1、房屋租赁合同House LeaseContract出租方(甲方)Landlord :承租方(乙方) Tenant出租方(甲方)Landlord(Part A):承租方(乙方)Tenant (Part B):第一条:租赁物业Tenancy:1、甲方同意将位于 房屋及房内设备设施在良好状态下出租给乙方。建筑面积为 平米。Party A herebyagrees to leaseand the fixtures, fitti ngs and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantableconditions to Party B.Total area
2、of the leasedpropertyis m2.2、签订本合同之前,甲方必须向乙方出示有关物业的房地产产权证。 产权证编号: 如不能提供该文件,甲方必须提供相关有效的可证明其物业所有权的文件。若该物业产权证上所有权人的名称 与此合同中甲方名称不一致。则必须提供甲方与物业所有权人的合法 租赁协议的复印件。Prior to the execution of thisagreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership with the No. If this document is not availabl
3、e, Party A shallprovide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the name of Party A on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightfullegalowner and party A must be supplied.第二条:租期 Term of T
4、enancy :1、租赁期为 月,自年月日起至年月日止。The above property is hereby leased for a term of months, commencing on, and expiri ng on2、在租期开始三日前,出租房屋及其家俱电器应已装修或安装布置 完毕,处于可供租赁的良好状态。The above property and its equipment and furniture shall be fully renovated or installed and in tenantable conditions three days before t
5、he commencement of the lease.3、租期届满,甲方有权收回出租房屋及全部家俱、电器,乙方亦应 如期交还(附件1);乙方如要求续租,则享有优先续租权,但必须 在本租约固定期满前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,租金双方另行协商; 如乙方不再续租,甲方有权向新租客展示该房。On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry
6、(Appendix I). If Party B wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. If party B not renew the leasecontract, Party A have righ
7、ts show the property tonew tenant.第三条:租金Rent:1、 租金标准人民币: 兀/每月。Rent: RMB/ Per month.2、 付款方式:押 月付月,押金不得充抵房屋租金。Payment method: as much asmonth(s) ' s rentas depositandmonth(s) for each payment. The depositshall notbe used as the rent.3、 付款时间为: 、Payment time : 4、租金支付方式:以人民币支付。甲方收到押金后,向乙方开具收 据。The re
8、ntshall be paid in RMB. Party A shal lissue a receipt upon the receipt of deposit.甲方收款账号如下:Party A s bank account is as follows:银行 Bank name: 账号 account number: 账户名 account name:5、在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。The rentcannot be adjusted during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.第四条押金Deposit :1、本租约押金计 RMB 租约期满,乙方如
9、不再续租,甲方应在租赁期结束后叁日内(在乙方将全部水,电,煤气费和中央空 调费等杂费及电话费付清后)将押金退还(不计利息)。如因账期原因,乙方承担的全部水,电,煤气费和中央空调费等杂费及电话费无 法在柒日内付清,甲方有权保留部分押金并在上述项目付清后返回剩 余押金给乙方,但保留的押金部分不因超过上一账期应付额的二倍。 The deposit is RMBin total. On completion of thetenancycontract, if Party B will not continue to rent the leased property, Party A must retu
10、rn the deposit in full to Party B (withoutinterest) within threedaysafter the termination of the contract under the conditionthat Party B haspaidall the outstanding utilities feesuchas water, electricity, gas, central air-conditioningfee and telephonebill. Ifsuchoutstanding utilities feescouldnot be
11、 settled due to the time limit of its account within 7 days, Party A has the right to keep part of the deposit and pay back the balance to Party B after the outstanding utilities feeissettled. However the kept part of depositshould be limited to twice the amount of the previous billing period.2、甲方因乙
12、方违反本合同的规定而受的损失,可在保证金中扣抵合 理数目,在甲方作出该种抵扣前,需通知乙方将被抵扣的金额和理由, 乙方有权拒绝不合理或不公正的抵扣。如果保证金不足以支付前述金 额的,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后7天内补足。Party A maydeduct a reasonableamount from the security deposittowardspayment of anyactualdamages Party A mayhaveincurred or sufferedas a result of Party B'sbreach of this Agreement.
