1、Surprise!惊喜Not yet, Olaf.没到时间呢 雪宝Surprise!惊喜Not yet, Olaf.没到时间呢 雪宝Surprise!惊喜Not yet, Olaf.没到时间呢 雪宝Whoa!哇Hello!你好Surprise!惊喜Olaf! Not yet!雪宝 没到时间呢Anna's right.安娜说得对Our surprise holiday party doesn't start我们的节日惊喜派对until after the Yule bell rings.要等到圣诞钟声敲响后才开始Sorry, the suspense is tearing me
2、apart.抱歉 我等的兴奋过头了Thank you!谢谢你I'm excited too, Olaf.我也很兴奋 雪宝This is Arendelle's first Christmas in forever.这是阿伦黛尔多年以来的第一个圣诞节The first of many to come.也是今后无数个中的第一个Elsa, look! They're arriving!艾莎 快看 大家都来了 Look at everyone 看看大家 We planned a party as a big surprise 我们筹划了一场惊喜派对 Soon the ballr
3、oom will echo with sounds of cheer 待会宴会厅就会充满欢笑 As we ring in the season this year 只要我们敲响今年的圣诞钟声 This is overdue 等了好久 Gotta look our best 一定要好好打扮 I've never been so nicely dressed 我从未打扮的这么好看 We'll be hosting and toasting 我们这场派对 The whole night through 要狂欢一整夜 As we ring in the season with you
4、并与你一起敲响钟声 It's the first Christmas in forever 这是长久以来第一次圣诞 Since we opened up the gate 自从城门敞开以来 And it's the first Christmas I remember to date 这是我记忆中第一个圣诞 And it's already worth the wait 一切等待都值得 I feel the Christmas spirit in the air 我感受到浓浓的圣诞气氛 And the party will start At the strike of
5、noon 派对将在中午开始 And we'll ring in the season so soon 我们即将敲响节日的钟声 Hey! It's Kristoff and Sven!嘿 是克里斯托夫和斯特And the Yule bell!还有圣诞钟Why am I so excited about that?我为什么这么兴奋Olaf, the Yule bell signals雪宝 敲响圣诞钟就代表the start of the holidays in Arendelle.阿伦黛尔开始欢度佳节了 And it's almost time to ring the be
6、ll 敲响钟声的时刻即将到来 We'll hear it chime through Arendelle 它的钟声将响彻阿伦黛尔 It's finally here and it's happening fast 期待已久的一刻终于来到 We'll make up for all We have missed in the past 我们要弥补曾经错过的时光 It's time to celebrate 欢庆时刻到来 As we ring in the season 我们终于敲响. At last 节日钟声 Let the holidays begin!
7、让节日开始吧Okay, now!好 就是现在Surprise!惊喜Uh-oh.啊哦Wait, wait, wait.等等 等一下Hold on, hold on. Going so soon?请留步 这么快就要走了吗?The Yule bell rang.圣诞钟声已经敲响了I must get home for my family's holiday tradition.我得回家准备家族传统rolling the lefse. Um.做挪威薄饼Ours is putting out porridge for the Tomte.我们要煮粥给圣诞精灵We're making tr
8、aditional bordstabelbakkels!我们要做传统的堆叠饼干And I'm gonna filet the krumsakringlekakke!我要去烤一些雪宝圣诞饼That's a thing, right?有这种东西吧Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Olsen?奥尔森先生和奥尔森太太You're welcome to join us in the castle if you'd like.如果愿意的话 欢迎你们来城♥堡♥参加我们的派对Thank you, Your Majesty.谢谢您 陛下
