



1、 学问之途(摘录)一一什么是抄袭及如何避免 你无论何时把非自己所为之物当作自己的作品展示出来,就构成欺诈罪名(You areguilty of cheating whenever you present as you own work something that you did not do)。或者当你协助他人欺骗世人时,其行为性质也是一样的。欺诈的最常见形式之一就是抄袭(plagiarism,或译剽窃),即利用他人的语句或观点而不标明出处(using anothers words orideas without proper citation)。一般而言,抄袭有如下六种方式。 1·
2、;使用他人的语句(words)而未标明出处。在使用他人的语句时,应在引用的材料 前后加上引号,并标注脚注或其他指明出处的标志。 2·使用他人的观点(ideas)而未标明出处。在使用他人的观点时,应使用脚注或其 他方式表明信息来源,导师希望了解哪些观点和判断是你自己得出的,哪些又是参 照他人观点得出的。甚至是当你完全独立得出同样的判断时,你也应声明你参照的 作者所得的观点。 3·引用材料时复述(reproducing)原材料的主要语句而未加注引号(without quotation marks)。很显然,你已转述(have paraphrased)而非借用(borrowed)
3、原句。 4·借用某作者的词组或句法结构(borrowing the structure of another authors phrases or sentences)而未标明作者本人。通常这种抄袭行为源于怠惰。与重复某一作者的行 文方式这一行为相比较,仔细思考所写的东西并用自己的语言表述出来,要难一些。 下面的例子均来自于Diana Hacker的A Writer's Reference(New York,1989,p171) 5·借用其他学生论文的全部或部分内容(all or part of another student,s paper),或使用 他人论文提纲
4、(outline)而撰写自己的论文。 6·让论文“服务”机构或朋友代写论文。不论是支付他人酬金还是让朋友代写,都是对学术信誉的破坏。只要所交的论文不是你自己写的或利用了别人论文的内容。常见的陷阱:摘录阶段(note taking Stage) 研究过程中,抄袭常在摘录阶段就出现了。只要可能的话,就该时刻保持头脑清醒,这样,在进图书馆前即可避免错误,从而有效地防止浪费大量时间摘录无用的资料。在摘录时,要清楚地区分转述(paraphrases)与直接引用(direct quotation);尤其是在摘录原文时,更要做到一字不误。注意你要引用的所有资料并在抄录是忠于原文。摘录时,一些作者的
5、话要直接引用,因此要严格区分哪些材料是转述的,那些是直接引用的。此可以用不同颜色的字加以区别:比如,一种颜色用于转述,而另一种用于引用。为了确信在转述时没有复制表达法与句子结构,将原材料搁置旁边或许是一种有效的方法。在摘要中,无论你使用什么摘录方法,都应有意识地保证前后一致。例一:有些时候,作者并不知道在什么情况下使用他人的观点构成抄袭。下文提供的例子将帮助你理解可接受的转述与抄袭间的区别(引自The Bed ford Handbook for Writers 508)原材料#1:If the existence of a signing ape was unsettling for ling
6、uists,it was also startling newsfor animal behaviorists(Davis 26)改写1:The existence of a signing ape unsettled linguists and startled animal behaviorists(Davis,26)评论:抄袭 尽管作者已经注明了出处,但作者并未在直接引文“the existence of a signing ape”上加用引号,另外,短语“unsettled linguists and startled animal behaviorists与原文的句法十分相似。改写2
7、:If the presence of a sign-language-using chimp was disturbing for scientists studyinglanguage,it was also surprising to scientists studying animal behavior(Davis,26)评论:还是抄袭 尽管作者用近义词替代了原文的词语并标明了出处,但由于原文的句法结构没变,作者还是抄袭。改写3:According to Flora Davis,linguists and animal behaviorists were unprepared for
8、the newsthat a chimp could communicate with its trainers through sign language(Davis,26)评论:不是抄袭 这是对原文恰当的转述。例二:原材料#2:The joker in the European pack was ItalyFor a time,hopes were entertained of her as a force against Germany, but these disappeared under MussoliniIn 1 935 Italy made a belated attempt
9、to participate in the scramble for Africa by invading EthiopiaIt was clearly a breach of the covenant of the League of Nations for one of its members to attack anotherFrance and Great Britain,the Mediterranean powers,and the African powers were bound to take the lead against Italy at the leagueBut t
10、hey did so feebly and half-heartedly because they did not want to alienate a possible ally against GermanyThe result was the worst possible:the league failed to check aggression,Ethiopia lost her independence,and Italy was alienated after all(JMRobertsHistory of the WorldNew York:Knopf,1 976,P845)改写
