



1、饭店服务质量调查问卷 Service Quality Survey Questionnaire第一部分:服务期望和服务感受调查。本问卷中间的部分包括了顾客预期可以从一个商务型酒店中获得的服务的特征。左右两边的表格中,左边的表格测量您对某个特征的具体的预期是什么,右边的表格测量您住店后实际的感受是什么。请您先仔细阅读中间的各种特征,然后选择左边表格中的数字,再选择右边表格的数字,看您对服务质量的预期和您对实际接受到的服务的感受有何差异。Part 1: Center column contains some attributes that customers would expect from a

2、 business hotel. There are two scales on each side of this column, the one on the left measures your expectations and the one on the right measures your perceptions. Please read each attribute first and then circle the numbers in both scales that indicate your judgments. The corresponding values for

3、 the numbers are shown at the top of both scales. 当评价一个饭店的服务质量时,你如何评价中间这一栏中的特征的重要性?When evaluating the service quality of a hotel, how important are the attributes given in the center column for you?在作为顾客评价这家饭店的服务质量时,你如何为中间一栏中的特征的重要性打分?If you evaluated the hotel of which you are customer, how would

4、you rate the hotel for the attributes given in the center column?非常差Very Low差low一般Moderate好High非常好Very High特征列表(list of attributes)非常差Very Low差low一般Moderate好High非常好Very High123451、饭店的外观、建筑和设施吸引人The hotel has visually appealing buildings and facilities12345123452、饭店的各种服务设施有足够的服务能力(例如餐厅的餐位多,会议室数量多,电梯数

5、量及大小都足以满足需求,商务中心的各种设施数量也足够多)The service units of the hotel have adequate capacity (dining rooms, meeting rooms, elevator, business center facilities, etc.)12345123453、饭店的设施设备(空调、家具、电梯、电视、通讯设备等)先进时尚The hotel has modern-looking equipment (air conditioner, furniture, elevator, TV, communication devices

6、, etc.)12345123454、饭店的氛围、设施令人感觉愉悦,适合休息住宿(床、椅子、整个房间等都很舒适、干净、安静)The atmosphere and equipment are comfortable and appropriate for purpose of stay (beds, chairs, rooms, etc. comfortable, clean, and tranquil)12345123455、饭店的各种设施设备都运行正常,没有故障The equipment of the hotel works properly without causing breakdow

7、ns12345123456、饭店的各种小物品配给充足(包括香皂、香波、毛巾等)Materials associated with the services are adequate and sufficient (soap, shampoo, towel, etc.)12345123457、食品和饮料卫生洁净,无缺货现象Food and beverages served are hygienic, adequate, and sufficient12345123458、饭店的员工干净整洁(包括制服和个人仪表仪容)Employees of the hotel appear neat and ti

8、dy (as uniforms and personal grooming)12345123459、饭店向顾客提供了所承诺的服务The hotel provides the services as they were promised123451234510、饭店员工在提供服务时在第一次就做好The hotel performs the services right the first time123451234511、饭店员工提供及时快捷的服务Employees provide prompt service123451234512、在承诺的时间内饭店向顾客提供了相应的产品和服务(例如24小时

9、热水)The hotel provides the services at the time it promises to do so123451234513、饭店员工总是很愿意为顾客提供服务和帮助Employees are always willing to serve customers123451234514、当顾客需要时,总能找到饭店员工Employees are always available when needed123451234515、饭店保持了准确的对客服务信息(包括预订信息、宾客记录、账单、订餐订位等)The hotel keeps accurate records (r

10、eservations, guest records, bills, orders, etc.)123451234516、饭店解决顾客的投诉或抱怨,并对顾客承受的不便做出赔偿The hotel resolves guest complaints and compensates for the inconveniences guests suffer123451234517、饭店根据顾客的需要提供灵活性的服务The hotel provides flexibility in services according to guest demands123451234518、饭店提供一致性的服务(每一

11、次都提供相同的服务,使用相同的物品及原材料)The hotel serves consistent services (providing the same services and associated materials every time)123451234519、饭店员工非常了解当地的情况,能够为顾客提供他们所需要的信息或帮助(例如购物、博物馆、景点等场所的信息)Employees have knowledge to provide information and assistance to guests in areas they would require (shopping,

