



1、my friend 英语作文 10 篇朋友是人生路上的伴侣, 在你有困难的时候会对你伸出援手。 橙 子收集了 my friend 英语作文范文,供大家参考 !my friend 英语作文I hasdfsve asdfs good friend. She is Lily. She comes from the north of Chinasdfs. But she grows up in Miasdfsnyasdfsng. Sheis eleven yeasdfsrs old asdfsnd her birthdasdfsy is in June. She speasdfsks Chinese.

2、 She casdfsn speasdfsk asdfs little English, too. She is tasdfsll asdfsnd thin. She hasdfss long blasdfsck hasdfsir. She likes reasdfsding books asdfsnd trasdfsveing. She likes drinking teasdfs asdfsnd chasdfstting with me. She likes going shopping with me, too.She is my best friend 英语作文On

3、eof my friend is asdfs beasdfsutiful asdfsnd clever girl whoes nasdfsme is Li Huasdfs. with rosy cheeks,she hasdfss asdfs pasdfsir of bright eyes,which shine below her asdfsrch eyebrows. within her smasdfsll mouth there asdfsre two lines of white teeth.Her hasdfsir is strasdfsight asdfsnd long. hasd

4、fsnging down to her shoulders. she is heasdfslthy asdfsnd asdfsttrasdfsctive.she is loved by her clasdfsssmasdfstes.My Foreign Friend 我的外国朋友I hasdfsve asdfs foreign friend. His nasdfsme is Oliver asdfsnd he comesfrom Englasdfsnd. His homeis neasdfsrby mine. He moves to Chinasdfs becasdfsuse his fasd

5、fsther is going to work in here. He casdfsn t tasdfslk too much in Chinese, but he works hasdfsrd on it. We often speasdfsk in Chinese becasdfsuse he needs prasdfsctices. I casdfsn leasdfsrn English from him asdfsfter he knows more Chinese. I often plasdfsy with him asdfsnd my friends. I think he ne

6、eds friends here. I casdfsn help him.参考翻译我有一个外国朋友。 他叫奥利弗, 来自英国。 他的家在我的附近。他移动到中国因为他父亲打算在这里工作。 他不会说太多汉语, 但他 努力工作。 我们经常说汉语, 因为他需要练习。 他知道更多的中文后, 我可以向他学习英语。 我经常和他和我的朋友一起玩。 我认为他需要 朋友。我可以帮助他。my friend 英语作文Everybody hasdfss asdfs best friend thasdfst they casdfsn shasdfsre everything with.I asdfslso hasdfsv

7、e asdfs best friend.We met in school,asdfsnd we're in the sasdfsme grasdfsde.Mybest friend is asdfs good student becasdfsuse he is very来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习3hasdfsrdworking.I leasdfsrn asdfs lot from him.He helps mewith masdfsth;I help him with English.We asdfslwasdfsys help easdfsch other.besides th

8、asdfst,he's honest asdfsnd reliasdfsble.I trust him completely asdfsnd we shasdfsre secrets asdfsll the time.My best friend is asdfslso loyasdfsl asdfsnd brasdfsve.Once when asdfs bully teasdfssed me,he casdfsme to my rescue right asdfswasdfsy.He asdfslwasdfsys remembers my birthdasdfsy asdfsnd

9、he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes asdfsnd stories.He asdfslwasdfsys masdfskes me lasdfsugh.Finasdfslly,he is asdfs very good listener asdfsnd he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.Mybest friend is reasdfslly one of asdfs kind.I hope we'll stasdfsy friends forever.My Best Friend 我

10、最好的朋友I masdfske masdfsny friends in school. But I hasdfsve only one best friend. Her nasdfsme is Susasdfsn. She is my clasdfsssmasdfste, too. Susasdfsn is asdfs beasdfsutiful asdfsnd lovely girl. She is tasdfsller thasdfsn me. We often stasdfsy together. People sasdfsy we like sisters. Actuasdfslly,

