



1、Unit 2 The Fun They Had课文翻译综合教程一(总4页)-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-Unit 2 The Fun They Had7Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary On the page headed May 17. 2157, she wrote. "Today Tommy found a real book!HIt was a very old book Margie* s grandfather once said that when he

2、 v/as a little boy hi s grandfather told him that there was a time when al I stor i es were pr i nted on paperThey t urned the pages wh i ch were ye I I ow and cr i nk I y. and it was awf u I I y funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed toon a screen, you kno

3、w And then. when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the fi rst time.'Gee. M said Tommy, nWhat a waste! When you"re through with the book. you just throw it away, I guess Our tel evision screen must have a million books on it an

4、d it's good for plenty more I wouIdn't throw it away.""Same with mine. " sa i d Margie She was e I even and had n't seen as many teI ebooks as Tommy had He was th i rteenShe said. "Where did you find it""In my house." he pointed without looking because

5、he was busy reading n In the attic. ”nWhat's it about'1"School. uMargie was scornful "School What's there to wr ite about school I hat schooI"Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geogr

6、aphy and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector.He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires He smi led at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had h

7、oped he wouldn't know how to put it together again, but he knew how a I I r igh t. and. after an hour or so, t here it was again, large and bI ack and ugIy, with a b i g screen on wh i ch a I I the I essons were shown and the questions were asked That v/asn't so bad The part Margie hated mos

8、t was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers She alv/ays had to wr ite them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old. and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time.Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they wouId take the teacher away alto

9、gether So she said to Tommy. ”Why would anyone write about schoolnTommy looked at her with very superior eyes. "Because it's not our kind of schooI. stupid. This is the old kind of schooI that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago." He added loftily, pronouncing the word carefull

10、y. MCenturies ago. ”Margie was hur t. nWe I I. I don't know v/ha t k i nd of schoo I t hey had a I I tha t time ago. " She read the book over his shoulder for a while, then said. "Anyway, they had a teacher"'Sure they had a teacher. but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was

11、a man. ”A man How couId a man be a teacher"HWeI I. he just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions”A man isn't smart enough""Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher”Margie wasn*t prepared to dispute that. She said"I wouldn'

12、t want a strange man in my house to teach me."Tommy screamed with Iaughter. "You don*t know much, Margie The teachers d i d n't live in the house They had a special bu i Id i ng and a I I the kids wen t there”"And a I I the kids I earned the same thi ng""Sure. if they we

13、re the same age,r”But my mother says a teacher has to be ad justed to fit the minds of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently. ”They weren't even ha If-finished when Marg i e's mother cal led. "Margie! Schoo I!nMargie looked up. "Not yet. Mamma.

14、”Now!” said Mrs Jones"And it's probabIy time for Tommy, tooMargie said to Tommy. "Can I read the book some more with you after school""Maybe ” he sa id non cha I an tly. He v/a I ked away whi s tli ng. the dus ty old book tueked beneath his armMargie went into the schooIroom.

15、 It was r ight next to her bedroom, and the mechanicaI teacher v/as on and waiting for her It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hoursThe scree n was lit up, and it said: "Today* s a

16、r i thmetic lesson i s on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot. MMargie did so with a sigh She was thinking about the old school they had whe n her grandfa ther's grandfather was a lit 11 e boy. Al I the kids from the who I e neighborhood ca

17、me. laughing and shouting in the schooI yard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same th i ngs, so they cou I d he I p one another on the homework and ta Ik about it.And the teachers were peopIeMargie was thinking about how the kids must h

18、ave loved it in the old days.She was thinking about the fun they had他们的快乐那天晚上玛吉甚至在她的日记里还写到了它。在纸的顶端她写道:2157年 5月17H,今天汤米找到了一本真正的书!这是一本很旧的书。玛吉的爷爷曾经说过当他还是小孩的时候,他的爷爷 告诉过他曾经有个时候所有的故事都是印在纸上的。他们翻着这本纸张蜡黄,起着皱褶的书,觉得读静止的文字很有趣,而不 是按照它们应该移动的方式在屏幕上时,你们知道的。然后当他们翻回上 一页时,上面的文字还是和他们第一次看到的一样。“嘿”,汤米说道,“真浪费啊!我想当人们看完这本书之后

19、,就会把它 丢掉的。我们的电视屏幕上一定有上百万本书,而且还有更多。我决不会扔掉 它们。”“我也是”,玛吉说道。玛吉十一岁,她没有汤米读过的电视书多。汤米 十三岁。玛吉问道,“你在哪儿找到这本书的”“在我的房子里,”汤米没看就一边指着一边说,因为他正忙着看书,“阁 楼上。”“是关于什么的”“学校。”玛吉非常厌恶,“学校上面都写了些有关学校的什么我讨厌学校。”玛吉一直都讨厌学校,但是她现在比以往更讨厌学校了。机器老师一次又 一次地考她地理,她做得一次比一次差,最后她妈妈难过地摇摇头,请来镇上 的检察员。他矮矮胖胖的,脸红红的,带着一箱子的工具,还有刻度盘和线。他朝玛 吉笑了笑,给了她一个苹果,然

20、后将机器老师拆了。玛吉本来希望他不懂怎么 样将机器重新装好,可惜他知道如何顺利装好。过了大约一小时,机器装好 了,又大又黑又丑,还有个大大的屏幕,上面显示所有的课文和提出的问题。 这还不那么糟。玛吉最讨厌的地方是她必须放进作业和考卷的槽口。她总是不 得不用在她六岁时他们就教给她的计算机语言写作业和考卷,然后机器老师立 刻就计算出分数。玛吉很失望。她希望他们会把老师一块带走。她对汤米说,“为什么有人 竟会写学校的事呢”汤米得意地看了看她,“因为那不是我们这种学校,傻瓜。这是几百年前 的老式学校。”他又傲慢地加了一句,每个字都说得很清楚,“好几个世纪以 前。”玛吉感觉自尊心受到伤害。“噢,我不晓得几百年前的学校是什么样 子。”她从汤米的背后伸过头去看了会儿书,然后说道,“不管怎样,他们是 有老师的。


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