



1、八年级下册英语单词适当形式填空Prepared on 22 November 2020LCYOCR .1. (扫)the floor after school yesterday.2. You mustn't (借)these books to others.3. Look, the little child is (微笑)at you!4. Tony (射击)at the goal, but he failed again .5. What is the (人 口)of your city, Emily6. Linda was ill,so I attended the meetin

2、g i of her.7. There are twenty m in our football club.feel a little w . I need to rest.9. The mother monkey gave b to a baby monkey yesterday.10. The trousers are neither too long nor too short. They f me well.(1)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(plan,Sure, carefuhpast,healthDon't be a couch potato

3、. Make you take plenty of exercise. People aren't as active now as they were in the s important to eat a healthy diet. Eat fresh vegetables and don't eat fast food. Stay safe in the town by crossing the road .Stay safe in the countryside. When you go out walking, go with someone, or tell som

4、eone where you are go and when you will return. Say "no" to cigarettes and drugs: Smoking and taking drugs are bad for your you follow these, you will live a long and healthy life.1. Your (牙齿)are bad. You should go to see a dentist.lost all my (感觉)in my feet after sitting before the comput

5、er for a longtime. 3. The new skirt (属于)to my sister.4. Dale likes to (收集)telephone cards.5. There are a lot of (珍宝)in the Palace Museum .6. The kind man always r money to help the homeless children.7. Which of the following s means ,HNo Smoking"8. Jack and his friends went to an i by boat last

6、 weekend.9. Miss Green walked t the station without saying anything.10. She worked ve ry hard this term and made good p in English.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(f。* they, keep, clever, animal)A dog is akind of animal. It often lives with people at home. It's one of the most popular pet people l

7、ike to keep a dog because it is and it can understand them. People feed the dog and build a house for it . Dogs can do lots of things for people. In cities, people dog not only for pleasure, but also for safety. In the country, farmers like to keep dogs , too. Besides, some of the dogs can help farm

8、ers to look after animals such as sheep and pigs. Dogs are our friends, and we must take good care of1. Our team played with great (勇气).2. Do you realize the (重要性)of this question3. Do you have any (困难)with English4. You can (达至U) these goals for yourself.5. She loves (当代的)music .6. You don*t look h

9、appy. What*s your t, Li Bing7. The old man is b in the left eye, so he sees only with his right eye.got up at seven and went to school as early as u9. He is a new student. He will i himself to us .10. When s comes. The trees turn green and the flowers come out.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(make , i

10、nterest, try , tell, speak)When learning English, one should first pay attention to listening and speaking. You'd better 11.your best to speak while you do much listening. But if you mistakes, don't worry. If you want to find your mistakes, a good way is to keep a diary or write letters. You

11、 can ask others to see what you write and 13 you what is wrong. Manymistakes will be easily found when you write . If you are slow in , don't worry. The best way is reading. One important thing is to choose something 15.to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you.1. Hainan Province lies in

12、the (南方的)part of China.'ll discuss it with you (不论何时)you like.3 . The flu is spreading quickly (在之中)people these days.4 . My sister works as a 护士,in a hospital.know that China has the biggest (人 口)in the world.6. The pictures r me of my school days,was twelve o'clock at night, but he was sti

13、ll a8. The old man is can*t hear anything at all.9. -What's the m with you, Sam -I have a must stay in bed.10. I didn't volunteer to clean the park this Sunday. -N did I J stayed at homeand helped my mother do the housework.(4)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(slow,family,busy: waitjioon)It was

14、 my fathers birthday. We would have a at , After saying goodbyej drove my car to the restaurant. But as you know, the traffic is very this time every day. So I drove 14 . When I arrived,! found my father looking through a newspaper. My sister was playing with her toys. Two aunts were chatting in a l

15、ow voice. There were at least ten people 15 for was so sorry for it.1. Another popular argument for the examination is its (公平'性)2. All the children (返回)home when school was over today.3. We will build a new (铁路)here.4. This time you are (完全地) wrong.5. We are (考虑)about how to do it6. To my s, he

16、 shows up for class every day.7. Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, more and more people recognize (意识到)the i of creation.8. Fve got a cold and a high t, so I can't go to school today.9. Linda said that she was feeling 1 because her best friend wasn't around.10. There is so

17、mething wrong with this machine and it needs r atonce. (5)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(cost,advicejnstead,company rather)This week, we asked some students what kind of gifts they would get for their girls get their family something personal because they were few sttudents agreed to get pets for fa

18、mily because a pet might be a good, and it little . The most interesting idea was from a boyjie said he would do something for his family thanget them ,he would cook a meal, of anything else .1. Schubert lived a very hard life and often (借) money from his friends.2. Everyone can master this skill af

19、ter (训I练)(比较) with that market, this one is much newer and bigger.4. England is a developed (西方的)country.5. It*s (愚蠢的)of you to do these things.6. -When did Lucy come to see you -At 12: was sleeping when the door bells rang.7. This is my favorite novel. It i five parts.8. She had a rest and then c r

20、eading that novel.9. He is a f of football game. 10. The fog is so t that we can't seethe road clearly.根据短文肉容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(hobby,send, stamp, .country ,collect)Dear Jenney,Thank you for 11 me the stamp while you are on vacation in loveit!The animals on the are so don't have any ot

21、her stamp with picture ofhave been for three years. Now I have 115 stamps from different14. Where are you gomg on vacation next Will you send me a stamp from that countryl want to collect stamp from eveiy country in the world. Thanks! Do you have any Could I send you something1. How many (段落)does th

22、is text have2. 2: Who knows the (真相)of this matter think its a(完美的)plan.4. On holiday, many (游客)like to go to Dinghu Mountain because of the fresh air.5. These are all 古代的)stories and people still like them now.left my ruler at home and I b one from Tony.7. We cleaned all the tables when they were s

23、 the floor.8. Billy doesn't r that he made the same mistake again and again. Let's helphim. 9. The Red Cross is a s group to help people.10. Hebei P is in the north of China.(8)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式度空,每词限用一次。(,co llect,capital, Asia)My good friend, Leo, is an 11.but now he teaches in Beijing,

24、 the12 of China. . Though he is a foreigner, he likes Chinese history very much. Hehas been learning Chinese history for over two years. Now he knows much about he also has several other hobbies. For example, he likes he he was seven years old. Now he has more than twO stamps. He says he will sell s

25、ome to raise money for the poor students in hisschool. So you see, he is interested in helping people now .1. What is the (重要性)of learning English well2. How about (募集)some money for the Project Hope3. You can improve your (交流)skills through practice4. When did the couple get (结婚)5. As a music teacher, Mrs. Li has collected more than 1,000 (唱片)6. The sun is s brightly. Let s go hiking.7. France is a W


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