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1、2015届高三翻译专项训练(6时态、语态2014.111. 彼得每月留出一点钱以便在不久的将来购买一辆新汽车。(set aside, 1998年Peter sets aside some money every month so that he can buy a new car in the near future.2. 在过去的几年里,这家工厂用塑料代替木头来降低成本。(substitute, 1999年this factory has substituted plastics for wood in order to reduce the cost.3. 进入大学之后,他对计算机很感兴趣

2、。(become interested in, 2000年春After entering the university/he was admitted to the college, he became interested in computers. 4. 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind, 2000年This photo reminds me of the days (that we spent in the summer camp.5. 到目前为止,我们学过的英语单词总计大约有三千五百个。(add up to, 2001年春The English words t

3、hat we have learned so far add 6. 我第一次写英语作文时,翻了许多拼写错误。(make, 2002年春The first time I wrote an English composition/writing/essay, I made a lot of spelling mistakes.In grammargrammatic7. 当时,那位出租车司机别无选择只能求助于游客。(choice, 2002年 At that time the taxi driverturn to /ask the tourist for help .8. 上周因为生病,我缺了一些课

4、,但是我会努力赶上大家的。(miss, 2004年Because of illness last week,Because I was ill ,Being sick last week,I missed some lessons, but I will try to catch up with others.9. 他进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。(so, 2005年Soon after he entered the company, He finished/completed a difficult task on his own/independentlyso

5、 his colleagues looked at him with new eyes/looked at him in a totally different light.10. 一本书是否畅销取决于诸多因素。(Whether, 2006年Whether a book sells well depends on many factors.11. 前天我们订购了二十台洗衣机。(order, 2007年春 place an order for sth.We ordered twenty washing machines the day before yesterday.12. 演出还没有结束,孩

6、子们就睡着了。(before, 2008年春The children had fallen asleep before the performance was over.13. 过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember, 2009年It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the languagelab.It has been three days since she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in

7、 the language lab.It was three days before she remembered leaving her raincoat in the language lab.Not until 3 days later did she remember .14. 应鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage, 2008年Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points/strengths.15. 这些十八世纪的油画保存得

8、这样好,使参观者大为惊叹。(sothat, 2008年春These eighteenth-century paintings have been preserved so well that the visitors are greatlyamazed.16. 为了赶上其他同学,他正在努力改正自己学习中的坏习惯。(cure, 2012宝山一模 in his study.17. 今天下午我太累了,就取消了和Smith先生的约会。(soas to, 2012崇明一模I was so tired this afternoon as to cancel/call off/ the appointmen

9、t with Mr. Smith.18. 除非你听从李教授昨天给你的忠告,否则你将一事无成。(unless, 2012崇明一模You will achieve nothing unless you follow/take the advice (that/which Professor Li gave you yesterday.19. 虽然困难重重,但他父母还是设法及时赶到了上海。( despite, 2012金山一模Despite a lot of difficulties, his parents managed to get to/ arrive in Shanghai in time

10、./ Although it was very difficult, his parents managed to get to Shanghai in time.20. 经历一次次失败之后,我们认识到做任何事情没有捷径,要成功非下苦功不可。(experience, 2012闵行一模After experiencing one failure after another,we realize that there is no shortcut in doing anything and we must work hard if we want to succeed.We wont succee

11、d unless we work hard.After we have experienced one failure after another,21. 中国加入世贸组织至今已十年了。(since, 2012闵行一模It is/ has been ten years since China joined WTO.22. 应该更多地关心父母远在他乡打工的孩子们。(concern, 2012浦东一模 should be shown for the children whose parents are away working in other places.23. 虽然他每天到公园里锻炼身体,但

12、却对昨天那里发生的事情一无所知。(ignorant, 2012崇明二模Although he takes physical exercise in the park every day, he is completely ignorant of what happened there yesterday.24. 没日没夜地工作对他的健康消耗很大,因此不久他就病倒了。(drain, 2012崇明二模 Working day and night drained his health greatly, so he fell ill soon. his health25. 现在世界上越来越多的国家正采

13、取措施来吸引更多的中国游客。(attract, 2012虹口二模 More and more countries in the world are now taking measures to attract more Chinese tourists.26. 我最终以合理的价格买到了那台心仪已久的电脑。(manage, 2012黄浦二模(At last, I managed to buy the computer Id been looking forward to /had of/ had been longing for/ for a long time a reasonable pri

14、ce./Id been dreaming of for a long time at a reasonable price.27. 如果你真的想解决问题,你必须在情况变得更糟之前,立即采取行动处理它。(action, 2012黄浦二模If you really want to solve this problem, you have to take immediate action to deal with it before the situation/ it gets worse.28. 相当多的有关网络的新词已被广泛应用。(widely, 2012普陀二模 new words about

