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1、1 / 9教学资料范本【2020】最新高中英语改错练习题含答案及参考答案编辑:_时间:_(附参考答案)一、 名词:单复数(可数与否);所有格;复合名词复数1.What a beautiful weather we are having recently!2 / 92.More sheep has been raised on that farm since the n.3.Many a students makes the same mistake in the exam.4.Please give my best wish to your family.二、 动词:时态;人称;相近词辨析;非

2、谓语1.I d like to your pen friend.2.Did he absent from the last meeting?3.The blind man acrossed the street with great difficulty.4.It was four days since Mother received an operati on.5.I saw him en ter into the classroom and sat dow n.6.She was done the washing when her younger son came andasked for

3、 some sweets.7.7.He got to the river, sitting on the bank and bega n to fishi ng.8.Tonight we ll have a party. Please take your musical instrume nts here.9.They devoted all their life to make planes.10.Facing with many problems, the newly-elected preside nt ishav ing a hard time.三、 形容词和副词:动词-ed 和-in

4、g 分词作形容词;形容词副 词同形的情况;定语从句中关系副词的使用;修饰比较级的副词1.Most of the teachers give us talks kind.2.The football match will be broadcast lively on TV.3.3.If we don t careful protect our environment, the last drop ofwater will be our own tears.4.This book is very worth read again5.Can you make it clearly what we s

5、hould do next?6.People in Arab countries like standing closely to one ano therwhe n they are tak ing.8.9.People here do not shake hands as more as we do in Chi na.四、 代词:前后一致;定语从句中关系代词的使用1.His book is quite different from me.2.The Dead Sea is really a large lake. It ssurface has an area of over one t

6、housa nd square kilometers.3 / 93.In order to make themselves look more beautiful, they haveto decorate around her bodies.4.4.If you like this books, you can take them away5.The mistakes made by the Chinese students are quite different from that made by the Japa nese stude nts.6.Her heart was set on

7、 being a great dancer, and she n evercared for nothing else.7.I have many books, I like it very much.8.He received many gifts, that he placed around the Christmastrees.9.They are trying to find a house that they can live.五、 数词1.There is two books and a chair in the classroom.2.In the 1980s, when he

8、was already in the forties, he bega nto lear n En glish.3.My neighbor is an eighty-years-old woman.4.He still wants to take part in the college entrance exam in ation, though he is over seve nties.5.One-forth of students in our class are from the n orth.6.I have told him hun dred of times.7.More tha

9、n 90 percent work was finished in time.8.There are fourty boys and ten girls in our class.六、连词:an d/but;because/so; although/but;注意逻辑关系1.Uni ess he said he was n t hun gry, he ate the big breakfast.2.Tom didn t see the film, and John did.3.He had little to eat and a large house to livein.4.You will

10、not fail uni ess you work harder.5.He would arrive soon when his son fell ill.6.We all felt happy if we were going to fly.7.If you go straight along this street, and youwill soon see the cin ema.8.Because he had left his key in the room, so he had use theladder.4 / 9七、 介词1.The tailor is very proud f

11、or his sons success.2.The bottle is full with unknown liquid.3.He is very in terested on maths.4.The soldiers had no mercy on to the warpris on ers.5.For the sake of health, we should take care our waterresources and en vir onment.6.On the morning, he went to a library to read some books.7.The child

12、ren are playing under the sun.8.There are strange similarities in the life of John Kennedy andthe life of Abraham Lincoln.八、冠词1. The driver brought the cat to stop. In this way, he avoided anaccide nt.2. When the wind is blowing at 120 kilomters a hour, mostwaves will be twelve meters high or less.3

13、. When sun was setting, he still didn t catch anyfish.4. As he was busy at the work, his wife asked three men toremove all their thi ngs.综合练习12Miss Eva ns taught physics in school in London. Last month shewas expla ining to one of her class about sound, and she decide to testthem to see how successf

14、ul she had bee n in her work. She said to them,“ Now I has a sister inWashi ngton. If I was calli ng her by the phone, and you were on the otherside of the street. Who would hear me first, my sister and you? Andwhy? ” A clever boy at once answered,5 / 9“ You sister, Miss Eva ns, because the electric

