1、绝密启用前2020年初中升学考试调研试卷黑黑薪页,包括第I卷(选择吩和第卷(非选择题分为丘。分。考试时 黑嬴,考生务必先将自己的心九第、鬻鬻器器在答选卡的指定位置 请认JX核对条形码上的相关信息,将条形码粘贴在:光鬻吃蜉沧里修曲时用郎3 .答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的-案林”徐黑修时橡皮 擦干净,再选涂其他答案c4一 E皿edi故宰、X谓冰4 .答非选押题时.必须使用也5毫米的黑色字迹签字笃书写.要文少咏 严格按即号所示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域的答案无效F臂磐5 .保持答题卡清洁.完整,严禁折强、损坏。严禁在答题R上做任何标出,小使用涂改 液、胶带纸、修正带。町试结束后
2、,将本试卷和答翘卡一并交回。第】卷选择题(共80分)第一部分听力(共两节20分)听录音,根据各题要求选择最佳答案,弁将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。每二内容读两遍,第一节(共5小题;每小题分,共5分)听下面5段对话,选出与录音内容相一致的图片。听下面5段对话或独白。段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C二:: 项中选出佳选叫听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小也每小题5砂伴; 后各小髓将给出5秒钟的作答时间。,听第6段材料,回答第6至8题.6. When will Frank leave?A. On TuhIMB. On Thursday.C. On Friday.英语试卷第1
3、页(共12页)7. Who told Frank the news?A. |加 father.B- His 味乱B. At most five days.8. How long wUl Frank stay at home?A Al Irasl three days.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Why did Lily look sad?.A Because she was sick.8. Because she failed the exam.C Because she fouglit with her classmate.10. When was Lily ill?A. Last
4、 summer.B. Last week.11. How will they help Lily?A. By asking Uly questions. B. By looking after Lily- 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题)12. WTiat kind of TV program does the boy like?A. News.B. Sports shows.13. Uliat does the girl diink of die boy favorite program?A. Useful.B. Boring.14. U hen does the man usually
5、watch TV?A. Before dinner.B. After dinner.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Why does the girl want to change her coat?A Because the coat is large.8. Because the coat i expensive.C Becans she loesn t like the color.16. Uho bought the coal for the girl?A Her mother.B. Her sister.17. W hich coal does the girl possi
6、bly take?人 Mow one. Size S. B. A red one, Size L. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What can you find in Friendship Market?A A,1 kinds of bags. B. All kinds of fruit.W many Niops are there in Happiness MarketsA. 10B. 20.20. h/e can you buy flowers?C. His brother.C More than a week.C. Last month.C. By studying t
7、ogether with Lily.C. Documentaries.C. Exciting.C. Before breakfast-C. Her brulher.C. A red one, Size S.C. All kinds of clothes.C.25.C In Friendship Market.英语试卷第2页(共12页)A Sunshine- Market. B. In Love Market.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 卡上将该项涂黑,2 一1 11 d
8、rive to the supermarket. Would you like me to get something for you?,并在答通一()h.I want some bananas t but my hands are full now.A. il s up to youC. that ;ouldn t be betterB. you d better notD. it s too bad22. Polluted air does harm tn the living things nn the earth. It even humans.kill plants as well
9、asA. canB.shouldC. mustD. need23 My mother tells my sister the stones sland them easily._ simple English ever) day. so she can underA. forC. onD. in3-24. It seems that the program wadesigned, hs out of order from time to time.A . fairlyC. possiblyD. hardly25. In the past five yearnt China has played
10、 on important role in the Belt and Roadmany nations a grral chance lo conunuricate.A. offeredB. supportedC. includedD. directed26 Lifta, I called you yesterday afternoonf but no one answered.一Oh. Ithe film Spider-Man with my brother.A. am watching & wal hM and Found to have a 100k 工 moveC. moved英语试卷
11、第3页(共2页)D. have nw30. The woids “eymadam” and “level” are the mCthey arc read left to rightor right to left.A. Hi neeB. though31. The Queqiao MteUite(卫星)will form athe far side of the Moon.A. contribution B. communicationD. whetherC. unlessbridge皿controllers on Earth andc. celebration D. competition
