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1、实验九:静态路由:实验目标掌握静态路由与缺省路由的配置;掌握浮动静态路由、替代路由的配置与运用,掌握最长掩码匹配原则。:拓扑图Internet =匚f丿fI/o192 168. L9/30E3/0 :192L 16B. 40.0/21;16S 1& "20 的16& 32. 0/21:192 lsasrJi19Z 166+ 37. 20Z24 econcT92. 168. 37. 30/24 BecondAi-y202 202. 202. 2O2ZVPC2192. 168. 20. 1/24X3/01 熬 168. 1.1/30 SO/U 诗2 163. L 2/30

2、S0/0<192. 166. 1,5/300/1 感理钊便1&2 lcaiJe/ao'/Q 192,茁乩 1. 10/30:预期结果全网互联能互联,且RT3与RT1之间的流量负载均衡 四:调试RT1:show ip int bri:RTl#3how ip int briinte tfaceI P-AddressOK?MethodStatusPro七acolseriaLO/O192.163.1. 1YESmanualupup3&riain/L192B163a1 5YESmanualupupSerialO/2192168a 1 9YESimanualupupSeria

3、LO/3unassignedYESNVRAMadminist rat i velydowndownFas 七 Etheriiet2/ 1192.168.2,9YESmanualupupEthernet3/0192,166.20.1YESmanualupupEthernets/1192B16QsEl,1YESmanualupupEthernt3/2unassignedYESNVRAMadmi nist rat ive LydowndownEthernet3/3una.ssignedYESNVRAMadmi nist rativelyd&wndownShow ip route :202.2

4、02.202.0/29 is subnetted, 1 subnets2Q2.202,202.200 1/0 via 192192.160.q务 0/241/0 via 192.160,1.10192.16B.21,C/24/24/24is directly connected, is directly connectedEthe rnet3/1Ethe rnet3/0192,16B.37,0/241/0 via 1/0 via 1/0 via 192, 168.1,6 1/0 via 192.160

5、.1.2192.16B. 1. 0/30is subnet七殳诅”3 subnets192 .168.1. 8is192.168,1. 0is192.16S,1. 4is192.160Z0/2 9isis192.16B.0.0/16isccccsdirectly co'nnectedf Serial0/2 directly connectedf Serial/0 directly connected Serial/1 subnett edj 1 subnets directly connectedf FastEtherne七2/0 directly connect

6、ed, NullRT3:Show ip int bri:RT3#show ip int briInterfaceIP-AddrGSSOK?MethodStatusProtocolSarialO/0192. 168.1. 2YESmanualupupSeriaLD/ 1YESmanualupupSerialO/2un«aBsignedYESNVRAMadministrativelydowndownserialO/3unssignedYESKTVRAMadininistrati velydowndownEthernets/0192+16B-36+1YESmanual

7、upEthernet 3/ 1192.16B.37. 1YESmanualupUPEthernat3/2unassignedYESNVRAMadminis t rrarti yoJLydowndownEt he rnet3/3unassignedYESNVRAMadmlnist rativelydowndownShow ip route :/29 is subnetted, 1 subnets/30192. 169.1.8192. 163.1+ 0192.163.1,4/29192.16S.2.0/0 1/0

8、J/241/0via.192.168. 1. 5ri/ovia192.168.1. 1192,1£6.21* 0/241/0via192.163.1,51/DIvia192163.1. 1/24ri/0via1/Dvia202,202.202,200 1/0 vis 1/0 via /24 is192.168.37,0/24 isdi rectly connscted, directly connected.is subnet

9、tdf 3 subnets1/0 via 1/0 via 192.168.11is directly connected, is directly Gonnected is subnet.tedf 1 subnets1/0 via 192.166.1.S1/0 via 152. 168. 1. 1via 192.1E8*1.51/0 via Ethsrnetm/0Ethernet3/1SerialO/Se rial 0/1132-168 22”口/21 is di rectly connected NullORT5:Show ip int bri:R

10、TSshow ip int briInterfaceIP-AddressOK?MethodStatusPro七ocolseriaL0/0192.168,1,10YESmanualUpupSerialO/lunassigndYESNVRAMadmini st rati velydown.downSerialO/2unassignedYESNVRAM日 dm inis 七 rat. ive lydowndownSeri且.0/3unassignedYESNVRAMadmini st rati velydowndownEt hemet3/ 0192,160.44.1YESmanualupupEthe

11、rnet/1unassignedYESNVRAMadministrativelydowndownEthernst 3/2unassignedYESNVRAMadmini st, rati velydowndownE 七 he rnet.3/3unassignedYESNVRAMadmini st rat i卑电lydowndownShow ip route :c192 163.44.0/24 is directly connected; Ethernet 3/0s192.16B.21.0/24 1/0 via 1921占日”1.乡s/24 1/0 via 192.160

12、. 1. 9s192.163.36, 0/24 1/0 via 192. 168. 1 9s192163.37.0/24 1/0 via 192168.1马192.16B* 1 D/3CI is subnetted, 3 subnets0/25 is subnettd, 1 subnetsS2022U2*202.20。 1/0 via 192,168.1.9CS2192. 169.1. 8192.168. 1. 1921白8.1.4 0/29is directly connected, Serisl0/01/0 via 192.169.1,9I/O via 1921白日.1.9is subne

13、tted/ 1 subnets1/0 via 9f NullORT7:Show ip int bri:RT7#shcw ip int brirnterfsceTP-AddressOK?MethodstatusP t O'tocciFastEthern&t1/02D2 202 202.202YESNVRAMupupFast Ethernet2/0192 16S 2.IDYESNVRAMupupShow ip route :2Q2. 0/29 is subnettedf 1 subnetsC2 02 2 口2*202 2CiCi is di rectly co

