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1、张玲琼Isabelle永远提供超出顾客预期的服务-山姆 沃尔顿苹果公司总裁乔布斯曾说过:如果全球的IT企业只剩下三家,那一定是微软和Intel和戴尔,如果只剩下两家,将只有戴尔和沃尔玛。Wal-MartStores,Inc.(NYSE:WMT)FoundedbySamWalton.In1962,inRogers,ArkansasHeadquarteredinBentonville,ArkansasWorldslargestpubliccorporationbyrevenue,accordingtotheForbesGlobal2000Wal-Marthas8500storesin15count

2、ries,with55differentnames1962,SamWaltonwhowasthefounderandopenedthecompanysfirstdiscountstoreinRogers.ArkCity1969,ThecompanyofficiallyincorporatedasWal-MartStoresInc.onOctober31.Sam WaltonThe1970,markedthebeginningofsignificantgrowthforthecompany.ThefirstyearofthatdecadesawtheopeningofthefirstWalmar


4、.Branching out further in 1991, Walmart stepped into the international market with the opening of a retail unit in Mexico City.OnApril5,1992,SamWaltonpassedawayattheageof74.Justweeksbefore,PresidentGeorgeH.W.BushpresentedhimwiththeMedalofFreedom,thenationshighestcivilianhonor,duringaceremonyatWalmar



7、orethan590locationsnationwideandmorethan100locationsinternationally.Theyearof2021,MikeDukesucceededLeeScottaspresidentandchiefexecutiveofficer,effectiveFebruary1,2021.RankNo.1in2019LaunchedPaywithCashin2019Three Basic BeliefsRespect for the IndividualEvery associates opinion is respected. Managers a

8、re considered servant leaders who help new associates realize their potential through training, praise and constructive feedback. CompanycultureThecustomeristheboss.EverythingpossibleisdonetomakeshoppingatWal-MartandSAMSCLUBafriendly,pleasantexperience.TheSatisfactionGuaranteedrefundandexchangepolic

9、yallowscustomerstobefullyconfidentofWal-MartandSAMSCLUBsmerchandiseandquality.Service to the CustomerStrive for ExcellenceWal-Mart and SAMS CLUB associates share an exceptional commitment to customer satisfaction. At the start of each day, store associates gather for the Wal-Mart or SAMS CLUB cheer

10、and review sales from the previous day, as well as discuss their daily goals. Another culturesOpen DoorOur management believes open communication is critical to understanding and meeting our associates and our customers needs. Associates can trust and rely on the open door; its one of the most impor

11、tant parts of our cultureSundown RuleObserving the Sundown Rule means we do our best to answer requests by the close of business on the day we receive them. Whether its a request from a store across the country or a call from down the hall, we do our very best to give each other and our customers sa

12、me-day service. We do this by combining our efforts and depending upon each other to get things done.10-Foot RuleThe 10-foot Rule is one of our secrets to customer service. During his many store visits, Sam Walton encouraged associates (employees) to take this pledge with him: I promise that wheneve

13、r I come within 10 feet of a customer, I will look him in the eye, greet him, and ask if I can help him.Servant LeadershipSam Walton believed that effective leaders do not lead from behind their desks. Its more important than ever that we develop leaders who are servants, who listen to their partner

14、s their associates in a way that creates wonderful morale to help the whole team accomplish an overall goal,” Sam said.TeamworkSam Walton, our founder, believed in the power of teamwork. As our stores grow and the pace of modern life quickens, that philosophy of teamwork has only become more importa

15、nt over the yearsWalmart CheerDont be surprised if you hear our associates shouting this enthusiastically at your local Walmart store. Its our cheer, and while it might not sound serious, we take it seriously. Its one way we show pride in our company.+Traditionally,War-Marthasessentiallyhadalow-cost

16、,highvolumestrategy.Thestrategyaimsatcustomersatisfactionthroughlowpricesandrelativelygoodscustomerservice.Herearethebasicdetails.+Product:+1. A wide variety of product. +2. Purchasing localization. +3. Developing their own brands+Price: Low price+1. the middle class+ meager profit but high turnover

17、(薄利多销)+ everyday low price天天平价)+2: on sale+ principles在定价时坚持两点原则:尽可能的低廉 仅仅高出成本一点。长期稳定的保持这种低价 即使是某些商品拥有某种垄断优势也不轻易改变 )+Place:USATarget groupLower locationSmall townChinaTarget groupHigh level Location downtownSupplychain(usesatellitestosupportthebackgroundinformationprocessing)The two model of supply

18、chain1.Pushsystem.Makethemanufacturertobethecore,distributorpushingthegoodstocustomerslevelbylevel.2.Pullsystem.Thecustomersdemanddrovesupply.Thereisthehighconcentratedlevel,andhighreflectionlevel.+Promotion : + Less investment in advertising+ Public relations + Make donations+Profit sharing+Employe

19、e buy stock+Dismiss interview system+Paid vacation and holidays+The Customer is king+Service to Our Customers +Exceeding Customer Expectations +(Customer bus in Kunming city) +Financial strategy+Operating strategy+HR strategy+R&D strategy+Information system strategyOperationWal-Martsoperationsareorganizedintothreedivisions1.Wal-MartStoresU.S.2.SamsClub3.Wal-MartInternationalThecompanydobusinessinninedifferentretailformats1.Supercenters2.Foodanddrugs3.Gengealmerchandisestores4.bodegas(smallmarkets)5.Cashandcarrystore


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