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1、第 1 讲 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High【基础梳理】i .单词荟萃1. adj.热心的,热情的一enthusiasm n.热心;热情2. adj.令人惊异的一 v.使吃惊一 adj.感到吃惊的 一 amazement n.惊愕, 惊异3. n.信息一 inform vt. 通知, 告知4. n.指示,用法说明一 instruct v.教导,命令,指示5. adj.令人厌烦的一 adj.(对某人/事物)厌倦的,烦闷的一 vt.使厌烦6. adj.尴尬的,难堪的一 v.使困窘,使局促不安一 adj.令人为难的 一 embarrassment n.窘迫;为

2、难7. n. 行为, 举止一behave v 举动, 举止8. n.描述;形容;描写 一 describe vt.描写, 记述9. vt.使(人)印象深刻;使铭记 一 n.印象,感想一impressive adj.令人印象深亥U的10. n. 纠正,改正 correct adj.正确的- v . 改正,纠正,批改11. v. 鼓励, 激励一 adj. 鼓舞人心的一 adj.受到鼓舞的,更有信心的 一 encouragement n.鼓励, 奖励12. enjoyment n.享受, 乐趣一 v.享受, 喜欢一 adj.令 人愉快的,有乐趣的13. fluency n.流利, 流畅一 adj.流

3、利的, 流畅的14. adj.失望的一 adj.使人失望的,令人失望的fdisappoint vt.使失望 n.失望15. n.助手, 助理一 assist v.帮助H .短语检测1 .与相似2 .某人对(彳)某事的态度3 .离远,远非4 . 一点不像,与完全不同5 .玩得很开心6 .起初,一开始7 .换句话说8 .期待;盼望9 .对印象深刻10 .在开始的时候11 .在结束的时候12 .被(划)分成13 .参加14 .课外活动出.佳句再现1. Ms Shen' s method of teachg is of the teachers at my JuniorHigh school.

4、沈老师的教学方法与我的初中老师的教学方法完全不同。2. And we have fun. I in Ms Shen ' s class!我们上课上得很开心,我认为我不会对沈老师的课厌烦的。3. , there are as boys.换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。4. I have just been to my first language class.Oh, really?.我刚刚上了我的第一堂语言课。”噢,真的吗?我也是。”5. The school year two semesters,is Septemberthrough December, and the second Ja

5、nuary through May丁学年被分成两个学期, 第一个学期从九月到十二月,第二个学期从一月到五月。IV .单元语法Revision of the present tenses Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed【单词点睛】1 behaviour n.举止;行为方式(1) behave v.举止, 表现(2) behave oneself规规矩矩,表现好, 有礼貌【活学活用】(1) Their towards me shows that they do not like me.从他们对我的行为可以看出他们不喜欢我。(2) He towards his p

6、arents.他对待父母的态度很差。(3) Will you please while I am away?我不在的时候请你守点儿规矩好吗?2 instruction n. pl. (statements telling sb. what he should or must do)1法说明, 操作指南,吩咐;C命令,指示(1) instruct v.教;命令;指导instructor n.辅导员;教练(2) follow instructions按照说明 /指示carry out one ' s instructions 执行某人的命令【温馨提示】当表示具体的用法说明、操作指南”意义时

7、,要用复数形式instructions。【易混辨析】instructions 和 directions两词都可表示操作指南, 用法说明",但是directions还可以指行路指南” (instructions on how to get from one place to another)【活学活用】(1) Be sure you read the before using any piece ofequipment.在使用任何一项设备前请务必看说明书。(2) Let ' s stop anskcfor to her house!咱们停下来问问去她家怎么走吧!(3) amaz

8、ing adj. (so surprising that you can hardly believe it; very good, especially in an unexpected way)令人惊讶的;好得惊人的;了不起的(1) amaze vt.amazed adj.amazement n.使吃惊,使惊奇感到吃惊/惊奇的惊奇,诧异(2) _ one' s amazement 令某人惊讶的是【温馨提示】amazing与amazed是容易混淆的两个形容词, 前者表示 泠人惊 奇的"(making sb. feel surprised), 一般 形容 物;而后 者表示 “