13、 Prior to makingsuchdeductions, Party A shallinform Party B of the amount, and the reason for makingsuchdeductions. Party B shall be entitled to object to suchdeductionsif Party B believesthatsuchdeductions are unreasonable or unjustified. If the security depositisnotsufficient to cover suchamounts;
14、 Party B must pay the deficiencywithinseven (7) days of the receipt of a demand from Party A.第五条:其它费用 OtherCharges :1、乙方承担在租赁期内所用的水、电、煤气、宽带、有线电视,管理公司每月按实际耗用量结算,乙方按单缴付,同时乙方承担During the period of tenancy, Party B shallpayallmonthlycharges for usage of water, electricity, gas, broadband and cable TV ba
15、sed on the actualconsumptionamount, billed from the management office. And party B shallpay 、.2、乙方所用电话,按电信局标准收费,每月根据实际用量结算,乙 方按单缴付。Alltelephonechargesshall be paid by Party B and based on the actualusageaccording to the Telecommunication Bureau standard tariffs on receipt of the bills.3、甲方承担在租赁期内的物业
16、管理费,供暖费 During the period of tenancy, Party A shallpayproperty management fee, heatingfee 、第六条:甲方的责任 Landl ord ' sResponsibilities :1、本租约签订后,甲方不得无故收回房屋。租赁期内,甲方需提前收回该房屋的,应提前 30日通知乙方,将已收取的租金余额退还乙方 并按月租金的 %支付乙方违约金。Party A isnotpermitted to take back the leasedpropertyduring the term of contractwith
17、outanyreason. During the term of contract, Party A shallinform Party B 30 days in advance in case Party A needs to reclaim the premise in advance and Party A shallreturn the balance of the collected rent to Party B and pay default fine equal to% of themonthlyrent to Party B.2、甲方应保证物业公司向乙方提供足够的服务,如冷水
18、、热水、电 的供应及各种设备的正常工作。甲方应负责租赁期内房屋及其设备的正常维修,并承担维修房屋及设备的正常磨损而产生的费用。PartyA shallensurethat the estate management office providessufficient and timely service to Party B,suchassupply of cold water, hot water, electricity andensure the propermaintenance of allkinds of equipment. Party A shall be responsibl
19、e for allnormalmaintenance of the leasedproperty and equipmentduring the termlease, and Party A shall bear allmaintenancecharges.3、甲方应对甲方的固定设施,包括该物业的结构、屋顶、管道、设 施、排污、管道和缆线(包括电力及电话)等进行维护,使之处于完 好状态;如果对上述各项的造成的损坏或破坏,不是由乙方的疏忽或 不良行为造成的,则甲方在收到乙方发出的通知后7天内修理或修缮该损坏处。To maintain and keep Party A ' sfixture
20、s, including the structure, roof, sanitary and plumbingfacilities, drains, pipes and cables (includingelectricity and telephone) in goodconditions. Party A shouldpromptlyrepair or remedyanydefectsthereinafterbeingnotified of suchdefects by Party B, providedallsuchdefects are not as a result of the P
21、arty B ' scareless mistake or misconduct. Party A shall do the necessary repairs or maintenancewithinsevendaysafterreceiving the notice from Party B.4、如果甲方未能在规定时间内修理,乙方可以自行请人维修,维修 的费用由甲方承担,乙方可以从应支付给甲方的房租中扣除。If Party A fail to do necessary repairs in stated time PartyB shall have a third party to
22、 repair and the fee shall be borne by Party A. Party B can deduct the fee from the rent which shall be paid to Party A.(new added) 5甲方谨在此声明及保证甲方为出租房屋的合法拥有人并有合法地位 出租此房屋于乙方。Party A herebyrepresents and warrants that Party A is the legalowner of the leasedproperty and has the necessarylegalcapacity to
23、lease the property to Party B.6、所有权变动:租赁期内该房屋所有权发生变动的,甲方须保证本 合同在乙方与新所有权人之间具有法律效力,否则视为甲方违约,甲方应向乙方承担xxx月租金作为违约金。Transfering of theownership: In case the ownership of the premise changesduring the leaseperiod,Party A shall guarantee that the Contractshall be kepteffectivebetween Party B and the new own
24、er.otherwise it ' s deemed that Party A breach the contract and Party A shall pay a penalty of xxx month' srental.第七条:乙方责任 Tenant' sResponsibilities :1、乙方应按本租约第三、五条约定,按期交纳租金及其他费用。如 乙方迟延支付,超过期限五个工作日,则甲方有权解除本租约。Party B shouldpromptlypay the rent, deposit and otherchargesas set out in Claus