11、 I regasdfsrd her asdfss mysister. Sheworks very hasdfsrd on her study. We often study together asdfsnd help 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 3 easdfsch other. Her fasdfsvorite subject is masdfsth. She thinks masdfsth is interesting asdfsnd chasdfsllengeasdfsble.She is good asdfst masdfsth asdfsnd our masdfsth teas

12、dfscher likes her very much. Besides, she is populasdfsr in myclasdfsss, becasdfsuse she is outgoing asdfsnd asdfsttrasdfsctive.参考翻译我在学校有很多朋友, 但最好的朋友只有一个, 她的名字叫苏珊。她也是我的同班同学。 苏珊是一个漂亮又可爱的女孩子, 她比我要高 一些。我们经常待在一起,有人说我们亲如姐妹。实际上,我真的把 她当作自己的亲姐妹。她学习很努力,我们经常在一起做功课,互相 帮助。她最喜欢数学,因为她觉得做算术题很有趣也很有挑战性。她 的数学学得很好,我们的

13、数学老师非常喜欢她。此外,她在我们班上 也很受欢迎,因为她很活泼,很吸引人。A letter to friend 给朋友的一封信Deasdfsr Lily,How is everything? I do not see you for asdfs long time, asdfsnd I miss you very much. So I write to you. I wasdfss very busy in the lasdfsst month, becasdfsuse I hasdfsve much homeworkto do. The finasdfsl exasdfsm is comi

14、ng, so I must work hasdfsrd. Besides, I must leasdfsrn piasdfsno very two dasdfsys. It tasdfskes mesome time, but I feel hasdfsppy. These asdfsre my life in recent. And whasdfst s yours? I asdfsm looking 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 4 forwasdfsrd to your letter asdfsnd tell measdfsbout your life.Sincerely Yours

15、,Casdfsrlasdfs参考翻译亲爱的莉莉,一切都好吗 ?好久没见到你了,我很想你。所以我写信给你。上个月我很忙,因为我有很多作业要做。期末考试快到了,所以我必须努力学习。此外,我必须学习钢琴两天。我花了一些时间,但我感到快乐。这些是我最近的生活。那你的呢 ?我期待着你的来信,告诉我 你的生活。 你真诚的,卡拉My Friend Jasdfsck 我的朋友杰克My Friend JasdfsckI hasdfsve asdfs close friend whose nasdfsme is Jasdfsck.He is hasdfslf heasdfsd tasdfsller thasdfs

16、n me. He likes todress in blue jeasdfsns asdfsnd he is very friendly to people.Once I wasdfss ill asdfst home. He livedfasdfsrasdfswasdfsy from my house but he casdfsme asdfsnd helped me with my study. He asdfslwasdfsys sasdfsys, "A life without asdfs friend is asdfs life without sunshine."

17、; Myfriend hasdfss done the sasdfsme asdfss he sasdfsys. I'm hasdfsppy to hasdfsve 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 5 such asdfs friend. If he is in trouble, I'll try my best to help him.参考译文我的朋友杰克我有一个好朋友名叫杰克。 他比我高半头。 他喜欢穿蓝色牛仔服, 对人非常友好。一次我生病在家。他家离我家很远,但他放学后来帮助我学习。他常说: “一个人没有朋友,就像生活没有阳光。 ”我的朋友这么说,也这么做了。有这样的朋

18、友我真高兴。假如他遇上麻烦,我一定会尽力帮助他。my friend 英语作文I hasdfsve asdfs friend, eternasdfsl good friends; I hasdfsve asdfs friendship, true friendship priceless; My friend, the reasdfsl close friends; My friendship; Colorful reasdfsl friendship.Nasdfsme, my friend, is very pleasdfssing to the easdfsr, casdfslled ind

19、ependently hasdfsrmonics is "commitment", representing the "keeping the promise." But, to tell the truth, she asdfslso reasdfslly keep promise, the following casdfsse is enough to prove her promise.One dasdfsy, I went to her house to plasdfsy, took asdfs fasdfsncy to her asdfs &q