15、 the Internet have been widely used.29. 他周末常常去公园钓鱼,对“禁止垂钓”的标志视而不见。(turn, 2012徐汇二模He often goes fishing in the park at weekends, but /and turns a blind eye to the sign of “No Fishing”Goes to the park to go fishing30. 尽管在保证食品安全方面我们已经采取了许多措施,但还有很多问题需要解决。(measure, 2012四区联考二模Although/Though we have taken

16、 a lot of measures to ensure/guarantee food safety,there are still many problems to be solved. many problems remain to be solved.31. 昨晚电视里的电影太吸引人了,以至于我都忘了做作业, 挨了批评。(suchthat, 2012长宁二模The movie on the TV last night was such a great attraction (for methat I forgot to do my homework and I was criticize

17、d.I was criticized.for forgetting to do . night that32. 一得到消息,我就给我表弟发了封电子邮件,祝贺他在英语演讲比赛中获一等奖。(congratulate, 2013崇明一模The moment/As soon as I learned the news,On hearing/learning the newsI sent an email to my cousin to congratulate him on his winning the first prize in the English speech contest.33. 意识

18、到犯了大错,我马上向在场所有的人表达了诚挚的歉意。(present, 2013闵行一模 Realizing that I had made a serious mistake, I made a sincere apology to the people present.34. 屡次碰壁后,他意识到只有把个人利益放在一边,和他人合作,才能在工作中游刃有余。(unless, 2013浦东一模After meeting with difficulties/ experiencing failures again and again, he realized thathe couldnt perfo

19、rm well unless he put aside his personal interest and cooperated with others.only by putting aside his personal interest and cooperating with others could he have a wonderful performance in his work.35. 不久以后,一些药品的价格就会再一次下调。(before, 2013松江一模It will not be long before the prices of some medicine are r

20、educed again.36. 那个小伙子的幽默感给面试官们留下了深刻印象。(impression, 2013徐汇一模The young mans sense of humor left/made/left a deep impression on the interviewers.37. 应该给予孩子们更多心理上的抚慰。(comfort, 2013长宁一模Children should be given/ provided with more psychological comfort.38. 黄浦江被污染后,政府采取了许多有效措施,以改善水质,这使公众很满意。(improve, 2013

21、奉贤二模Since the Huangpu River was polluted, the government has taken some effective measures to improve the quality of the water, which has greatly satisfied the public.39. 他向经理保证,一经录用,他会竭尽所能为公司服务,绝不辜负公司的期望并为自己的理想打拼。(assure, 2013虹口二模He assured the manager that if / once (he was appointed / accepted, h

22、e would do his best to work for / serve the company, live up to the expectation of the company and strive for his own ideal.40. 我从未想到过会在机场遇到多年未曾谋面的老朋友。(It, 2013黄浦二模It never occurred to me that I would meet my old friend (who/whom I hadnt seen for quite a few years at the airport.41. 居民们都希望有朝一日能更方便地享

23、受图书馆的优质服务。(access, 2013浦东二模 Residents all hope that they can have easier access to the quality service of libraries one day/some day.42. 听说他的幽默感为英语节开幕式平添了一份快乐。(add, 2013普陀二模It was said that his sense of humor had added to happiness of the opening ceremony of English festival.43. 为了纪念这位战士,将举办一场音乐会。(m

24、emory, 2013普陀二模In memory of the soldier, a concert will be held. 44. 那些消防战士冒着生命危险把困在着火的屋子里的老人和小孩全部救了出来。(trap, 2013四区联考二模Those firefighters risked their life/ to successfully rescue/ all the old and children/ trapped/ in the burning house.45. 传统的火车票购买方式已经被网络购买方式所取代了。(replace, 2013四区联考二模The traditiona

25、l way/ of buying train tickets/ has already been replaced/ by the one through the Internet.46. 令我们宽慰的是,政府正在采取措施改善我们的住房条件。(relief, 2013徐汇二模To our relief, the government is taking measures/action to improve our housing conditions.47. 尽管困难重重,他从未放弃过成为一名优秀建筑师的愿望。(desire, 2013徐汇二模 Despite many difficultie

26、s / In spite of many difficulties, he never gave up his desire to become /be an excellent / outstanding / a distinguished architect.48. 第一次看Gangnam Style的时候,其生动的节奏,富有创意的舞蹈,给我留下了深刻的印象。(The first time, 2013徐汇二模The first time I watched Gangnam Style, I was deeply impressed by its lively rhythm and crea

27、tive dance. / its lively rhythm and creative dance impressed me a lot / deeply / greatly.49. 一些大城市的空气正日益恶化,这应该让我们警觉到:环保意识的缺乏已让市民付出了健康的代价。(alert, 2013徐汇二模The air quality in some big cities is getting / becoming from bad to worse, which should alert us( to the fact that the lack of environmental aware