11、1. Italy ,one might say, was the joker in the European deckWhen she invaded Ethiopia'it was clearly a breach of the covenant of the League of Nations,yet the efforts of England and France to take the lead against her were feeble and half-heartedIt appears that those great powers had no wish to a
12、lienate a possible ally against Hitlers rearmed Germany评论:抄袭 作者从原文中借用了大量的词语,并且没有标明出处,尽管文中搀杂了他她自己的话,作者还是难逃抄袭之嫌。改写2:Italy was the joker in the European deckUnder Mussolini in 1 935,she made a belatedattempt to participate in the scramble for Africa by invading Ethiopia.As JMRoberts points out,this vio
13、lated the covenant of the League of Nations(Roberts,845)But France and Britain,not wanting to alienate a possible ally against Germany, put up only feeble and half-hearted opposition to the Ethiopian adventureThe outcome,as Roberts observes,was“the worstpossible:the league failed to check aggression
14、,Ethiopia lost her independence,and Italy wasalienated after all ” (Roberts,845)评论:还是抄袭 尽管作者加对了两次注解,他她并未对其他词语加注。改写3: Much has been written about German rearmament and militarism in the period1 933·39 But Germanys dominance in Europe was by no means a foregone conclusionThefact is that the balan
15、ce of power might have been tipped against Hitler if one or two things hadturned out differentlyTake Italys gravitation toward an alliance with Germany, for exampleThat alliance seemed SO very far from inevitable that Britain and France actually mutedtheir criticism of the Ethiopian invasion in the
16、hope of remaining friends with ItalyTheyopposed the Italians in the League of Nations,as JMRoberts observes,“feebly andhalf-heartedly because they did not want to alienate a possible ally against Germany”(Roberts,845)Suppose Italy, France,and Britain had retained a certain common interestWould Hitle
17、rhave been able to get away with his remarkable bluffing bullying in the later Thirties?评论:不是抄袭 作者恰当地声明了一次对Roberts的观点的引用。(注意:作者只选用了原文中的一个观点,并将此观点与他她的论述融合为一。)小结:学会如何引用他人观点以增加自己观点的分量,这也涉及到对学术信誉的努力与付出。当对何时及如何引用原材料并不十分清楚时,一些建议是必要的。由于导师对学术规范比较熟悉,故而可以向他们咨询。同时,还可以咨询写作中心的老师或查阅语文手册。写作中心往往有大量的资料可供参考。例三:东拼西凑的抄
18、袭 下文是利用两个原材料拼凑的一篇新文章。如其所示,该文是典型地抄袭而成。即使使用脚注标明文章了出处,由于文中主要语言来自原材料,该文仍使作者难逃抄袭的责任。本例最后还给出了一个诚实而合理地运用原材料的例子。请注意:在“合理的版本”中,虽然也是使用了原文的事例,但它是由学生用自己的语言组织起来,并表述出来的。原本原材料#1: “Despite the strong public opposition,the Reagan administration continued to install SO many North American men,supplies,and facilities
19、in Honduras that one expert called it“the USS Honduras,a【stationary】aircraft carrier or sorts”(Walter LaFeber,Inevitable Revolutions(New Y0rk,1989),309)原材料#2:“By December 1981.American agentssome CIA,some USSpecial Forceswere working through Argentine intermediaries to set up conga safe houses,train
20、ing centres,and basecamps along the Nicaraguan-Honduran border”(Peter Kornbluh,“Nicaragua,”in Michael Klare(ed),Low Intensity Warfare( New York,1983),139)抄袭本:Despite strong public oppositionby December 1 98 1 the Reagan Administration was working through Argentine intermediaries to install contra safe houses,training centres,and base camps in HondurasOne expert called H
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