



1、中德“欧亚森林生态系统固持二氧化碳的机理与作用”科学研讨会Sino-German Workshop on Study of Eurasian Forest as a Pool of Carbon Dioxide2007年5月21日,星期一杭州花家山庄3号楼1楼仙子宫9:4012:00第一部分 主席: P. K. R. Nair, 刘春江题目主讲10:0010:20Introduction of Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion陈乐生先生国家自然科学基金委中德科学中心主任10:2010:40Total and active carbon and

2、nitrogen as related to microbial biomass in top soils along forest transformation gradientsProf. Franz Makeschin, Dresden University of Technology10:4011:00Temporal and Spatial Variation of Soil Organic C in Phyllostachys Praecox Stands With Intensive Cultivation Management and Its Role on CO2 Seque

3、stration曹志洪研究员中国科学院南京土壤研究所11:0011:20Research of Priority Region Selection and Evaluation for Afforestation and Reforestation Carbon Sequestration Project in China李怒云高工国家林业局造林司司长11:2011:40Soil organic matter pools and their spatial variability in forest soilsProf. Ingrid Kogel-Knabner, Technische Uni

4、versität München11:4012:00Dynamics and Modeling of Carbon Accumulation in Young Bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens)周国模教授浙江林学院13:0015:00第二部分 主席:Ingrid K. K., 徐志红13:0013:20Chemical Changes of Soil Organic Matter Following Forest FiresProf. Heike Knicker, Technische Universit

5、28;t München13:2013:40Soil Organic Carbon Storage Of China And The Sequestration Dynamics In Agricultural Lands潘根兴教授南京农业大学13:4014:00Accelerated Erosion Process Affects Soil Organic Carbon After Deforestation in the Ziwuling Area on the Loess Plateau郑粉莉教授西北农林科技大学14:0014:20Carbon sinks and source

6、s in Chinas forests during 1901-2001王绍强研究员中国科学院北京地理与资源研究所14:2014:40Studies on Bamboo Charcoal-Based Carbon Sequestrating Fertilizer钟哲科高工国家林业局竹子研究开发中心14:4015:00Organic Carbon Variation Among Subgroups and Regional Distribution Paddy Soils in China史学正研究员中国科学院南京土壤研究所15:3017:30第三部分 主席:Francois Buscot, 潘

7、根兴15:3015:50Carbon budgets from forested catchments in Germany effects of site history, flow paths, and experimental limingProf. Karl-Heinz Feger, Dresden University of Technology15:5016:10Relationships between Human Activities and Atmospheric Changes, Possibilities of Harmonious Society for Environ

8、mental Issues in the East AsiaProf. Yuejun Zheng, Research Institue for Humanity and Nature16:1016:30Changes in soil organic carbon pools of bamboo plantations under intensive management in subtropical China徐秋芳教授浙江林学院16:3016:50Land use systems for bio-energy production and carbon sequestration in so

9、il under sub-continental temperate conditionsProf. Oliver Dilly,16:5017:10Pattern of Net Primary Productivity in Conifer and Broadleaf Forests in Relation to Climatic Factors across Eurasia 刘春江海交通大学17:1017:30Role of grazing management on carbon sequestration in temperate grasslands of China王艳芬研

10、究员,中国科学院研究生院5月22日,星期二8:3010:00第四部分 主席:Heike Knicker, 郑粉莉8:309:00Agroforestry And Carbon SequestrationProf. P. K. R. Nair, University of Florida9:009:20The soil carbon cycle dynamic simulation of Moso bamboo forest in Huitong forest region, Hunan Province范少辉研究员国际竹藤网络中心9:209:40Climatic forcing and bio

11、geochemical controls of soil carbon budget: The role of single events and transient conditionsProf. K. U. Totsche, Universität Jena9:4010:00Effects of carbon sequestration in agro-ecosystem on the greenhouse gas emission陈英旭教授浙江大学10:2012:00第五部分 主席:Georg Guggenberger, 钟哲科10:2010:40Fingerprints of

12、 increasing carbon dioxide concentration and atmospheric deposition on stable isotope compositions of both carbon and nitrogen in tree rings of oak and beach dominated forests between 1820 and 2000 in BelgiumProf. Zhihong Xu, Centre for Forestry & Horticultural Research, Griffith University10:40

13、11:00Secondary Succession Reduces Below-ground CO2 Production in Old Tropical Pastures阮宏华教授南京林业大学11:0011:20Molecular biological strategies to trace the fate of carbon in soils - struggling between patterns, scales and high throughput data productionProf. Francois Buscot, Helmholtz Centre for Environ

14、mental Research UFZ11:2011:40Poplar Forest C Sequestration And Effect on Snail Control in Dongting Lake Area孙启祥研究员中国林科院林业研究所11:4012:00Research on C Sequestration of Black Locust Forest in Yellow River Delta Region张建峰研究员国际竹藤网络中心13:0015:00第六部分 主席:K. U. Totsche, 徐秋芳13:0013:20Spatial variation of water-

15、soluble organic carbon of soils under different types of vegetation叶正钱教授浙江林学院13:2013:40The change of carbon sink and source under environmental pressure江洪教授浙江林学院13:4014:00Integrated Sink Enhancement Assessment - Main Achievements and ResultsFlorian Kraxner, International Institute for Applied System

16、s Analysis14:0014:20Flux and Dynamics of CO2 from Temperate Forest Soils in China孙向阳教授北京林业大学14:2014:40Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s谢祖斌研究员中国科学院南京土壤研究所14:4015:00Effects of Clear-cutting and Slash Burning on Soil Respiration in Chinese Fir Forest in Mid-Subtropical

17、 China杨玉盛教授福建师范大学15:3017:30第七部分 主席:Karl-Heinz Feger, 陈英旭15:3015:50Storage and mobility of black carbon in permafrost soils: a case study from the forest tundra ecotoneProf. Georg Guggenberger, Martin Luther University15:5016:10Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi Inoculation and its Influenc

18、e on Soil Biological Properties in a Rice-Wheat Rotation System under Elevated Atmospheric CO2尹睿研究员中国科学院南京土壤研究所16:1016:30Distribution and Transportation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Soil of Chinese Fir Plantations俞元春教授南京林业大学16:3016:50Carbon dynamics and microbial community structure in different degraded soils on the Loess Plateau of ChinaDr. Ute Hamer, Dresden University of Technology16:5017:10Soil Organic


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