28、ness has come at the expense of the health of the citizens. / the lack of environmental awareness (lacking environmental awareness has cost the citizens their health. / that the citizens have paid ( high price for the lack of environmental awareness.50. 这三天的社会实践让我们受益匪浅。(benefit, 2013徐汇二模We benefited

29、 a lot from the three-day social practice.The three-day social practice benefited us a lot.51. 必须采取果断措施应对食物污染问题。(must, 2013闸北二模Decisive measures must be taken to deal with the problem of food pollution.52. 这位总统一直为缓慢的经济复苏和诸多外交事务的挑战忧心忡忡,但至今仍束手无策。(worry, 2013杨浦二模The president has been worrying about th

30、e slow economic recovery and many challenges in foreign affairs, but so far he hasnt found a way out.53. 开发清洁的公共交通是被广泛认可的改善空气质量的好方法。(recognize, 2013杨浦二模 Developing clean public transportation is widely recognized as a good way to improve air quality. 54. 应该鼓励高中学生参加各种各样的社会活动以拓宽他们的眼界。(horizon, 2013松江三

31、模 High school students should be encouraged to participate in a variety of social activities to expand their horizons.55. 为了给人们提供安全的饮用水、食品和干净的空气,必须采取措施改革中国的经济发展模式。(provide, 2013嘉定三模In order to provide people with safe drinking water, food and clean air, measures must be taken to reform Chinas econom

32、ic development model.56. 他去年出的一本书很畅销,这使他一举成名。(which, 2013浦东三模The book he wrote last year sold well, which made him instantly famous/ which made him famous overnight.57. 当地官员承认,是时候采取行动控制私车数量以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。(time, 2013浦东三模The local officials admitted that it was time to take action to control the number

33、of private vehicles to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours. 58. 自上海长江遂桥通车以来,崇明岛发生了巨变,已今非昔比了。(what, 2011崇明一模 Great changes have taken place in Chongming/Chongming has experienced great changes since the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge was opened to traffic, and chongming is no l

34、onger what it used to be.59. 你对上周美术馆展出的那些画感兴趣吗? (appeal, 2011嘉定一模Do those paintings exhibited in the gallery last week appeal to you?60. 每年在世界各地举行多次国际足球比赛。( occur, 2011静安一模Many international soccer competitions occur around the world every year.61. 为了保证游客安全,游客在九点之后不得进入公园。(admit, 2011静安一模To help prev

35、ent the visit ors / tourists safety, visitors/ tourists are not allowed to be admitted to the park/parks after nine.62. 防火意识不容忽视,不然的话会对生命和财产造成不可估量的损失。(neglect, 2011闵行一模(The sense of Fire protection should not be neglected (We should not neglect fire protection, or great damage might be caused to the

36、 lives and property.63. 应该鼓励学生养成独立思考的好习惯。(habit, 2011浦东一模Students should be encouraged to get into/ fall into/ develop/ form/ cultivate/acquire/be in/have the good habit of thinking independently.64. 昨晚残疾人的演出非常成功,让观众们感动得流下了眼泪。(sothat, 2011徐汇一模 The performance put up by the disabled/ The disabled peo

37、ples performance last night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.64. 低碳生活日益受到年轻人的推崇。(popular, 2011卢湾一模The low-carbon life is getting more and more popular among / with young people.65. 这类事故在媒体上屡见不鲜,应该制定有效措施防止这类事故再次发生。(prevent, 2011闵行一模This kind of accident appears on media so frequ

38、ently that effective measures are being made to prevent it from happening again.66. 为了保持健康,我每天尽量腾出一点时间来锻炼身体。(set aside, 2010静安一模In order to keep fit, I try to set aside some time each day to do physical exercise./ To keep fit, I try to set aside some time to do exercise every day.67. 他们已经为那位可怜的母亲募集了

39、近两千元。(raise, 2010卢湾一模They have raised nearly 2,000 yuan for the poor mother.68. 玛丽经常在周末带她的儿子去音乐会,让他受到艺术的影响。(expose, 2010闸北一模 Mary often brings her son to concerts at weekends, exposing him to art.69. 老实说,尽管阴雨绵绵,所有参加艺术节的同学无不为周到的安排、精彩的表演所深深打动。(impress, 2010卢湾二模To be honest, in spite of/ despite contin

40、uous rain, all the students who attended the art festival were deeply impressed by the thoughtful/ considerate/ careful arrangement and wonderful performance. To be honest, in spite of/ despite raining continuously, all the students who attended the art festival were deeply impressed by the thoughtful/ considerate/ careful arrangement and wonderful performance.To be hon


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