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1、译林版英语三年级下册Unit7On the farm(第一课时)如东县丰利小学 於雪梅一、教材内容 本节课是牛津小学英语(译林版)三年级下册Unit7 On the farm 的第一课时,教学内容为Story time部分,主要包括:1、跟故事内容有关的四个动植物类单词及其复数形式,2、重点句型:What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/ those.? Yes/No. Theyre.二、学生分析本课时的授课对象是小学三年级的学生。这些学生从一年级就开始了系统 的英语学习,对英语有强烈的好奇心和兴趣,已经建立了英语学习的意识,储备了一定的英语词汇,具备简单

2、的英语语言运用能力,他们在课堂上表现出了积极参与 课堂和乐于表达的良好学习习惯。对于本节课的教学内容来说,是他们鲜少接触的农场环境,学生对此充满了好奇,所以他们更加乐于参与本课的活动。三、教学目标:1. 知识目标 能听懂、会说和会读4个动植物类单词以及它们的复数形式:pigs、cows、 apples、 pears。 能听懂、会说和会读句型:What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/ those.? Yes/No. Theyre.2.能力目标 能区分these 和those, 并能根据物品位置的远近正确问答。 能在正确运用新词和新句的基础上,在真实的环境里

3、运用自如。3.情感态度和学习策略 通过启发式教学和任务型教学途径,鼓励学生拓展思维,把对话内容和生活实际联系起来,使其更好地掌握和使用对话内容。 帮助学生初步了解农场,感受农场里人与动植物、人与自然和谐共处的美好画面,焕发其对大自然的热爱之情。 了解一定的发音规则,知道连读、升降调,形成一定的认读策略。四、教学重难点 1.重点:听懂、会说、认读故事中的动植物类单词,能听懂并学会与运用以下句型:What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/ those.? Yes/No. Theyre. 2.难点:单词these 和those的区别,名词复数的发音。 五、教学准

4、备 PPT,板书设计,动物pig、cow卡片,apple pear图片若干,Grandpa头饰 六、教学过程. Pre-readingGreetingsT: Im your new English teacher. Can you introduce your partners to me? You can say: Miss Yu, this is T: Im new here. What can you say to me?Ss: Welcome to my class.  . While-reading 1.Lead-inT: Look at the blackboard. T

5、his is a picture. Guess, where is here?(school? zoo? Park? )T sings a song about the farm, Ss find the answer from the song.(Show the title“ On the farm”)2. Play a gamePlease look carefully, if you think the things belong to the farm , please clap your hands. If not, please say “bomb”.3. Learn the n

6、ew sentence: Welcome to my farm! T:Do you like farms? Lets go to the farm.(Show the picture of Liu Taos grandpa)Liu Taos grandpa is the owner of the farm. What does he say?G:Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to my farm! 3. Show the rules of competitionG:Boys and girls. Im very busy today. Can you

7、help me pick the fruit?T: Before picking fruit. Ill divide you into two groups. If you do a good job. You can pick an apple or a pear. 5. Learn the story. G: Mike is visiting my farm. Do you know: What can Mike see on my farm? What questions does Mike ask me?watch and choose(Teach:pigs, cows, a

8、pples ,pears Theyre What are these/those?) Practice: Please follow the birds to find the fruit. Then practice in pairs. What are these/those? Theyre Read and findSs read by selves , then underline Mikes questions.Ss read and judge. (Ss according to the tone marks read it,then choose the correct face

9、.). Are these apples? Are those apples too? Follow and act outPlease read the story after the tape.Read and act in the group. Tips: 1.读音准确,注意语音语调。 2.读音准确,注意语音语调。适当加上动作。 III. Post-reading1.Make a songG: This time,can you make a song for my farm?2.Ss discuss: What have you learnt today?Ss choose one place to talk. 3.Enjoy the pictures of the farms. G: Boys and girls. There are a lot of farms in the western countries. Lets enjoy.G: As we know,animals and plantings are the sections of nature. They are our good friends.So please remember:We should love anim


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