoyed ourselves around the fire, singing and dancing. And then we went for a swim in the area.M:How

17、 many members were in your party in all?W:We were ten in all, with Clinton as our head teacher.M:Did you get caught in the bad storm?W:Yes, but we had a good time in spite of that.Text 8M:Let's find the Chinese Visa Office.W:What are you going to do?M:I want to go there. Ah, it's marked here

18、, near the Hong Kong Park.W:Are you going to the Chinese mainland?M:Yes, I want to get an entry visa.W:You can get it through a travel agency.M:Can I? I didn't know.W:Yes, it's much easier. And if you go to the Chinese Visa Office yourself, you may have to wait a long time. Sometimes many pe

19、ople are waiting there.M:Why don't they go to a travel agency?W:It's more expensive. Besides, they have to contact the agent at least 15 days before they travel. So if you need to get the visa right away, you have to go to the Chinese Visa Office.M:I see. But I do need to get it today.Text 9

20、W:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?M:I've come to report a theft, madam.W:Could I have your name and address, please?M:Albert Smith. And my address is 18th floor Flat B, Everbright Street. Oh, no, it's Everbright Road.W:And telephone number?M:663 8072.W:Well, sir, could you tell me w

21、hat was stolen?M:Yes. The main thing is my computer. It was on my desk and was in my study yestertday evening. I'm sure of that because I used it as late as 8 o'clock. Then there are two Parker fountain­pens. That's all.W:When did you notice it?M:Well, I came downstairs at 7:30 this

22、 morning and when I went into my study, I at once noticed the typewriter wasn't in its usual place.W:Did you search around for it carefully? M:Oh, yes, especially when I noticed the pens were missing too. Is there anything else you need to know?W:Nothing for the moment, sir.Text 10I always wonde

23、red at the different ways my wife gave away money. Each time she gave money to my mother it was a handful of change, but to our child she gave a big­value note. When I mentioned my puzzle to her, she smiled, “Our daughter tends to spend. A fiver seems nothing to her and she readily parts with i

24、t. If she is given a 100 yuan she will be hesitant to turn it into change right away. The money will last her 10 days or even half a month. That's why I give her a big­value note. As for mother, to be saving is her nature. She would spend as little as possible. If a large note is given to h

25、er, it would stay with her a long time. That's why I give her change to urge her to spend. She'll use it to buy her favourites: melon seeds or dried grapes. Which do you like your mother to do: spend money or store it underher pillow?”It suddenly dawned on me: a 100­yuan note doesn'

26、t equal 100 one­yuan notes.第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The information office is _ in the centre of the city.A. located B. locateC. locating D. be locating答案:Alocated adj.意为“位于;坐落在”;locate v“确定的准确位置,把安置在(或建造于)”。22_ restoration of ancient archi

27、tecture, the Chinese government has invested a large sum of money on it. A. In case of B. In favour of C. In terms of D. In honour of答案:Cin case of意为“万一;如果”;in favour of意为“赞成;支持;有利于”;in terms of意为“就而言;从方面说来”;in honour of意为“为了向表示敬意;为纪念”。句意为:“在修复古建筑方面,中国政府已经投入了大量的资金。”23_ with a difficult situation, Ar

28、nold decided to ask his parents for advice.A. To face B. Having facedC. Faced D. Facing答案:Cbe faced with意为“面对着;面临着”,该题应用过去分词形式作状语。句意为:“面对着困难的形势,阿诺德决定向父母征求建议。”24He _ who the murderer was before the end of the book.A. figured on B. figured inC. figured out D. figured up答案:C句意:“他没读完这本书就已经知道谁是凶手了。”figur

29、e out意为“明白;想出”;figure on意为“依赖;打算”;figure in意为“算入”;figure up意为“计算”。25As the school term ends, New York is no closer to _ its shortage of teachers than it was earlier in the year.A. solve B. solvingC. being solved D. be solved答案:B句意:“学期结束时,纽约和今年上半年一样根本没解决师资不足的问题”。be close to中的to是介词,后接动名词形式,故答案是B项。26He

30、 was talking about his _ in America, where he got a lot of _ of travelling.A. experiences; experienceB. experience; experienceC. experiences; experiencesD. experience; experiences答案:Aexperience用作“经验”时,是不可数名词,用作“经历”时,是可数名词。根据句意可知第一空表示的是“经历”,第二空表示的是“经验”,故选A项。27European football is played in 80 countri

31、es, _ it the most popular sport in the world.A. making B. makesC. made D. to make答案:A该题为现在分词形式作结果状语。句意为“有80个国家踢欧式足球,这使得它成了世界上最流行的体育运动”。28You'll _ in hospital if you drive so fast.A. round up B. end upC. turn up D. die up答案:Bround up意为“集拢;围捕”;end up意为“完结;最终”;turn up意为“出现:露面”。根据句意应选B项。句意为“如果你开车这么快

