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1、期 末 试 题 2009-1-4ClassName No. 20%I. 听对话选图片 : 5%( )1. What did she do yesterday morning?( )2. What will the weather be like later on?( )3. Which is the cheapest?( )4. Which picture is right?( )5. When will he be back home?II. 听长对话回答问题 : 5% (第一段回答6-7 小题。第二段回答8-10 小题 )()6. How does the woman know that

2、the man comes from the USA?A. From the way he walksC. From the way he speaks.)7. Where are the two speakers?A. In China. B. In America.)8. When is Mary s birthday?A. August 15 th. B. August 16 th.)9. What time will the party begin?A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 2:20 p.m.)10. Will Jean come to the party?A. No

3、, she won t, because sheB. From the language he speaks.D. From his parents.C. We don t know. D. In London.C. August 12 th. D. August 13 th.C. At 1:40 p.m. D. At 1:30 p.m.ll meet her sister at the station.B. Yes, she will, but she ll be laptearftoyr. theC. Not sure. Perhaps she won t be able to come.

4、D. We can t know from the dialogue.III. 短文理解 : 10( A )( )11. When does Jim usually get up in the morning?A. At 5:30. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:30. D. At 7:00.( )12. Where does Jim have lunch on weekdays?A. At school. B. At home. C. At the table. D. At the desk.)13. Does Jim watch TV on Sunday evening?A. Y

5、es, he does. B. No, he doesn )14. How many people are there in JimA. One.B. Two.)15. When does Jim go to bed?A. At 7:00. B. At 8:00 t. C. YeDs,. hNeoi,sh. e isn s family?C. Three.D. FourC. At 9:00. D. At 10:00.t.笔试 : 80%1. 单项选择 : 20%()1. There is river at the foot of the mountain(ll).river is danger

6、ous.A. a; AB. a; TheC. the; The D. the; A( )2. There was a rain yesterday evening. It rained .A. heavy; heavily B. heavy; heavy C. heavily; heavily D. heavily; heavy( )3. The mooncakes with nuts are than the ones with meat.A. much deliciousB. a lot deliciousC. much more deliciousD. much deliciouser(

7、)4. -There was something wrong with my TV set. Can you mend it?-Let me see. I think I can.A. put right itB. help it C. mend to you D. put it right()5. My father goes after supper. He also takes some other.A. to walk; exercisesB. for a walk; exerciseC. to a walk; exercisesD. for walk; exercise()6. Li

8、 Ming enjoys English every morning. He is good English.A. to read; at B. to read; for C. reading; for D. reading; at()7.end of May, we will finish lessons.A. At the; to learnB. At; learningC. At the; learningD. At; to learn()8. In the fields everything to grow.A. beginB. beginsC. are beginning D. is

9、 beginning()9. Jim knows the way Australians speak,he?A. don ' t B. doesC. doesn ' t D. isn ' t()10.heavy snow! I ' m afraid you can -skcttgrg rolleride.A. What a B. HowC. Whatever D. How a()11. When Becky after school, she saw her parents in the living-room.A. go to home B. go to sc

10、hool C. got home D. got school()12. I know it ' s also very dry there,?A. don ' t I B. isn ' t it C. is itD. Do I)13. You ' d better your homewon Sunday, and bring it next Monday.A. finishes B. finishC. to finish D. finishing)14. My uncle, Micheal Wilson,meeting every day.A. haveB. i

11、s having C. hadD. has)15. Eating a lot of and vegetables for your health.B. fruits; are wellD. fruit; are well It ' s.B. What; WednesdayD. What ' s; WednesdayA. fruit; is goodC. fruits; are good)16. day is it today?A. What; tomorrowC. Which; Wednesdayschool.D. for; in)17. I m duty today. I m

12、ust clean the classroomC. on; afterA. after; on B. in; before()18.March is month of the year.A. threeB. thirdC. the third D. a third()19. English can you speak? Only a little.A. How manyB. How muchC. WhichD. What()20. -are you late for school?-Never.A. How far B. How longC. How often D. How manyII.完

13、型填空10%There lived a young man in a village. He was born in a_ family. His parents had a lotof farms and got much money . He was in school for only four years, but he thought he knew all.2_ the villagers called him Mr. Know-All. And he told his servants not to tell him the results (结果)directly (直接地).

