3、活中的一件具体的事情或描述生活中的现象,然后根据中的一件具体的事情或描述生活中的现象,然后根据事情或现象所反映的问题提出自己的论点,再用具体事情或现象所反映的问题提出自己的论点,再用具体的论据去说明自己的论点。的论据去说明自己的论点。 专专题题导导读读届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空(3)最后提出论点。有些议论文一开始仅仅是列举生活最后提出论点。有些议论文一开始仅仅是列举生活中的现象,并不表明自己的观点,而是通过对具体现中的现象,并不表明自己的观点,而是通过对具
4、体现象的分析,自然地得出一种结论,这种结论往往就是象的分析,自然地得出一种结论,这种结论往往就是作者的论点。对于纯议论形式的完形填空,考生要在作者的论点。对于纯议论形式的完形填空,考生要在掌握全文主旨的情况下,抓好每段的首句。抓住了每掌握全文主旨的情况下,抓好每段的首句。抓住了每段的主旨句也就把握住了文章的脉络,理解文意就容段的主旨句也就把握住了文章的脉络,理解文意就容易了。易了。 专专题题导导读读届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空真真题题典典例例2013安徽卷改
5、编安徽卷改编 If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a _1_ reason, such as your job or your studies? Or perhaps youre interested in the _2_,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _3_ of the language.Mos
6、t people learn best using a variety of _4_, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的理想的) start for many people. They _5_ an environment where you can practise under the guidance of someone whos good at the language. We all lead busy lives and learning a language takes _6_. You will have more success
7、 if you study regularly, so try to develop a _7_. 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空真真题题典典例例It doesnt matter if you havent got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes a lot less.Many people start learning a l
8、anguage and soon give up. “Im too _8_,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more _9_ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any _10_. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. Ive also heard people worry about the mistakes they make when _11_. Well,
9、 relax and laugh about your mistakes and youre much less likely to make them again.Learning a new language is never easy. But with some work and devotion, youll make progress. And youll be _12_ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in their own language. Good luck!届高考
10、英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空真真题题典典例例1A.technical Bpolitical Cpractical Dphysical2A.literature Btransport Cagriculture Dmedicine3A.view Bknowledge Cform Ddatabase4A.paintings Bregulations Cmethods Dcomputers5A.protect Bchange Crespect Dprovide届高考英语
11、的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空真真题题典典例例6A.courage Btime Cenergy Dplace7A.theory Bbusiness Croutine Dproject8A.old Bnervous Cweak Dtired9A.closely Bquickly Cprivately Dquietly10A.age Bspeed Cdistance DSchool11A.singing Bworking Cbargaining Dlearning12A.
12、blamed Bamazed Cinterrupted Dinformed 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测(一一)We always want what we cannot have. When were young, we want to stay out late, have romantic relationships, and be _1_. However, when were older, we want to go back t
13、o being young and we _2_ the days when we didnt have to worry about complex love affairs, _3_ pressure, and money problems.Young people believe adulthood _4_ freedom from parents and schoolwork. When they get older, they feel that _5_is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities. To desc
14、ribe this feeling, people say, “The grass is always _6_ on the other side.”届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测As teenagers, we like to be like adults but as adults, we _7_to be young again. We think about staying out late, having our own money
15、 to spend. Suddenly, they see that love can result in _8_hearts; staying out late makes it hard to get ready for work the next morning. They find out that adult life is not as _9_as they thought it would be and suddenly, life becomes very scary. Life is _10_. It gives us time to play but also requir
16、es us to work. The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we _11_being young a bit longer. That time will not come back. It is normal to want what we cannot have but the _12_ is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have. That is the first step to growing up. Wh
17、en life becomes more complex we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测1A.comfortable BdependentCindependent Dpolite2A.like Bforget Cregret Dmiss3A.study Bjob Cage Dhealth4A.creates Bshows
18、Cmeans Dlimits5A.childhood BadulthoodCparenthood Dromanticism6A.greener Bthinner Cyellow Dcolourful届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测7A.wish Bdecide Creturn Dstop8A.healthy Bambitious Cbroken Dexcited9A.rich Bbusy Cfree Deasy10A.long Bshort C
19、fair Dbeautiful11A.stopped Benjoyed Cimagined Dtried12A.reason Bresult Cdream Dtruth届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测(二二)What separates people who reach their goals from everyone else is their ability to stay on track, despite challenges. _1
20、_ will come;you can bet there will be chances for you to get off track. If youre an athlete, it may be an injury that causes you to have to _2_ practice. If youre trying to get a healthy weight, you may have to travel _3_ and stay with a friend who doesnt like to work out. The point is that some kin
21、ds of challenges will arise. How we deal with these challenges _4_ the victims from the victors. You can use challenges as a stepping _5_ or as a block, and you can use them to strengthen your ambition or block your view;the _6_is yours. 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十
22、三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测Challenges should _7_ to make you stronger and more consistent as you attend to each difficulty. They should cause your roots to dig deeper, in search of a(n) _8_. The problem arises when you dont _9_ challenges. If you can predict potential problems and plan beforehand
23、, you will have confidence and your belief in yourself will _10_Your ability to stay _11_ and overcome difficulties is what will set you apart and allow you to achieve your goal. Start working towards your dreams daily. Get started by setting down what your next step is to accomplish your goal. Then
24、 get into _12_ as you move closer to your goal daily. 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测1. AAbilities BGoals CPossibilities DChallenges2. Amiss Bstrengthen Cappreciate Dconfuse3. Adisappointedly Bunexpectedly Cdeliberately Ddaily4. Aseparates
25、 Bprotects Cshelters Ddeserts5. Aappointment Barrangement Cstone Dexpectation6. Achoice Bcomment Cpreparation Dpromise届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十三专题十三 议论文型完形填空议论文型完形填空新新题题预预测测7. Aprovide Bserve Coffer Dexpect8. Asolution Bcomfort Cstudy Dadaptation9. Ablame Baccept