9、火)感到惊奇 的” (feeling surprised)多用于人。 当 amazed#W expression, look, face, eye野词 时,指拥有这种表情、眼神等的人很惊讶, 而不是他的表情、眼神等令人惊讶。【相关拓展】动词vt.?形容词形容词名词excite?excitingexcitedexcitementinterest?interesting?interested?interestsurprisesurprisingsurprisedsurpriseastonishastonishingastonishedastonishmentshockshockingshocked


11、puzzlementconfuseconfusingconfusedconfusionpleasepleasingpleasedpleasure【活学活用】(1) It her that he could be so calm at such a time. (amaze)(2) We were all at his experiences in South Africa. (amaze)(3) He pointed out my mistakes in front of my friends, which made me. (embarrass)(4) I was upset to see

12、his look. (disappoint)4 cover vt.掩盖, 覆盖;(to include or deal with)包含, 涉及;占(多少面 积);(to travel a certain distance此完(段路);(of money) to be enough fo门够付(费 用);(of a journalist) to report on报道(事件)n.盖子,覆盖物;封面;掩盖, 掩 饰(1) coverwith sth.用覆盖/遮盖某物be covered with被覆盖(2) cover the cost of 够支付的费用cover up遮盖, 盖住;掩饰, 隐瞒

13、【活学活用】1 .根据汉语意思完成句子(1) W川 $100 this shirt?100美元够不够支付这件衬衫的费用?(2) Mum was worried, but she by joking.妈妈很着急,但是她用玩笑掩盖了过去。2 .根据语境判断下列句子中cover的含义(1) By sunset we had covered thirty miles. (2) The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament( 锦 标 赛).(3) Her overconfident attitude was a cover for he

14、r nervousness.(4) The survey covers all aspects of the business.5 impress v. (to make someone feel admiration and respect给人留下印象;使了解的重要性(1) impression n.印象;感想(2)impressive adj.给人留下深刻印象的impress sb. with sth.某物给某人留下印象be impressed by/with 对ER象深亥 ij(3) impress sth. on/upon sb.使某人意识到重要性(4) make an impress

15、ion _ sb. 给某人留下印象【温馨提示】在impress sth. on sb.结构中,由于宾语过长, 有时会将其调整为impress on sb. sth.结构。【活学活用】用impress或其短语的正确形式填空(1) When I asked Mike what impressed him most about the hostess, he told me he was deeply the hostess enthusiasm. I agreed that the hostess enthusiasm was really and it made a great me too.(

16、2) I Peter the importance of the meeting.【短语储存】1 far from 离远;(almost the opposite of sth. or of what is expected)一点也不,远非【温馨提示】far from后常接名词、代词、形容词或动名词作宾语。【活学活用】1 .根据汉语意思完成句子(1) He is.他绝对不傻。(2) Far from the situation, they have made it worse.他们非但没有改善情况,反而弄得更糟。2 .单项填空You' re not angry then? it. I

17、' ve never laughed so much in my life.A. Rather than B. Far fromC. More than D. Other than2 look forward to + n. /pron./v.-ing 盼望look back (on/to sth.) 回想, 记起look on旁观look out (for sb./sth.)小心, 当心, 留心(某人或某物)look sth.仔细检查, 快速阅读(某物)look sth. up查阅, 向上看look up to sb.赞赏/尊敬某人look down on/upon轻视,看不起loo

18、k调查【活学活用】1 .根据语境用100k短语填空(1) She her notes before the exam.(2) There ' s a car coming.(3) A working party has been set up to theproblem.(4) Can you the time of the next train?【温馨提示】对look forward to doing的考查常常用到两种迷惑学生的形式:一种是在 to和 doing之间插入某些成分, 干扰学生对doing的使用;另一种是look forward to 是定语从句的一部分, 而要考查的词是

19、谓语动词而非look forward to的宾语。2 .单项填空(1) He looked forward to with hope a letter from his girlfriend.A. receiveB. receivingC. receivedD. having received2) The day we had been looking forward to at last.A. comeB. had comeC. cameD. coming3 in other words (to be expressed in a different wa须句话说,也就是说也就是说一句话;简