12、32一Did you noticein his room?-Yes. He was taking online courses.A. what was Bob doingB. what Bob was doingC. what does Bob doD. what Bob does33. We shouldn * t forget where we came from when we on our new journey.A. take outB. set outC. cut outD blow out34. As Hannah Lucas had a disease, she and her
13、 brother Charlie made app called“not OK to let her get help from others when she wasn * t feeling well.A. the; theB, a; theC. an; /D. the; /35. Are you camping with us next weekend?一! What should 1 prepare for it?A. No,hanksB. No wayC. You betD. T m glad to hear that阅读短文,第二节(共15小题;每小题1分.共15分)从短文后各题所
14、给的四个选项(A.B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。There were several special people in my life. 0nlw”. _44_ mr to be a(PmmI Mudrnt.(hna survivY(活下来)山。1皿 winlcrt 1nd . ,5 讣。 叩自“arrived. wa happy ,o grr i( and enjoyed a few days outetde in her wheelchair in the warm wrvihine. This w” onr of our hM 46 toftrt
15、her.Oma naid to my mom one beauhful day th.1 Ur feltcould not 47 much lonrr. My mom 48 that the time waa near, ami 4e took hna to tW hop向 A frw days later. Oma puerd away.Omaaa Uufht me a lol- She wm ihr 49 - pwn I hare ever known1 &、 d此eHm, I think of Oma and everything thr went through F doctor* 2
16、 g、e 卜r 、rral da、lu 延伸)it to nine month. She i. the prrwn ihal I mU dy Mhn.rr 9. A. rrfudB. decidedC. rrtnrmlimtlD. prrirfulrd40. A. fMUnB.mkC. pityD.4L A. B. invitedC UuMiiniD kA42 . A .mLUB tnunryC. umrh mrtio43. A, 5B hr ipC. mHI) ctkx alr44 AH aikmedC. rtMXMUlfrtiD. brgurd4s. a aM,B (maUyC. grwl
17、ualhI). immrciuUrhS AB chomC. rurfrtaD diaUrnre47.A .切B. go btrkCpupD.m g3. A.MM(tMwdB iwJurdC rvfntURdD. EM49 A.kriMrtB. .一 ICDr*30 A. WVurwrB. WWfvwrC VWmD. Howevr美遇M第s 1(共以ID部分阅读理解(共15小题海小题2分共:1;,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 即蜘文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,和项涂黑。natur心1hink that I started to like litera-Becausema writer and
18、k lover,16ading as a frightening thing that would al-W (文学)fmmanearlag-. Adually,iniugjnationstories like The Utilebe diZ 2 1 iered 3山:二 (不情愿的)reader became u *4 . Pi Can you imagine how arebook lover and later an author?讪 row of books that changed my life now decorates my esIW Mories are so dear th
19、at they feel like part of me.加 Seerd Garden by Frances Hodgson Bumel began think that if I looked carefully enough, I would find a secret garden in my backyard and bring it back to life.A Fnezu/ in the Storm by Cheryl RickerThis book of poetry got me through some of life s most difficult times.Anne
20、Frank: The Dian of a Young GirZ-This is the book that made me want to be a writer soireday.Les MUerabUs by Victor HugoInspired (鼓舞)by it, I wrote a three-part blog post for books, started giving il to kidh gifls, and still listed it as one of my favorite stories.Every book in the row inspired, comfo
21、rted. or challenged me. 1 know today that f while man- y are well-known titles and a few were written by not-so-famous authors, they all remind me that we can never know what we will do with our talents. What can we do? Just follow our hearts. 5L Which book helped the author get through hard times?A
22、. The Secret GardenB. A Friend in k StormC. G MablesD. Aiuie Frank : The Diary of a Young Girl52& book Anne Frank .The Diary of a Young Girl made the author want to be ainA. writer山c future.D. ductorB teacherC. farmer英语试卷第6页(共12页)53 ha, s the author s suggestion for us?A Showing our talents earlier.