25、es 3 and 5 of the Agreement. In the eventthat Party B delays to pay the rent for fiveworkingdays, Party A has the right to terminate the contract.2、未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将所租房屋分租或转租给第三方及 与第三方以任何方式共用该房屋;若出现上述情形,则甲方有权解除 本租约,房客的家庭成员及朋友的短暂居住或拜访除外。During the period of Tenancy, unless with writtenconsent from Party
26、 A, Party B shallnot transfer or sublease the Property in whole or in part or in any manner whatsoever share the use thereof in common or jointly with any third party. Otherwise Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement. Thisexcludes the staying of family and friends for short term.3、乙方应爱护房屋及
27、其设备,如因使用不当而导致损坏,乙方应负 责赔偿。Party B must take good care of the property and itscontents, otherwise Party B shouldpaycompensation to Party A for his improper use of the property.4、除房内已有的装饰和设施之外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修须 征得甲方同意。租赁期满,乙方向甲方交还房产时,必须恢复其原状(正常磨损除外)In addition to the decoration and equipmentalready in the
28、 property, if Party B wishes to mak eany alterations or decoration to the property, Party B should get the consent of Party A. On completion of the Lease, Party B must hand over the property to Party A in its original condition (except for its normalwear&tear).5、在未经甲方书面同意下,乙方不得擅自设立、安装或移动设施及 设备,不
29、能擅自设立隔断,不得擅自对房屋的结构改动或增加。Not to erect, install or removeanyfixtures or partitioning, or to makeanystructuraladditions and alterationswithout the priorwrittenconsent of Party A.6、租赁房屋过程中,乙方必须遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、细则、规章及法令的规定,禁止利用房屋进行违反法律及不道德的行为。 Party B must comply and adhere in the use of the leased propert
30、y according to alllaws, regulations and decrees of the People ' s Republic of China. The leasedproperty is notto be used for any purposethatisunlawful or immoral.7、房屋除供乙方居住之外,未经甲方书面同意,房屋不可作办公或 协议未曾说明之用。The leasedpropertyisonly for residential use. Party B shallnot use the leasedpropertyas office
31、 or some otherpurposeswithout the writtenagreement of Party A.8、 租赁期内,乙方需提前退租,应提前30天通知甲方并且支付甲方 xxx 违约金。 During the term of contract, If party Bterminates the Tenancy Agreement, Party B shall inform Party30 days in advance and shall pay a penalty ofXXX toParty A.There was discrepacy between Chinese a
32、nd Englishrevisedboth the English part and Chinese part. Please have a look.第八条:房屋不能居住时,房屋由于火灾、恶劣天气、战争或其它甲 方不可抗拒因素,而不是因为乙方直接或间接的疏忽及故意行为造成 房屋毁坏而不能被正常使用及居住时,乙方从该日起停止支付租金, 直至房屋可再被使用及居住时为止。When the propertyisunfit for use or occupation, If theleasedproperty are substantiallydestroyed or damaged by fire,
33、 badweather, war, force majeure, or othercausesbeyond the control of Party A and notattributabledirectly or indirectly to the negligence or malice of Party B or are otherwiserenderedunfit for use or occupation, the rentshallcease to be payable from the date the leasedpropertybecomeunfit for use or o
34、ccupationuntil the leasedpropertyshallagain be renderedaccessible and fit for use.第九条:本合同适用中华人民共和国法律;如在合同执行过程中有争 议,双方应当进行协商;如协商无法解决,因本合同引起的或与本合 同有关的任何争议,均提请华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按照该会仲 裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。This Contract will be interpreted in accordance with the law of the Peoples Republic of China. All
35、disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding up on both parties 第十条:其它Others :1、本租约附件是本租约不可分割的组成部分。The appendixforms a
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