32、,最终会(受伤)住院的”。29The house caught _ fire last night. It's said to have been deliberately set _ fire to.A/;/ Ba;aCa;/ D/;a答案:Acatch fire为固定短语,意为“着火”;set fire to也是固定短语,意为“放火烧”。30As darkness _, I made my way over to the city park _ on Park Street.Afell; locating Bfalling; locatedCfalling; locating Df

33、ell; located答案:D句意:“随着夜幕的降临,我朝着位于帕克街道上的市公园走去。”as引导时间状语从句,这里缺少谓语,用过去式fell;locate作定语修饰park要用过去分词形式表示被动。31Tom's aunt finally arrived at about midnight, _ which he waited from 5 pm. at the railway station, cold and hungry.Aat BonCbefore Duntil答案:D句意:汤姆的姑姑终于在约半夜的时候到了,而他从下午5点一直在火车站等到半夜,又冷又饿。until“直到”,

34、符合句意。32They _ a glance before they signed their names in the paper.Achanged BturnedChad Dexchanged答案:D由句意可知,此处指签名前他们相互使了一个眼色,exchange“交换”合乎题意,故选D。exchange a glance“相互使用眼色”。33Many people have been out of work in China.And _ that the government is always taking measures to increase the number of emplo

35、yment.Ain spite of Bbecause ofCthanks to Din addition to答案:B因为很多失业者的存在,中国政府一直在采取措施致力于提高就业人数。in spite of“虽然”;thanks to “幸亏”;in addition to“除了”;只有because of“因为”符合题意。34(2012·湖北孝感第一次统考)Li Hua, who was busy prepa-ring a report, couldn't _ the loud noise, so he kept all the windows shut all day l

36、ong.Aput up with Bcome up withCcatch up with D.keep up with答案:A考查动词短语。李华正忙于准备一份报告,忍受不了嘈杂的声音,故用put up with表示“容忍,忍受”。B“提出,想出”;C“赶上”;D“跟上”。35To the world you may be one person, _ to one person you may be the world.AandBhoweverCsoDbut答案:D考查句式。句意:“对于世界来说,你可能是一个人;但是对于一个人来说,你有可能就是世界”。前后句在行文逻辑上是转折关系,如果用howe

37、ver的话,该词后面要用逗号与后一分句隔开,but后面不必有逗号,故选D。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。When I was in Germany,one day at Christmas­time I went to a post office to send a letter. To my _36_ I found people queuing some paces away from the person at the savings deposit wind

38、ow, _37_ so? Each did his business _38_ but the line never moved a step _39_ . I was very _40_, so I walked to the window to find out the cause. There was a notice on which was written “Thank you for your _41_ for others' privacy”a polite _42_ to keep people away from nosing into other's _43

39、_ (money matters are regarded as privacy in Western countries). I was deeply impressed by the _44_ and stayed a while to watch: they were waiting so _45_ at a distance that they seemed quite _46_ to the practice. The _47_ thing happened at a public telephone box._48_ waiting for their turns always k

40、ept their distanceenough to be out of _49_. It's another typical example!From then on I _50_ to watch their ways of doing things,manners, treatment _51_ towards others. I found the Germans always mindful of others privacy. They avoided putting others in an embarrassing (窘迫的) situation. For insta

41、nce,they never _52_about age, incomes or the place to buy such a coat, _53_ would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore. Their laws _54_ reading diaries or opening letters without permission. That shows _55_ matters are not allowed to be disturbed.作者通过在德国的所见所闻,感受到德国人很尊重别人的隐私和排队时的有序。 36A.

42、 sorrow B. anger C. delight D. surprise答案:Dto ones sorrow“令人悲伤的是”;to one's anger“令人生气的是”;to ones delight“令人高兴的是”;to one's surprise“令人惊奇的是”。作者发现人们排队等候时与正在储蓄窗口办理业务的人隔着几步远。所以感到奇怪。37A. Why B. How C. What D. Where答案:Awhy so?“为什么会这样呢?”因为作者感到奇怪,问为什么会这样。38A. in secret B. with careC. in turn D. by tu

43、rns答案:C由people queuing可知人们在排队按次序等候。in secret “秘密地”;with care“小心地”;in turn“按顺序;依次”;by turns“轮流,交替”。39A. slower B. nearer C. farther D. longer答案:B由but前的“每个人都依次办理业务”可知,but后的内容应与前面有转折,即每个人都依次办理业务,但是队伍却一步也没有往前靠。40A. curious B. angry C. interested D. impatient答案:Acurious“好奇的”;angry“生气的”;interested“感兴趣的”;i