9、But Olga and I should be getting home但是奥嘉和我要回家to knit socks for our grandchildren.给孙子们织袜子It's our tradition.那是我们家的传统Yes. And we wouldn't want to intrude没错 而且我们也不想打扰on your family traditions.你们的家族传统Oh, so the surprise is everyone left.所以惊喜是大家都走了Hey, I say it's their loss.嘿 我觉得那是他们的损失Who n
10、eeds a big party anyway?不过谁需要大型派对呢Kristoff?克里斯托夫I've got just the thing to cheer you up我知道怎么让你们开心起来my favorite traditional troll tradition.我最喜欢的传统 地精传统Care to join in? Uh, yeah!想加入吗 好呀Okay, it starts with a gathering song,好的 首先是一支聚会歌♥"The Ballad of Flemmingrad.""弗莱明格民谣&
11、quot;I love ballads!我喜欢民谣 Every December we all gather round 每年十二月我们来聚会 To pay our respects to a troll so renowned 向一位著名的地精来致敬 In remembrance of the friend we had 以此纪念我们的朋友 A jolly old soul we called Flemmingrad 快活的老灵魂 弗莱明格 Tempo!注意节拍 We all dig deep down and we uproot the past 我们怀念往昔 我们记住过去 We shov
12、e up its nostrils a fistful of grass 在他鼻孔里塞一把草 Nostrils?鼻孔 We shape his likeness bless his soul 我们堆出他的模样 愿他灵魂安息 Whoa, gross.哇 好恶心 Oh Flemmy The fungus troll 哦 弗莱明 蘑菇地精 Now, you lick his forehead and make a wish.现在 亲吻他的额头 许下一个愿望Who's next?下一个谁来Elsa, you're up.艾莎 你去吧Come on. Tastes like lichen
13、.来吧 尝起来像苔藓You're a princess. You don't have to settle.你是位公主 不用勉强自己Okay. Not so much a royal activity. I get it.好吧 的确不太适合王室的活动 我明白But wait until you taste my traditional Flemmy stew.不过等会一定要尝下我传统的弗莱明炖菜It may smell like wet fur, but it's a real crowd pleaser.可能闻起来像湿毛皮 但其实超美味Oh, thanks. We
14、39;re good.哦 谢谢 不用了Big breakfast.早饭吃太撑了I can't wait!我等不及咯For what, Olaf?等不急什么 雪宝For your family tradition. What is it?等不及看你们的家族传统啊 是什么呢Tell me, tell me, tell me!告诉我 告诉我 告诉我Do we have any traditions, Elsa?我们有什么家族传统吗 艾莎Do you remember?你还记得吗Well, I remember.这个嘛 我记得. It was long ago 在很久以前 They would
15、 ring the bell 他们会敲响钟声 We could hear it chime through Arendelle 我们能听见钟声响彻阿伦黛尔 I remember the way that I felt back then 我记得当时的感觉 We would ring in the season 我们会在节日里敲响钟声 We would ring in the season 我们会在节日里敲响钟声 But the Yule bell was for the kingdom.但是钟声是为王国而敲的What about us?那我们自己家呢After the gates were c
16、losed, we were never together.自从城门紧闭后 我们就再也没团聚过Elsa?艾莎I'm sorry, Anna.对不起 安娜It's my fault we don't have a family tradition.都是我的错 让我们没有家族传统Wait, Elsa.等等 艾莎.Sven! Anna and Elsa don't have a family tradition.斯特 安娜和艾莎没有家族传统I know it's sad.我知道这很难过but I have a solution!但我有解决办法We'll
17、 go and find the best tradition我们去寻找安娜和艾莎Anna and Elsa have ever seen.见过的最棒的家族传统and bring it back to the castle!然后把它带回城♥堡♥Are you with me?你和我一起去吗?OW!哇哦Let's go find their tradition!我们去帮她们找传统回来Ooh. House number one.第一家Wow, festive.喔 真喜庆Coming!来咯Good afternoon. I am Olaf, and