20、而言之和某人谈谈守信用,履行诺言(1) that is (to say)/i. e.(2) in a/one wordhave a word with sb.keep one ' s word【活学活用】(1) He is to arrive the day after tomorrow, he will be here on May 1st.他后天到达,也就是说, 他5月1日到。(2) , the government must take measures to prevent it from happening.总之,政府必须采取措施阻止此事的发生。(4) nothing like

21、 (not similar to sth. at all; quite different from sth.),点不像;与完全不同(1) something like 几分像, 有点像, 大约, 差不多(2) nothing but 只有,仅仅anything but一点儿也不,根本不【经典句式】There is nothing like 没什幺比得上某事物(nothing is better than )【活学活用】(1) The attitude towards what one eats in the west is that in the east.中西方对于饮食的看法迥然不同(2)

22、 He spent 200 yuan on books last month.他上个月买书大约花了 200 元。(3) It tastes melon.这吃起来有点像甜瓜。(4) a miracle can save her now.现在只有奇迹才能救活她。(5) Judging from his graceful manner, he is a criminal.从他优雅的举止判断,他绝不可能是个罪犯。5 be divided into 被分成divide sth. into sth.把分成divide sth. (up) between/among sb. 分酉己, 分享, 分担【易混辨析

23、】divide 和 separate两词都含 分开”的意思。(1) divide指施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分。如:Our class is divided into four groups.我们班被分成四组。(2) separate指把原来在一起的人或物分开,或把混杂在一起的东西分开,有时含有强行分隔的意味, 也可指 分离”,其后常与from连用。如:Separate those two boys who are fighting, will you?你)把那两个打架的孩子拉开, 好吗?【情景记忆】【活学活用】(1) She four equal shares.她把食物分成

24、相同的四份。The children the candies among themselves.孩子们把糖果分着吃了。(3) They walked a mile together and then.他们一道走了一英里,然后就分手了。6 take part in (= join in/participate in)参加(某项活动,是其中的参与者之attend参加,列席(会议、婚礼、葬礼)join 参加(党派、团体、组织);成为的一个成员join (sb.)sth. 参与,(与)一起做某事【温馨提示】如果take part in后面没有宾语,则要用take part,而join in后可以没有宾

25、语如:Whenever I see a basketball match, I want to join in.每当看到有篮球赛时,我都想加入。Does anybody want to take part?有人想参力口吗?【活学活用】(1) They all the discussion, but reached no conclusion.他们都参加了那次讨论,但没有达成任何结论。(2) I got to know her when I my friend' s birthd劭party口 朋友的生日聚会时认识她的。(3) So far many people the club.到目

26、前为止,已经有很多人加入了这个俱乐部。【句型透视】In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。句型公式表示倍数as-as-倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+ than the size/length/width/height/depth of【温馨提示】 表示倍数的词同其他修饰比较级的词一样, 都要放在比较级的前面, 这是常考 点, 也是易错点。【活学活用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did

27、in 1910.现在美国人每人每天吃的蔬菜量是1910 年的两倍多。2. 单项填空Paper bags produced every year are the world psroduction ofvehicles.A three times the weight of8 three times weight ofC as three times heavy asD three times as heavier as【跟踪训练】I.单词拼写1 His idea received an 热情的,(热心的 ) response.2 I am (尴尬的) to admit that I made

28、many mistakes in thisinvestigation.3 She shows a very positive a towards her work.4 If you want to apply for the job, you must have p experience of it.5 The beauty of the scenery is beyond d.n.选词填空be similar to , far from , have fun, be impressed with , take part in1. 一 Did you at yesterday s party?

29、Yes, I really enjoyed myself.2. My sister ' s view mine, while my brother ' s is quite different.3. I often all kinds of activities when I was at college.4. Our head teacher walked in, looking happy.5. On the first day of my school, I the amazing classrooms.m.单项填空1 . 2010 江西卷Swimming is my f

30、avorite sport. There is like swimming as a means of keeping fit.A. something B. anything2. I m sure you llC. nothing D. everything m in thanking Professor Barclay for his motivationalspeech.A. attendC. agreeB. joinD. tend3. So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is ideal.We have to work still harder.A. next toB. far fromC. out ofD. due to4. 2010 安徽卷No matter how low you consider yourself, there is al


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