14、The servants . were afraid of him and had to listen to him.One day Mr. Know-All went to _3_ his friend who lived in a town. He stayed there for nearlya week. Suddenly one of his servants came and called out, 4 , sir!What happened?“Your cat has died!“Throw it to the river. By the“What' s there to

15、 be surprised a吃惊)?” said the young man.way, of what 川ness did it die? ”“It 5 much meat of the horse and died.“What? Has my horse died, too? And what 川ness did it die of, then?“It pulledK) the carried (马车)to the hospital,“ said the servant.6 " Wefmstds itpossible. When we reached the hospital,

16、it was so tired that it couldn ,7t up any longer and died. ”“Wait a minute, “ said Mr -Anlow “What did you go to the hospital for?”“To 8 your mother there. ”“What' s the matter with my mother? ”“Sh 9 down stairs and hurt her head. We sent her to the hospital, but it was too late. The doctors ope

17、rated on (动手术)her at once, they tried their best to save her, but they dialed!Mr Know- All became angry and shouted, “Why didn ' t you tell me(ab(?uit. a“You never let us tell you the results directly, sir.”()1. A. worker ' sB. teacher'sC. farmer 'sD. soldier ' s()2. A. ButB. The

18、nC. OrD. So()3. A. look afterB. hurtC. look forD. visit()4A. Good newsB. Bad newsC. Good morningD. Good afternoon()5. A. ateB. sawC. touchedD. cut()6.A. runB. walkC. jumpD. fly()7.A. sitB. lieC. sleepD. stand()8.A. postB. bringC. takeD. put()9.A. wentB. livedC. stayedD. fell()10.A. earlyB. earlierC.

19、 earliestD. the earliestm.阅读理解20%(A.)Mrs White was going to have her first baby very soon. Yesterday her husband took her to a hospital. So Mr White helped her get into car and drove her there. A nurse (护士)took Mrs White to her room and told Mr White that he could go home and she could call him when

20、 the baby arrived (出生).But Mr White said he liked to wait at the hospital.The nurse said, “You may wait outside." Mr White was walking up and down at about midnight(午夜)when the nurse came ouof the room and said with a smile,”“Which would you like better, a boy or a girl? A girl, “ said Mr White

21、. "I have an elder sister, and she loves me. "Well, “ said the nurse, " it ' s a boThlats'tim all”right, " said Mr White happily."That' s my second choice. ”()1. Why did Mr White take Mrs White to a hospital?A. Because they wanted to see an old friend.B. Because

22、they wanted to give their child something.C. Because Mrs White was going to have her first baby very soon.D. Because they needed some help.()2. Mr White was all the time.A. Waiting outsideB. staying with Mrs WhiteC. waiting at homeD. helping the nurse()3. Why did Mr White like to have a girl?A. beca

23、use the girl looked like him. B. Because his elder sister loved him.C. Because the girl looked like Mrs White.D. Because he didn ' t have much time to look after a boy. ()4. Mr White.A. had a boyB. had a girlC. had a boy and a girl D. told the nurse that Mr White wanted a boy ()5. Which of the f

24、ollowing is NOT wrong?A. Mr White didn ' t like to have wrong.B. Mrs White told Mr White that they had a baby.C. Mr White was very happy that he had a baby.D. Mr White went to the hospital by bus.(B )Thousands years ago much of our earth was covered with blocks (块)of ice. These ice blocks were a

25、s tall as high buildings in modern cities. Most of the ice was in the northern (北方 的)part of the world.Then the ice blocks started to move south. Cold and rain came with the ice. Animals and people had to move.At last, the ice began to melt (融化).After half a million years, most of it had melted. Mor

26、e than half of the earth became covered with water. The climate became much warmer. Things began to grow. The earth began to look the way it looks today.()6. thousands of years ago our earth was very.A. warmB. hotC. coolD. cold()7. What did animals and people try to do when the ice blocks moved mout

27、h?A. they tried to stop them moving.B. They tried to melt them.C. They tried to stay ahead of them.D. They tried to move behind them.()8. The melting ice maybe helped to form.A. mountains and valleysB. the sun, the moon and the earthC. cities and countriesD. seas, lakes and rivers()9. The underlined

28、 word “climate " means.A. the freezing iceB. the weather of the yearC. the moving of the ice blocksD. a plant or an animal()10. Which of these things maybe happened because the Ice Age ended?a. Forests grewb. Food became harder to findc. Fishing became easierd. The temperature dropped.A. a; bB.

