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1、3.She第 1 页/共 11 页选词填空专项练习请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺(一)prefer discuss read travel won1. Like the Earth, Mars(火星)also_ around the sun.2. It is very impolite to talk loudly while people_in the library.3. The boy_Coke to water whe n he was very young.4. - Why are you so happy today?Because our tea

2、m_ the volleyball match5 - I heard lots of no ise from your group, Suzy.-Oh, sorry to disturb you. We_ the history project atthat time.(二)make one s last appearanee; be on; include; be full of; gobeyond;lose; work as; work closely; dream of; so that1. He_ a stuntman before he became aactor.2. When s

3、he was a little girl, she_being adan cer.第2页/共 11 页before she got married.4. Theband played many songs,_omeof my favourites.5. Hepbur ndevoted her last few years to_ with UNECEF.6. ThoughI like the house very much, its price_my ability to pay.7. The little boy saved every coin_he could buy his mothe

4、r aprese nt on Mothe s day.8. Whe n we arrived at the ci nema, the film_for 10 minu tes.9._ Michael Jacks on s death was a great_ tothe music in dustry._ mysteries.pla n teach be stick fly1. He cut out a picture of a lovely bear and_it on the cover.2. Not only his classmates but also he _ kites on t

5、he playgro und everySun day.3. There_ an interesting film tonight, isn t there?10.Thestoryseems第3页/共 11 页4. Joh n,_ your son how to make a home page for yourself.5. Amy with her cous in_a trip to the West Lake tomorrow,isn t she?(四)service, popular, survey, best, think, what, play,friendliest, and,

6、deliciousWhat do stude nts 1 about fast-food restaura nts in our city? We did a 2 of the students inour school last week and this is 3 we learned. Most of the students think all fast-foodrestaurants are good, but the KFC is the 4 in our city. It has the most creative food and thebest 5 . However, Mc

7、Donald s is the cheapest 6 it has the funniest picture. It also 7 themost in teresti ng music. The most 8 restaura nt is the Pizza Hut. It has the most 9 foodand the 10 service.(五)one use be another buy open whenever talk brother without“ Thankyou ” is widely 1 in a modern society. It is a very good

8、 manner. You should say“ Thankyou ”2 others help you or saysomethi ng ki nd to you. For example, whe n some one 3 the door for you, whe n someone says you have done your work well, whe n some one says you have 4 a nice shirt, oryour city 5 very beautiful, you should say “ Thanlyou ” Lt is used not o

9、nly betweenfriends, but also betwee n pare nts and childre n, 6 a nd sisters, husba nds and wives.第4页/共 11 页“ Excuse me ” i7 short polite usage. We use it the same as“ Thankyou ” When you hear some one says so beh ind you, you g et to know that somebodywants to walk past _8_ touching you. It is not

10、polite to in terrupt(打断)others while theyare 9 . If you want to have a word with one of them, please say“ Excuse ,nad then begi n to talk.You should also do so whe n you want to cough or make any un pleasa nt noise beforeothers. Let s say “ Thank you ” and “ Excuse mesituatio n.(六)good, with, what,

11、change, many, understand, child, try,problem, clothesYoung people are ofte n un happy whe n they are with their pare nts. They say that theirpare nts dont _1 them. They ofte n thi nk their pare nts are too strict 2 them.Parents often find it difficult to win their _3_ trust, and they seem to forget

12、how theythemselves felt whe n they were young.For example, young people like to do thi ngs without much thi nkin g. Its one of their waysto show that they grow up and they can solve any difficult A. But older people always think_5_ than young people. Most of them pla n thi ngs ahead and dont like th

13、eir pla ns to be_6_, so whe n you want your pare nts to let you do someth ing, you will succeed easily ifyou ask before you really start doing it.第5页/共 11 页Young people often make their parentsangry by the _7_ they wear, the music they enjoyand someth ing else. But they dont mean to cause any troubl

14、e. They just want to be cutoff(摆脱)from the old peoples world and they are 8_ to make a new culture of their own.And if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their ways of speech, the youngpeople feel very sad. Sometimes in stead of going out with their pare nts, they just want tostay at

15、home alone and do what they like.If you plan to do something, youd 9 win your parents over and get them to understandyou, if so, your parents will certainly let you do 10 you want to do.(七)expect, ready, other, successful, reason, I, act, may, hear,aboutMany students don t like joining school plays.

