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1、2000年济南中考英语试题及答案试卷类型A注意事项:1.本试题满分120分,考试答题 时间120分钟2,本试题分为第1卷(选择题)和第11卷(非选择题)。第I卷要求考生使用答题卡。 第R卷要求考生用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接将答案做在试卷上。3 .使用答题卡前,考生务必将自 己的姓名,准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡规定的地方, 考试结束,将答题卡和试卷一并交给监考教师。4 .使用答题卡时,必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,须用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。第1卷(选择题共75分)1.听力测试A.听录音,在每组单词中选出一个你所听到的单词每个单词读两遍。(5分)1. A.

2、 keep2. A. worker3. A. office4. A. bottleB . jumpB teacherB. spaceB. tableC. sleepC. doctorC. placeC. middleD. sweepD. visitorD . pieceD. littleD . thousand5. A. cloud B. outside C . groundB)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(5分)6. A . How many new booksdo you have?B. How often are youlate for school ?C

3、. How much doesthe skirt cost?7. A . I 'd like you to be hereon time .8. You d betterbe morecareful next time.9. He did a lot of housework at home .8. A. It 's a longway from hereto the park .B. It' s a long time since heleft.C. It 's hardtofinish it without your help.9. A . There

4、9; s nothing with his car.B. Will you pleaselend me your bike?C. I really don ' t know what you like .10. A. Hurry up ,oryou' ll belate.B. Write to me assoon asyou get there .C. Come hereearlier, and you 'llseeher.(5分)C)在录音中你将听到五个问句。请根据问句选择正确答案,每个问 句读两遍11. A. SevenB. ThirtyC. Thirty-oneD

5、. Twenty-eight12. A. No, not beautiful.B. I bought it yesterday.D. Yes, I like it.B. With my friend .D. Yes, we did .C. Thank youvery much.13. A. At eight。' clock.C. By bike.14. A. SundayB. FridayC. Wednesday D. Thursday15. A. Hie likes watching football match.B. He 'd like you to stayhere.C

6、. He' s very kind to us .D. He's tall and strong .D)在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问句。请根据短文内容及问句选择正确答案,短文及问句读两遍。(5分)。16. A. By bus.B. By train.C. By bike.D. On foot.17. A. Becausehe wants to know the news in newspapers .B. Becausehe was told to do so .C. Becausehe wants to makethe tine passmore quickly .D.

7、Becausehe enjoys reading newspapers18. A. It was about animportant volleyball match.B. It wasabout animportant pingpong match.C. It wasabout animportant basketball match .D. It wasabout animportant football match.19. A. He got off the train at the right station .B. Hedidn' t get off the train .C

8、. He bad to get off at the next station .D. He got off the train at the laststation .20. A. No, hewasn 4at all .B. Yes,he was .C. He wasvery glad when hewastold that.D. Becausehegot off the train too late.葭单词拼音 从每组单词中。选出一个划线部分读音与所给音标读音相同的词。(5分)21. C A. manyB. washing C. plantD. wake22. Q A. cloud B.

9、 bought C. wouldD. touch23. iE A. heartB . heardC.nearlyD.pear24. T A, threeB. thinkC.bothD. their25. t A. worked B. livedC. waited D. playedm.选择填空 从每题A'B'C'D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)。26. There is parkin the centreof the city .A. a B . an C. the D /27. Your football is under thedesk . Where&#

10、39; s?A . her B . you C. us D. ours28. -Must I stay at homeand take care of her?-No, you.A. mustn 'tB. won' tC can 'tD. needn t29. -Would you like to cometo my birthday party next Sunday?-Oh, thanksa lot . .A. Yes , pleaseB . Yes, I would,C. I'd love toD. I' ve no idea30. The bag

11、is too. I can 't put the pencil -box in.A. heavy B . full C. light D . empty31. The PLA man savedthree lives in the accident.A. children" s B children C . childD . childs '32. He is thirsty . Pleasegive him some todrink.A. riceB. meat C. water D . oranges33. -How often do you write to y

12、our uncle? -A. Once a monthB. One monthC. I na monthD. For a month34. Don' t forget to "Thank you" when someonehashelped you .A. speakB. tellD. talk35. I have to do. Pleasegive me toread.A. something,anythingB. nothing ,somethingC. nothing, everythingD. anything, nothing36. English is

13、one if important subjects in our school.A. mostB. the mostC moreD much more37. The road is over metreslong.A. six hundredand fifty-twoC. six hundredfifty-two 38. weatherit is !A. What a fineB. What fineB. six hundreds andfifty-twoD. six hundred,fifty and twoB. How fineD. How fine thesize39. Thesecoa

14、ts aredifferentA from B. ofC. to D in40. _the story is short and there areno new wordsin it ,it is difficult to understandA. But B. though C. And D. For41. -Your sisterisn' t a nurse . is she?-. SheteachesEnglish in a middle school.A. No, sheisn 'tB. Yes, sheisC. Yes . she isn' tD. No ,s

