



1、Unit11 Teaching WritingWe write for various reasons, and we write in various ways. 105. What do we write in reality? For example, letters, journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, reports, menus. Filling forms and answering questionnaires are also tasks involving writing. 106. Reasons for wri

2、ting in reality: We write for various reasons: to convey messages ; to keep a record of what is in our mind. 107. Ways to write in reality:Some people never put down a word before rehearsing the sentence many times in their mind, while other people write down anything that comes to their mind and th

3、en do a lot of editing and proof-reading.108. A typical writing task in traditional English textbooks just like: A Day on the Farm; A Day in the Factory. 109. Problems in writing tasks in existing English textbooks*Many writing tasks in existing English textbooks fail to have a communicative element

4、 due to the following deficiencies(not efficiency): 1) They are mainly accuracy-based.2) They are designed to practise certain target structures. 3) There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.4) There is no sense of audience.5) There is no sense of authenticity. 6) Students are given

5、 ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own.7) There is no opportunity for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original/creative ideas. 110 Whats called A process approach to writing1). Definition What really matters or makes a difference is the help that the

6、 teacher provides to guide the students through the process that they undergo when they are writing. 2). The features of the process approach to writing: Brown (1994b:320-1) summaries the features of process writing as follows: 1). Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written prod

7、uct; 2). Help student writers to understand their own composing process; 3). Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting; 4). Give students time to write and rewrite; 5). Place central importance on the process of revision; 6). Let students discover what they

8、 want to say as they write; 7). Give students feedback throughout the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention; 9). Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers; 10). Include individual conferences

9、 between teacher and student during the process of composition.111. Writing through e-mail1). Advantages:a. E-mail provides a perfect mechanism for students to submit drafts and for teachers to look them over at their convenience and send them back with comments - once, twice, or several times. 

10、0;b. In an e-mail based writing scheme, the students can not only send their writing to the teacher, they can also send their work to each other simultaneously.  c. When writing through e-mail, students have a feeling of real-time writing. 2). Two reasons why some people may argue against promo

11、ting the use of e-mail in the teaching of writing First, their students do not have access to computers, let alone e-mail. Second, they do not have the technology for running the e-mail list.3). Problems in writing tasks in existing English textbooks: (1) They are mainly accuracy-based.(2) They are

12、designed to practice certain target structures. (3) There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.(4) There is no sense of audience.(5) There is no sense of authenticity. (6) Students are given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own.(7) There is no opportunity fo

13、r creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original/creative ideas.112. A process approach to writing1)The features of the process approach to writing: There is no widely accepted definition for the process approach to writing. Brown (1994b:320-1) summaries the features of process writing as follows: 1). Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product; 2). Help student writers to understand their own composing process; 3). Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting,


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