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1、Lammps调研简介与应用学习指导老师:郭志新副教授Lammps概述及历程 一种经典分子动力学代码集合,它由Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator首字母缩写而来 美国能源部(DOE)下属的两个实验室和三个公司联合开发,Sandia国家实验室发布 固、液、气态的经典分子动力学模拟 易于扩展,如加入新的力场、原子类型及边界条件等 现行版C+ MPI,FFT库函数 支持GPU和OpenMP 一个脚本可以运行一个或多个模拟 lammps是一个开源免费的软件,其发行在GNU Public License(GPL) 意味着可以根据

2、你的意愿修改和使用 早期版本F77 F90(2001) 2004开始发行C+版 2006年开始移植新特性(并行运行的框架构成)引入多体势particle and model types atoms coarse-grained particles (e.g. bead-spring polymers) united-atom polymers or organic molecules all-atom polymers, organic molecules, proteins, DNA metals granular materials coarse-grained mesoscale mod

3、els finite-size spherical and ellipsoidal particles finite-size line segment (2d) and triangle (3d) particles point dipole particles rigid collections of particles hybrid combinations of these力场(势)pairwise potentials: Lennard-Jones, Buckingham, Morse, Born-Mayer-Huggins, Yukawa, soft, class 2(COMPAS

4、S), hydrogen bond, tabulatedcharged pairwise potentials: Coulombic, point-dipole manybody potentials: EAM, Finnis/Sinclair EAM, modified EAM (MEAM), embedded ion method(EIM), EDIP, ADP, Stillinger-Weber, Tersoff, REBO, AIREBO(Brenner), ReaxFF, COMB electron force field (eFF, AWPMD)coarse-grained pot

5、entials: DPD, GayBerne, REsquared, colloidal, DLVO mesoscopic potentials: granular, Peridynamics, SPH bond potentials: harmonic, FENE, Morse, nonlinear, class 2, quartic (breakable)angle potentials: harmonic, CHARMM, cosine, cosine/squared, cosine/periodic, class 2 (COMPASS)dihedral potentials: harm

6、onic, CHARMM, multi-harmonic, helix, class 2 (COMPASS), OPLS improper potentials: harmonic, cvff, umbrella, class 2 (COMPASS) polymer potentials: all-atom, united-atom, bead-spring, breakablewater potentials: TIP3P, TIP4P, SPCimplicit solvent potentials: hydrodynamic lubrication, DebyeKIM archive of

7、 potentials long-range interactions for charge, point-dipoles, and LJ dispersion: Ewald, Wolf, PPPM (similar to particle-mesh Ewald)force-field compatibility with common CHARMM, AMBER, DREIDING, OPLS, GROMACS,COMPASS optionshandful of GPU-enabled pair styleshybrid potentials: multiple pair, bond, an

8、gle, dihedral, improper potentials can be used in one simulation overlaid potentials: superposition of multiple pair potent初始构型 (read_data, lattice, create_atoms,delete_atoms, displace_atoms, replicate) 从构型文件中读入原子坐标 在格点上放置原子 在给定构型上删除成组原子 已有构型复制多次 移动已有原子的位置系综与约束条件 (fix) 二维或三位系统 正交或非正交(三斜晶系)模拟区域 NVE,

9、NVT, NPT, NPH, Parinello/Rahman积分器 针对原子组群可以指定不同的热耦 通过 Nose/Hoover 或者 Berendsen 压耦控制压强 模拟盒子可以变形(拉伸或剪切) 谐振函数约束的力 刚体约束,SHAKE算法固定键长键角 化学键的断裂、生成、交换 各种边界 非平衡分子动力学模拟积分算法 (run, run_style, minimize) velocity-Verlet 积分器 布朗动力学 刚体积分 梯度共轭或者最陡下降法进行能量优化 rRESPA 多等级时间步长 rerun 命令特殊功能 随机转动动力学 实时可视化和交互分子动力学模拟 有限元方法实现的原

10、子与连续模型的耦合 POEMS库实现的耦合刚体积分 巨正则系综(uVT)蒙特卡洛模拟插入和删除粒子 低密度流体的蒙特卡洛直接模拟 Peridynamics 介观尺度建模 Targeted MD and steered MDLAMMPS 不具备的功能 没有运行LAMMPS的图形界面 没有建立分子体系的工具 自动给定力场参数 模拟结果的复杂分析 可视化模拟结果 输出数据作图Lammps 输入文件结构 Initialization(一些基本参数的设置)units, dimension,newton,processors,boundary,atom_style,atom_modify. pair_st

11、yle, bond_style, angle_style, dihedral_style, improper_style. Atom definition(原子/分子topology)read_data or read_restart lattice, region, create_box, create_atoms Settings(力场参数,模拟参数,输出选项)pair_coeff,bond_coeff,angle_coeff neighbor,neigh_modify,group,timestep,run_style,min_style,min_modify. Run a simulat

12、ionRun, minimizeLammps实例-in.Si 求晶格常数 units metalboundary p p patom_style atomic variable i loop 500variable x equal 3.5+0.01*$i # build the modellattice diamond $xregion box block 0 2 0 2 0 2create_box 1 boxcreate_atoms 1 box # specify the potentialpair_style swpair_coeff * * Si.sw Simass 1 28.085 v

13、ariable n equal count(all)variable P equal pe/$n#variable v equal vol timestep 0.005thermo 10 # minimize the total energymin_style cgminimize 1.0e-12 1.0e-12 1000 1000 print $x $P # loopclearnext ijump in.Silattice :5.4301AngstromEh:4.3368 eV Stillinger and Weber, Phys. Rev. B, v. 31, p. 5262,(1985)

14、Lammps求热导根据Fouriers law: 可知热导 热流 及温度梯度 之间关系。分子动力学方法求解热导常分为两类:平衡分子动力学(EMD)和非平衡态分子动力学(NEMD)而广泛使用的方法是“直接测量”法和Green-Kubo方法Lammps中基于NEMD求热导有三种方法方法一 :muller-plathe(mp法) rNEMD 涉及主要命令:fix thermal/conductivity ,compute ke/atom , fix ave/spatial /JTx JTThe Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 6082 (1997);方法二: Ike

15、shoji and Hafskjold (IH法)涉及主要命令: fix heat 或 fix temp/rescalePHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 59, NUMBER 21 1 JUNE 1999-I Ikeshoji and Hafskjold, Molecular Physics, 81, 251-261 (1994).方法三:两端固定加热浴(最接近实验模拟)涉及主要命令:fix setforcefix nvt/npt fix ave/spatial Journal of Applied Physics 110, 034309 (2011)方法四:EMD法基于Green-Kubo formula涉及主要命令:compute heat/flux , fix ave/correlate220011(f)x11(f()x211(0)(t)(0)(t)3iiiiiiiiijiijiijiiijijijiijxxBBJevS vVevvVevvvVJJdtJJdtVk Tk T VGKF是由涨落-耗散理论和线性响应理论推导出来


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