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1、grEI空题满分经验下面为大家搜索整理gre考试达人的gre填空经验,大家可 以借鉴参考,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE填空题满分经验无私大放送1 .先过了单词关不用*所有单词都认识。甚至要尽量保持 *中一些名词不认 识,这样可以去猜,练习猜词的能力,毕竟考试中肯定会有词不 认识,要根据上下文推测下。但是一些重要的形容词,名词,动词还是要认识的,因为这 些词反映了作者的态度和*的转折啊之类的结构。2 .重复重复是基本规律,同义重复和反义重复,解题就是找准中心 词及其与空格的逻辑关系。要抓住空格所在的那层逻辑关系,不 大用管其它层次的逻辑o同意重复一定是同义词, 但是反义重复 不一定是反

2、义词,可以是上义词或下义词, 而可以仅仅是程度的 不同。3 .每天练习下长难句每天都看看杨鹏的长难句,不要看答案,自己尽量分析,用 他的方法。长看完一句长难句,都做一下他的意群训练,这个对提高阅 读速度非常非常有帮助。看长难句最好每天都看一个小时,可以增加语感,也破除了对阅读的恐惧感,看的同时做意群训练可以增加阅读速度4 .两遍做题法先做简单的,第一篇过题时,如果没思路,标记后果断跳过; 第二遍review,实在不行猜答案。5 .分隔结构定语从句,同位语从句,分词结构(现在分词、过去分词及 不定式),大的介词短语结构。有时分隔结构出现在主从句中, 比如because之后为逗号,接着是分隔,再接

3、着是原因,一律先 跳过分隔,先看原因、弁列、转折等主干逻辑关系。GRE考试填空常考要点练习试题及答案The with which the French aristocracy greeted themiddle-class Rousseau was all the more, because he showed so little respect for them.A deferenceD irrelevantB suspicionE deservedC reserveF unexpected选AF翻译:卢梭对法国贵族的轻慢态度,更突出了后者对前者这个中产阶级成员的尊敬。deference遵从

4、,敬重suspicion 怀疑,涉嫌,疑心(about /that)reserve (v. / n.)保留irrelevant不相干的,离题的deserved应得的unexpected未料到的,突如其来的greet sb with sth向某人致以某种态度。句子开头的从句就 是把sth提前,正常的语序是:法国贵族向卢梭(Rousseau敢以某种态度(空 1), French aristocracy greeted Rousseau withall the +比较级,越发如何,格外如何,更如何。GRE考试填空常考要点练习试题及答案The fortresslike facade of the Mu

5、seum of Cartoon Art seems calculated to remind visitors that the comic strip is an art form that has often been by critics.A charmedB assailedC unnoticedD exhilaratedE overwhelmed选B翻译:卡通艺术博物馆堡垒形式的正面设计,似乎是故意提醒来访者,连环漫画是一门被评论家不断攻击的艺术。charm吸引,引诱,(如有魔法般)影响或保护(某人/某事物)assail殴打,质问、侮辱,攻击unnoticed未被察觉的,被忽略的ex

6、hilarated使人兴奋的,令人鼓舞的overwhelmed被击败的,被淹没的,被控制的18道GRE填空练习题及答案OG三空题目GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice QuestionsSET 3 Discrete Question: Medium114 Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation' s growthsince the Second World War had (i)invention. He said, (ii)research, the government' s GREatest

7、role in assuringcontinuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office.“ Unless we can (iii)original ideas, we will not have invention. " Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors aGREed that the future lay in giving children th

8、e tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A been at the expense of D in addition to restricting G evaluateB no bearing on E aside from supporting H protectC come through F far from exaggerating I disseminate【215 Statements presented as fact in a patent application

9、 are(i)unless a good reason for doubt is found. Theinvention has only to be deemed“ more likely than not " to work irorder to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort (ii)the science o

10、f an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii)devices will continue to yield occasional patent.BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A presumed verifiable D corroborating G novelB carefully scrutinized E advancing H bogusC considered capricious F debunking I obsoleteSET 5 Discrete Question: Hard3

11、4 No other contemporary poet ' s Work such a well-earned reputation for (i) , and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the p

12、oet ' s fourth book in siaryeonple output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound(iii), his poetry is as thorny as ever. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A patent accessibility D penitential austerity G taciturnityB intrinsic fri

13、volity E intractable prolixity H volubilityC near impenetrability F impetuous prodigality I pellucidity【415 Managers who think that strong environmental performance will (i)their company' s financialperformance often (ii)claims that systems designed to help them manage environmental concerns are

14、 valuable tools. By contrast, managers who perceive environmental performance to be (iii)to financial success may view an environmental management system as extraneous. In either situation, and whatever their perceptions, it is a manager' s commitment toachieving environmental improvement rather

15、 than the mere presence of a system that determines environmental performance. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A eclipse D uncritically accept G complementaryB bolster E appropriately acknowledge H intrinsicC degrade F hotly dispute I peripheral【516 Philosophy, unlike most other subjects, dose not try to extend

16、 our knowledge by discovering new information about the world. Instead it tries to deepen our understanding through (i)what is already closest to us-the experiences, thoughts, concepts, and activities that make up our lives but that ordinarily escape our notice precisely because they are so familiar

17、. Philosophy begins by finding(ii)the things that are (iii). BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A attainment of D essentially irrelevant G most prosaicB rumination on E utterly mysterious H somewhat hackneyedC detachment from F thoroughly commonplace I refreshingly novelPractice TestSection 317【6】The most striking

18、 thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i)rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii)political principles only to betray them in practice.Rather, he a

19、ttempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii) , viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A quixotic D brandish G profound cynicismB self-righteous E flout H deeply felt moral codeC strategic F follow I thoroughgoing pragmati

20、smSection 411【7】 What readers most commonly remember about John Stuart Mill ' s classic exploration of the liberty of thought and discussion concerns the danger of (i): in the absence of challenge, one ' s opinions, even whenstheyorrect, grow weak and flabby. Yet Mill had another reason for

21、encouraging the liberty of thought and discussion: the danger of partiality and incompleteness. Since one ' s opinions, even under the best circumstances, tend to (ii), and because opinions opposed to one ' s own rarely turn out to be completely(iii) , it is crucial to supplement one' s

22、opinions with alternative points of view. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3A tendentiousness D embrace only a portion of the truth G erroneousB complacency E change over time H antitheticalC fractiousness F focus on matters close at hand I immutable20【8】 Wills argues that certain malarial parasites are especially (i)because they have more recently entered humans than other species and therefore have had (ii)time to evolve toward (iii). Yet there is no reliable evidence that the m


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