1、Warming up&readingComparison of Western and Chinese painting.Time Western Chinese 5th to 15th century AD15th to 16th centuryLate 19th century to early 20th century20th century to todayWhich do you think has a greater change? Match the words in Column A with those in Column B. a. realisticb. abst
2、ract c. existence d. detailed e. religious f. traditional 1. accurate, minute 2. state or fact of existing3. being in thought but having a physical or practical existence4. lifelike, true to life 5. classical, of old beliefs6. sincere to believe in a god or godsWhy do western paintings have a greate
3、r change? Now wed like to learn something about the history of western painting. First please write the words according to their explanations.1. g_2. s_3. f_4. p_5. r_6. c_7. c_8. p_1.a place where many pictures or paintings are on display2.a person, a thing, etc that stand for a more general qualit
4、y or situation3.to give attention, effect to a particular thing, situation or person rather than another4.something one owns; wealth5.very funny, silly or unreasonable6.causing discussion and disagreement7.to make sb believe that something is true8.foretell; to say something will happen in the futur
5、ealleryymbolocusossessionidiculousontroversialonvinceredictScanning:Part One An Introduction to the History of Western PaintingGo through the part and answer the following questions:What influences art?The way of life and beliefs of the people.Why has Chinese art changed less?Because China has follo
6、wed a similar way of life for a very long time.Why cant the text describe all the styles of western art?Because there are too many different styles. Part Two The Middle Ages(5th to 15th century AD)Read the part carefully and fill in the blanks:In the _ of the Middle Ages, artist showed much _ in sho
7、wing respect and love for God _ _ showing nature and people as they really were. And paintings from this period are _ with religious _. _, things had begun to change by the 13th century when some painters, _ _ Giotto di Bondone _ a more realistic style of _ religious scenes.periodinterestinsteadoffi
8、lledsymbolsHoweverfor examplecreatedpaintingGiotto di Bondone (1267 - 1337). Florentine painter and architect. He was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. Giotto lived and worked at a time when peoples minds and talents were first being freed from the shackles of medieva
9、l restraint. He dealt largely in the traditional religious subjects, but he gave these subjects an earthly, full-blooded life and force. Now lets know Giotto di Bondone and one of his paintings and some other paintings at that time.Giotto di Bondone乔托乔托迪迪邦多纳邦多纳 犹大之吻犹大之吻 天使报喜天使报喜 织锦画织锦画Part Three The
10、 Renaissance (15th to 16th century)Reading the part and deal with the following problemsWhat?Why?Result?took the place of, became focused more on.Rich peoplecollect art for, paid to paintthemselves, houses, possessions, activities, achievementsreturned to, tried to paint as .Fill in the blanksPainte
11、rs then _ how to draw things _ _. And Masaccio was _ _ _use perspective in his paintings. When his paintings _ _ _ , people _ _ _ their reality. _ the rulers of perspective not been discovered, people wouldnt have been able to paint such realistic pictures. And oil paints _ made colors look richer a
12、nd deeper.discoveredin perspectivethe first towere first seenwere convinced ofHaddevelopmentMasaccio(1401-1427), the first great painter ofthe Italian Renaissance,whose innovations inthe use of scientificperspective inauguratedthe modern era inpainting. Now lets know Masaccio and hispaintings, anoth
13、er two painters at that time Leonardo da Vinci and Raffaello Sanzio and their most famous paintings and some otherpaintings at that time.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520)拉斐尔拉斐尔 The School of Athens Part Four Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)Deal with the followi
14、ng problems:ChangesIn societyIn lifeIn artThree aspectsChanged from agricultural to industrial, inventions.moved from country to cityled to changes,broke away fromimpressionistsin Paris. paint outdoors, to showfellat differenttimes, becausechange, had to Feature not as detailed asCriticism hatedbeca
15、me angry, saidcarelessridiculous.莫瑞桥莫瑞桥-阿尔弗莱德阿尔弗莱德西斯莱西斯莱 赛艇赛艇-局斯塔夫局斯塔夫卡耶博特卡耶博特蓬图瓦兹蓬图瓦兹. 埃尔米塔日的坡地埃尔米塔日的坡地-卡米耶卡米耶毕沙罗毕沙罗Lets appreciate some paintings of that times凡高凡高向日葵向日葵戴帽的自画像戴帽的自画像-塞尚作塞尚作被称为被称为”现代艺术的起源现代艺术的起源”Work in pairs:Does the change of art have any influence on peoples daily life?What style
16、 of art do you like best? hoq827egk 会议。刚才,为了改制的事情几十名职工来问我,而且大部分是职工代表,提出的问题全部是职工对于改制的质疑,这不能不引起我们的重视。”他顿了顿,接着讲道,“这说明了什么?说明我们与职工沟通不够,信息没有及时传达到职工,迫使职工问我。改制是群众性非常强的工作,今后大家要多与职工沟通,尤其碰到关键的、敏感的问题,一定给职工们解释清楚,平常也要同职工们多交流交流,及时了解大家的思想动态和想法,对职工的想法要及时汇报,对一些不实的小道消息不能任由其四处散布。我刚才给职工们立下了军令状,对职工提出的问题5天后一定要给职工一个比较满意的答复
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