26、 Cmeet Dexpect10. Aput up Bget up Cbuild up Dbring up11. Asolved Bfocused Cdeserted Dreduced12. Aeffort Bmeasure Cplan Daction届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专专题题导导读读真真题题典典例例新新题题预预测测届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空说明文往往围绕一
29、在近几年的说明文型完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句就直接提出说明文型完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句就直接提出说明的对象。说明的对象。 专专题题导导读读届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空(2)结构清晰。把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有结构清晰。把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的写作顺序一般包括:时间顺序利。说明文的写作顺序一般包括:时间顺序(指先后顺序指先后顺序);空间顺序空间顺序(从局部到整体、从上到下、从内到外从局部到整体、从上到下、从内到外);
31、。据此特点,我们便可以顺着作者的思路,理清整篇文章的脉络,进而顺们便可以顺着作者的思路,理清整篇文章的脉络,进而顺利答题。利答题。 专专题题导导读读届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空真真题题典典例例2012课标全国卷改编课标全国卷改编 Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks _1_ than words. According to special
32、ists, our bodies send out more _2_ than we realize. In fact, nonverbal (非言语非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really mean. And body language is particularly _3_ when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so _4_ a part of us that its actually
33、 often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. For example, different societies treat the _5_ between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having bodily contact(接触接触) even with friends, and certainly not with _6_. 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空
34、(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空真真题题典典例例People from Latin American countries, on the other hand, touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, its possible that in _7_, it may look like a Latino is _8_ a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving closer.
35、The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep _9_which the Latino will in return regard as coldness. Clearly, a great deal is going on when people _10_. And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from different cultures, theres a strong possibility of _
36、11_. But whatever the situation, the best advice is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be_12_.届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空真真题题典典例例1A.straighter Blouder Charder Dfurther2A.sounds Binvitations Cfeelings Dmessages3A.immediat
37、e Bmisleading Cimportant Ddifficult4A.well Bfar Cmuch Dlong5A.trade Bdistance Cconnections Dgreetings6A.strangers Brelatives Cneighbours Denemies届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空真真题题典典例例7A.trouble Bconversation C.silence Dexperiment8A.disturbing Bhel
38、ping C.guiding Dfollowing9A.stepping forward Bgoing on C.backing away Dcoming out10A.talk Btravel C.laugh Dthink11A.curiosity Bexcitement C.misunderstanding Dnervousness12A.noticed Btreated C.respected Dpleased届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测
39、测(一一)The UK households are cutting back on spending at the fastest rate since 1980. This is _1_ to the worst economic slowdown in three decades.Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed _2_ spending fell by 1.2% in the first three months of the year. People spent less on housing,
40、household goods and services, while those who went on holiday abroad also spent _3_ less.Consumers tightened their belts in the face of job losses, pay _4_ or freezes and sharply reduced city bonuses. The figures _5_ employees compensation(补偿金补偿金) fell by 1.1% in the quarter, the largest fall since
41、records began in 1955. Wages and salaries declined, with lower bonus payments in the financial sector than normal, while _6_ also fell.届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测测The data was released as part of the ONSs latest assessment of the UK econ
42、omy, which _7_ that gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 1.9% in the first quarter, its sharpest decline since 1979. GDP stood 4.1% _8_ than a year ago, the biggest annual fall since 1980.“The breakdown of firstquarter GDP gives a pretty depressing picture of weakness right across the _9_ in the e
43、arly months of this year,” said Jonathan Loynes of Capital Economics.“With _10_ parts like household spending and investment set to fall considerably further in _11_ to the weakness in the housing market, the labour market and bank lending, we _12_ convinced that recent green shoots will translate i
44、nto a return to decent growth next year.”届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测测1A.submitting Bresorting C.contributing Dextending2A.personnel Bconsumer C.folk Dclient3A.instantly Bsimultaneously C.significantly Dactively4A.dives Bpauses C.halts Dc
45、uts5A.calculated Baccumulated C.expressed Dshowed6A.competition Bemployment C.achievement Dattraction届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测测7A.promoted Bjustified Cconfirmed Dadvocated8A.poorer Bslimmer Cweaker Dlower9A.economy Bfinance Cbusiness D
46、commerce10A.right Bfree Ccheap Dkey11A.opposition Bresponse Cregard Dcontrast12A.remain Bprove Cfeel Dmaintain届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测测(二二)For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read le
47、tters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a neverending flood of words. In _1_ a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that mo
48、st of us are _2_ readers. Most of us develop poor reading _3_at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency _4_in the actual stuff of language itselfwords. Taken individually, words have little meaning until they are strung together into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. _5_, however
49、, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. 届高考英语的二轮完形填空复习权威(湖南专用专题导读真题典例新题预测)专题十三议论文型完形填空(含解析含高考真题)人教版专题十四专题十四说明文型完形填空说明文型完形填空新新题题预预测测He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to _6_ words or passages. The tendency to look back over what you have just read is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which _7_ down the speed of reading is vocalizationsounding each word either orally or mentally as one reads.To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an _8_, which moves a ba
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