29、 b; dC. c; dD. a; cIV.根据首字母或汉语写出正确的英语单词10%1. The fifth day of a week is T.2. I called you last night, b there was no reply.3. September is the n month of the year.4. Did you visit any other parts of China before you c to Kunming?5. A is the harvest time, and all farmers are busy.6. Thank you very mu

30、ch for 倘)me to Ann ' s party on Sunday.7. When winter comes. The days get罐)and the nights longer.8. Look! There ' s no cloud in the sky. I think it晴)toddyy.s(9. The radio 晚)the weather will get warmer later.10. There is (没有什么) but a card in the box.V. 补全对话: 10% M David: Hello. (1)?Mrs Li: So

31、rry. (2). Can I take a message?David: Yes. This is David, Bruce s friend. I want to askCfhoinr essoempeictures .I know he had got some .I ' m not sure(是否)give me one or two.Mrs Li: OK. (3). Would you like him to ring you back later?David: Well. I won t bheoamt e later this day. Would you please

32、ask him to ring me tomorrow morning? Mrs Li: Sure (4)?Mrs Li: OK. I ll write a message for him.David: (5). Goodbye.Mrs Li: Bye! VI.看图写短文:10% 根据图片内容写一篇约 70 个词的短文。要求内容完整,语句通顺,符合语法。 N.II(A) 期末听力及答案I. 听对话选图片 5%1. A. Did you go to the cinema yesterday morning?B: No, I didn t. I was at home. I helped Moth

33、er do the housework. ( C ) 2. A: What strong wind!B: Yes, but the radio says it will stop and the sun will come out soon. ( A ) 3. A: How much are they?B: The dress is eighty yuan, the trousers are thirty yuan and the shirt is eighteen yuan4. A: Look at your shoes, you must put them away! B: OK. Mum

34、.5. A: What day is it today?B: It s Sunday.A: Oh, Father will come back the day after tomorrow.Q: What did Li Ping have for supper? ( C )II. 听长对话回答问题 5%(A)W: You re from America, aren t you? M: Yes, I am. How do you know?W: The way you speak. Which part ofAmerica do you come from?M: New York. It s o

35、ne ofthe biggest cities in the USA.W: When did you come?M: I came here in February.W: Welcome to China.M: Thank you very much6 7. CA(B)M: Today is the twelfth ofAugust. In another four days it will be my sister Mary rthday. s biWe ll have a party. Would you please come and join us, Jean?W: What time

36、 will the party begin?M: At twenty to two.W: But my sister will come to see me from Shanghai at 1:20 that afternoon. I have to meet her at the station. So I m afraid I ll be late for the party.M: That s all right. Do come, please. W: Sure!8 10. BCBIII.短文理解:5 % ( A ). Jim usually gets up at 6:30 in t

37、he morning. He has breakfast at home, then he goes to school at 7:00. He has lunch at school, but on Sunday he has lunch at home with his father, mother and sister, Kate. He always has supper at home. He only watches TV on Saturday evening. Usually after supper he does his homework and goes to bed a

38、t nine.11 15. CABDC(B). John is eleven years old. He loves to watch TV. But for one full year, he didn t watch TV at aWhy? John s mother thought he watched too much T.VShe said she would give him 500 if he didn t watch TV for a year.At first, John ms other was very happy. John read the newspaper, played outside, played computer games and played cards with his brother. But after a while, he got bored. Every evening, he asked his mother, “ What are we doing tonight? ” Sometimes his mother wished he would watch TV


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