1、苏教版七年级下册英语期末试卷总9页-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整适宜字体及大小-清河开明中学2021 2021学年度第二学期期末考试初一英语试卷第一局部听力局部20分I .听力测试共20小题,每题1分;总分值20分 A根据所听对话及问题,选出正确答案。听两遍)1. What ani mal are they talk ing about?A.)2. Whatis( ) 5. Who will help Tom?A. Some college students. B. His parents.C. Some social workers. ( ) 6.What&
2、#39; s wrong with the woman?A. Her leg hurts.B. Her foot hurts. C. Herhand hurts.( ) 7. Where is the post office?A. On the right of the bank. B. Near the bank.C. In front of the bank. ( ) 8. How long did Millie stay in hospital?A. For 1 day. B. For 5 days. C. For 8 days.( ) 9.What does Sandy 's
3、father do?A. A postman. B. A policeman. C. An engineer.( ) 10.Why didn 't Millie go to see the movie?A. Because she was late.B. Because she lost theticket.C. Because she forgot the time.B) 听对话,选择正确答案。 (听两遍 ) 听一段对话,答复第 11-12 小题。( ) 11. Where does Peter get the news?A. In the newspaper.B. On TV. C
4、.In the book.( ) 12. What does the girl think of the teacher?A. He is clever.B. He is han dsome.C. He is brave.C根据所听短文,完成信息记录表,听两遍TimeIn formatio nIn the 13 cen turyCai Lun found the way to make paper.In the seve nth cen tury14 got to know the art of making paper.TodayThere are over 15 kinds of pape
5、r in the world.()13. A. sec ondB. thirdC. fourth()14. A. Can adaB. Japa nC. France()15. A. 70B. 700C. 7,000D)根据听到的短文,选择正确答案。(听两遍)()16. What did Lewis Carroll do?A. An artist.B. A postma n.C. A teacher.()17. Where was Lewis Carroll from?A. Russia.B. En gla nd.C. The USA.()18. What was Lewis Carroll
6、39; s favourite hobby?A. Writi ng songs.B. Playing football.C.Taking photos.()19. When did Lewis Carroll write the book Won derla ndAlice inA. In 1865.B. In 1665.C. In 1886.( )20. Why did Lewis Carroll always know what childre n were thi nking about?A. Because the childre n told him what they though
7、t.B. Because he loved childre n.C. Because he asked childre n what they liked.第二局部笔试局部(100分)II.单项选择(共15小题,每题1分;总分值15分)()21. -Did you seefilmWhere are We Goi ng, Dad- Yes, it ' sinteresting film!A. a; theB. the; anC. a; anD. the; the( )22. Which sound is differe nt from the others?A. capital _B.
8、sameC.mayD. save( )23. -n ews it is! Our school team won thebasketball match.-Really We should share it with our teachers.A. What goodB. What a good C. How goodD. How a good( )24. This mi ni iPad is.is at home.A. your; MyB. your; MineC. yours;My D. yours; Mine()25. Goa bridge first, the n walka fore
9、st,and you' ll find a house.A. across; throughB.cross; acrossC. through; acrossD.through; cross()26. -Let' s watch Tiger Mom Cat Dad !-Sorry, I. I have to go to my dancingless on.A. shouldn ' tB. mustn ' tC.n eed n'tD. can ' t( )27.knows any thi ng about her because shedoes n
10、' t tell us about herself.A. Nobody; an ythi ngB.An ybody; any thi ngC. An ybody; nothingD.Nobody; nothing( )28. Therean En glish Festival in our schooln ext term.A. is going to beB. is going to haveC.will to beD. will have( )29. -Why are you sta nding there, Anna?- I can ' t see the words t
11、here. Two tall boys aresitti ngme.A. in front ofB. behi ndC. n extto D. beside()30. - It ' s snowing outside and it is so beautiful. Why notit?-Good idea!A. to stop to watchB. to stop watch ingC. stop watch ingD. stop to watch()31. I want to buy some goldfish because they areA. easily to look af
12、terB. easyto look afterC. easily to look after themD.easy to look after them( )32. He wasat the n ews and looked at me withhis mouth.A. surprised; ope ned wideB. amaz ing;wide ope nC. amaz ing; ope n wideD.surprised; ope n wide()33. There werepeople in the street atmidni ght, so he drove fast.A. a f
13、ewB. a littleC.fewD. little()34. -Who do you wa nt to help?-Poor childre n. They arepoorgo toschool.A. eno ugh; toB. too; toC.to; tooD. too; can ' t( )35. Tomall his money in the first two weeks ofthe mon th, and afterthat hecouldn 't evenfor a meal sometimes.A. spe nt; spe ndB. paid; payC.