23、C. Reading books with famous title。B. Following our “arts.D Never caring what others think of us.My name is Charlotte Dujardin. I* man Olympic dressage champion (花式骑术冠军).What is m, life like? You may wonder.19 m one of those people who need their sleep. If 1 don t 即 nough 9 I can be pretty deepy. I
24、start riding by 7 : 30 am and 1 m usually so tired from a dayv s training that my head is on the pillow by 9: 30 pm.I* m like an old peraon. I ve always been a deep lcer; not lhr dinner, plus two 5rmeks of nut3 and fruit. On lay off. like normal girls. 1 love ice-crean.1 ften WOrk 爪 ,口叱 * 7 : 30 am
25、仙 501nti -H1 9 ncn tfBinifur (Lalso teach at the weckcrwl ImjI the (hys dont ,e 灯m. I3 1 -myjobveiymuch 一proper holiday once a year when I don 91 a hg for 1() jhave ”、:I need time to rest 】My family i very supportive of what I dom1ax.and other family mrmbers bul balancing 平衡)m ,my .旧口3wul 小 mhuiwshi
26、p 丽1hdifficuh as Im away a lot.,her can k54. Wliat lmbly mean by saving - r .MF.、aragni|l)2?A. She looks ver) old.C. She nrech to go to bed early.B. She wakc up very easily.D. She geta lirX easily in the daytime.55. U hat does Paragraph 3 nay aboUl 击匕 1nHA. She always eatu too much.B. Her trainer pr
27、epares food for her.英语试卷第7页(共I2页JC She is never ulloweil tu cat sweel (bod.I. haling the right food is important to her.B. Once a year.56. (.harlottc have a holidayA. Once a month.C. Twice a month.D. Twice a year.57 , * hal problem does the author face in her life?A. She doesu * t get help from her
28、family.B. She doesn * t have enough time to relax.C. She can t spend much time with her family.D. She fails to win a medal in the Olympic Games.It * s late at night9 the weather is bad, arxl you * re hungry. Your favourite rcbtauraiH is less than a mile away, but you dont want to pay a $5 delivery (
29、递送)fee. So, whut do you do? Back in the old dayst you would have braved the weather. But days are coming to an end, at least in Washington.A group of about 20 knee-higli robots recently 1】心 conic out on ihe sidewalks (人行道)of the nation capital. Their tasks are to bring take-out food from restaurants
30、 to hungry customers at home while keeping the delivery cost to around a dollar.The robou are European, cled in Estonia by a company called Stahip Technologies. 2 of them b a middL cooler on six f and drives at an avemge (平均的)speed of 3 4 miles per hour, 2 the of - walker, hhas lights and a tall, br
31、ight orange flag so 山al it can be noticed by people on the sidewalk.Here in Washington t Sturwhip haw learned up with Pg. .he online delivery service, and the robott already are completing deliveries around the citv Tt,呼 鹏)move almost silniilv. Theynre electric, ho there isn t much sound, except for
32、 (heir wheels IV. hair cameras recogni/r a hl including traffic light* and stop signs.The robots have only been in Washington for about a rn h仙轰动),丽刖电一d forA ,Ung二:乂刘塔pointing out the wbot to her f ” , “ 皿“;-,英语试卷第8页(共12页)e的-But the onl) thing thatmakes me worry about-is it going to put people out o
33、f jobs?The company does not see robots as a replacement(代替),呼 Russe,1 C00k.the director of Postulates. M We have people that drive care, walk, and bike, and we see robots an another type of vehicle that helps us to offer deliveries, he says.58. What does the underlined word It refer to?A. The walker
34、. B. The robot. C. The company. D The car.59. What do we know about the robots mentioned in the passage?A. They were developed by a US company.B They are able to travel at a high speed.C. They create little noise while working.D. They can communicate with walkers.60. What is the mother* 8 worry abou
35、t the robots?A. They may not be as safe as expected.B. They may cause a stir pn the sidewalk.C. They may be destroyed by some people.D. They may take the place of deliverymen.61. What is the text mainly about?A. A leading online deliver), company.B. Delivery robots in Washington t D. CC. The recent
36、development of Postmates.D. Peoplef s growing worry about robots.DEvery winter people talk about the inconveniences(不便)tbal snow lring and no one rcallv lakes time to fully enjoy it. On the night of the firbt snow this euon I went oulsidv and just stood in it,happily looking up at the dancing snow t