18、.下午好 我是雪宝 我.Hey, Olaf!嘿 雪宝Please let me finish, and I like warm hugs.请让我说完 我喜欢温暖的拥抱This is my associate, Sven.这是我的搭档 斯特We're going door to door looking for family traditions.我们正在挨家挨户寻找家族传统Tell us yours, and we'll decide if it's special enough.请告诉我们你们家的 我们会判断够不够特别Oh! We make candy canes t
19、ogether.哦 我们一起做拐杖糖Sugar rush!甜到爆You're supposed to eat it.你应该吃掉它Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?吃我的新鼻子 我为什么要这么做Because it's that time of year!因为这是一年里最喜庆的时刻It's that time of year!一年里最喜庆的时刻 Happy, merry, holly, jolly 开开心心 热热闹闹 Season's greetings here 祝大家节日愉快 I'm wondering what
20、 your family does 我很好奇你们家怎么 At that time of year 庆祝这时节 Love and joy and peace on earth 爱与喜悦还有平安 And tidings of good cheer 与亲朋好友干一杯 Do you have tradition things 你们有什么传统习俗 For that time of year? 庆祝这时节 We hang up boughs of evergreen 我们挂起长青树藤 On every single doorway 装点每扇门 Bake a giant cookie In the wavy
21、 shape of Norway 烤一块巨型饼干把形状设计成挪威 Go from door to door to door wassailing with our choir! 邀请每家每户与合唱团一起来庆祝 Hang up all your giant socks above an open fire 在壁炉上方挂起超大的圣诞礼物袜 That sounds safe.听起来挺安全 So happy, merry, yuletide carol 快快乐乐 唱起圣诞歌♥ Faithful friends are deer 驯鹿是忠实的朋友 Thanks for sharin
22、g what you do 感谢大家分享如何 At that time of year 庆祝这时节 We better get a move on我们最好要抓紧时间了if we're gonna hit every house in the kingdom.如果想要拜访王国的每户人家的话 Jolly, merry, happy, holly On a midnight clear 开开心心 快快乐乐 就在今天晚上 I'm here to ask you what you do 我来问问你们怎么 At that time of year 庆祝这时节 Hi, shalom, hap
23、py solstice 嗨 祝福 冬至快乐 Fancy chandelier 好漂亮的烛台 I'm looking for tradition stuff 我在寻找传统物品 For that time of year 庆祝这时节 Well, we make our decorations 我们用漂浮物和废弃物 Out of flotsam and jetsam 制♥作♥装饰品 Bake a yummy fruitcake 烤个美味的水果蛋糕 And you can't leave till you get some 你一定得尝尝 Th
24、at went right through me.从我身体里穿过去了 Buy each other presents 给每个人都准备礼物 And then hide them very nimbly 机灵地把它们藏好 Wait up for a chubby man to shimmy down your chimney 等一个胖嘟嘟的老人从你们的烟囱下来 Breaking and enterting. okay on Christmas.私闯民宅 在圣诞节的时候没问题 Oh, happy, merry mule-tied barrels 开开心心 热热闹闹 Faithful, gladsom
25、e cheer 与亲朋好友干一杯 And thanks for sharing what you do 感谢各位分享 At that time of year 这特别的传统 Thank you.谢谢 We knit scarves and sweaters 我们编织围巾和毛衣 And we wear our matching mittens 戴上图案相同的手套 Don't forget the jammies 不要忘记这些睡衣 That I knitted for my kittens 我为我的猫咪织好 Eight nights in a row 连续八夜 We light menor