14、paid; spe ndD. spe nt; payIII.完形填空(共12小题,每题1分;总分值12分)Jack' s father came to Jack ' s bed and satdown beside him.“ 36 was your day asked his father. “ It wasn ' t a very 37 day for me, Jack an swered. “ I had a 38 with Tom. The teacher sent anote home about 39 and I talked with my mother.
15、 “Yes,part of the day was bad, his father said.“But tell me 40the best thing that happened today. Jack thought for a minute and then smiled. “After school, l went41 alone, he said. “I didn ' t think I would have any luck. But I did. I42 a fish! “I ' m glad you had fun, Jack ' s father sa
16、id.“Thinkabout it 43 you go to sleep. Now I ' m going to turn44the light. Have happy dreams. Every ni ght, Jack 45 about the best part of his day.This gives him many happy dreams.Sometimes he thinks 46 to find the best thing.()39. A. themB. herhimD. meD. matchC.Sometimes it is a very small thi n
17、g but he 47 fin ds one good thing to think about. Jack ' s father taught him to end his days in a won derful way.()36. A. HowB. WhenC.WhatD. Where()37. A. difficultB. badC.differe ntD. good()38. A. fightB. talkC.meal()40. A. withB.inC. aboutD. for()41. A. walk ingB.swimmi ngC. shopp ingD. fishi
18、ng()42. A. boughtB.gotC. sawD. found()43. A. ifB.tillC.becauseD. after()44. A. dow nB.upC. onD. off()45. A. thi nksB. talksC saysD. an swers()46. A. sadlyB. reallyCquicklyD. hard( ) 47. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. seldomIV 阅读理解(共15小题,每题1分;总分值15分)阅读以下短文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确答案。AHundreds of years ag
19、o, there was a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When summer came, he always went swimming.One afternoon, the king went swimming in a river in the forest but he didn't tell others about it. He was very happywhen he swam in the water. After that, he heard a big noise and saw a big bear
20、coming towards him. He tried hard to run away. He ran and ran and at last he got lost. He was hungry and tired when he found an old house. There was an old farmer in it.“It 's your king, he said to the old man. “I'mhungry now. Bring me something to eat quickly! The old man only had four eggs
21、. The king ate them and felt better. “How much must I pay you for that “Eighteen pounds. “They are so expensive! Are eggs rare(稀有的) here “No, answered the old farmer.“We have only one kingin our country! ( ) 48. When summer came, the king .A. went swimming B. went fishingC. grew flowers in the garde
22、n D. went on a trip( ) 49. When the king saw the bear, he .A. asked the old farmer to help him B. cried for helpC. ran away quickly D. ran to the forest( ) 50. At last, the king found .A. an old house B. the bear C. his garden D. his clothes ( ) 51. The king felt better because .A. he could sleep in
23、 the farmer's house B. thebear couldn 't find himC. he ate four eggs D. the farmer knew he was a king()52. Which is the best title of the story?A. The King and the Old FarmerB. The Kingin the ForestC. The King and the BearD. The KindKi ngBFor the coming summer holiday, there are some promoti
24、ons( 优惠)of the films. Here is the poster.Film怦吁frozen oDoraem onFroze nCaptain AmericaJurassicWorldPric e¥ 70¥ 80¥ 50(half price for stude nts)¥ 70TimeJuly 20 th9:00 .ndJuly 22 10:30 ._ _ rdJuly 23 1:30 .July 24 th 4:00 .TipsHalf price on Tuesday for all.Free for childre n un der
25、 6 years old.A free bottle of soft drink for students with the stude nt cards.For more in formatio n, please call us on 5556 0679.( )53. Which movie can you watch on the after noon of July 24thA. Doraem on. B. Froze n.C. Capta in America.D. Jurassic World.( )54. We can ' t find thein the poster.