44、mpatient“不耐烦的”。 由so I walked to the window to find out the cause可知作者是对这种现象好奇。41A. care B. respect C. help D. search答案:Bcare“在乎”;respect“尊重”;help“帮助”;search“寻找”。由文章上文可知此举为“尊重别人的隐私”。42A. voice B. phrase C. warning D. sentence答案:Cvoice“声音”;phrase“短语”;warning“提醒”;sentence“句子”,由上句可知这是礼貌的提醒。43A. pockets B

45、. savings C. needs D. affairs答案:Dpocket“口袋”;saving“积蓄”;need“需要”;affair“事情”。由括号内的内容可知,此处指别人的事情。44A. word B. sight C. people D. matters答案:Bword“话语”,sight“情景,景象”;people“人们”;matters“情况”。此处用sight表示作者所看到的情景。45A. honestly B. anxiously C. nervously D. calmly答案:Dhonestly“诚实地”;anxiously“焦虑地”;nervously“紧张地”;ca

46、lmly“平静地”。由上文可知:为了尊重别人的隐私,大家都很平静地等着。46A. used B. familiarC. uncomfortable D. polite答案:A句意:大家似乎对这种做法已经习惯了。这与上文的“大家都很平静地等着”相呼应。47A. interesting B. strangeC. same D. different答案:Cinteresting“有趣的”;strange“奇怪的”;same“同样的”;different“不同的”。由上文可知人们在公用电话亭排队打电话时的做法与在银行存款时是一样的,都是为了尊重别人的隐私。48A. They B. These C. T

47、hose D. That答案:C 完整的句子是“Those who were waiting for their turns.”,those在此作主语,指those people。 49A. breath B. hearing C. touch D. question答案: B在电话亭等候打电话时,为了尊重别人的隐私,不能听别人的谈话内容,所以用out of hearing。50A. went on B. took careC. paid attention D. took charge答案:Bgo on to do.“接着做另一件事”;take care to do.“留心做”;pay at

48、tention to doing.“注意做”;take charge“负责”。由句意“从那时起,我留心观察他们做事情的方式”可知B项正确。 51A. moving B. shown C. facing D. offered答案:B“their ways of doing tings,manners,treatment”被展示给别人,用shown作定语。52A. asked B. heard C. worried D. learned答案: Aask about“询问”;hear about“听说”;worry about“担心”;learn about“了解”。此处指他们从不询问年龄、收入等,

49、符合逻辑。53A. so B. nor C. not only D. if答案:B用nor.表示“也不”。54A. appreciate B. stop C. hate D. forbid答案:Dappreciate“欣赏”;stop“停止”;hate“讨厌”;forbid“禁止”。句意:他们的法律禁止偷看别人的日记或私拆别人的信件。 55A. public B. personal C. small D. important答案:Bpublic“公共的”;personal“私人的”;small“小的”;important“重要的”。因为本文主要谈论尊重别人的隐私,所以选择B项。第三部分:阅读理

50、解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ATIJUANA, Mexico­A powerful earthquake swayed (摇动) buildings from Los Angeles to Tijuana, killing two people in Mexico, blacking out cities and forcing the evacuation (疏散) of hospitals and nursing homes. One Californi

51、a city closed off its downtown due to unstable buildings.The 7.2­magnitude quake centered just south of the US border near Mexicali was one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in decades. “It sounds like it's felt by at least 20 million people, USGS seismologist Lucy Jones said.

52、“Most of Southern California felt this earthquake.”Sunday afternoon's earthquake hit hardest in Mexicali, a commerce center along Mexico's border with California, where authorities said the quake was followed by at least 20 smaller aftershocks, including ones of magnitudes 5.1,4. 5 and 4. 3.

53、 “It has not stopped trembling in Mexicali,” said Baja California state Civil Protection Director Alfredo Escobedo on Monday.Escobedo said one man was killed when his home collapsed just outside of Mexicali and another died when he rushed into the street in panic and was struck by a car. At least 10

54、0 people were injured in the city,most of them struck by falling objects. Power was out in virtually the entire city.Susan Warmbier was putting away groceries in the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista when her husband asked, “Is the house moving?”Elsewhere in San Diego, there were reports of shattered

55、windows, broken pipes and water main breaks in private buildings, but no reports of injuries, San Diego Fire­Rescue Department spokesman Maurice Luque said. Coronado Bridge over San Diego Bay was briefly closed as a precaution. Across the border in Tijuana, Mexico, the quake caused buildings to sway and knock


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