12、museums, places of interest, etc.)123451234520、饭店员工总是彬彬有礼地对待顾客Employees always treat guests in a friendly manner123451234521、饭店员工了解顾客的具体需求Employees of the hotel understand the specific needs of guests123451234522、残疾人入住该饭店非常方便(拥有为残疾人提供的必要的设施和安排)The hotel is also convenient for disabled guests (necess

13、ary arrangements made for the disabled)123451234523、员工给予顾客个性化的关注,让顾客感觉受到特殊待遇Employees give guests individualized attention that makes them feel special123451234524、饭店设施的运行时间对于所有顾客来说都是方便的The hotel and its facilities have operating hours convenient to all their guests123451234525、饭店为顾客提供安全、可靠的住宿环境The

14、hotel provides its guests a safe and secure place123451234526、饭店员工的言行让顾客感到自信Employees instill confidence in guests123451234527、饭店员工具有足够的职业知识(包括办理各种业务的职业技能、外语、沟通技巧等)Employees have in-depth occupational knowledge (professional skills, foreign language, communication skills, etc.)123451234528、饭店交通便利,进出

15、方便(交通便利,上下车方便,停车场位置合适等)It is easy to access to the hotel (transportation, loading and unloading area, car parking area, etc.)123451234529、顾客容易获得饭店中各种设施和服务的相关信息(可以通过服务指南、电话、互联网等获得信息,饭店的各种指示标牌清晰、准确)Getting information about the facilities and services of the hotel is easy (reaching information via pho

16、ne, internet, etc., direction signs, etc.)12345第二部分:本部分请您对这家饭店的总体服务质量进行评价,请在下面的五个数字选项中选择一个。Part 2: This part measures your assessment of overall service quality about the hotel. Please read the question and circle the number in the scale that indicates your judgment.总体上,您如何评价这家饭店向您提供的服务质量?Overall, h

17、ow would you rate the quality of service you received in this hotel?非常低Very low低Low一般Moderate高High非常高Very high12345第三部分:顾客满意度和未来的消费倾向 Part3: Satisfaction and behavioral intentions.请您对您在这家饭店停留的满意度情况和消费倾向进行评价,请在下面的五个数字选项中选择一个。This part measures your assessment of overall satisfaction and patron intent

18、ion about the hotel. Please read the question and circle the number in the scale that indicates your judgment.问题 Items非常不同意Very low不同意Low没感觉Moderate同意High非常同意Very high我对这家饭店的服务感到满意I am satisfied with the service at this hotel12345入住这家饭店我感到愉快I am pleased to have stayed at this hotel12345今后我还会再次光临这家饭店

19、I would like to come back to this hotel in the future12345我会向朋友们推荐这家饭店I would recommend this hotel to my friends or others12345我会向他人说这家饭店的好话I would say positive things about this hotel to others12345第四部分:人口统计信息(请在每题中您所选定的方框里打上钩)Part 4: Please tick the appropriate box below.1. 性别You are: 男Male 女Femal

20、e2. 您的年龄Your age falls into following groups of: 1824 2534 3544 4554 5564 65 岁以上65 or above3. 您的婚姻状况Your marital status: 已婚Married 单身Single 其他Other (请在前面空格里注明please indicate)4. 您的职业Your occupation: 政府或企业管理人员Executive/manager 私营企业主/个体户Self-employed 行政单位或企事业单位职员White collar 专业技术人员(教师、会计师、律师、工程师等) Prof

21、essionals 工人Blue collar 学生Student 退休人员 Retired 家庭主妇Housewife 其他Other (请在前面空格里注明please indicate)5. 您的教育程度The level of education you received: 小学以下No school education 小学Elementary school 初中Junior high school 高中High school 大专Junior college 本科Bachelors degree 硕士Masters degree 博士Doctorate degree6. 您的年薪大约

22、为 Your annual salary is: 3万人民币以下29, 999RMB and under 3万到5万人民币30, 00049, 999 RMB 5万到10万人民币50, 00099, 999 RMB 10万到20万人民币100, 000199, 999 RMB 20万到30万人民币200, 000299, 999 RMB 30万人民币以上 300,000 RMB or more7. 您此次旅行的目的是 The purpose of your visit is: 观光/度假Sightseeing/Vacation 公商务/会议Business/Meeting 探亲访友Visit to family or fr


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