26、A. price of the filmsB. place of thecin emaC. time of the filmsD. phone nu mber of thecin ema( )55. At weeke nds, if you want to watch Capta in Americawith your father and your classmate, you n eed topay.A. ¥ 60B. ¥ 70 C. ¥ 100D. ¥ 140( )56. How many films can we watch in the mor
27、ning?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.()57. Which of the following is TRUE about the poster?A. All the people can get free bottles of soft drink.B. All the people will pay for the tickets during thefilm festival.C. People can ' t enter the cin ema without student cards.D. People without stude nt cards can al
28、so enjoy the half price on Tuesday.CYou ofte n hear 4G these days, but do you know the meaning of itLet me tell you. 4G means the fourth gen erati on(第四代)ofmobile phon es.In 1995, the first generation mobile phones came to our life. We can only use them to make a call. In 1996, people began to use t
29、he second generation mobile phones. Besides(除了 )making a call, we can also send short messages and receive emails. Some people also use them to watch n ews or downloamusic, but it is slow. What can you do with a 4G mobile phoneIt has many functions( 功能).First, it ' s a video phone. When you call
30、 your frie nd, you can not only hear him, but also see him. Second, you can watch TV and quickly surf on the Intern et. Third, they have the mobile wallet function. If you don' thave cash(现金),you can pay with a mobile phone. And there are also more fun cti ons and they can make our life easy.( )
31、58. If some one does n ' t have cash, he can pay with aA. 1 G mobile pho neB. 2Gmobile phoneC. stude nt cardD. 4G mobile phone( )59. The sec ond gen erati on mobile phones came to our life inA. 1995B. 1996 C. 1997D. 1998( )60. The meaning of the underlined word“download isA.上传B.下载C.试听D.录制 61. We
32、 can use a 4G mobile phone to A. watch TV B. make a video callC. surf on the InternetD. A, B and C 62. Which of the following is WRONG about mobile phonesA. 4G means the fourth generation of computers.B. We can send short messages with a 4G mobile phone.C. 4G mobile phones have many functions.D. We
33、can watch TV with a 4G mobile phone.V. 根据句意和括号内所给英文或中文提示写出相应的单词。 共 10 题,每题 1分;总分值 10 分63. They can do different things because they have different 能力 .64. He is tall and strong now, but he 重 only2 kilos at birth.65. Jack 掉落 off the bike and hurt his leglast Saturday.66. It ' s important for stud
34、ents 保护 themselves.67. 突然 , a car stopped and two men came outof it.68. Don 't 担忧 about me. Everything is goingto be ok.69. If we ar e care in the test, we won't getgood marks.70. It 's not polite to leave home without saygoodbye.71. -Can you tell me the manager names Iwant to call them.
35、 -OK.72. When Tom was 9, he taught him how to learnEnglish.VI. 句型转换共 13 空,每空 1分;总分值 13 分73. I want to say thanks to my parents because they take good care of me.I want to say thanks to my parents because they me .74. I can see nothing interesting in today's newspaper.I see in today ' s newsp
36、aper.75. Tom will get lost in a big city.Tom will in a big city.76. My new iPhone 6 is broken.There is with my new iPhone 6.77. He wanted to know what he could do to help Lucy.He to do to help Lucy.VII. 将以下句子译成英语 共 15空,每空 1 分;总分值 15分78. 像往常一样,他搭建起帐篷,开始野餐。 , he the tent and began to have the picnic.79. 说英语时,不要害怕犯错误。 making mistakes when speaking English.80. 我们将尽全力实现我们的中国梦。We to make our China dreamcome true.81. 在学校 , 我们有自己的足球队。We have a football team at school.VIII. 阅读短文,答复以下问题共 5题,每题 2
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