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1、一、 弱读 Weak Forms (重点掌握:schwa音/?/ )1. a piece of cakea, of : /?/ -schwa 音 (used in many gramma words, like articles and prepositions )eg: I like a cup of tea in the morning.Could you give me a packet of biscuits?Can you_give it to me?_I had an apple for lunch today.2. and (basic conjunction, frequent

2、ly unstressed)strong: /?nd/ weak: /?n/ or /n/Fish and chips fish'n' chipseg: I'm going to go and get the shopping.Apples and oranges are my favourite fruits.I ' ve been thinking and thinking, but I can' t decide.We went for a coffee and something to eat.3. was: /w?z/;? unstressed

3、? /w?z/were: /w?/; unstressed /w?/eg: I was there when it happened.He was feeling much better last night.We were having a good time until it rained.We were delighted with the results.4. have to (modal form情态动词 “have”)strong: / h?v tu? / ; weak: /h?f t?/eg: They have to be there by ten.We have to fin

4、d another flat.You have to tell me the gossip.I always have to take the train.have ( auxiliary 助动词 “have”)辅音+ have : have的发音省略/h/ ,元音变schwa音弱读为/?v/I ' d have stayed home. f I ' d' ve stayed home.eg: Your parcel should have been delivered yesterday.I would have done it differently.We migh

5、t have made a mistake.The police have arrived.在句中,辅音结尾+ “h”开头的代词,“h”不发音(代词:he, him, his, her)eg: He looks like he ' s had an accident.I really like his cooking.We think he ' s left the country.They let him leave early.They offered her a promotion.5. can (modal auxiliary情态助动词)strong: /k?n/ we

6、ak: /k?n/ (also written as /kn/)eg: Can you help me bring in the shopping, please?I can swim further than I can run.You can succeed if you work hard.How far can you throw a tennis ball?6. beenstrong: /bi?n/ weak: /b?n/eg: I ' ve been in London since 2015.I have been working here for several year

7、s.How long have you been waiting?It ' s been years since I went to the cinema.7. fromstrong /fr?m/ (旬末)weak /fr?m/(句中弱读)eg: I borrowed it from my brother.I read the book from cover to cover.The nearest post office is not far from here.Come over any time from seven o'clock.二、语音同化 Assimilation

8、1. /t/ + /p/ almost(mouth shape)/p/ + /p/white_piece of papereg: There are lots of great parks inLondon.I love split pea soup.I hate potatoes/My mate_picked us up from the airport.2. /t/ +/k/ (元音+/t/ ) +/k/ 开头的词时,/t/ 发音为/k/ (mouth shape) credit cardeg: Don ' t let it get cold! _You have to do it

9、 quickly.There ' s no short cut_learning a language.I didn ' t like that cake3. /t/ + /j/ 一 /t?/meet y ou /mi:t/ju:/ 一 /mi?t?u:/eg: That shirt won ' t sui t you.DoH t you want to come to the party?I bet y our boss doesn ' t know.Can I get you anything?4. /d/ +/j/ 一 /d?/would you /w?d

10、/ /ju:/ 一/w?d?u:/ 甚至有时/u:/ 会弱读 schwa 音:/w?d?/ eg: I ' m sad you decided to quit.Could you get here by midnight?Should you see him, can you give him a message?I don ' t think the gold you brought was real.5. -d- to -当/d/+/ J 或/k/, /d/发音为 / 耳(mouth shape)bad girl /b?d/ g ?l/? /b? g ?l/?eg: He

11、' s a really good cook.Last night we had guests for dinner.Can you print out a hard copy?I ' d love to walk down the red carpet one day.6. /d/ + /b/ (元音+/d/ ) +/b/开头的词时,/d/发音为/b/ (mouth shape) speed_boateg: My son is a really good boy.I ' m sorry if I was rude before.My car had to be tow

12、ed back to the garage.You should buy_him a present.7. /s/ +/j/或/?/ 时,/s/ 发音为/?/ (mouth shape)Bless_you /bles/ju:/f /ble?u:/this_shirt /e?s/ /?t/-/e? ?t/eg: Can you just shutthe door, please? /t/在辅音间不发音,/s/ +/?/一/?/This yachat is beautiful.Don ' t worry, that ' s usual.He always makes you fee

13、l good.8. 以/n/结尾的词+以/b/ /p/ /m/w/开头的词时,/n/音会变为/m/的口型,因 为嘴巴在为下一个音做准备Green Park / g ri?n/ /p q ?k/ f/ g ri?m pa ?k/ eg: I own ten pairs of socks.He didn ' t do it on purpose.I would love to live in Paris.Can you come on Wednesday?三、省略音Elision1. Elision of -t-I can二2do it. /t/音处于两个辅音之间时,通常不发音eg: I

14、can stand the rain.It must be time to leave.Am I the first person here?I don ' t want it.2. Elision of -d- boiled_potatoes /d/处于两个辅音之间,通常不发音eg: My best friend let_me borrow his car.DoH t hol d back say what you mean.His bike rolled down the hill without him.四、 省略+同化 日ision and Assimilation 1. “n

15、d” 一 /m/sandwich /?s?t?/ f /s?mw?t?/d位于俩辅音之间,省略(2); /n/ +/w/ 一/m/+/w/ ,同化(8);eg: My grandparents have been married for 50 years.I got a standby _ticket.The band_played until midnight.I left my handbag_on the train.五、连锁音Catenation1. Consonant-vowel linking辅音+元音连读(中间不停顿,读成一个词)an eggeg: He ' s in t

16、he garden.I used to believe in Father Christmas, but not any more.I had to give up jogging.He had it in his office.六、连接音Linking1. Linking - r- 拼写中/r/在单词中不发音,后面跟辅音/r/也不发音,但后 面跟元音时,加上/r/音war /w? /War and Peace /w? r ?n pi?s/eg: You know I really like my mother-in-law.Have you been to the Tower of Lond

17、on?You' ve got something in you r eye.Never again.2. Linking -w-:以/u:/结尾的单词,下一单词以元音开头时,加连接音/w/ (不 是一个完整的音,是从/u:/到元音时必然的嘴型)The shoe is on the wrong foot. /?u? w?z/eg: When do I have to be there?I haven ' t got a cl ue at all.That glue is really strong.I really cant d o it.3. Linking -j-:以/a?/

18、 /i?/ /e?/ /?/结尾的词+以元音开始的词,加连接音/j/,(不是一个完整的音,是发音时必然的嘴型)I always drink a glass of water.eg: When I go on holiday I just want to lie on the beach.The end of the film was brilliant.I ate the whole cake in one go.It was too high up for me to reach.冠词“the ”的两种发音the + 辅音开头的词weak: /e?/ eg: the bus, the man

19、, the riverthe 十元音音素开头的词 strong: /ei?/ 同时以/i?/结尾的词+元音开始的词,加连接音/j/eg: I prefer the orange one.In a restaurant, I always order the apple pieI think the autumn is the best time of year.The earlier I get up, the happier I am.It ' s the one over there.七、插入音“ r" Intrusion -r-(部分口音,存在争议)1. law /l?

20、/以/?/结尾的词,后面跟元音时可插入一个/r/音连读,/r/的发音不强law and order /l? r?nd ?.d?r/eg: Can you draw a circle freehand?My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass.There was a flaw in the argument.I saw a good film last night.、孚生音(重叠音)Twinning or Gemination1./s/+/s/ 以/s/结尾+/s/开头,把两个音连在一起,发一个稍长一点的音He looks_sad.eg: She ' s silly.He ' s sitting over there.Can you come this


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