15、heis42. - How do you like the TV play? -A. It 's wonderful.B. What aboutyou ?C. Yes ,I like itD. No . ,I don' t like it at all.43. This mathsproblem is thatone.A. soeasyasB. as difficult asC. much difficult thanD. lesseasierthan44. Jim works hard on his Chineseand.A. so Lucy doesB. so is Luc

16、yC. sodoesLucyD. soJucy is45. -Who 's that speaking? *A. This is JackspeakingB. I am speakingC. Jackis meD. I am Jack46. Li Lei s words madeher.A. happilyB. angrilyC. crying D. angry47. Who wasthe first one?A. to reachB. to arriveC. to get toD. to arrive at48. How long haveyou?A. borrowed the bo

17、okB. bought thebikeC. been backD. received the letter49. Don 't worry! I' m suyou 'll your classmatesif you are kind andfriendly to them .A. catch up withB. agreewithC. get on well withD. make friend with50. -Where is Tom ?Do you know ?-I think he to the library.A. hasgoneB.goesC. hasbee

18、nD. went51. He askedme.A. if shewill comeB. how many books I want to haveC. they would help us do itD. what was wrongwith me52. English in many countries , butChinese their own language .A. is spoken,speaksB. speaks,is spoken53. He doesn t tell me whenheC. is spoken, speakD. is spoken,is spoken. I &

19、#39;ll telephoneyou assoonasheA. will come, comesB. will come, will comeC. comes, will comeD. comes,comes54. The young man wasoften seen bythe lake.A. to drawB. to drawingC. draw D. drew55. This exerciseis difficult.A. so,that few of us can doB. so, that few of us can doitC. too ,for anyone of us to

20、 doD. too, for anyoneof us to do itIV.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从各题 A. B. C. D中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Fire can help people in many waysBut it can alsobevery harmful (有害的). Fire can keepyour house56 , give light and cook food . But fire can burn things57 . Big fire can burn ,trees,houses, animals or people .Nobod

21、y knows how peoplebeganto use fire . But there are 58 . interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire . One is 59 a man . The man60 a very long time ago . He went up the sun and 61 fire down.Today people know how to make afire with matches 伙柴). Children sometimes62 to playwith them

22、 . But matchescan be very dangerous One match canburnapieceof paper, and 63 itcould burn a house A small fire can turn a big fire . very quickly . So you 64 be careful with matches.Be careful with fire,andit will 65 you .But if you aren't careful with fire . and it may hurtyou.56. A. warmB. warm

23、erC. coolD. cooler57. A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. neither58. A. manyB. muchC. littleD. no59. A. overB. aboutC. a littleD. no60. A. workedB. studiedC. learnedD. lived61. A. bringB. takeC. broughtD. took62. A. enjoyB. likeC. don 't likeD. become63. A. afterB.lateC. yetD. then64. A . canB. manC. willD

24、. must65. A. helpB. doC. tellD. hopeV .阅读理解 阅读短文,然后从每题 A. B. C. D四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或 完成所给句子的最佳答案。(5分)AThe big red American car was much too wide for an English country road.When Jacksaw itcoming toward him . he stoppedhis own car at the sideif the road to make room for it to past . The American car we

25、nt slowly past,so close thathecould see the driver s facequiteclearlyWait a minute! I remembernow . ItWhere have I seenthat face before?"he thought.was in the newspaper! "He took out the newspaper fromhis bag,turnedquickly to the middle page .There was a picture of the facein it . Yes, it

26、bad a large mouth and small ears. , and his eyes were behind dark glasses ."Wanted by the police," read by Jack . "The City Bank will give a lot of moneyto anyonewho helps the police to catchthis man.""'Catlhe police at once,"he said to himself . But a few minutes l

27、ater, he was sad."This manwas caught this morning," answered the police.66. In which country did the story happen?A. It happenedin America.B. It happenedin Australia.C. It happenedin England.D. The story didn 't tell us.67. Why did Jack stop hiscar?A. He wanted to see who thedriver was

28、.B. He didn' t want to passby first.C. The road wastoo narrow for the two carsto passat the sametime .D. Because itwas good for an Englishman to stop to let other go.68. Who waswanted by thepolice in this passage?A. Jack.B. The driver in the American car.C. Either Jackor the driver.D. Neither Ja

29、ck nor the American driver.69. what did Jack do when he had read the newspaperagain?A. He drove to the City BankB. He drove to the police.C. He made a telephonecall.D. He stoppedthe American car.70. Who caughtthe man with a large mouth and small ears?A. The police.B. JackC. Nobody.D. The American dr

30、iverBLinda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised (答应)her mother that shewill ring her to let her know that theyhave arrived safely.This is somethingshe had doneeversinceshe was a child . David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spendtoo muc

31、h ,andto say so little ."If there were an accident. " He says, 'they' d know soon enough . Bad news travels fast."But Linda has promised that she would ring . "However," shesays, " 'it doesn t cost muchwhen you just think that it 's theothersideof the wo

