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1、Unit 11 I was born in JanuaryUnit 11单词庆祝礼物卡;卡片聚会is/am的过去式1月蜡烛蛋糕2月3月4月8月6月11月Unit 11词组进行 .生于.放在上面 .做功夫 fu.跳高/远 .洗澡 .最喜爱的运动 .Unit 11句型根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1.!(生日快乐!)2. on? (这是怎么了?)3. IbornJanuary, . (我也是1月出生)4.old you? (你几岁了?) 5. ten. (我10岁了。)6. Lets10on thecake.(我们放10根蜡烛在生日蛋糕上吧。)六、知识考点【知识考点一】Happy birthday!

2、 生日快乐! 用来表示对别人的祝福,还可说“Happy birthday to you ! ”表示谢意的回答: “ Thanks. / Thank you. / Its so kind of you. ”拓展: Happy new year ! 生日快乐! Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! Have a good time! 玩得愉快! Have a nice dream ! 做个美梦! Best wishes to you! 致以最美好的祝愿! 【知识考点二】Whats going on? 怎么了? -What going on? - My bike is broken. 同义句

3、: Whats the matter ?, Whats wrong? 和 Whats up? 【知识考点三】Be born: 出生 be动词常用was, were. - When (be) you born? - I was born on April 2nd, 2008. 【知识考点四】put on 表示” 放在上面“Let me candles the birthday cake. 【知识考点五】present: 礼物(n) 同义词: gift(n) 给某人礼物: give a present to = give a present Mike two presents his grandf

4、ather. Give(我) a present, please. 【知识考点六】card: 卡片;卡(n)搭配: make a card: 做卡片; send a card: 寄卡片拓展: post card 明信片; ID card: 身份证; red card: 红牌【知识考点七】party: 聚会; 搭配: have a party 【知识考点八】表示月份的词(n): 月份简写月份简写JanuaryJanJulyJulFebruaryFebAugustAugMarchMarSeptemberSeptAprilAprOctoberOctMayMayNovemberNovJuneJunDe

5、cemberDec相关介词的用法: in, on in: 放在年份,季节,月份,早/中/晚前; on: 放在含有”day”的单词前,具体到某月某日前。 如: 1846, spring/ summer/ autumn/ winterJanuary/ July/ December, the morning/ afternoon/ eveningMonday , Weekdays, August 8th. 【知识考点九】candle: 蜡烛(n)How many are there on the table? 【知识考点十】cake: 蛋糕(n) 相关短语: 做蛋糕: make a cake 生日蛋

6、糕: birthday cake 课堂训练:1) 选出不同类的一项( )1. A. happy B.bored C. fly( )2. A. never B.visit C. sometimes( )3. A.celebration B.November C. January( )4. A.Tuesday B. Monday C. today( )5. A. was B.is C. are2) 判断画线部分的发音是否相同( )1. A. Lets B. whats( )2. A. you B. party( )3. A. hands B. beds( )4. A. fast B. water(

7、 )5. A. body B. try3) 看图,用所给的关键词写出图中人物在生日派对上的活动(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 4) 按照日历的先后重排每组的月份单词(1) June May September .(2) April August February .(3) November March January .(4) December July August .5) 根据实际情况回答问题1. What are you doing ? .2. When is your birthday ? .3. How old is your best friend ? .4. Wh

8、at do the children put on the birthday cake? .6) 补全对话所缺的单词(1) A: Look at all these colours on the floor. What is on?B: Baby Tom is drawing a picture. A: I see. (2) A: I was born in May. What about you? B: I born in August. (3) A: How are you, Tina? B: I m twelve. (4) A: How old is David? B: Hes ten.

9、 A: Then lets put candles on his birthday cake. (5) A:Its grandpas birthday this Friday. Shall we a birthday party for him?B: Good idea. 7) 读一读,给下面的句子排序( )Lets sing a song and eat the birthday cake. ( )Great ! ( )We are having a party. Today is my birthday. ( )I m ten. ( )Im ten, too. But my birthda

10、y is in April. ( )Happy birthday, Tim. How old are you? ( )Whats going on, Tim? 8) 读短文,完成表格Im Bob. Im eleven years old. I like summer, and my birthday is in August. And I like swimming very much. My father is a PE teacher. He can run fast, and he likes playing football. His birthday is in March. My mother is a doctor. She is very clever. She likes playing chess. Her birthday is in January. I love my family. PeopleBirth


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