15、ity travelsmuch faster tha n sound waves. ”“ Very well. ” Miss Eva nspraised .3It is in terested to visit ano ther coun try, but sometimes there aresome questions when we don t know the Ianguage very well. It may bedifficult to talk about the people there. We may not know how to use theteleph one in

16、 the country which are visiting. We may not know what to buythe things we need.In a stra nge country we may n ot know where to eat and what to order ina restaura nt. It is not easy to decide how many money to tip (付小费)waiters or taxi drivers. When we are6 / 9helpless, we may not know how to ask help

17、. After a short time later,however, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn to enjoy life inano ther coun try, and the n we may besorry to leave both the place and the people.4How rob ins (知更鸟) know whe n it is time to go backnorth? They seem to tell by how soon daylight lasts. In late win ter

18、,daylight begi ns to last Ion gest each day. When thedaylight lasts long eno ugh, rob ins start n orth. They fly byfirst, they fly only few miles a day. They stop often in the(小虫子).Late, they seem in ahurry. They fly over 100 miles a day. Some are going so far as 180 miles.When they get to home, the

19、y always stay togetherhigh in a tree.have nt a meal uni ess they have hadmeat; some prefer chicke ns or fish atevery meal. Others prefer vegetables andfruits or grains but would enjoy a meal of potatoes, noodles and carrotsand some another fruits. Others could live on the foods are called fastfoods

20、, for example, a hamburger or hot dog,French fries and a soft drinks. Food can be prepared by somany ways. Every is satisfactory to differe nt pers onIn the morning of November 18th,1755, an earthquakeshook Bost on. Joh n, a professor at Harvard College felt a quake andwoke up.“ I rose and found to

21、be fiftee n mi nutesday. Each year they follow a sameflyway. Atfield to eat bugsPeople have different tastesin food. Some feel theypork or otherand eats one or the other7 / 9past four. ” He hurried to downstairs to the clock. It had stopped threeminutes ago. Except for stopping the clock, the quake

22、had only throw n akey from the man tel(壁炉架)tothe floor. The clock had stopped because Joh n put some long glass tubehe was using for an experime nt in to the case for safekeep ing. Thequake had bee n kno cked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum (钟摆). So John had the exactly time of the earthquak

23、e .7In rece ntly years, dust storms take place more and more ofte n inthe n orth of Chin ese. They have brought a great deal of trouble topeople s lives. The strong wind blows up the dust, made the air very dirty.It also stops many of people from going out. I n past, people raised a largenu mber of

24、sheep. The sheep eat up a great deal of grass and the landbecame sandy. Now the government have begun to pay attention to theproblem. Each year, a lot of money spe nt on the improveme nt of the envir onment.8英语改错专项练习参考答案8 / 9一、1. 去掉 a 2. has-have 3. students-student 4. wishwishes二、1. to 后面力口 be 2. D

25、id-Was 3. acrossed-crossed 4. received 前面力口 had5.去掉 into sat-sit 6. done-doing 7. prepare-preparing8. sitt in g-sat 9. take-bri ng10. make-mak ing 11. Fac in g-Faced5. read-readi ng 6. clear-clearly 7. closely-close 8. very-much 9. more-much四、1. me-mine 2. It s-Its 3. her-their 4. him-them 5.this-th

26、ese 6. that-those7. nothing-anything 8. it-them 9. that-which 10. that-where五、1. is-are 2.去掉 the 3. eighty-years-old 改为 eighty-year-old 4. seventies-seve nty5.One-forth 改为 One-fourth 6. hundred-hundreds7.percent 后面力口 of 8. fourty-forty六、 1. Uni ess-Although2. an d-but3. an d-but 4.uniess-if 或去掉 not 5. when-because6. if-because 7. 去掉 and 8. 去掉 so七、 1. for-of 2. with-of 3. on-in 4.去掉 to 5. care后面加 of 6. On-In 7. under-in8. in-betwee n八、1. 第二个 the-a 2. a-an 3. sunthe综合练习1. 第一行:bag 后加 of all 后加 the第三行:去掉 the or-and are-is第五行


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