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1、姓 名导 师杨婧 161102013韩敏教授过渡金属元素硫化物、磷化物的电催化析氢LOGO2016.12.12目录1背景2电析氢反应的机理及性能参数3合成方法4参考文献1背景背景12341234化石能源的日益枯竭环境污染严重水能、太阳能、风能等可再生能源的局限性氢气绿色无污染Fig.1 Relationship between the M-H Adsorption Bonding Strength and the Exchange Current Densities in HER 2背景2电析氢反应的机理及性能参数Fig.2 Schematic diagram of a water elect

2、rolyzerVolmer-Tafel mechanismchemical desorptionVolmer-Heyrovsky mechanismelectrochemical desorptionH2H2HHHH+e+HH+e+HH+e+H+e+2电析氢反应的机理及性能参数2电析氢反应的机理及性能参数onset potential13425Tafel SlopeExchange Current DensityTurnover FrequencyDouble Layer Capacitance C dl起始电位塔菲尔斜率双电层电容交换电流密度转换效率3合成方法水热法电化学沉积法化学气相沉积法

3、 剥离法溶剂热法冶金法4 DOI: 10.1039/c5ee03801d亮点:通过水热合成法得到了长在碳布上的钼钨氧化物纳米线并进一步磷化得到新颖多孔的钼钨磷化物纳米片,表现出了高的电催化活性。Figure.3 A schematic of the fabrication process of porous MoWP hybrid nanosheets on a carbon cloth.Fig.4 SEM and EDX elemental mapping images of MoWO/CC (ac); SEM, HRTEM, TEM and EDX elemental mapping im

4、ages of MoWP/CC (dh);and XRD patterns of MoWP/CC (i), the positions of the peaks belonging to the phases used in the Rietveld fit of the spectrum are indicated with vertical markers.Fig.5 (a) Polarization data for MoWP/CC (iR corrected) in 0.50 M H2SO4 electrolyte at 2 mV s-1, along with plots of Mo

5、P/CC, WP2/CC and Pt/C/CC for comparison; (b) the corresponding Tafel plots of samples in (a); (c) stability of MoWP/CC in H2SO4 solution (0.5 M) at a scan rate of 100 mV s-1 before and after 4000 cycles between -0.2 and +0.2 V (RHE); and (d) time dependence of catalytic current density during electr

6、olysis for MoWP/CC at -100 mV (RHE). 亮点:用冶金法和电化学刻蚀两种方法合成了多孔、组分可控制的双金属磷化物。DOI: 10.1039/c6ee01109hFigure.6 (a) Schemical description of the fabrication process of free-standing nanoporous (Co1-xFex)2P. (b) The optical photograph of a mother alloy ingot; (c) meltspun ribbon precursors; and (d) an as-pr

7、epared nanoporous (Co1-xFex)2P ribbon. Scalebar.Fig. 7 Microstructure characterization of three-dimensional nanoporous bimetallic phosphides. (a) SEM images of np-(Co0.52Fe0.48)2P. Inset shows the microstructure of cross-section of np-(Co0.52Fe0.48)2P. (b) X-ray diffraction pattern of the np-(Co1xFe

8、x)2P with various Co/Fe ratios. (c) XRD results at the (112) peak in the marked region of (b). The peak intensities of different samples were normalized to unity for comparison .Scale bars: (a) 500 nm, inset: 5 mm.DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b07785亮点:用电化学沉积得到了长在泡沫镍上的Co/CoP催化剂,这种催化剂Co/CoP膜与基底之间有强的作用力减少了界面阻抗

9、有效的增加了电催化活性。Figure.9 (A) XPS spectra in the Co 2p regions and (B) P2p regions of Co/CoP-NF catalyst; (C) HRTEM images of Co/CoP-NF; (D) XRD pattern of Co/CoP-NF.Figure.8 (A) Low- and (B) high-magnification SEM images of Co/CoP-NF. (C) EDS elemental mapping images of elemental Co and P in Co/CoP-NFca

10、talyst.亮点:用水热法合成了S、N、Co掺杂的石墨烯上负载硫化镍钴气凝胶的催化剂,有效的提高了金属硫化物的循环性能。DOI: 10.1002/advs.201600214Figure.10 a) Schematic diagram of the synthesis of Ni-Co-S/SNGA; b) digital camera photo of the typical aerogel sample; and c) contact angle measurements before (left) and after (right) water dropping.Figure.11 a

11、) XRD patterns of CoNi2S4/SNGA and CoNi2S4 reference pattern; b,c) low and highmagnification TEM images; and d) HRTEM of CoNi2S4/SNGA.亮点:用化学插层剥离法得到了单层的MoS2纳米晶,经过阳离子交换树脂的进一步处理得到存在缺陷的MoS2纳米晶K-MoS2乙醇H2O超声 2h单层 MoS2 NCs阳离子交换树脂S-Depletion MoS2 NCsFigure.11 Photographs of monolayered Mo-S NCs before and a

12、fter S-depletion.Figure.12 (a) HRTEM image of the edge of initial NCs before S depletion. The inset is the related fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern,confirming hexagonal and zigzag edge structures of the NC. (b,c) HRTEM images of the S-depleted MoS1.65 NCs. The FFT pattern (inset) in (c) reveals

13、hexagonal crystal structure of the NC. (d) Raman spectrum of S-depleted MoS1.65 NCs. Figure.14 (a) Polarization curves and (b) Tafel plots (obtained from polarization curves) of bulk MoS2, MoS2 NCs, S-depleted MoS1.65NCs, 4MoS1.65/EG catalysts, and Pt electrode. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201601168亮点:用气相沉积法(

14、CVD)将负载在碳纤维纳米线上的CoO中的钴转移到了WS2纳米片上,表现出了好的电催化活性。Figure.15 a) Schematic illustrating the transfer of cobalt atom from CoO NW grown on carbon fiber to WS2 nanosheet grown on W foil in a typical two zone CVD furnace. b) The HER setup when the as-obtained ternary CoxW1xS2is used as electrocatalysts. WE = working electrode, RE = Reference electrode.Figure.16 a) Raman spectrum of WS2 and CoxW1xS2 nanosheets. High resolution XPS spectra of b) W 4f region, c) S 2p region, and d) Co 2p region of CoxW1xS2 nanosheets.Figure.17 Electroch


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