32、rld . It' sonly six penceper second(每秒六 便士)。""If you ' re)n thattelephonefor less thanone minute, I' leatmy hat, David says,"And one minute' s nearlyfour pounds侠镑).""That 'no more than you" d pay for anew hat," '' Linda answersShe hasask

33、edthe man at the hotel (旅馆)desk to get her thenumber . The telephone rings . Linda picks it up.Hello, Mum . Is that you ?"She says"Six penceper second,"David reminds提酉I) her.' 'Hello. , love. "It is Mrs Lee, Linda' s mother, speakingfrom London. "I canhearyouvery

34、 clearly just like you are in the next room . It ' s a better line than when you called me from your office . Do you remember?I shoutedat that time ,and still you couldn' t hear me sometimes.""Yes ,Mum . "Linda puts in. . "I just wantedto ring to""I rememberhow

35、you rang when you went to Betty 's houseto eat, when youwere alittlegirl . And then when you "Mrs Lee is a greattalker"Nearly four pounds. " saysDavid.Linda tries to tell her mother thatit is time to say goodbye”'Yes,ll right, "says Mrs Lee," But you will write, won

36、'you, as you did whenyou were at work "Once again,Mrs Lee talks about thepass and thereis no stoppingher ."Four poundsfifty, ' says David.At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promisesto write, andrings off."There! That wasn ' long, wasit ?""Four pounds, ninety p

37、ence. " David answers " And you didn' t even say that we ' ve arrived."71. Linda is telephoning home to.A. tell her mother somebad newsB. say that she and David havearrived safelyC. report an accidentto her motherD. say that she and David haveleft London72. Linda does not thin

38、k it expensiveto ring , becauseA. it only costsfour poundsand ninety penceB. it is evenmore expensiveto buy a new hatC. shehad telephonedhome since shewasa childD. shewill speak from oneside of the word to the other 73. David says,' Nearly four pounds, 'because.A. he wants to remind Linda of

39、 the cost of the cost of the callB. he wants to buy himself a new hatC. Linda has not told her mother they have arrivedD. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs74. Mrs Lee goes on talkingfor so long becauseA. shelikes to hearall about the past .B. shelikes talkingC. Linda had not told her

40、that she has arrivedD. she is going to pay for the telephonecall75. Linda tries to stop her mother by.A. telling her how muchthecall is costingB. writing a letter asshe haspromised to doC. telling her that theyhavearrived safelyD. promising to write, andringing off英语试题第II卷(非选择题共45分)注意事项:1 .本试卷上的所有试题

41、均为笔答题,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接做在试卷2 .答题前须将密封线内的项目写 清楚。VI词形、词类转换 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或 动词不定式符号。(10分)76. There are alot if new(factory)in our city .77. Look at the sun. It always shines(bright)at this time of year.78. Look !The peoplein the river(swim)79. Miss Smith put the new dresson, and looked

42、 at(she)in the mirror .80. Liu Zhong is in his(three)yearat No. 1 Middle school.81. The teacheraskedher students(notforget) to sweepthe floor.82. I think the dictionary is(help)toyour study.83. Don' t openyour books. Pleasekeepthem(close)84. There(be) great changein our country since1979.85. If

43、anyoneis 川 here, the doctor must(send)forvn.补全对话,每空一词。(10分)(John feels ill . Thedoctor looks him over.)Doctor: Well, there ' s nothing serious86 you .I'm glad to say. You are working too hard and worrying too 87 . Do you take enoughexercise?John: No , doctor . I never haveenough tine88 exxrc

44、ise. I start work very 89 in the morning and finish late in the evening . Then I can 't get to sleep . Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?Doctor: I can , 90I' m not going to . You don 't needmedicine. Remember: Don' t work too hard. Too much work is 91 for you . Don &#

45、39;t worry 92 your work. It' snouseto worry . Take enoughexercise.John: But I may lose my job (工作),doctor. It ( s hard to get a job 93 mine .Doctor: Then get an easierone ,even if get 94 money. Which would you like to have, health or wealth (财富)?John: You areright , doctor. It' s more import

46、ant to be healthy than wealthy. I 'll change my job. Thanks a lot.Doctor: Come and see me95 a month' s tine . I think you 'll be a different manVffl.改写句子 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每个空格填一个单词.(10分)96. They hadlunch atschoolyesterday.(改写否定句)They lunchat schoolyesterday97. Tom visits the ScienceMuseumev

47、eryyear.(就划线部分提问)Tom everyyear?98. . The building near the Tea House is the People' Hospital.(就划线部分提问)isthe People (Hospital?99. "Are you going to watch the football match next Sunday?"Fatherasked me (改为复合 句)Fatherasked me goingto watch the football match the nextSunday.100. They van hardly decide whatthey will do next.(改写句子,句意不变)for them to decide what nes t101. The light in the room wasso weak thatthe doctor wasn' t able to operate . (改写句子, 句意不变)The doctor do the suchbadlight inside the room.102. Thy don 4 often hearthe twins sing the songin the school .(改写句子,句意不变)


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