14、nnected Fast Et he rnet 1/ 0SS192. IE日.44 0/24192.159.21,0/241/01/0via via192.16B+2.9S192.169-20.0/241/0via192-168.2.9S/241/0viaS/241/0via/30is subnetted, 3 subnetss192,166.1.81/0via192,168.2.9S1/0viaS192.168,

15、1,41/0via192.163,2.9192 16S.2,0/29 is subnettedf 1 subnetsC192-160.2,8 is directly connected FastEthernet2/0S* 00./ 1/OJ via VPC1-VPC5 的配置:PCI : 192-168-20.2 255-255.255-0 密at七UPCS1J> 2UPCSE2> ip 192-16«-21_2 24 192-168.21_1PC2 : UPCS21> 3PC3 : UPCS3J> 4PC4 : 192-168,37.2 255_255_25

16、5_0192-168.37-1UPCSE4> 5PCS : 五:测试将 RT3 的 se0/0 端口 showdown:RT3(config)#int se 0/0E?T3 tconfig-if)魁匹RRT3config-if)#*Mar 1 DI:Q7;13,271: 4LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface SerialO/Qt chang&d stat & to adm i nist rat iv&Ly down*Mar 1 DI: 07 : 14.271: %LINEPROTO-S-UPDOWN: Lin* protocol on Init*r

17、fac Serial D/0 changed stat to downRTS(config-if)#*ZRT3pin+Mar 1 01:07;15.SB3: %SYS-S-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by Typese que nca to abo rt.Sending 5+ LOO-byte ICMP Echos to 152timeout ls 2 seconds:£JZTTI>Success fa七合 is 10D percent (5/SJ f round-trip min/avg/maK = 60/85/176 msVPC5 p

18、ing VPC1UPCSr5J> ping 192.168,20,2192.168 .20.2 icn»p_seq=l tine out192«168.20.2 icnp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=94.000 ns192.168 _20_2 icnip_£eq=3 tt 1=S2 time =109 _600 msVPC5 ping VPC2UPCS51> ping 192-168-21-21?2.168.21,2 icnp_seq=2 111=62 tine=125 >000 ns192_21.2 icmp_seq=3 ttl=62

19、 t in»e =94.000 nsVPC5 ping VPC3192.16S.36 -Z icnp_seq=l t imeout192.168 -36.2 icnp_seq=2 tt 1=61 t ine =*188.80S msVPC5 ping VPC4UPC£5> ping l?2-168-37.2192.1&8.3?.2 icnp_sec/=l timeout.000 ns192 -168 - 37-2 icmp_.seq =3 tt 1=61 t ine =172.00U nsUPCSC5> ping 202-202.202-202202-2

20、02-202.202 icmp_seq=l ttl=253 time =140.000 ms202 - 202 -202.202 icmp_£eq=2 ttl=253 time =109 _t*08 ms六:总结与原理分析对于静态路由,在写路由表的时候要细心,按照一定规律顺序来写; 对于路由汇总,我们可以将大量的细化路由汇总成一条或者几条汇总 路由。通过汇总路由我们可以减少全局路由表中的细化路由条目,提高效率。对于负载均衡,只要目的网段一样,子网掩码一样,AD值一样,度量值一样就可以实现负载均衡,他可以减少单个链路的流量,减少其 负担。七:配置 show runRT1:!versio

21、n 12.3service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno service password-e ncrypti on!host name RT1boot-start-markerboot-end-marker no aaa new-model!resource policy!memory-size iomem 5ip subnet-zero!ip cefno ip dhcp use vrf connected !no ip domain lookupno ftp-server write

22、-enable interface Serial0/ 0ip address serial restart-delay 0 no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/1ip address serial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/ 2ip address serial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/ 3no ip addressshutdownse

23、rial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface FastEthernet2 /0ip address duplex autospeed auto!interface Ethernet3 /0ip address half-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /1ip address half-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /2no ip addressshutdownhalf-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /3no ip addressshutdownhal

24、f-duplex!ip http serverip classlessip route Null0ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route control-plane!line con 0exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous line aux 0 line vty 0 4loginendRT3:!version 12.3service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service p

25、assword-encryption!hostname RT3!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!no aaa new-model!resource policy!memory-size iomem 5ip subnet-zero!ip cefno ip dhcp use vrf connected!no ip domain lookupno ftp-server write-enable interface Serial0/ 0ip address serial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!inte

26、rface Serial0/1ip address serial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enableinterface Serial0/ 2no ip addressshutdownserial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/ 3no ip addressshutdownserial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Ethernet3 /0ip address half

27、-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /1ip address secondary ip address secondary ip address half-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /2no ip addressshutdownhalf-duplex!interface Ethernet3 /3no ip addressshutdown half-duplex!ip http serverip classlessip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip ro

28、ute ip route ip route ip route Null0ip route ip route ip route ip route control-plane!line con 0exec-timeout 0 0logging synchronousline aux 0line vty 0 4login!endRT5:!version 12.3service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption!hostname RT5!b

29、oot-start-markerboot-end-marker!no aaa new-model!resource policy!memory-size iomem 5ip subnet-zeroip cefno ip dhcp use vrf connected !no ip domain lookupno ftp-server write-enable interface Serial0/ 0ip address serial restart-delay 0 no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/1no ip addressshut

30、downserial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/ 2no ip addressshutdownserial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Serial0/ 3no ip addressshutdownserial restart-delay 0no dce-terminal-timing-enable!interface Ethernet3 /0ip address half-duplex!interface Ether


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