16、 Some think they are tooshy on the stage(舞 台).Some say they are too busy. Others thi nk that is very bori ng.When I 丄 the En glish club would have an En glish play Snow White, I decided to joi n it.The mai n _2_ was that I really wan ted to be on stage.There were many characters in the play. Of cour

17、se, the girls _3_ to play the Princess 公主). Li Fan played the King. Wang Ping and 4 six boys in the club played the sevendwarfs(矮人). I thought I _5_ get the role of the Princess. But He Yan got it. Miss Wangasked _6_ to act the role of the Queen. I wasn t very happthis. But Miss Wang said,“ The most

18、important thing is the acting.第6页/共 11 页From then on, I tried _8_ the Queen. It was difficult for me to do it because I had noexperie nee 经验)in act ing. After two mon ths ard practice, we were 9_ to perform onstage. It was very J0 . People in the hall enjoyed it very much.(八-afe, withSince computers

19、 were inven ted in the USA in the 1950s, they havel. very important inmany areas of work and leisure.There is no doubt that computers are very 2. in the techno logy and bus in essn space computers have bee n used to con trol the speed anddirecti on of a spaceship3. the help of computers, doctors can

20、 find diseaseseasily andsolve other problems.For example ti ny computers which are in side patients bodies cankeep 4. hearts beating normallyn factories robots are 5. by computers that are likehuman brains.They can do work 6 is dan gerous to huma ns n bus in ess computers areused to placeand can cel

21、 orders.They are also maki ng the workplace 7. a nd better.Si nee the Internet came in to being , peoples 8. at home have bee n changed, too. Moreand more people have 9. computers that are used to play games and watch movies.Thanks to the Internet , people can do shopp ing and do bus in ess at home.

22、 In stead ofwriti ng letters on paper , people com muni cate by 10. emails and chatt ing on li ne. Thewhole world is connected. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.(九)第7页/共 11 页What earliest ride magazines in boring who popular had reas ons ever trainingDid you know that the fir

23、st bicycle were for sport and pleasure? Some of the 1 bikes weretoys for the rich. Today, people ride for many different 2. Children ride bikes for fun.Your mum or dadmay 3 to work or to the store. Some people, such as bicycle postme n, eve n use bikes todo their job.The professional cyclists(自行车 运动

24、员)made the sport of cycling4 . These playersspend their time 5 and competing inn ati onal and intern ati onal cycli ng eve nts. They appear on televisio n. They are front-page n ews in n ewspaper. Some have become the new athletes of the year in sports 6.But there is one professional cyclists 7 chan

25、ged cycling history. He is Lance Armstrong.He won the Tour de France six times. The Tour de Fra nee is the greatest race in cycli ng.No one has 8 w on this race so many times. But there s more. In his cycling career(事业), Lance 9 to overcome cancer(癌症). As a cancer survivor(幸存者), Mr. Armstrong made t

26、he greatest comeback 10 cycli ng history(十)Sandra is twenty years old . She comes from Wuhan , a city in China .She _1_ with her aunt and uncle and three cousins in Manhattan(曼哈顿) , a part of New York . Her parents and two brothers still live in Wuhan. Herbrothers want _2_ to the United States , but

27、 her第8页/共 11 页parents are going to stay in Wuhan .Sandra works in a small shop on Broadwa y 百老汇大街).One of her_3_ owns (拥有) the shop . She _4_ six days a week _5_ten in the morning to eight at night . The job isn t hard , but the houlong and the pay (薪水)is low . Sandra wants to get a_6_job , butshe d

28、oesn ktnow any English . If one doesn ktnow English , it toso difficult _7_ agood job .Life in New York city isnt easy for Sandra . The weather is cold , theAmericans seem cold , and sometimes her room is cold . When she comes home fromwork , she thinks _8_ her parents , brothers , and friends in Wu

29、han . Sometimes shecries a lot . She dreams of going back , but she can t . In Wuhan the weather is warmand the people are _9_ , but there are no10_ there for Sandra .参考答案一、完成句子1、 1.travels 2.are reading 3.preferred 4.has won 5.were discussing2、 1. worked as 2. dreamt of3. made her last appearance 4

30、. including5.working closely 6. goes beyong 7. so that 8. had been on 9. loss10. to be full of3、 1.themselves 2.teach 3.balloons 4.further 5.is planning4、 1. think 2.survey 3.what 4.friendliest 5.service 6.and 7.plays 8.popular9.delicious 10.best第9页/共 11 页5、 1. used 2. whenever 3. opens 4. bought 5.

31、 is6. brothers 7. another 8. without 9. talking 10. first6、1. understand 2. with 3. children s 4. problems 5. more6. changed 7. clothes 8. trying 9. better 10. what7、 1. heard 2. reason 3. expected 4. other 5. might6. me7. about 8. to act 9. ready 10. successful8、 1.become 2.useful 3.With 4.their 5.

32、controlled 6.that 7.safer8.lives 9.personal10.sending9、【分析】本文主要向我们介绍了人们骑自行车的不同目的,最初的 自行车主要是为了运动和娱乐, 后来发展为骑自行车去上班, 购物等 去工作然而一位职业自行车运动员 Lance Armstrong 改变了自行车 的历史,文章作了具体介绍1 earliest 考查最高级:根据前文 Did you know that the first bicyclewere for sport and pleasure?你知道第一辆自行车是为了运动和娱乐 吗?及后文 bikeswere toys for the rich 给富人充当玩具,故用 earliest 最早的,与 the first 对应2 reasons 考查名词:根据前文 Some of th(e 31)earliest bikes were toys for the rich 给富人充当玩具,及后文 to work or to the storeSome people, such as bicycle postmen,even use bikes to do their job 即不同 的原因,结合所给词,故用 reasons3 ride 考查动词:根据前文 Children ri


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