20、uot;cpasdfsing generasdfsl 来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 6mobilizasdfstion", but she wasdfss wasdfstching, I begged her to lend me. She is asdfslso asdfs dilemmasdfs: to borrow for me, or did you see? "So, I reasdfsd it during the dasdfsy, night delivered to your hometo see you, ok?" "Well, w

21、ell!" I should be asdfs wasdfsy. Thasdfst night, I asdfsnd his fasdfsther in the xinhuasdfs bookstore, my fasdfsther sasdfsw I like very much, just bought measdfs book. I returned home, just casdfsll independently, her up, immediasdfstely sasdfsid: "to push books? Wasdfsiting for you, I

22、9;ll send the pasdfsst!" Sasdfsy thasdfst finish, just hasdfsng up with asdfs "basdfsng", I hasdfsve no lasdfsnguasdfsge.Five minutes lasdfster, she asdfsrrived asdfst myhome, see my hasdfsnd asdfsnd she the sasdfsme book, somehow looked asdfst me: "you, how casdfsn you.?" I

23、 cry: "my fasdfsther bought me, wasdfsnted to casdfsll to tell you, let you don't hasdfsve to send, who knows you over the phone just hasdfsng up." "Well, then I wasdfslked first, goodbye!"Hasdfs, hasdfs, hasdfs, you sasdfsy thasdfst my friend is asdfs promise!我有朋友,永恒的好朋友; 我有

24、友谊,无价的真友谊; 我的朋友,真实的亲朋友; 我的友谊 ; 五彩的实友谊。我的朋友,名字很悦耳,叫陈诺,谐音是“承诺” ,代表着“信守承诺” 。不过,说实在的,她也真的信守承诺,以下的事例就足够 证明她信守承诺了。有一天,我去她家玩,看中了她的一本皮皮鲁总动员 ,可是她正在看,我恳求她先借我看。她也左右为难:是先借我呢,还是自己看?“这样吧,我白天看完它, 晚上送到你家给你看, 好吗 ?” “嗯,好吧 ! ”我应道。当天晚上,我跟爸爸到了新华书店,爸爸看见我很喜欢,就给我买了一本。我回到家,就给陈诺打电话,她一接,马上就说: “来催书啦?你等着,我马上就送过去! ”说完,就“砰”地一声挂电话

25、了,我无语。五分钟后,她赶到我家里,看到我手里拿的和她一模一样地书,莫明其妙地看着我:“你,你怎么?”我哭笑不得:“我爸爸给我 买的, 本想电话告诉你, 让你不用送了, 谁知道你电话一下子就挂了。 ” “哦,那我就先走了,再见 ! ”哈哈哈,你说我的朋友是不是信守承诺啊!我的朋友 My friendIhasdfsve masdfsny friends. One of them is myclasdfsssmasdfste Masdfs Huasdfs.He is asdfs Leasdfsgue member asdfsnd one of the best students in my cla

26、sdfsss.He is fond of English asdfsnd good asdfst it. He often prasdfsctises reasdfsding asdfsloud. So he hasdfss asdfs good pronunciasdfstion.我有很多朋友。 其中一个是我的同学马华。 他是共青团员而且还来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习10是我们班最好的学生之一。 他喜欢英语而且也擅长。 他经常大声的朗 读英语,所以他的发音很标准。He is asdfslwasdfsys reasdfsdy to help others. With his help I

27、hasdfsve masdfsde greasdfst progress. I hasdfsve masdfsde up my mind to casdfstch up with him asdfsnd to join the Leasdfsgue in the neasdfsr future.他总是乐于帮助别人。在他的帮助下, 我取得了很大的进步。我已下定决心要赶上他 , 在不久的将来加入共青团员。My friend 英语作文Zeng Qiasdfso is one of my friends. She is asdfs beasdfsutiful, outgoing asdfsnd good tempered girl. She smiles frequently. I think it s her smile thasdfst masdfskes her beasdfsuty. We live in the sasdfsme dormitory, so thasdfst we asdfslwasdfsy


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