26、ahs on our mantels 我们点亮壁炉上的烛台 You cut down a tree.你们砍倒一棵树and then you dress its corpse with candles.然后用蜡烛装点它的尸体I love it!我喜欢 Anna and Elsa 安娜和艾莎 Will have all that they need 会得到所有她们需要的 I'll fill my sleigh here 我把雪橇装满 With the help of my steed 多亏驯鹿的帮忙 It'll be the best time of year 这将是一年最棒的时刻
27、 It's up to you 多亏了你 Up to me Me, me 多亏了我 我 我 Up to. 多亏了. Oh, happy, merry, Mele Kaliki 开开心心 圣诞快乐 Holly, jolly, happy tappy 满心期待 佳节来临 Chubby man will soon appear 胖嘟嘟的老人就快出现 And faithful friends are tiny deer 最可靠的小鹿朋友 And festive tidings midnight clear, and. 圣诞佳音在午夜出现 Can I leave this fruitcake h
28、ere?我能把水果蛋糕放这儿吗 At that time of year 在一年最特别的时刻 Last house, Sven.最后一家了 斯特Something tells me this will be the best tradition yet!我有预感这会是最棒的传统Yoo-hoo.呜呼Hello.你好And what does your family do at that time of year?请问你们家每年这时候都做什么呢Oh!噢Enjoying the Christmas sweats,感受圣诞的汗水怎么样inquisitive magic snowman?好奇的魔法小雪人
29、Oh, yeah!哦 太棒了Nothin' like taking your coals off once in a while.偶尔放松一下真舒服You know what I mean?你懂我的意思吧My troubles are just melting away.烦恼都通通融化了In retrospect, the holiday sweats仔细想想 节日的汗水are for those not made of snow.是为那些不是由雪构成的人准备的Oh, I feel so refreshed! Am I glowing?感觉焕然一新呢 我是不是闪闪发光Here'
30、s a sauna for your friends.这是送给你朋友的桑拿房♥Thank you, Mr. Wandering Oaken.谢谢你 流浪的奥肯先生Oh, one last thing.哦 最后一件事Would it be possible to get有没有可能给我一条one of those awkwardly revealing.有遮跟没遮一样yet tastefully traditional towels但又不乏精致感的你们家用的那种your family is so fond of wearing?传统小毛巾呢Take mine, yeah?拿我
31、的行不Still warm.还热乎着呢 Dashing through the snow 雪花随风飘 With traditions in our sleigh 传统在雪橇 Back to the castle we go To save this holiday 回到那城♥堡♥ 拯救圣诞节 Ho,ho,ho.哦哦哦 Our plan has zero flaws I see nothing going wrong 我计划完美 不会出差错 Whew! Crisis averted.呼 危机解除Oh, look, another reindeer go
32、ing the opposite direction.看 有一只跟我们朝反方向走的驯鹿诶Hi!你好啊Wow, we're making really good time!我们今天玩得真开心Hey! The fire's out.嘿 火灭了Oh, darn it.哦 该死Anna, I owe you an apology for earlier.安娜 我要为之前的事向你道歉Anna?安娜Hi, Elsa!嗨 艾莎Anna! What are you doing up here?安娜 你在这儿干什么呢Looking for traditions.寻找家族传统啊Ooh!哦And w
33、hat are you wearing?你身上穿的又是什么My old Viking helmet,我的旧维京头盔and this was my sorceress cloak.这是我的女巫斗篷Dragon feet!还有龙爪I found them in my old trunk.我在我的旧箱子里找到的What's in yours?你的里面有什么Oh, mostly gloves.几乎都是手套吧Right. Rows and rows of satin gloves.没错 一排又一排的缎面手套Oh.哦Yep. Welcome to my world.是啊 欢迎来到我的世界Wait.