37、hat greeted me *lh kisses as they landed on n)y face.While people complain about snow, the old saying is completely right in 山is case: you never know whal you have until it * s gone. Do 加口 remember the winter two years ago when it hardly snowed and wildGres and drought (干旱)ran across the state the n
38、ext summers? People should 英语试卷第9页(共12页)8ng instead of haling it, since if it Rnows more we, H h.Califom; !*Wfl,er Now the dnxjght ina,w ich has troubled the state since 2011, has been terrih|p.jevela f .iernt,e. because of incrriwedmn Mm 鹏丽出,Without enoughs,小 e 向成叫-I,:g, and food prices rise. Witho
39、ut snow, ii don*t feel like the holidays.in How Md snow. It b cold, it freezes everything and its hard to drive WeVer,2庙 “吨 beyond these inconvenience. I. winter ha|f the townfl care :MUCk,n 8n0W, The o* half were helping. Everyone who wasnt slack got a tool and stopped to help everyone in need. Peo
40、ple at school whom I hud never talked to helped me dig out my ar. Because of the snow, everyone came together and was filled with holiday spirit.Here in Utah we should be especially obliged for the snow. Utah is famous for its skiingP and with the snon come tourists and outdoor fun for ourselves. Ev
41、en if vou can * t afford ex- Jpensive activities such as skiing or snowboarding, there arc still snowmen to be buih and ice houses to be set up.Remember : we can , t control the weather but we can control our attitudes. 62 How did the author feel on the night of the first now that iwwmn?A. Worried.
42、B. Surprised. C. Bored.D. Excited.63. What docs the author want to show by mentioning California?A. People there prefer winter to summer.B. The weather there changes frequently.C. Tberr- is more snow in California.D. Snow helps California a lot.64. What s Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. The good things
43、coming with snow.B. Tlie inconveniences caused by now.C The reason why some people hate Know.D. The funny activities connected with now.65. What does the underlined word Mobliged in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Prepared.B. Grateful.C. Concerned.D. Careful.英语试卷第10页(共12页)第11卷非选择题(共4。分)第一部分词语运用(共两节,25分)第一节(共10小
44、题,每小0H分;共10分)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子(每空仅限个单询)。66. We nretl to beto the doctor who fight for wing live, (thank)67.11 must be true-she said so ( her)68. The Wandering Earth was _ _ the most popular movie at the beginning of 2019. (probable)69. In recent years, the prices of houses in big cities havea lol, s
45、o il is mere difficult for young people to afford one there, (rise)70. NASAs newest Man rover (探测车) about 1,043 kilograms, and il wdl ukroff for the Red Planet in July, (weigh)71. My grandmother told me that many childrena hard life in the past. ( have)72. Hr was fast asleep with his mouth wide. (op
46、en)73. As everyone knows, Christmas is celebrated on the twenty-flfdi day of ihf nionlh.(twelve)74. In my opinion, youd better makr a good belbre studying abroad. ( prepare75. You went to the library yesterday?一Yes. I borrowed several books there, this one( include)第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)阅读短文,根据首字母、音标
47、以及语境的提示在每个空格内填入适当的单词(I个单 词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。Stacey Truman works in the dining hall of Kingston Elementary School in Virginia, the I Recently , she has r R6 a lot of letters. In the letters she was praised for her practice of wnting messages of hope on bananas.Early each morning,
48、when students are still at . 77 . Trumxin 78 (坐下)at her 4 and picks up a banana. Actually, 60 bananas or more. Then Truman writes message,/ h()pn each banana, such as “Your future is bright. and 44 Never 79 (放弃)While doing that t she* s very patient.Truman _80 (过去经常)do this for her kids. Then 4)e de
49、cided that the 2卜 2Kingston might be i 81in the idea as well.英语试卷第11页(共12贞)Although the banana peels might be j_(扔掉)afkr lunch,此 mesM0e wiU 83 n m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,IJ Hua mem long after school is over. That s _84most valuable thing. The w 85 on the banana peels can help Mude
50、nts have more courage/ said Sliaron Shewbridgr. ihe headmaster of Kinpton.So far, it has become very popular among kids. Kids who 86 lunches from home are also coming to school with talking bananas from their parents. When the Dole fruit company heard about Troman * s efforts, they decided to give bananas 87 the s
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