




2、能使教师了解英语课改的动态,获取教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当的调整,从而促进教师不断地提高自己的教育教学水平。 二、命题说明    1、命题的几个原则    注重基础知识的考查。坚持依据于教材,突出语言的交际功能。重点考查一些学生必须掌握的基础知识,为今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。试题贴近学生生活,尽可能简单,有利于培养兴趣和自信心。   2考查要求   以英语课程标准为指导,以教材规定的学习内容和教学目标为依据,不超纲、超本。考试的目的主要考查学生初步的听力、语言情

3、境交际、初步识记单词的能力和习惯、简单规范的书写、简单的连词成句能力、用所学语言进行有效阅读的技能等。   3、考试内容及范围本次小学英语考试范围以英语课程标准为依据,覆盖小学阶段英语教材(剑桥版小学英语)绝大部分内容(以三、四、五年级教材为主,并覆盖六年级前五个单元的内容)。三、 试卷结构本次考试采用闭卷笔答形式,时间为60分钟,试卷满分100分。试卷由听力题(30分)、笔试题(70分)两部分构成。四、考查范围话题一:Numbers词汇:one ,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, t

4、welve, thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty, sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred 要求会认一百以内的数字,如:twenty-five句型:Whats the number? Whats your phone number?/ Whats your lucky number? Whats five and/ plus/ minus three? How many shoes are there in twenty-s

5、ix pairs?话题二:Colours词汇: red, green, yellow, blue, black, white, brown, pink, purple,orange,grey,eat,live句型: What colour is it?/ Whats the colour?What colour are the chairs? What colour are they?Its green./Theyre green. Whats your favourite colour? What colour do you like(best)?话题三:School things / My

6、 classroom / My room词汇: schoolbag, pen, pencil, book, ruler, eraser, pencil case, desk,table, chair, board, floor, window, door, curtain, sofa, picture, lamp,wardrobe,mirror,clocknice, big ,small, tidy ,clean, in, on, under, behind, in front of需认识的动词和句型:catch, put, open, Lets catch it! Well done!Put

7、 it on the desk.句型: - Whats this in English?- Its a pen.- How many desks are there in the classroom?- There are twenty desks in the classroom. / Twenty.There is a book under the bed.There are four pencils in the pencil case.话题四:Breakfast / Food词汇: milk, juice, tea, rice, bread, cake, egg, apple, ban

8、ana, orange, ice-cream, chocolate, popcorn, pizza, sandwich, spaghetti, hamburger, cheese,big,small,tidy句型:- Whats your favourite food? - My favourite food is chocolate. - Do you like milk? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont.话题五:Pets / Animals词汇: dog, cat, rabbit, hamster, mouse, frog, fish, budgie, tiger, l

9、ion, hippo, snake, wolf, fox, elephant, sheep, pig, duck, cow句型:- Have you got a pet?- Yes, I have. / No, I havent.- What have you got?- A fish.- How many mice can you see?- Six.话题六:Clothes词汇: shirt, T-shirt, jeans, shorts, socks, dress, skirt, sweater, shoes, trainers, cap, socks句型: Sue is wearing

10、a pink sweater. Put on your shoes.话题七:Feelings词汇: happy, sad, tired, scared, angry句型: - How are you feeling today?- I am happy.Mike / He / She is tired /happy.话题八:Happy birthday 词汇: 会认,会说十二个月份的单词句型: -Happy birthday! -Thank you. - When is your birthday? - My birthday is in July.话题九:Time词汇: half, quar

11、ter, oclock, to, past,watch,clock句型: -Whats the time? / What time is it?n Its five oclock/ half past nine/ quarter to twelve.n How often can you bend your knees in a minute?n How many English words can you write in a minute?话题十: Free time词汇: play table tennis, play football, play the piano, swim, si

12、ng, dance, ski, roller blade, ride a horse, stand on ones head句型: - Can you play the piano? -Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Tom /he/ she/they/Susan and Emma can/cant play table tennis. The rabbit is riding a horse. The lion and the tiger are playing table tennis. He /She is skiing. They are playing footb

13、all.话题十一:Friends句型:My best friend is Ann. She is from England. She likes books and sports. Her favourite colour is purple. She has got a pet. Her birthday is in September. She can play the piano.话题十二:My day/Dreams句型: I get up at half past six. I have breakfast at seven oclock. I go to school at quar

14、ter to eight. School starts at twenty past eight. We have 4 classes in the morning. At twelve oclock I have lunch. I have sports at quarter to four. School ends at half past four. After dinner, I do my homework from seven to eight. I dream of being a spaceman./ I dream that I can fly.需在阅读中认识的单词:ofte

15、n, sometimes, never话题十三:A party句型:What are you doing on Sundy?Im going to watch TV.Mum is going to do some cooking.Dad is going to clean his car.Weer going to a party in the evening.We dont work at the weekend.Lets play football.话题十四:Mascot/ What do you collect?词汇:mascot,necklace,ring,shell,soft toy

16、s,stickers,postcards,pictures,stamps,(这些单词只需认识即可)句型:My room is full of mascots.I have got a school bag.He has got a red pencil.Toby has got a very big nose. Have you got a new car?Yes, I have.No, I havent.Bob /He/She/doesnt collect stickers. I dont collect stickers. I love stickers. 话题十五:需在阅读中认识的动词

17、come,go,run,jump,do,have,look(at),listen(to),live,know,need,want,work,learn,etc话题十六:Body词汇:eye ,nose, face, mouth, ears, hair, hand, arm, legs, teeth, foot, feet, toes句型:Hes got a red nose, a small pink mouth, small ears, big hands and big feet.复习建议:1. 注重梳理整合教材内容,形成知识结构 教材的安排是以话题为主,每一册书都有相同的话题。老师们可以整合教材内容,帮助学生梳理知识,总结规律,培养学生好的学习习惯和学习策略。2 . 以练为主,培养学生语言运用能力与新授课不同,复习课应尽量压缩知识讲解呈现和机械操练的时间,否则学生会感觉在“炒冷饭”,觉得复习枯燥无味,从而影响复习效果。在设计练习时,应尽量顾及到听说读写四个方面。尤其在“说”的过程中,应努力创设学生熟悉并感兴趣的语言情境,搭建好语言框架,让学生想说,会说,充分满足学生的表现欲,让他们乐学。听力和阅读联系的设计,老师们可以参考单元测试题题型。3. 创设情境,突出功能语用在上复习课时,要避免


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