34、 Who's this little guy?等等 这个小家伙是谁Oh! Sir Jorgenbjorgen!尤根比尤根先生He was a really good listener.他是个很棒的倾听者Anna, how are we going to find any traditions up here?安娜 我们在这儿怎么能找到传统呢Unless.除非.What's that?这是什么Look inside.打开看看Okay, Sven,好的 斯特I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. This is a bit of a setback.我不会掩
35、饰的 这确实是个挫折Ooh! Maybe this is salvageable.也许这个还可以抢救一下No, definitely not.不 还是算了吧Oh, parts of this are still good, I think.噢 我觉得这个还能用Oh, no, this is unsafe now.哦不 它现在变得危险了Hey, the fruitcake!嘿 水果蛋糕These things are indestructible!这东西简直坚不可摧I'll just take this seemingly harmless shortcut here.那我走这条看起来毫
36、无危险的小路回去and meet you back at the castle, okay?跟你在城♥堡♥碰面 好吗Oh, puppies!哦 小狗狗Down, boy.坐下 宝贝Ah! I'm just gonna go now!哎呀 我还是快跑吧Oh, Sven! The Flemmy stew is ready!斯特 弗莱明炖菜就要做好了Anna and Elsa are gonna love this.安娜和艾莎肯定会喜欢的"Oh, Kristoff, you're so thoughtful."克里斯托夫
37、 你真体贴""Now where's my bowl?""我的碗在哪?"Hey, simmer down, buddy.嘿 别激动 伙计Here you go.这是你的Whoa, what are you.哦噢 你在干.Oh! Of course!是啊 当然了"Needs more carrots!""还得加些胡萝卜呢"Can't get enough of 'em, can ya?这就完美了 不是吗Oh, no! Olaf's lost in the forest?哦不
38、雪宝在森林里迷路了And being chased by hungry wolves?还被饥饿的狼群追赶Yeah. Obviously.是啊 很明显嘛Ring the bell. Gather everyone!去敲钟 把大家都集♥合♥起来Come on, Sven! Make yourself useful.快来 斯特 发挥点作用啊Olaf needs our help.雪宝需要我们的帮助Please, I know you're hungry.求求你们 我知道你们很饿but I need at least one tradition但是我
39、需要为我的好朋友们for my best friends.准备至少一个传统The fate of the world depends on it!这世界的命运就靠它了Yes! Yes, I did it!太好了 我成功了A tradition is saved!我终于保住了一个传统Well, I guess hawks need traditions too.好吧 我猜老鹰也需要家族传统 Happy, merry, holly, jolly 开开心心 热热闹闹 Tidings of good cheer 与亲朋好友干一杯 I never meant to let them down 我实在不想
40、在一年最特别的时刻 At that time of year 让她们失望 Maybe I should just stay lost.也许我就该在野外待着Olaf!雪宝Olaf, where are you?雪宝 你在哪里Come out, come out, wherever you are!不管你在哪 快出来吧Any sign of him?有他的消息吗No.没有Olaf?雪宝Olaf?雪宝Olaf? Where are you?雪宝 你在哪里He's not here.他不在这里Hmm. I wonder where he went.那能告诉我他去哪儿了吗Well, he pro
41、bably went on a mission他或许是去帮安娜和艾莎to find traditions for Anna and Elsa.找家族传统了Oh. And did he find any?那么他找到了吗He did.他找到了but then they caught fire and fell off a cliff.但是那些传统着了火 掉下悬崖了And then they caught fire again.然后它们被烧了个精光And then a hawk took them.就连最后一个传统也被老鹰抢走了I'm sorry.真对不起You still don'
42、t have a tradition.你们还是没有家族传统But we do, Olaf.可是我们有了 雪宝Look.你看Wait,等一下is that.这是.Anna made these years ago.安娜在很多年前做的这些When we first made you.从我们把你堆出来那天"Hi, I'm Olaf.""你好 我叫雪宝"You were the one who brought us together.你就成为了我们之间的纽带and kept us connected when we were apart.在我们分开时让我
43、们心心相连Every Christmas.每个圣诞节.I made Elsa a gift.我都亲手做一份礼物给艾莎爱你的安娜给艾莎All those long years alone.在那孤单漫长的时光里we had you to remind us of our childhood.是你让我们想起我们的童年Of how much we still loved each other.让我们依然记得彼此是多么深爱着对方It's you, Olaf.这都要感谢你 雪宝You are our tradition.你就是我们的传统Me?我Surprise!惊喜 Sure. It's nice to open a gift 我当然喜欢精美的礼物 That'
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